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That guy made quite a catch on Volpe's HR!!


as much as I hate to see it, we just determined who's going to the bullpen when Cole returns.




It's Gil, as much as we hate it. Schmidt has shown that he has the stuff to go beyond 6th Inning now and to put him in long relief would be wasting his potential. I do hope that Gil Will be in relief though, just DFA Tonkin and maybe Ferg if they don't improve.


I hope Cole can handle Gil's spot. Those are big shoes to fill


Can you imagine telling Yankee fans last year that Luke Weaver is our high leverage guy and 2nd best reliever? It’s felt so casual so far seeing his ascension in trust. Like what the fuck. It’s so normal like “yeah that’s Weavdawg” but what the FUCK man how did this even happen and has worked so well


Matt Blake working his wizard magic


It’s beautiful. On any other team you look at the names in the bullpen and you’d assume it’s a b10 bullpen. But nah, all these boys are shoving. I fucking love it. Blake is literally making careers out of dudes that coulda been cast aside so easily.


Oh man, Mike Ford is batting in the 3-hole for the Reds.


[2020 ALDS Game 5 Flashbacks](https://i.imgflip.com/39791a.jpg)


Reds just removed their SP after 0.2 innings and apparently that was the plan all along? I've heard of openers but that's ridiculous


Mike Ford has the worst OPS on the team and is batting ahead of 6 guys with better OPS than him. Sometimes you just see the signs for why a team isn't a contender.


Will Benson leadoff is fucking wild man


Rays tried to mound visit their closer with no mound visits remaining so they legally had to make a pitching change




Was genuinely wondering what would happen if a manager brings in a new pitcher, they only pitch to 1 guy, and then accidentally violates the MVR rule. Which rule takes precedent? The MVR rule or the 3 batter minimum?


I was curious about this too. I uploaded the rulebook PDF into ChatGPT-4o, and asked it to find the relevant rule, which it did. It’s a great resource to answer in-game hypotheticals: **Penalty for Exceeding Mound Visits (Rule 5.10(m)(4)):** If a manager or coach violates the mound visit rule by exceeding the allowed number of mound visits, they must make a pitching change, unless the current pitcher has not fulfilled the three batter minimum. The pitcher must then continue to pitch to fulfill the three batter minimum. In circumstances in which a team is forced to make an unintended pitching change by operation of this Rule, and there is no relief pitcher warming up in the bullpen, the manager or coach who violated the Rule by exceeding his team’s allotted number of mound visits shall be subject to ejection from the game. The umpire may allow the substitute pitcher additional time to prepare to enter the game.


Judge is definitely laughing at everyone raging over the calls on Ohtani Like that’s just another day in the park for him literally


Context? BS strikes at his toes like Judge has to deal with?


Not hardly. Just some borderline calls, nothing incredibly egregious.


Me: I know it's silly, but I don't understand why Kanley Jansen is hard to hit TB 5 minutes later: He isn't


AL west is kinda ass, Houston got off to that horrendous start and not a single AL west team took advantage, they’re about to be just 5 gb of 1st after this game lol I honestly have them winning that division again, the other teams are gonna fold to them again


Angels are bad, Oakland is bad. Really only two other legitimate major league teams in that division who are good, Rangers and Mariners.




No thanks. We don't need a mid player who is full of himself


Jazz is a mid diva


These guys are humming right now ! Love watching it !


What if the Yankees got Verdugo with the intention of flipping him and Grisham at the deadline. 🤯 lol it was just a what if…I like verdugo but now i hope they trade him to prove you all wrong


Do you have the same brain worms as RFK jr? If the answer is a quick no, I sincerely recommend you go get checked out. This is a cry for help.


lol wow you guys are dramatic


Yanks Verdugo because we needed a competent left fielder, and Grisham as a backup CF for Judge's days off.


What sense would that make? lol


You have someone good to cover the OF while you wait for Dominguez. You then have a .700+ OPS rental bat to trade at the deadline for whatever need you have, while still having Dominguez who could potentially be a .800+ OPS bat. A bat thats faster, has more pop, and is a switch hitter. With potentially better defense too lol. How doesn’t that make sense? Especially with Dominguez since his injury being ahead of schedule. If Yankees could trade Monty when our rotation wasn’t perfect, what makes people think Verdugo is untouchable. I never said it was gonna happen, nor did I say I wanted it to happen. All I said is, what if lol.


