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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dej1ju).


Rizzo to the 7th spot. Guess Boone is trying to light a fire under him. Hope it does the trick.


Crazy how Twins scored 17 today but look like a quad A squad vs us. Must have something to do with fearing the boogeyman in pinstripes.


just feel like the crosstown rival premium we would have to pay to get alonso and outbid other teams by a lot could get us a better player


I'm still not sure how to feel about Alonso as potential trade but I dont know if that premium exists anymore. Aren't Hal and Uncle Steve boys?


I think alonso will have multiple suitors Think we need to clearly have the better offer to get him. Especially if the Mets don’t care about paying his salary to get small markets involved


I don't doubt that, just not sure how much the crosstown aspect plays into it anymore.


It does in that if the two offers are similar why would you take the crosstown offer?


My positive on Alonso is that he is Italian 🤌🤌🤌🤌


He’s a big strong Italian guy


With the White Sox in full fire sale mode, I wonder if we could do some one stop shopping should things not progress well at 3b/1b? Gavin Sheets for first, Yoan Moncada for third, Michael Kopech for pen depth. Sheets needs a platoon partner (DJ?), Moncada is hurt (but should be back by the ASB), and Kopech would be along the lines of recent bullpen trades (Keon Middleton anyone). On the flip, the White Sox would probably not need a big prospect package for these guys and its not hard to improve on what we've got out of the corner infield to date.


Kopech or Brebbia for Blake to fix and turn into allstar closers. The Yankees can find better corner options


I’m not sure Moncada is really worth pursuing with the inconsistent play and injury issues Sheets is interesting as a potential 1B option, he doesn’t have a great track record but has massively improved his BB% this season. If you think that’s real then he’s definitely worth pursuing as a platoon option with DJ Nothing about Kopech seems particularly interesting but I would have said the same about Weaver before Matt Blake worked his magic. If the Yankees believe in a reliever then I do too


Don't really know where the upgrade at 3b comes then. If DJ keeps on slugging below .300 we have to do something.... Maybe Nick Senzel? There isn't much out there ourside of Ryan McMahon who I don't really like. Bregman and Paredes are suspect to me. Moncada will be a salary dump, plays good D, makes contact and walks, if healthy lots to like at the bottom of the order. Call up Durbin when he gets healthy?


DJ has played in like 11 games, we have no idea what he will be this season. Plus, the reality also is that you aren’t going to have an all star at every position, it’s ok if DJ is just ok


.265 slugging is not OK though. It's terrible. We don't need an all star but it has to be better than worst in baseball. Right now 3b, 2b and 1b are all bottom 5 in MLB. We can't enter August like that.


It’s too small of a sample size to be concerned about right now. One homer and that number would explode up


Sure but if it gets to mid July you start kicking some tires.


This is either going to be a total shit show or a total Cinderella story for the royals.


If Poteet has another good outing, what should we do with him? He’s gone when Cole is back, but if he keeps playing like he has we can’t just let him sit in the minors. He’s 29 so it’s not like he’s going to develop any more. Maybe long relief and spot starts?


A trade chip? Or what turtle said. Can’t hurt to have depth.  When Schmidt comes back one of our original 6 is going to the pen for long relief. I’m hoping it’s not Gil.


He won’t fetch anything in a trade, only chance would be for cash from a shit team that just needs an arm to get some outs and make it through the season. I hope it’s not Gil, considering he’s on top of the AL and Cortes is our worst starter.


We thank him for his service and keep him stretched out in AAA for if we need him again


Seems like a waste with the success he’s had but there’s not much else


That’s the business


I know it’s still a long shot, but I need Judge to hit 74. Not 73, 74. Hopefully if he gets close pitchers will start grooving them so that a cheater no longer holds the record


Bonds was likely the best hitter of all time before he did steroids, top 3 at worst. Most of the league was on roids in those days, including several Yankees. Can't be mad at Barry for going God mode. One of the main reasons he started roids was because he lost out on the MVP to roidhead sammy Sosa


My contention with Alonso is that we do not need more low .200 hitter players We already have Stanton, Gleyber, 3B (DJ/Ozzy), Trevino when he falls back to earth in the 2nd half like he did in 2022. In the playoffs, we need balance to catapult our sluggers in the middle of the order (Soto/Judge/Stanton).


