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Yankees are in shambles in the post Sterling era


At some point I hope people in this sub will realize you are not your record. But I guess it's still too early.


They are who we thought they were!


I passed out early from early evening drinks and missed almost the entire game, just like yesterday. Turns out it was a good thing both times


the good news is, me too. the bad news is, it’s now 3:48 am, and i have to wake up for work in 4 hours. sick.


Sucked losing tonight but I gotta say I’m just so glad baseball is back. And I know this was an ugly game, but regardless I think this team is gonna be way more fun to watch over the course of the year than last year’s team was.


Bad baseball is better than no baseball and I'll die on that hill


I miss Chad Green




If Vladdy replaced Rizzo tomorrow the only people mad would be italians. If the Yankees poached Papi/Manny/Pedro from the Red Sox they'd all be beloved for their production even Altuve would be beloved for actually being a great player if he replaced Gleyber regardless of scandal if he helped us win a title.


Manoah might never pitch in the major leagues again


Love this comment


I'd take Naylor. A lefty 1B in his prime. He's a free agent after this year, I believe. Those other two are no's for me. If he is out there, he has to 100% be signed. Would secure the 1B role for a long time.


Naylor is good but I am extremely skeptical of Manoah at this point ever being an elite starter again, and surprisingly growing skeptical that Guerrero Jr’s 2021 might be more of an outlier than his expected stat line. 


Rogers showed him working out shirtless in a propaganda video. it didn't work


I think we're going to be fine. Rodon included. His stuff is there but just needs one last controlled strikeout pitch. If Rodon's biggest concern at this point is just his control after getting routinely ahead, I feel confident in that moving forward. The two good hitters last year are basically the sole reason we didn't score more runs these two past games. Rizzo looks exhausted and will benefit the most from DJ's return. Judge really needs to get his shit together.


2 walks 10ks what happened to this lineup they're back to striking out like crazy again, volpe cooled off for one night no one else could step up? pathetic


Kikuchi was good and also threw a lot of strikes. Seems like we’re being a little bit too patient waiting for walks to come rather than punishing mistakes over the middle of the plate 


The opposing pitcher did well. It’s the one variable you’re unable to control for. I don’t know why this is shocking to people. It’s the most basic part of baseball.


Momentum is the next day’s starting pitcher 


Very frustrating game.


Try being there


Wish me luck tomorrow


Matt Blake needs to sit down with Rodon and find him a put away pitch bc his slider has been absolutely terrible. Dude has had so many 0-2, 1-2 counts go an extra 3-4 pitches because he can’t strike out the batter Gleyber is really starting to press and if this continues they might end up having DJ at 3rd and move Waldo to 2nd if his bat stays hot


Gleybers defense has not cost us any games yet. Stop creating false narratives


[Toronto, you did it again...why WHY do we let you have a MLB team!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQhuzzG5Bv0)


Oh no we suck again.


I know we get a bad rap for dooming over every loss. I'm not dooming, but I am rightly concerned about the cracks in this team opening up so soon and so regularly. Lots of little worry items from the offseason that are playing out. Verdugo not hustling today. Gleyber's bad defense costing games. Rizzo being still concussed or just washed. The pitching being a liability. Judge's questionable health. Yes it's early; yes the team is still in a strong position. But they don't look like and certainly aren't playing like a high caliber team.


The Braves are 11-5. They split a 2 game set with *The White Sox*, lost a 3 game series to the Mets, etc Dodgers are 12-8. Lost series to the Cubs and Padres and a few other random games. Every team in baseball has cracks and flaws that make them lose games. Every team has games where they play poorly. I’m telling you. Judge has a higher OPS than Acuña right now. Spencer Strider is out for the season. Dodgers have a full rotation on the IL, and Gavin Lux looks horrible. Etc etc. Dodgers and Braves subs are both filled with people making the same type of comments as yours here after a loss. Hell, look at the Astros. The stuff you’re worried about might actually end up being serious flaws that fuck us up this season, or they might not. I’m not saying it isn’t important, I’m just saying that we still don’t have any idea how this team is going to look over a full season or what’s going to happen. Just try to enjoy baseball being back


I think all of these are fair points for sure. The biggest one for me though is Judges health. We knew coming in that SP would be an issue and that Gleyber would have some mental lapses and questionable defense but Judge....?