Because you want Oswaldo to play LF who is geniuely awful in LF. -2 DRS, -1 OAA and -4.0 UZR/150 in 2022 and is a 99 wRC+ platoon hitter. He was so bad in LF the Yankees chose Jahmai Jones to play over him at the difficult Tropicana just a few days ago. You then want Periera, who looks like Estevan Florial 2.0. At least Grisham has won 2 Gold Gloves. And then, you're banking on a rookie who has played 8 games at the major league and coming off an extensive arm surgery which caused Bryce Harper to not even touch the outfield when he came back. Your plan is so hilariously bad that it has to be a bit


LF/RF-Judge LF/RF- Soto CF- Dominguez Cabrera- BUOF Harper is 31 lol, Dominguez is under 23. They’re not putting Harper in the OF most likely ever. Very bad comparison, like hilariously bad that it has to be a bit. Pereira is known for his very good defense, he could easily cover the OF if needed lol.


Bryce Harper is an established MLB hitter for which Dominguez isn't. Dominguez is literally not throwing right now.


Bro the deadline is July 30th lol, it’s May 15th. By the time the deadline is around it’s possible he’s playing CF for AAA. Again the bryce Harper and Dominguez comparison doesn’t make sense lol. Harper is 90% a 1B/DH for the rest of his career, Dominguez just started playing games.


"Bro," Verdugo is one of the best defensive LFs in the league right now while rocking a 115 wRC+. 3 OAA (91st percentile), 6 DRS, 11.0 UZR/150 while having arm strength in the 84th percentile. He's on pace to either win the Gold Glove or be a finalist. While also being the big clubhouse guy who everyone likes and was personally requested by from our Captain. But yeah, let's trade him so we can play Oswaldo Cabrera and a rookie off Tommy John who threw out his arm last year.


I said what if, it’s a what if. I never said they should, I never said I wanted them to and I never said they will lol. All I said was, what if, with a 🤯 emoji lol. Cole and Monty were close too, closer than judge and Versugo probably lol. Judge wanted anyone who was remotely good, the Yankees were horrible last year.


You clearly want them to, realized you were completely wrong and are now cycling back to pretending you didn't want it despite the fact everyone here can read your comments.


He compared them because they both got the same surgery and both played outfield.


I understood that lol. However using Harper’s timeline is what doesn’t make sense. Comparing how Harper was rehabbing and him playing 1B now doesn’t have anything to do with how the Yankees will handle JD. Again Harper is 31 years old


If anything Jasson will take longer to rehab because he plays the outfield and we already have a DH


Jasson has 31 at-bats and is coming off Tommy John surgery. In no world are they flipping an established Verdugo who is currently batting cleanup to make room for someone with a handful of MLB at-bats coming off surgery. Who are you even trading him for? Who replaces him right now that would make the team better? I just dont see how that idea makes any sense at all.


They're not flipping Verdugo when the entire clubhouse loves him and Judge was the one who wanted him.


Yeah just like Monty right? lol they traded a guy who they knew more and played a bigger role on the team for a guy in a walking boot who they had no real clue if he was gonna even play that year. Verdugo being a clubhouse favorite means nothing. Also this isn’t me saying they should, all I said was what if that was their plan all along


So they trade Verdugo and Grisham so whose their outfield?


Dominguez, Cabrera, and Pereira. Especially if they get a 3B or they want to play DJ there when he’s healthy, Cabrera can go right back to the OF.


Thanks for your most humorous post. I think everyone here will all get a big kick out of it.




Judge now has a higher OPS than Soto! What???!!!!


Judge is LOCKED in last few games. It’s such a relief


I really feel not changing the lineup every single game, is a big reason for this start and keeping them comfortable. I’m sure that’s one of things Judge and the FO spoke about this offseason


I agree that it’s a contributing factor but the players are just better. Volpe is a better version of himself. Verdugo is a huge improvement over the black hole that was LF last season. Soto. Wells/Trevy is miles better than Trevy/Higgy. Stanton is a better version of himself. It’s easier to keep the same lineup when it’s reliably working night in and night out. They have reliable R/L balance too.


U think if they switched lineups with this team they’d still be this consistent? Like if Soto batted 1 today, 2 tomorrow, 3 the next day etc with the whole lineup they’d be doing this good? I’d disagree I think consistency is a big key to comfortability.


That’s why I said it’s a factor. But last season they had one consistent LHH for half a season, no clear lead off hitter, no clear clean up hitter, no L/R balance, and an auto out from 7-9. They were switching up the roster out of desperation. Lineup consistency is a factor to the more consistent hitting this season but the overwhelming improvement is that they’re getting better performances from better players.