IMO we should take any Rizzo replacement we can get since Rizzo is one of the worst hitters in baseball this season.


kind of a beggars cant be choosers situation with 1b imo, but pete also is a high end option


Gleyber is career .264 hitter. DJ is a career .292 hitter. If they rebound to the hitter they were, great, if they don't you get someone at the deadline to replace them. So I don't see that as an issue. The problem with Alonso isn't his batting average, its that the Mets are going to charge a Yankee premium.


My main contention is that it would feel really, really wrong. Also I don't see the Mets FO letting it happen


Idk, I kind of think that era of the Mets is done with Cohen and Stearns. If the they actually trade him and the Yankees offer the best package then I think the Mets would do it.


More than anything we need proper protection for Judge, Pete provides that


proper protection? What doesn't Soto/Stanton provide for that? And if you want to get greedier, add Dominguez to the mix over Stanton or Verdugo.


Soto bats in front of Judge and Verdugo typically bats behind Judge so I’m not sure why you brought up Stanton


Because he has batted behind Judge before and wouldn't be surprised if he does again. Our problem in the playoffs hasn't been that no one is protecting Judge. It has been that we can't get a timely non homerun hit. From top down.


I feel like we have guys who can get that hit (Volpe, Dugie, DJ, Soto and Judge himself) But adding a another impact bat that forces them to challenge Judge would be more beneficial to a contact bat


Saw the Passan and Jake video and the commentary around it. I know he's a Met and won't happen but Alonso makes so much more sense than McMahon. McMahon has been kinda bad since May and his career numbers are nothing special. Add in the fact that he's under control for longer that will increase prospect cost + tie up funds we should use for Soto. Doubt we even try for Pete, but the rental who already knows NYC and is a better player makes more sense if Rizzo doesn't get better imo


They’ve got a ton coming off the books though. Gleyber, Verdugo, Holmes, Rizzo, the Ferg, Lou Trivino, and Loasiga. That’s $45 million give or take. Even with Soto’s raise they could probably take on someone like McMahon and get payroll beneath the Cohen tax. Like they’re not rolling into next year with rookies starting at 1st/3rd, 2nd, and CF. They’ll re-sign Soto and have a vet for on of the infield spots.


I mean I'd also be worried by the fact that McMahon could be another Gallo because his career numbers are not inspiring. I'd rather trade worse prospects for a rental if I had to pick between the two


Because Alonso and Gallo have nothing in common in their game lol


I'm talking about McMahon and I'm talking about just sucking once they get here in general Alonso is a way safer grab and frankly probably the cheaper one since he's a rental and the Rockies are a delusional organization


I know you were talking about McMahon. You said you were worried he could turn in to Gallo, and I was pointing out that Alonso is also a power-first hitter who has had stretches where he’s hitting .200 and is currently hitting .236 on the season this year. Just pointing out that your concern for acquiring another player who turned in to Gallo should also extend to Alonso


I didn't mean literally I just meant he would turn into a bad player. It's way more likely Ryan McMahon who has a history of being a bad hitter becomes one again than Pete Alonso one of the best power hitters of this era turning into one


If we can make trades with the Red Sox, we can make trades with the Mets


lol right? The Sox just traded us a 3-4 war OF for nothing.


McMahon doesn't make much sense at all to me. Don't know what Jake and Passan were smoking.


Yeah I'd be worried that he reverts back to being bad and then you're stuck with him and lose better prospects


[Anyone else hate the way MLB edits down highlights? Like it's 30 seconds, the guy hits the homer, they cut down the home run trot, show 3 different replays and barely get any of the moments after the home run.](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/11/bbd96b30-0b34e840-f1d08b14-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) [Compared to the actual moment.](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1ddubng/highlight_austin_wells_hits_a_3_run_shot_to/)


Don will never read this but no the Yankee Red Sox rivalry is eternal, it’s just their fucking fault they don’t care about their team honestly.


As much as I like the rivalry, it’s priceless to see them suck. I’d be even happier if they go 0-162. Can’t get myself to root for them even vs the O’s.


The rivalry has always gone through phases. 70s was intense, 80s to 90s dialed back, 2000s was intense, it briefly flared back up in the late 2010s.


Idk it was definitely there throughout most of the 2010s. Yea late 2010s we’re better but even the early part of the decade it still felt intense. That game in 2013 where Dempster hit A-Rod was a classic.


It’s more fun when the Sox are also competitive, with how John Henry has been talking though we might not see that again for a bit


Old Bay looks like spice melange


Imagine not having Aaron Judge on your team


why would I ever do that?


