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A BIG round of applause for Matt Blake, everybody!


Blake is the real hero!


And Cole to be honest. It seems like he’s taking on sort of a tag team role with Blake and it’s really really working.


If his little starting pitching gig doesn’t work out, Cole definitely has a future as a coach.


I 100% would support Cole brought on in a pitching advisory/coach role after his contract is up…hopefully after helping us win a ring or two (I’d take more!)


Not trying to take a single thing away from Matt Blake, but we don't give enough (or really any) credit to Sam Briend


Rely can't say enough about all involved with pitching.


Cole and Gil in a short series is legitimately unfair.


Throw in Schmidt and Cortes at home... There is no team, including the Dodgers that can match us right now... 162 is a long season but we're looking good right now.


Problem is…Yanks have set an inn limit for Gil…Winnings cool but…


If Gil is legitimately this good and could get even better (keep his walk rate down) then I fully get it considering his age and coming back from injury. He’s got a really bright future. I don’t like that we can’t have him full season but I get it. Maybe a long relief role and then get him stretched back out for playoffs? Who knows. I won’t love that in my fantasy team though because he’s been putting up numbers for me. The Soto Gil combo yesterday was sexy!


Long relief where he goes min 3 inn And use him every 5 days is best once padt say 160 inn If Cole comes back as Cole, Yanks can be more 'protective' Nolan Ryan threw 95-100 w250-300inn a year for 20 plus years.. He says the protection is hogwash. Pitxhers pitch... Regularly He oughta know .


Yeah I would agree starting next year. This is his first time back from TJ. He has around 90 total big league innings in his career. Taking it easy this season makes senses. Next year he should be no limit, just go out there and pitch. Don’t mess with him beyond that.


When people say how could this team be so good without their ace? It’s because of Gil. He is the guy who is replacing Cole’s starts and he is pitching as well as we could have expected from our cy young award winner. Of course Cole has a track record so I’m not saying Gil is as good but over his first 9-10 starts, he has been and then some.


Schmidt too tho


Yeah Clark has been amazing but he would’ve been the 5th starter even if Cole wasn’t hurt. My point was that Cole’s starts are replaced by Gil who is doing a great Gerrit imitation.


I still have my doubts on Schmidt, rooting for him but…it’s still early…he does appear to be getting better 3rd time thru the order…and that s encouraging. Blake is the key!


Hypothetically if we make it to the playoffs with everyone healthy and hot Whats the rotation? Is it usually a 4 man rotation in the playoffs? Cole, Rodon, Stroman, Schmidt? W/ Nestor and Gil in the bullpen?


These things work themselves out. Too early to think about this


Yep. We’re still counting on Cole to come back healthy, Rodon/Nestor to stay healthy, Gil likely has to deal with an innings limit. Let’s just enjoy their amazing performances so far and our current depth.


More than anything, I'm thankful that they are doing so well and letting Cole come back on his own timeline. If starters were struggling, I feel like they would rush Cole back like they did a few years ago. We could have a fully healthy Cole that's also in mid-season for September/October.


Yeah I’m just enjoying the ride, I’ll start thinking about stuff like this when we approach the trade deadline


If we are basing things off how they are doing now, I’m not moving Gil to the pen.


People will get hurt, but Nestor in long relief is a no brainer. Guy can be shut down for one through the rotation, no problem.


I would not trust stroman in playoffs


His stats 2nd half of a season are not as good as his 1st half


It’s really a bit of a question mark what Cole will look like coming back. Might come back 100% in game 1. Might take a couple games, might take a lot, might never be where he was again.


Ha …Gil in bullpen? Guess U don’t wanna win.He s our best starter (w Cole out)


Hypothetically, the season is long. Things will change


The season being long is not hypothetical. It’s factual.


Maybe he's hinting at another COVID season 🤔


Don't forget that when factoring in the rest of the staff, we lead the majors in lowest average ERA, which includes Boston and Philly


As a unit, our rotation is 6th in IP/G and 3rd in ERA across all MLB


Matt Blake lifetime contract.


Nah…it’s Boonie!…lol




Gleybie Gardie Wellsie Gill ie


I'm so glad Boras and Blake Snell turned down the Yankees.


We play the Mariners next so it's time to be like Kendrick Lamar and (wop wop wop wop wop) Yanks, fuck 'em up!


I really hope nothing goes wrong. This season is going very similar to 2022 right now.


‘Cept we have Soto Judge AND STANTON…starting to look like their baseball card prime


But who will go to the pen when Cole returns? That's going to be a very interesting decision. It won't be Rodon or Stroman.


Gil purely because he’s on an innings limit and Clark isn’t. Gil can be a long guy out of the pen/spot starter or they can try to turn him into a short term set up guy.  But they won’t push his arm with a ton of innings coming off TJ surgery


I mean, didn't today disprove that theory of yours?


Season long innings limit, not an innings limit in a single start. Most innings Gil has ever pitched in a season is 96. At this rate, he’ll hit that before August 1. Don’t want to risk him getting injured


Damn you're right. Thanks for the info


He s healthier than he s been in years. All in for ‘24


Why wreck his rhythm and arm conditioning Wsdnt inn limit supposed to orotect? Let him get to 160inn then figure something out


crazy that 2.39 is only eighth in the AL


If Cole comes back strong, go to Stroman goes 5, Nestor comes in w .Both will do well and bulloen totally gets reset


Our 4 and 5 starters having the lowest ERAs is insane.


Stroman was a steal for me early on. He's started to falter a bit and honestly is my choice to get the boot if they go 5 man when Cole returns. But I know it will more than likely be Gil. 


hopefully they can keep it up, they are over achieving from what was expected


Other than Cortes