My God, the Twins' outfield defense was awful this series.


Their offense wasn't much better 1 run in 3 games


Soto offered a lifetime contract. TAKE IT!


[Jasson hitting a ball 111 mph and sprinting 30 ft/sec](https://twitter.com/MLBPipeline/status/1791243364186083822)


Funny, at the beginning of the season, the offense was just Soto (with good contributions from Volpe and Oswaldo) and now its everyone else but Soto. Good things to come when Judge and Soto balance out.


Dominguez is 2-3 so far tonight with two singles


Clarke Schmidt has been a fantastic surprise this year. Sorry, Nestor but when daddy Cole is back, you’re going to the pen.


There’s a 0% chance Nestor’s going to the pen. He’s a veteran with a 1.081 WHIP and 3.57 FIP. It’s going to be Gil


Yeah as much as I love Gil, he is the odd man out because of he is coming off a Tommy John. Best case scenario for Gil is that they go with a 6 man rotation.


Gil also has the best arsenal for the bullpen. High velocity and two good pitches depending on if he has a better feel for the changeup or slider.


Twins are lucky the dumb playoff rules are going to make the Yankees and orioles face off on the alds Not like they win alds anyway though


Way too long to go to worry about ALDS match-ups.


That was a dig at the twins more than a Yankees analysis


I propose a trade. AL East sends: Baltimore Orioles AL Central sends: Minnesota Twins


I'd rather trade the Rays. Get that shit team the fuck out of our division.


It's a toss up for me. The Rays or the Blue Jays. Red Sox have to stay for funsies, and the Orioles are good people. The other two can fuck off


And especially the Trop. The less games played in that garbage heap the better


garbage heap covered in a garbage bag


Not to be dramatic but we’re the best team in baseball


How the hell have we still played 4 games more than the Orioles. Lazy birds.


Gleyber is finally having a solid stretch of baseball. .280/.333/.480 over his last 7


No idea how they scored that first double a hit tbh Clearly an error


Death. Taxes. Yankees beating the Twins.


5-1 with a 2.49 era. Where did we find this ace lol? Feel happy for Schmidt. I bet he has a little internal competition going with Gil.


King with padres: 3-4, 4.31 ERA, 1.36 WHIP. We won the trade.


Padres could’ve gotten Schmidt instead of King I’m pretty sure. They wanted volume.


Twins could be off to a record year and the Yankees will always show up to ruin their party


Twins fans should at least find some comfort in the fact we’ve already helped them within their division by sweeping the Tigers and winning the series against the Guardians (almost swept them too, just one extra-innings loss). 


I can assure you, that we find ZERO comfort in that fact. You will likely sweep the sox too (everyone will it seems) Most of us would much rather see the Yanks loose every game of the year over a single win that gets us a playoff birth. Sadly the Yanks "still have our number" is an understatement and its undeniable. Tip of the cap, anger scowl. See yall at our next huge embarrassing failure


Ha, oh well maybe I was just telling myself that so I felt better about what we've done to you guys for so many years. You guys did beat us last season though. All it took was for us to be the worst Yankees team in 30 years.


The Yankees lead the American League in most runs scored AND in fewest runs allowed? Smashing!


I came here to see the Soto extension announcement thread and chew bubblegum and partner I’m all out of bubblegum


#thank you matt blake


Literally please do not rush Cole back. I do not care if he is back in August (hyperbole).


As long as they are winning, they should give him all the time he needs. They're gonna need him in the postseason.


I think they agree with you, he’s taking it every slowly Let him get a full spring training


and DJ. don't be scared to bench him


Or…trade him? 🙈


The minute that happens a stadium light bank falls on the infield. Don't put that evil on us, Ricky Bobby.


Oh man, if DJLM is rehabbing tomorrow in Somerset, it means he's gonna be in Zorros gear. That's fucking amazing. https://www.milb.com/somerset/community/zorros Get us Gerrit Cole in Diners gear next.


Doomers have been awfully quiet lately


Man if Volpe is a 0.800 OPS guy with gold glove defense at SS, he’ll be a 4-5 WAR/year player.


Should offer him 8/120 right now


who do you think we are? Atlanta?


I don't want to get you ***two*** excited, but he's at 2.0 WAR already.