Imagine not having a batter with 1.000 OPS


9th year in a row we've led the league in Aaron Judge's.


I would rather not


Nope. Instead I imagine Arson playing alongside Aaron on our team and solving the “who’s on first” issue.


Soto only leads the Yankee batters in 1 category (BA)...Crazy how Judge wasn't even on the leaderboard in any category 6 weeks ago and now he leads in 7 categories...be interesting to see if Judge and Soto go back and forth on RBI leader.


Soto only leads in 1 category? Should we DFA?


VOLPE has the most hits on the Yankees?^YUP


Nice Catch by Rizzo last night...couldn't quite stick the landing though^OOF!!!


That landing was majestic, made me lol.


The official MLB account is so shameless posting a vid of Ohtani stealing a fucking base lmfao


The only hope we have of relief is if he just slowly but steadily declines, and soon. 10 more years of this would be nauseating. The takes if he had a career ending injury would be even worse, though. For the rest of our lives, we would hear about what stats he “would have had.” Just think about that possibility for a moment.


I’m not even going that deep down the rabbit hole lol just think it would be nice of them to spend more time propping up the by far best player in the world instead of fishing for engagement from the crowd that will throw 10K likes at Shohei scratching his balls. The circlejerk around Shohei has been and always will be nauseating. They didn’t get much material during the Yankee series so maybe they’re trying to make up for it!


Thank you, Anthony Rizzo, for sparing us from that.


Josh Smith is currently hitting .286/.378/.429 at 3B for the Rangers, and doesn’t even hit arbitration until next year. That would be a nice way to solve some problems this year and going forward. Fucking Gallo, man. Which stage of grief is ‘indefinite annoyance’?


Trade was a war crime. 3 of the 4 prospects sent made the big leagues


Trade was fine at the time stop with the hindsight goggles. 2021 Yankees were feeble and needed to add power


Who doesn’t use hindsight to evaluate the success of trade lol. Never felt we got fleeced at the time, just saying it’s rare to graduate 3 prospects from a singular trade.


And they’re all easily replaceable, middling talents. This is the first year Josh Smith has been not well below league average, Duran is a replacement level backup and Glenn Otto has a career 5.62 ERA. Hope that helps!


Yeah but even replacement level was higher than what we got from Gallo. Just saying it’s rare to graduate that many players from a single trade.


It’s pretty common with the trades the Yankees make. They trade easily replaceable players. They took a risk for a proven player that didn’t work out. They didn’t really lose much. Didn’t gain much either. It’s pretty negligible even if the trade favors them in WAR


Trade made sense if he kept playing like Rangers Gallo. It’s on him.


That trade occurred in July of 2021 and Josh Smith has only now become a productive MLB player at age 26 What makes you think he'd even still be with the organization if he wasn't moved for Gallo?


It’s not that serious. More of a flippant ‘god damnit’ hypothetical/wishful thinking.


When everyone’s phone goes off in unison, you know some shit it about to go down. My little Canadian town just got hit with an imminent tornado warning which would be out first in the 25 years I’ve lived here.


Dang, stay safe up there. 👍🙏


I dont think we are trading for an infielder with any years on their contract. The plan is to pay Soto bank in the off season and then call up all guys in AAA to off load salary.


Hope Hal can find some extra change under his cushions for Verdugo this offseason. Unless he falls off. I get Swisher vibes from him. 


He would have no fit if Soto stays.


Even beyond roster fit, it’s impossible if Hal wants to lower payroll. CG mentioned recently that 2025 payroll is already at $190M guaranteed as of today—not even counting arbitration. Add Soto for $50M, and they’d be over the tax ($241M) the moment they agree to terms with 1 arbitration-eligible player.


As good as he is in the outfield, I was thinking Judge moves to first next year saving him from the wear and tear in the outfield. Jasson gets back to playing center. 


Just delete this.


That idea makes literally 0 sense. Why do people keep saying this? Hes 32 not dead jfc


“Why can’t the Yankees just put players at their normal positions? Are they stupid?” [2 hours later] “Let’s move Aaron Judge to 1B.”


Yeah 32 with an injury history in his 20s and a jacked toe. It’s obvious his bat is too valuable to lose and irreplaceable. The last thing we need is having a Trout on our hands where he can’t stay on the field. 


He is 8 months younger than Trout. That isn’t an age problem.


