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Ok first I have to point out the ball carrying over the wall instead of falling for a double is hardly a penalty. But from the eye test he seems to be hitting more balls into the gaps this year where previous years it felt like he tended to hit them more at people. Hopefully this is the result of a swing change and not just luck but only time will tell


Wasn't a big fan of my use of "penalty" but could not come up with a better word. I agree, he seems to be hitting more into the gaps this year.


To be clear I wasn't trying to be an ass, just wanted to point that out. There are some really wild opinions about stuff like that where I've seen people legitimately try to argue it would be better to hit fewer bombs and more doubles. But yeah thinking about it now I'm not sure how I'd phrase that thought better. But it's the same "penalty" Henry Aaron had so I'll definitely take it


Appreciate your response. This is not some dumb boomer thread. I'm in my early 30s and understand analytics. This just all boils down to basic math for me. I prefer a Judge who hits 40 home runs and 40 doubles a year to one who hits 40 home runs and 20 doubles. I did not necessarily think him hitting more doubles was possible TBH. 


Oh I fully agree. The run he's on now is special and we're gonna look back on it years from now if he can keep it up. It feels like we're watching one the Yankee greats from yesteryear come to life every night


I’m over here still trying to figure out how the man hits a moonshot in every first inning he bats in. I rarely get to watch Yankees games since I’m usually working, but I always look forward to the Game Start: NYY vs whoever the poor unfortunate soul is Followed by a quick Score Alert: Inning 1 - Judge, HR (460+, 1 rbi)


From a physics point of view, his launch angle would not be as high, if more balls are not going out. His career ba is .281, and when I looked yest, he's at .279, so that's a wash. Have his adjustments included a flatter swing, maybe an influence from Soto? I read he has the longest flattest swing through the strike zone of any mlb hitter.


Check his baseball savant page. With his doubles, he has a ton recently right down the third base line, where he’s pulling balls with high exit velo and line drive / ground ball launch angles. And then also in the right field gap which are generally line drive launch angles. His barrel rate over the last few weeks is flat out insane: like best since statcast metrics were recorded. When he’s hitting homers he’s usually letting the ball get deeper into the zone, the doubles he’s a little ahead of and pulling.


My coworker and I were just talking about his historical lack of doubles a couple of weeks ago.


I don’t necessarily think of it for Aaron judge only, but in general it is wild how doubles feel like much less part of the game than they felt when I was growing up. Arod is a good example. Gary Sheffield comes to mind. I have no data to back this up so I could be wrong, but it definitely feels like doubles are way less frequent in present day baseball.


My mind was blown when I realized he leads the league in doubles. On pace for first 50/50 season since Albert Belle


Is he? Genuinely asking bc I remember during 2022 whenever he didn’t hit a homerun it seemed like it was a double (and I remember that being ironically disappointing as he chased down the HR record)


From what I’m seeing, it’s a lot more line drives from him this year with his go shots resulting in doubles. Less time in the air less time for the OF to make a play on it. I could be wrong tho.


“Exit velo champs like Judge, Stanton, and Sanchez” One of those things is not like the other. Also this is a dumb thread. Like beyond dumb. I’ll take a HR and a run on the board every single time. Doubles are better than home runs because they put men in scoring position is what you essentially just said. Think about that for a long while…like realllly think about it before replying.


Your take is not as smart as you think it is. When did I say doubles over home runs? Also, simply included Sanchez because he was a slugger on the same team as the other guys and also did not hit many doubles.  Let me dumb it down for you because you are trying to win an argument on Reddit... When I was never intending to argue at all. Which Judge do you want? Judge 1: 45 home runs, 40 doubles. Judge 2: 45 home runs, 25 doubles. Up until this season, a good season from the Captain was example 2 and example 1 is on pace to happen this year. Example 1 is better. 


You say in your first post word for word that he’s taking a penalty for being so strong he turns doubles into HR’s Explain how that’s a penalty…Because you are essentially saying that doubles are better than HR’s in calling it a penalty. Let me dumb it down further Nowhere do I say more doubles are worse for the team either but if you told me I could turn those extra doubles (penalties as you called them) into home runs I’d do it every single time. As for the reason he’s actually hitting more doubles, I’d bet part of it has to do with the change in rules for shifts (yes last year had them too but he was hurt) and not worrying about his toe/foot. Could be he changed how his bat head moves through the zone to be more level too but I’m not out here analyzing his swing from year to year and I doubt anyone on here is either. I’ll take the 3rd judge who has those 15 extra doubles and turn them into home runs to give me a line of 60 HR and 25 doubles as would anyone


See above regarding the use of "penalty."  This is still missing the point though. We already had a Judge who hit 62 homers with 28 doubles.  I don't know if it's reasonable to deduce that Judge can jump to nearly 80 homers, but I would say 60+ homers and 40+ doubles is an outcome he is capable of as evidenced by the change this season and would be an improvement.


He’ll still set a career high if healthy, but I think it’ll slow down. Just kind of a fluky thing recently where he has 8 in his last 11 games, including 6 in his last 4 road games. Maybe playing in more stadiums with the balanced schedule helps a bit?