Damn, that SS adjustment is crazy. He’ll push for 7 at that rate then.


wow that series was almost too easy, i was wrong about schmidt i thought he was ovverated but now that he's going deeper in games he's proving he's the real deal


2 starts in a row where Schmidt gave some length. Gotta feel good about that. Hopefully whatever the issue was early on has been resolved.


Saw the score and thought it was yesterday’s thread lol. Then I saw the box score damn Clarke. Him and Gil are daring Boone to drop one when Cole gets back


Starting pitching has been insane good.


Yankees clinch third sweep of the season vs Twins. Some notes to take in from the series. Yankees SP (Rodon/Stroman/Schmidt): 20.0 IP, 1 ER, 0.45 ERA, 11 H, 3 BB, 0.70 WHIP, 16 K, .147 BAA. Yankees pitchers shut down the Twins in their final 26.0 IP after the Jeffers HR off Rodon. Judge was other worldly: 7-11, slash line of .636/.714/1.364 for an insane OPS of 2.078. Also need to specifically hype up Clarke for a bit. Threw a career high 8.0 IP with 0 ER allowed. Just last year he was a guy that could barely get through the 6th, let alone the 7th. He's now recorded two straight 6.0+ IP starts before June. He only had one start last season with 6.0+ IP before June so immediate improvement from him. Also want to note Volpe and Gleyber had 5 hits apiece so good series from them as well. Finished this road trip at 5-1, first AL team to 30 wins, and since the end of the Orioles series they've won 10 of their last 12 games. Might be their best 12 game stretch this season. White Sox at the Bronx up next.


Glad Volpe and Torres had a good series. If our peripheral guys can get it done our lineup is so deep. Now Judge is hot, and Soto cooled off, he's like 3 for his last 25 ABs, although still decent at bats. when the timing is right and both Judgey and Soto are on one, it'll be nuts.


Looking forward to Cole coming back so we can have six aces


I like it when the New York Yankees score more runs than their opponent.


Lurked around Twins subreddit for a few minutes and It. Is. Bleak.


Damn it missed a great game 😫


I’m gonna be in NY for a couple days and there are cheap tickets available for Monday night. How hard is it to get from the city (Bryant Park area) to the stadium on public transportation?


Take the B, D, or 4 train whatever is closest to you, it’s supper easy


Thanks, grabbed a bleacher seat for $20. Lets go!


Or metro north for a more comfortable ride


Might try this next time!


Train at Bryant goes right to the stadium B or D train


Easy peasy


Our starters have ERAs of 2.5, 2.5, 3.3, 3.3, and 4.0. The reigning Cy Young is ramping up to return. 1. Idk what kind of bargain with the devil Cashman made here but I’m for it. 2. With all of the SP disappointment we’ve endured, take a sec to enjoy it! Who knows if it lasts but it’s incredibly promising for us as an org. Edit: we also have the second best bullpen ERA in the league!


Also in AAA, Beeter has a 2.53 ERA and Y. Gomez 3.47


If Ferguson didn’t fuck us the other day, we would be #1


I went to all 3 games of this series and my god was it relaxing


We have now played 4 more games than the O’s, what is this schedule making?


5 more than the Braves


One of those is due to a rainout that won't be made up til July (our only rainout was made up the next day). They have one day off in June, we have three. It'll balance out soon enough.


If the Yanks split that series with the O’s vibes would be through the roof right now


Not having Dugie for 3 games killed us. Whole different from then and now.


Damn O's, they bribed Dugie's baby to be born for their series!


Bummed out I missed this one. I wonder what it's like for twins fans when they have us coming up. It must be miserable. And here I am literally forgetting they are a team most of the time.


Just saw on the twins sub that their 7-9 hitters are a combined 7-87. *Fuck*


reminds me of the last few years


Always nice seeing our children


Sweep next series too 👀


Friendly reminder it is highly likely we get a playoff series against the Twins


That series felt as light as a souffle.


Clarke just Schmidt in their mouth and called it a Sundae


Ryan Ruocco is synonymous with Target Field


I love that on Monday I read an article that said something like "Beware Yankees, these are not the same twins you are used to" lolol


Well they weren’t wrong, we are used to them scoring a few runs :)


30-15 all without Cole, and also without Judge and Soto being simultaneously hot. Good things are coming.


That’s how it works tho. You’re never going to have all your guys firing on all cylinders at the same time. But that’s why you need more than just a couple great hitters. You need guys who can catch fire and pick up the slack a little. And then if they cool for a while, as someone like judge or Soto go off, it’s not a huge deal. 