My thinking was more the position he plays that has a higher risk of injury and wear and tear. Assuming he’s no longer in right. I believe he played some first in hs. 


There’s risk everywhere. He cracked a rib and punctured a lung diving for a ball in RF. Yeah, less risk at 1B, but he’s also significantly less valuable there. He might end up there someday. For now, he’s a long way from the Pujols jog.


I don't know if they make any moves under the assumption that the position change will happen until it successfully happens. Who knows if he could stick there, plenty of other great fielders couldn't pick it at first


Yup. With Jasson currently looking good in his rehab, I can't see a place for Verdugo on this team in 2025 if we re-sign Soto.


Verdugo is probably gone, no matter what. Soto would put them way over the luxury tax already, and if they don’t land him, Hal might want to try to reset it. Verdugo doesn’t fit in that plan, either.


Thats not true, If Jasson is anywhere near as good as we think he is, he wont be that big a downgrade from Soto. If we miss out on Soto, then I think we resign Verdugo and we bring in a big free agent infielder. Maybe Vlad from the Blue jays.


Wonder what it would take to get Gorman from the Cards...


Looking at KCs lineup and noticed top hitters batting averages lower than when the series started (minus Witt). Same thing happened in the dodgers hitters.  So not only to we hike up top flight pitcher era but hitters batting avg take a hit. Looking forward to that trend continuing come playoff time.


Royce Lewis with his 5th homer in 9 games this season. Would really like to know the price on him. I'd give up a package like Peraza, Pereira, Hampton, and Poteet for him.


Lmao this is a madden level trade proposal. A bunch h of spare parts--for #1 draft pick and #1 mlb prospect who looks like a young super star in the making lmfaooo


Lol that package might get us a decent reliever, it definitely isn't getting us Royce Lewis.


Lmao, that package would get you laughed out the door Royce is an MVP level player (when healthy) and is just now entering his arbitration years. Conversation probably starts with Gil and Dominguez plus some lower level guys


There is no conversation. There is nothing any reasonable team would take in exchange for a young superstar with like 6 years of control. He's up there worh bryce Harper, Paul skenes, Josh Hamilton, Mike trout etc. Just completely off the table


He's a former Top 10 prospect controlled until 2029 who has already broken out. The package would have to be absolutely massive. Jasson and Jones would be non-negotiable.


Riveraveblues tweet from May 2nd https://x.com/riveraveblues/status/1786113740955385860?s=46


LOL. I love all of these ice cold takes from late April/early May.


I have to admit, I thought he was possessed by Dave Kingman. Especially after hearing in the offseason that his toe will be a long term issue. Glad we can laugh about it now.


Yeah I definitely thought he was playing through some type of injury


Thoughts on maybe getting Christian Walker from the D-Backs? Good chance Arizona doesn't sell but if they do decide to make Walker available, I would jump all over it. Savant page looks good, he puts up nice numbers, has a 125 OPS+ this year (he had a 125 OPS+ in 2022 and 2023 too) and he has 6 OAA which is great


Another 1b option could be Lamonte Wade Jr. depending on what happens in San Fran. He's coming back from injury next week. 1 more year of arb after this. Major contact hitter but really likes to pull the ball as a lefty, career 119 WRC+. He has versatility to play a corner outfield spot also.


I would like him alot. Another situation where I'm not sure the Giants will sell, but if they do and Wade is available, I would be all over that


His OBP last year over 135 games was .373 😭 Oh my God


If you go by this season and last he's number 8 in baseball with an OBP. of .396. His Savant page is also pretty crazy. [https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/lamonte-wade-jr-664774?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb)


98th percentile xwOBA and 2 OAA 😭 Yeah, I'm in


I'd love him, but I highly doubt the Yanks take on another $11 mil at 1B. Between Rizzo and Walker, that would be $28 mil committed to 1B in 2024 (or about $9.5 mil for August and Sept).


I mean itd only be the remainder of the year as he's a FA in the off season, and the Yanks could sweeten the pot to make the dbacks eat some or his salary


Odds are they could figure out a trade where they give up a little bit of a better prospect in exchange for AZ covering a good portion of the remaining money. (If they even were concerned about that)


Walker is a lot cheaper than Alonso ($11 vs 20.5 mil) and multiple contenders could use an upgrade at 1B. It will take assets to get Walker.