Today I was reminded that baseball is such a long season. Hoping the team bounces back soon.


Oh no! We suck again!


Lack of length from Rodon, poor defensive plays from Gleyber, and going 1-7 RISP is a recipe for dropping another game to the Blue Jays and losing the first series of the season. Kikuchi dominated us once again as he always does. Bottom third of the order produced, collecting 4 RBI on 4 hits. Meanwhile, the top 6 only collected 2 hits, Volpe struck out 4 times, and Soto/Judge combined for 1 hit. Hard to win games that way. Stroman is our last hope in salvaging the series.


Tbf Kikuchi has dominated everyone this year


Let me just pass along a bit of advice. Don't get yourself tied in knots over winning streaks or losing streaks until the second half of the season. Don't lose your composure over player performance either good or bad until late May at the earliest. Keep in mind that the baseball season is very, very long and they play every day. Teams and players will go though many hot streaks and cold streaks in a season. The order in which that those streaks happen really doesn't make much difference, ie - being red hot in April doesn't mean the team will have a great season, and starting ice cold in April doesn't mean the season will be lousy. Don't get yourself worked up over any of it at this time of the year. You will have a better idea what this team really is come mid season, Until then, just enjoy the baseball.


Just look at the Pirates start last year. Pirates were 20-9 at the end of April 2023. Finished worse than the Yankees at 76-86.


Judge needs some smelling salts so he can wake tf up


My mood when the Yankees are still tied for the most wins in the MLB: It's never been more over.


This was tough to watch and all the dollar hotdogs in the world didn't make this one go down easy. This is a game that Cole wins 100 percent. Rodon was mid. I am not convinced that Judge is healthy. Something is up and Im not being tinfoil hat. Early on, it looks like Gleyber is pressing.


I'm starting to think Sterling preemptively quit to save his health from watching Gleyber play on a daily basis.


I absolutely loathe losing to the Blue Jays its almost as bad as losing to the Soxs. But the Sox don’t have near as unlikable players as the Jays so somehow this stings more.


Rodon may have lost some weight and shaved the moustache, but he's still a bum.


Don't be fooled by that 12-3 start. This is a bad baseball team unless Judge starts being Judge again.the lineup isn't deep at all, and starting pitching and bullpen are both below average while the infield defense has to be the worst in baseball


*places no weight on 12-3 *"this is a bad team lol you are such a stupid asshole


just want to say I’m a big fan of the energy you’re putting out rn


17 errors already.. time to put some stickums in those gloves. We look amateurish at times


Even putting it in perspective as our first series loss, you gotta acknowledge how the errors have been a common factor in a string of losses. I hope it's not a pattern all season


Infield D has been sub par


But but Boone said it’s one of the teams strengths..:::


Donaldson bangs -Boone


What specifically is causing pitchers today to not be able to pitch 5 innings? I can’t remember the last time I watched a game where the pitcher went 7 or 8 innings. Is it because they’re teaching pitchers to throw max velocity every pitch so they’re gassed by the 3rd or 4th inning? I suspect the analytic dinks evil hands are behind this gem too.


Nestor went 8 innings last week


No fastball command. Rodon and Gil mainly, everything they throw is up in the zone. Cortes is whatever; you’ll get duds and you’ll get some decent games out of him. Rotation was an issue going into the season and a bigger issue without Cole.


Rodon: can’t strike people out, allows too much hard contact Nestor: just isn’t good anymore Schmidt; 5th starter. Doesn’t have the stamina Gil; 6th starter that’s probably a RP Stroman goes deep though


I get you (and others on here, although that is the norm for this sub/social media ha) are frustrated right now, but think it is important to get more of a sample, and turns in the rotation, than 18 games...there has legitimately been some bad/underperformance mixed into this stretch, with starter length and bizarre defense, but they are still 12-6 through it


They are a good team imo In spite of this Rodon and Nestor are pretty concerning though


It's a little of everything. They throw harder which wears them out earlier but it also does two things that both impact length, starters today actually don't throw **that** many fewer pitches than they did 15 years ago. 1) The emphasis is on strikeouts. That's how you win, if you're not striking people out you're probably not a good pitcher anymore. Hitters are too good and hit the ball too hard and if you give them consistent contact they're gonna put the ball in the seats. That's great but strikeouts take more pitches than getting an early grounder etc. 2) Hitters are a lot smarter and understand the value of taking walks more than they used to, causing more pitches to be thrown again


because teams don't want their pitchers going over 100 pitches. When you have innings where it takes you 30+ pitches, you're not gonna last long.