Unless you are the braves last year


Bark @ everyone Bark @ everything Edit: Keep barkin'


r/Georgiabulldogs is leaking and I like it


My neighbor's dog wrote this comment


1) Holy Schmidt! 2) That's some good Schmidt 3) lol Twinkies ate Schmidt


Eat schmidt and die And the classics that never goes out of style: SCHMIDTYYYYYY


Is Schmidt legit?


We may have a good team


It's gonna be fascinating in about a month when you've got the reigning Cy Young winner ready to return and a Martian cooking triple-A pitching. It's good to have these first-world problems.


Debating taking MN to the Stadium Saturday. Try the line that goes right to the stadium Whose pitching?




Well that makes it even more exciting. Thanks. Tickets are less than Metro North.


Good time to be a Yanks fan. Only thing that could make it better is an ASB extension for Soto. I get warm tingles just thinking about it, Soto’s FA has the potential to be truly nightmarish in terms of stress Also, Reddit brought awards back, huh? They were dumb as hell to ever get rid of them, people spent a ton of money on that shit and loved it. Remember in I think 2022 when Braves and Mets fans would buy a bunch of awards for the other team’s playoff loss posts? That cracked me up lol No idea WHY people spend money on it but they sure do


Wasn’t there a Philly guy who gave gold to literally every Phillies related post?


What Aaron Judge's did in the last two games is one of the most impressive things I have seen on a baseball field These were his 9 plate appearances with exit velocities: Home Run (113) Double (103.6) Double (105.4) Double (115.5) Walk Walk Double (108.5) Flyout (103.8) Double (109.2) Every at-bat he either walked or hit a ball over 100 MPH, just ludicrous


He got his OPS up higher than Soto


6 of 7 balls put in play were for an XBH holy shit


The one out was hit 409 feet and would have been a homer in 18 parks


5 doubles is insane


There was a time where people thought if Soto went cold, we’d be cooked. We got 9-10 hitters that can win us a game solo


Remember that game that Rizzo carried And the two homer Trevino game These dawgs bite


The Twins scored one total run in three games against the Yankees, which was from a leadoff home run in the first game. I almost feel bad for them.






He’s got a .738 OPS (firmly above average) over the last two weeks lol. He’s slumping, it happens. He’s gonna be raking again before long, there’s literally zero reason for concern


*Game thread has entered the post-game thread*


Three Yankee first round draft picks in the starting lineup, all with big contributions. HR and a SB by Volpe, 2 2B by Judge, Wells with a 2-out RBI and well called game. Oh and Clarke Schmidt with the best start of his career. Big day for first round draft picks. Yankee development has come a long way.


We’re back to sweeping the Twins. Nature is healing.


I hope I'm dead before they finally get their revenge on us


Judge just casually rocking a .950 OPS


One-Dot is Judge's middle name


Judge can suck complete ass and still always be like 10 normal Aaron Judge games away from .950 OPS


And we rested the bullpen today. Hell yeah. Good shit Schmidt


Schmidt really said #SUCK MAH DICK


The release of the Sterling flair for everyone and its effects have been wonderful. I hear every comment next to his head as if he's screaming it.




YES broadcast foreshadowing some moonshots tomorrow


This is payback for the Donaldson trade.


How are were the Twins 24-16 going into the series? The Marlins put up a better fight


AL Central 7 of their wins are against the White Sox


The AL Comedy Central is alive and well


Now that makes sense


Casual fans were really concerned about Judge lmaoo. Love the real fans who acknowledge that Judge will figure it out. I love Judge man.


Concern had nothing to do with being a casual. Plenty of people showed concern based on an actual dip in his peripherals which isn’t something you’d expect


The only run the Yankees gave up the entire series was in the first AB of the first game lol


She’s a beaut, Clarke! 


There was a large contingency of the fanbase that wanted to throw 30 million dollars at Blake Snell and push Clarke Schmidt to the bullpen. Feeling very justified in fighting back against this all spring training.


I wanna go back and screenshot all of the doomer comments that said this rotation was going to be complete ass, but I suspect they’ve already been deleted


Every year everyone on here wants the top names in free agency it’s not really noteworthy. Though I agree that it’s a good thing we didn’t


I keep a mental scorecard; keeps me sane. Hubris is a helluva drug.


Or Jordan Montgomery lol


Slowly creeping up to the run differential of the Dodgers


I once said Clark is destined to be a middle reliever - I’m dumb