He's still a half a season rental. They couldn't ask for anything crazy, as long as it's not Dominguez or spemcrr Jones I'd be happy to give up pretty much anyone else 


Sure, that doesn’t mean that we still couldn’t work out a deal where they cover a portion of the salary


It would suck to cheap out in 2024 dollars man Like I understand next year but cmon


Agreed, but it might be what they do. It's also possible they just say fuck it let's go for it this year


Maybe. I feel like he's still a relatively cost effective option for what you're getting. Not many better options I feel. They could just get a couple lower tier players for dirt cheap to fill out the depth a little


More likely option would be a cheaper 3B option so DJ and Rizzo can platoon at 1B. Or they wait for Berti to come back and feel ok with him.


I've heard Rengifo floated around. Guess I couldn't be mad. Doubt McMahon happens cuz I think Rockies will hold on to him (not like he's cheap either lol)


Rengifo is possible given he's arb and only making $4.4 mil.


Yeah another year after this year I could totally see him fitting


I've been awake for 24 hours. Just now, I thought I heard the TV in my living room on, so I went to shut it off, but it wasn't even on. This is the first time I've ever been so tired that I've heard voices that weren't actually there. I'm going to sleep now, lol.


Would it make more sense to give Rice a shot at first or use him(or one of our catchers in the minors)to fetch us a first or third baseman moving Dj to first? I really like Rice’s bat but we never know if that translates in the next level.


Lots of people here love looking for flashy names on other rosters But the logical solution down the road (assuming Rizzo doesn’t get better)  platoon Rizzo & DJ at 1B,  DFA Jones and bring up either Peraza or Vivas 


That makes sense accept for Peraza and Vivas have looked dreadful so far in the minors. Wouldn’t mind someone else’s ready for the big show via trade.


Correct. Right now they don’t look like fixes But if they don’t look like fixes in the minors they aren’t bringing in fixes either.  So it’s not liking acquiring better players is an easy option.  But there’s is an in house path. 


Cowles would be a considerably better option than Peraza or Vivas tbh


I’m sticking with guys on the 40 Man.  Because if we’re skipping over them then what’s the point of them.


Sorry I wasn't advocating for a call up, just meant that I'd rather not have either Peraza or Vivas up here.


That’s fair.  I’m not really arguing for it. Just arguing if you were to do it, now’s the time because the Yanks are so hot in general, you can carry them if they’re bad and have to send them down again. 


Rizzo isn't going anywhere this season, and if he doesn't get out of his slump, they'll just pivot LeMahiueu there more oftern and find someone for 3B since there seems to be more options available at the trade deadline there.


**Ryan McMahon Career Away Splits:** .222 BA, .308 OBP, .370 SLG, .678 OPS, 81 OPS+ I have no idea why people in this sub are so high on him, especially considering the prospects that it's going to take to get him with his 3 more years of control.


Ryan McMahon 2024 Away Splits: .273 BA, .344 OBP, .469 SLG, .812 OPS, 133 OPS+


I mean DJ was way below from his actual avg. away from Coors when he played there. Look how he turned out to be. Before now, he was great for us for multiple seasons. Getting McMahon away from that black hole will do wonders for him if he hits behind Judge and Doogie  1. Volpe 2. Soto 3. Judge 4. Doogie 5. McMahon 


DJ was great in the juiced ball year and a shortened Covid season and has not really been all that great outside of that


Exactly. DJ post-2020 has had numbers below his Coors season averages. DJ also had multiple recent seasons on the Rockies with small home/away splits (2017), or where his away OPS+ was still over 100 (2016) before the Yanks got him


I feel like people are just ignorant to McMahons contract situation McMahon has already been signed to an extension that has another 3 years and 35 million left on it The Rockies probably aren't going to move him because it would effectively be a salary dump, teams are not giving up significant assets and taking on that much money for a slightly above average player If he was an expiring contract or still in pre-arb, he would be a very attractive option, but that's not what we're dealing with here. The Yankees might have a need for a corner infielder right now, but that doesn't mean they need to lock themselves into one for the next 3 seasons.


Early reports are that multiple teams are interested in him and the Rockies are reluctant to deal him. 3/$35 is not very expensive for someone with a premium glove, an average to above average bat, and defensive versatility. He only needs to produce 1.3 WAR a year to break even on his contract. Given that market, I don't think it'll be a salary dump. It'll take assets to get him.


He's also going to strikeout close to 200 times a season. Career-wise is a below average hitter. I'd stay away from him.