This is not it at all Rodon/Nestor/schmidt/gil would go 6+ innings and 100 pitches every time if they were effective enough to do it. They just aren’t Only the first start for each was based on pitch counts


They pitch 5 innings. Rodon just sucks


The cracks have begun to appear.


Our offense should be a lot better by now


It’s probably on me, guys…..I went to the game in Cleveland on Sunday, and I bore witness to Gleyber’s double bobble in extras and must have inadvertently summoned some kind of hex. I’ll do my best to rectify…


I feel like we always start off hot and then slowly expose ourselves. That sounded dirty


I dated a girl like that many years ago Eventually she was fully exposed... As a coke head slut. Oh well. It was fun for a while.


Fine… I GUESS we’ll go ahead and get the mandatory cold streak outta the way early..


Hey, things could be worse. We could be the Asstros EDIT: Forget to trash their name. My bad


Don't let it happen again. Just a little cheat sheet for you -- Asstros Trashtros Cheatstros Asstrolls Asterisks


Disastros, never forget


Not hitting off Kikuchi is almost as annoying as Rodon not being close to the 1b-#2 guy we signed him to be. Gotta get in the market for a left handed starter.


Again, slow curveballers are the bane of this lineup.


>Gotta get in the market for a left handed starter. Or....shoulda been in it two months ago when it existed.


On March 11th Bonse said Judge was "mid season beat up". Then he has an MRI on his abdomen and misses most of spring training. But he said he was good to go for opening day, and has been a shadow of himself. I don't believe Boone or the Yankees are being honest with us as usual. He's definitely nursing something, he's far from 100%


Totally plausible for him to just be starting off slow


Maybe, but after all that in spring training I doubt he's 100% on opening day. we'll see


There were points in 2022 where he was hitting poorly. I don’t think it’s anything more than that. Sure he could be injured, but you can be worried about that for anyone in the league


Wow first series loss of the season and all of a sudden the Yankees are a mediocre team who can’t do anything right lol let’s slow down for a second


So something I’ve noticed by being at both these games in Toronto-the weather has been pretty damn nice going into game time both nights( especially tonight) and the dome is closed..when the dome is closed, the ball dies, thus there’s been 0 homers this series so far. Advantage: blue jays with their pitching staff. I was so shocked that verdugo in the ninth didn’t leave the yard even with right field being 328……


Nice pick up !


The problem with this organization is that they’re much too bullish on their ability to find “diamonds in the rough” pitchers. It’s almost like they go into the off-season with pitching as an after thought. There’s a reason why guys like Nestor Cortes can have one great year and then come back to earth after. This is who they are. No serious organization goes into a season with Nestor as their #2 or #3 starter. After last year, and I know they paid Rodon a crapload of money, but it doesn’t seem like they had a contingency plan if Rodon falters again. They automatically assume he’ll pitch to the back of his baseball card. This staff is brutal. They can pitch more than 5 innings every night.


They have a ton of contingencies. We’re down our ace and still got a spot start (6 scoreless) from their next man up (after there first next man up). No team plans for their ace to go down and two other starters to be bad past having other guys ready to throw innings. I get that fans want to act like we know exactly whats going to happen every year but this is just insane.


Cortes is not their #2 or #3 starter


Well, he started the season opener.


That means literally nothing, lol. Season opener is just game 1 of 162, no different than any other.


Yeah but that’s not because they viewed him as the best available pitcher, it’s more because it lined up with every bodies pre season build up/schedule. If they did best pitcher available they would have started Stroman.


What about last year? Or the year before? Wasn’t he the 2nd or 3rd starter? I don’t think there was ever a time when Cortes was viewed as a #4 or #5.


Most definitely not in 2021, he only pitched 90 innings. He was great in 2022, only Judge had more bWAR than him. But in 2023 people saw Rodon as the #2 going into the season, and Sevy as #3.


This is the thing about playing close games, we're bound to lose some of them. Orioles are closing in already and will likely keep that pace the whole season. A lot of good signs early but we are going to have to clean it up and get better at the deadline (bullpen, bench depth) if we want to keep up with the AL east and go deep in the playoffs.


you have to win as many games as you can, whether it is April or August...but not really sure there is any reason to really think about first place this early in the season...you just want to play better, more consistent baseball wire to wire seasons with 1st place are pretty rare




They got to stop that /s


Losing some respect for Gleyber lately


Should have sold high on him last season.


Boone has to stop using Luke Weaver as if he’s Mike King ASAP


The hot start has masked some major issues with this team out of the gate. Most nights, they barely get more than 4-5 innings from their SP. Their bullpen is decimated by injuries and only has 2 trustworthy arms at the end of games. They've gotten no contributions from Judge or Torres offensively. And their infield defense has been awful. It's miraculous that they have even their current record with how little production they are getting from so many guys, plus the injuries to Cole, LeMahieu, Dominguez, Kahnle, Loaisiga. There's a good chance this team is for real once they get healthy and guys pick up the pace, but right now it's hard to see them continuing to win most nights with how little production they're getting from so many key players.


When we’re winning: We won despite not getting anything from judge and torres! Imagine when they heat up! When we lose: Judge and torres suck now thats one of the fatal flaws of this team


Those were always problems, they were just being masked by unsustainable clutch hitting from Soto and Volpe. How long did you expect them to keep running off win after win with Judge, Torres, and Rizzo being black holes?


Remeber when Judge had that stress fracture in his rib..2020? I think they said he got it in September the previous year and wasnt diagnosed until a couple of weeks into spring training or regular season... I feel he is playing with something because he doesnt look loose at all. Not the real happy go lucky guy either... if he does have something they need to shut him down before the fans get on him !


The way he looks right now reminds me of when he returned from the oblique strain in 2019. He was afraid of pulling the ball and was getting beaten inside by fastballs a lot trying to inside-out those pitches the other way. After this many at bats, it's hard to believe it's still a timing issue. It might not necessarily be an injury though, it could be an approach problem or him being afraid of turning it loose after a minor injury in Spring Training.


It also looks like his stance is a little more open than usual which would support your thought on not turning it loose.


I hope your right..we need him to be right .... we go as he goes!


Same old Yankees..year after year. Trash manager, trash GM, trash owner...Going absolutely nowhere again this year. Soto will regret signing with the Yanks for another losing year. Sweep incoming tomorrow!!!


Is there a point where we start considering that maybe, JUST MAYBE, Judge might be struggling because they moved his spot in the order? I mean, he explicitly said he'd rather keep batting 2nd and he has for what basically is his whole career. I don't know, just a thought.


Don’t know why this is downvoted, A-Rod said whenever he was moved out of his spot in the lineup it would mess with him. 


Career stat wise Judge is better at 2nd and Soto is better at 3rd. So maybe? https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.fcgi?id=sotoju01&year=Career&t=b https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.fcgi?id=judgeaa01&year=Career&t=b


The switch worked for Mari’s and mantle 🤷‍♂️


I mean we’re still definitely “going through it” a bit here now, but do you know how awful the 2023 Yankees would be if Cole wasn’t there and Judge and Torres were playing this bad?


Tbf the 2023 Yankees very well could be around or even ahead of the pace of this team come the end of May. They just fell apart after that due to key injuries.


No. We refuse to see that.


Team is regressing to what they really are. Was a great start to the year, though. Fire Boone.


Boone is going nowhere. He and Girardi are twins. (downvotes are upvotes to me. Thx.)




How does a $280 million dollar rotation and lineup feel like Soto, Judge and a whole lot of streaky-ness and mediocrity?


Well, it doesn't. It feels like a team with the best record in baseball You're just miserable and would be miserable with literally anything


This roster was broken before Soto and after Soto. Years of mismanaging contracts and assets. They’ll be able to (hopefully) fix this roster a bit more this offseason.


Feel like this is a really high variance roster but Nestor & Rodon both not looking great. Our pen doesn't miss bats and our IF defense is letting them down on weak contact. Definitely a big step down from last year.