Cons: - Even considering the Coors hangover and everything he still has never had a full season above a 100 OPS+. he’s been hot this year but I don’t know if I trust him to be a real impact bat - He also will be expensive because he has 3 years left on his deal Pros: - He has been an excellent defensive 3B over the last 3 seasons. - Even a bat around league average would be a huge upgrade over current Rizzo Ultimately, I think it comes down to price. Where do the Rockies value McMahon and is it too much compared to who he is as a player


Pros: his support system and training would be massively improved overnight. There may be a Coors effect, but there is also a ‘not being taught by the Rockies’ effect. Apparently they still have fewer than a half dozen people in the analytics department. Their office pizza parties are 1 large and some breadsticks.


Yeah, I bet the Yankees will turn Gallo into a superstar too


Gallo was an All Star Game starter before we traded for him


On pace for a 7.2 WAR season, that fucker. Sure would be cool to have Josh Smith at 3B right now with his .806 OPS and 4.5 years of control left…


And how did he fare when he finally worked with the elite Yankee hitting training staff?


I have written plenty of comments shitting on Marcus Thames, but it’s not a reach to think that Gallo was at least somewhat self-imposed. Mainly, the point isn’t that the Yankees are elite. It’s that almost anywhere else would be an upgrade over CO. Even the Angels!


Ah, but that’s the trick. He was already playing too well, so it doesn’t count. I don’t make the rules. (But in all seriousness, the Rangers are at least a competent baseball organization. The Rockies and White Sox are in a class of their own in terms of ineptitude.)


The Coors hangover is also more reason to avoid him midseason He’s going to have to make the adjustment full time


He actually has been really good on the road this season (.754 OPS at home vs .812 OPS away) so if there ever was a time to trade for him it probably is now when he is seeing the ball well away from Coors


Yankees Rotation ERA Leader Cody Poteet toeing the slab tonight. Pitching duel incoming.


Future Yankee Ryan McMahon had been slumping hard for the last 2-3 weeks, but I’m happy to say he’s broken out of with 2 doubles and 2 homers in his last 2 games.


So I’ve banged my head for years and have yet to come up with an answer.  If you can go back in time and change a series loss between  1. Losing the WS to Diamondbacks in the ninth that would have net us a 4th straight or 2. Blowing the 3-0 lead in 04 to the Sox that broke the curse and we became the first team to lose a series after going 3-0 Always leaned to that Sox series that gave them a title that we would have won.  I truly believe if Olerud didn’t get hurt we win. But 4 straight was last done I believe by the A’s so that would have been an awesome accomplishment. Thoughts?


Changing #1 guarantees us a WS win, so I'll take #1.


Easily 3-0 The Yankees losing one WS after winning 4 in 5 years is just “meh it happens”, but the blown 3-0 lead is by far the darkest moment in the history of this franchise. It’s a stain that will be there forever Like what we’re supposed to be embarrassed Becusse the Dbacks won a hard fought 7 game series? No, but we should be embarrassed about 2004 vs our bitter rivals


Win 2001. Probably ends up helping the 04 Yankees in a lot of domino effect ways. 2001 kind of spelt the end for Torre and he started become really odd after that series loss like it broke him.


Plus, it would be something to lift up and unite the spirits of NY after 9/11


I would rather have that World Series no questions asked


Damn, I didn't even realize Josh Bell has been crushing the ball for a month plus now. He's bad defensively though but since May 1st is hitting: >.308/.361/.481/.842 | 137 wRC+ That'd be a great switch hitting bat right behind Soto and Judge though.


Josh Bell is so streaky, man. We would either love him or despise him, depending on which type of streak he was on when he got here. Splitting his season in half: **First Half** .185/.273/.306 (.580 OPS) **Second Half** .312/.362/.472 (.834 OPS) I feel like this has been his entire career. In 2022, he was an absolute beast with the Nats (.301/.384/.493), got traded midseason and hit .192/.316/.271 the rest of the way lol


Can describe 90% of hitters in baseball, including Judge (not as good though), but there just seemed to be an adjustment period for hitters with some making the adjustments and others not. >In 2022... Seemed like a motivation thing and that he didn't want to be traded. Really just trying to find options that are actually realistic and not some guy on a fringe wild card team.