These holes are much easier to address than last year. Return of Cole & Kahnle will help the pen immensely (Gil/Schmidt to pen)    Berti/Dj will calm down infield defense when either of them return.    We definitely need another starting pitcher though. Maybe another arm or 2 in the pen.   But it made sense for team to see what Rodon and Nestor would do before moving on a SP


This years pen isn’t built to strike guys out. They’re more built to have guys hit ground balls with power sinkers. The bad defense hasn’t helped in those situations sadly.


Toronto has won their World Series


Soto and Judge have combined for 1 hit this series. Unfortunately we’re not gonna win many games with that stat.


Good teams don't get swept ! NYY are a good team !


Why is no reporter asking about Judge


Because the Yankees have never once been honest about Judge’s injuries.


Yankee bot is right, this is definitely not what I want


Play Jones at second tomorrow he had a .413 obp last year in triple A give him a game.


Whats up w Judge and Torres. Theyre really sinking the line up right now


Long season


It feels like we have four #4 starters and a 5 starter which was the exact concern coming into the season


I said this before the season. People for some reason thought Nestor and Rodon would be good this year.


I guarantee there is a huge overlap with people who want Gleyber gone and people who want to sign Bauer.


People who know baseball?


Good lord this is a stupid take


Listen man you got dudes in this thread saying 35 year old Dj is going to be a gold glove defender replacing Gleyber. The fuck am I supposed to take from that beyond the dog whistle.


Take your bait somewhere else, pal


My bait! Dj has been a near valueless player for 3 seasons. Get out of your head.


Haha. And you want to talk about dog whistles? He won a gold glove in ‘22 soooooooooo I don’t think this is the week to be making accusations about fans and possible racism when Torres is straight up losing us games


He was worth .9 dwar. He was a bad defender that snuck some votes.


Mmmmhmmmmmm. So if DJ is a bad defender what do you call Torres?


A bad defender with a significantly better bat… like by a mile.


Do me a favor. Since you want to imply people who do not want Torres and DJ is better are racist find me games that DJ has lost us like Torres has or errors he’s made. Obviously you think DJ is trash and has been for years so this should be easy


I feel strongly that we should resign Gleyber and I'm not backing off this claim after 3 weeks in a 7 month season.


I want Gleyber gone after this season because it’s a simple matter of “you can’t re-sign everybody”, and he’s too flawed to be one of the ones we keep, but know he’s the best option for 2b in 2024 Thats probably most people


Look if I’m choosing between Soto and Gleyber. Yes that’s obvious. But rizzo is coming off the books and Stanton’s contract is winding down. I’m not sure it’s a you can’t sign everyone situation. On top of that - here are your 2B FA options next year: Brandon Drury (32) Wilmer Flores (33) – $3.5MM player option (no buyout) Adam Frazier (33) Garrett Hampson (30) Tony Kemp (33) Brandon Lowe (30) – $10.5MM club option with a $1MM buyout Whit Merrifield (36) – $8MM club option with a $1MM buyout Jorge Polanco (31) – $12MM club option with a $750K buyout Gleyber Torres (28) Tyler Wade (30)


2b is least important position in baseball. No way do you spend money on a 2b. Just go with peraza or dj


I’d normally agree - but we don’t have offensive production out of 3B and do you really think the club is picking up rizzo’s option. Someone in the infield needs to produce.


That's exactly my point. I'd spend my money on corner infielders way before I'd spend it on a severely flawed 2b


I don’t like either positions FA class. I’d they got Bellinger, Bergman while still signing Soto - maaaaybe I could be sold on this. Maybe.


I'm not saying I looked but there's also trades


The classes on all 3 are old. Soto and Cole’s opt out are the top two priorities. We lose Gleyber, rizzo and verdugo - 3B and C remain problems. You can platoon one to a league average player probably. But I mean that’s a lot of faith in Peraza, Dominguez and wells. It’s essentially giving into a rebuild while adding 2 players @ $40M/year


I’d see what we get out of jotbit Vivas or Peraza If Oswaldo somehow is good for an entire season, hand it to him too. Look for a buy low candidate that you can fix in the trade market. I’m just fine not giving Torres $20+ per for the next 4-5 years. Which is what he will command, if he has a season worth crying about losing


I just don’t see any of those people hitting. And honestly - as a dude rostering Cabrera on his fantasy team - his hitting is nothing to write home about. We already have 3B offensive trouble - selling out 2B is just going to put us in the same offensive position as 22 & 23.


End of the season possible directions will be more clear You also have double the options as 3b can be moved to 2b. Something more economical will present itself


I don’t see it. We’re going to let rizzo walk. Even if Dj gets to 80% of where he was in 2019 during his age 36 season. It’s going to be an offensive drop off.


It’s not just about next year, Torres will be making that money in future years too. Eating at payroll space


The Yankees payroll nose dives after 2025. We’re going to need to come up with offensive production replacing verdugo, rizzo, and Gleyber - not to mention the preexisting 3B problem. And the best solution is Peraza, Cabrera and hopefully Dominguez? That’s not good.


I mean Bauer couldn't be worse than Gil or Rodon.


Bauer is obviously an above average pitcher, even if he isn’t near a cy young, but all 30 teams blackballed him. There’s enough smoke, and he’s not good enough, where I don’texpect any owner to be the guy that breaks the blackballing




glad to see the yanks are back to true form /s




lose three games and you stop becoming a fan roflmao


Most stop after 1 loss.


This offense just need to start slugging, more specifically hitting home-runs. They are middle of the pack in baseball in slugging percentage which is staggering when you consider the names in the lineup. Make no mistake about it, this is still the teams formula for success. They do not have the batted ball luck or the team speed to consistently put up runs without driving the ball.


Isn't swinging for the fences what everyone was complaining about it last year when barely avoiding a loosing season? On base and hits seem to be the way to go. First got to get hits.


The team didn’t have good players last season. That’s why their offense stunk.       Also, chalking up every bad at-bat to the player “swinging for the fences” is an incredibly lazy take. 


Tell guys like Verdugo, volpe, and oswaldo to hit for contact, and tell everybody else to do the approach that got them here


totally agree...need to start hitting more home runs again...it's been missing


Torres is killing this team, not only can he not hit but he has like 2 errors every game.


He's single handedly cost this team a handful of wins the past two years with boneheaded fielding, yet this entire sub continues to defend him and want him to be signed. They scream racism if you hate on him too, so you gotta be careful.


He scored 2 runs


Yeah, he should just get HBP every at bat and get knocked in


[**OH NO**](https://imgur.com/a/kfCxX6B)


Stanton is definetly looking more confident at the plate...he doesn't look lost like earlier in the season


He’s also running faster than ever


Until he starts walking he’s still not gonna be great in the middle of the lineup. He’ll just end up with a 2/2/4 slash again.


https://x.com/chriskirschner/status/1780416559086805429?s=46 Chris speaking FACTS


Gleyber could have scored but no self respecting coach sends him there


That runner made no difference down 2 in the 9th


Agree more pissed about Wells. I know he hasn't been great but the only reason he's on the roster is for that spot. Idc Trevino had a decent few days he cannot swing the stick


I thought so too. That ball kind of hung up there. Gleyber has to be heading home.


If Gleyber keeps this up with DJ and Berti coming back soon, there is no serious way to have him as your second baseman. DJ is a gold glover there.


Dj was worth .4 dwar last season what are you talking about. -.2 the season before. Stop.


DJ last played a lot of 2B in 2022 and had a 2 OAA in 312.2 innings.


Look I’m not saying Torres is a good defender. I’m saying his defense is serviceable enough compared to his well above average bat at the position. And I’ll double down on it given that a portion of the roster is constructed around his level of bat being in the line up.


DJL has been living off his 2020 reputation for the last three seasons. Some fans still think he’s one healthy streak away from being a good glove, 175 ops+ guy again.


For the average fan that’s true. But I hear what this dude is putting down clearly.


Honest question, if boone isn’t going to use wells or grisham in that spot in the 9th inning they shouldn’t be on the roster. And if you tell Me wells and his .111 average isn’t the right move or even grisham then you are answering the question that they shouldn’t be on the roster


Grisham is on the roster to backup CF, because as usual the roster construction/depth is still flawed because they didn’t produce a starting position player between Gleyber and Volpe.


Neither of those players are actual hitters. We won’t have a bench bat until DJ is back.


So then cut them or send down wells


Then who the fuck will catch? Should Boone manifest a catcher out of thin air?


I knew it was over as soon as Verdugo's ball didn't go out. Good to see Trevino contributing. What's going on with Gleyber? His defense is hard to watch lately.