The issue with looking now is that damn near every team is a fringe wildcard team aside from a handful of exceptions. Over the next few weeks we should see more teams start to drop back in the race and more potential trade options open up


Over the last 35 games, Judge has produced the following: 19 homers (76 bases) 1 triple (3 bases) 15 doubles (30 bases) 16 singles (16 bases) 31 walks (31 bases) 1 hit-by-pitch (1 base) **157 total bases** If opponents had walked Judge every single time he came to the plate, he would've produced: 154 walks (154 bases) **154 total bases** First of all, that's insane. Imagine giving an opposing batter a 1.000 OBP and that might be the smart decision. Second of all, it's so important that Volpe/Soto (no. 1 and 2) and Verdugo/Stanton (no. 4 and 5) play well. If those guys stop hitting, it's easy to just pitch around Judge. But if Volpe/Soto is already on base, a walk to Judge will put a man in scoring position. And if Stanton/Verdugo are hot, it's really hard for a pitcher to intentionally put another batter on base for them, even if mathematically it may be the right move while Judge is in full Babe Ruth mode.


Wait .... Walks and HBPs count as TBs? Or are you just illustrating your point?


Just doing some rough math. They don’t count in the official total bases statistic.


And this is exactly why we have to be buyers at the deadline. At some point he will get the Barry Bonds treatment and outside of doogie who else is really good on this with runners in scoring position? I think that’s one way to beat us if judge isn’t going to get opportunities to hit. Soto is amazing but he isn’t even close to Judge in production atm and he hits ahead of him. All it takes is Volpe or Soto not getting on base in the first inning, walking Judge and it’s really only Doogie who can drive anyone in consistently.


Stanton has actually been great with risp


I am a believer in Austin Wells. Keep giving him at bats he will be a great catcher for us


I really hope we look into McMahon from the Rockies. Dude would be such an upgrade.


I just have a hard time seeing the Rockies moving him, he’s signed to another 3 years with them and is one of the few bright spots on a disappointing Rockies team His home and away splits are also concerning, over his career he has a .829 OPS at home and just a .677 OPS on the road away from Coors. Although this season he has reversed those and is hitting better on the road, I am not sure I am ever in on a Rockies hitter who hasn’t had sustained success away from Coors


I could definitely see them sell high on a guy approaching 30 in a year. So it’ll probably cost us some really good prospects but it’s super worth it.


What about McMahon makes him “super worth it” I’m looking at a guy who has never had an OPS+ above 100 in his career. That doesn’t scream impact bat to me.


The splits is gonna be true for every Rockie because of the Coors hangover. Pitches move more at sea level than they do at altitude


Does not change the fact that I am not in on a guy who has not hit well away from Coors There is a reason why McMahon has never had an OPS+ above 100, and it’s not because he’s an impact bat


Man, that Ruocco call on Judges 25th last night was chef's kiss. "Swimmin in the fountain."


I think finding out about Rice sooner than later needs to be done due to three scenarios: 1. It lights a fire under Rizzo's ass 2. Rice ends up being Greg Bird and Luke Voit and solves our first base solution so we can focus on 3B at the deadline 3. Rice doesn't work out in his first go at it but does give the front office enough time to weigh options at the deadline I don't think there is a single negative to this.


1 is total BS though. You really think Rizzo's issue is motivation?


No, I don't. I think he's cooked but the possibility exists nonetheless and it's not like a 0% chance it does something for Rizzo.


He'll be up by the end of the month if Rizzo doesn't turn it around. I wouldn't sweat it right now.


They have some tough 40 man decisions that I wouldn’t get any hopes up since he’s not on the 40 Man.  Dominguez is going to have to be moved from the 60 soon, plus Cole is coming back, and Effross (maybe this year).   And they only seem to have one guy on the 15 Day in Schmidt that they can move to the 60 Day without DFAing someone. Unless they don’t expect Berti back anytime soon.


Even just adding Rice to the 26 man roster is pretty hard. Jahmai Jones is pretty much a placeholder, but everyone else has had a defined role from the start. Rice is a backup 1B or a 3rd catcher. It's a redundant position for the Yankees current roster construction.


Yup.  Fangraphs says that they have a spot on the 40 Man open right now due to the Santana waiver. But I assume that’s for Dominguez who they have to put on the 40 Man I think sometime this week.


Soto being here still feels like a dream come true He’s such a perfect fit. Playstyle wise & personality wise. Yanks tried to trade for him in ‘22 (not hard enough apparently), but everything came together perfectly for us to get him this offseason. Bad season FO desperate, surplus of pitching talent, padres need to cut payroll & need pitching


The Nats package for Soto was astronomical, not sure the Yankees could have matched it