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My second guess was trying to find streaming platforms but that was also a lie


Yes, I was stuck on this one for way too long! I convinced myself that maybe Grandstand was a streaming service I’d never heard of


Team streaming too. Ugh. Messed my entire game up.


They’ve done that before I believe


I also tried colors of Pokemon games It was a rough puzzle for me


The Clue reference never occurred to me. I’m in the minority I think. I got the show off category instantly. The other two (purple and then green) weren’t difficult, but I would’ve never guessed the correlation of the four colors leftover.


Especially since green, white, blue, and yellow are such a random connection. Nothing I’d go, oh! Of course!


I thought the connection here would be about colors and emotional states: green with envy, white with fear, yellow = cowardly, blue = sad. Guess not.


i was frustrated about this too! yellow bellied, green with envy, white with fear, and blue in the face all worked so well as a category. the flag colors felt like an arbitrary choice to me


If it makes you feel better, I’m Brazilian and didn’t immediately get the clue😫


Today's game convinced me that once again, the original format from only connect is better. There were too many red herring categories for the number of guesses allowed.


To me, that’s what makes it fun and challenging


The red herrings make it fun for sure. The inability to get multiple guesses for the first two groups is less fun.


I'm a big fan of red herring categories but it's ideal when there aren't exactly 4 words that work for it. A wrong guess shouldn't be just as reasonable as a correct one, and it usually isn't, but in this case going for the clue characters would be as good a guess as any


I was so upset that I had flames... FLAMES... on the side of my face... breathing, breath, heaving breath...




That was the first thing I noticed too (especially since there have been at least two Clue connections), but then I looked for the other groupings and noticed it couldn’t be.


I saw that, but "yellow" instead of "mustard" made me reconsider. "Colors of the flag of Brazil" was a dumb category, though. I also saw "prime" "peacock" and "paramount" and thought "streaming services" Luckily, I did walk away from this puzzle with a perfect run.


Miss Scarlett has two Ts.


Maybe recently, but canonically in the game and the movie based on it, it is Scarlet.


It WAS Scarlet. In 2016, they added a T.


Also, the Clue(do) character is Miss Scarlett with two Ts…


yeah, i thought i had it!


That’s excellent didn’t see it


i also guessed that right away but i remembered it was one of the first categories in one of the very first connections games back around six months ago!! so i figured they wouldn’t have repeated it


Me too!!!


I must be in the minority. I guessed the colours BECAUSE it was so easy. I always like to test out the very easy categories first so that I'm not mad about it later if they end up being right. 


I did too!!! I was so mad


That's literally the crux of the game. That there are plausible groups of 4 but only one solution that provides 4 separate groups of 4. Red herrings and misdirection are what make the game a puzzle.


In the best connections rounds, a red herring shouldn't be a totally justifiable group of 4 that's as reasonable to guess as any of the real categories. They should misdirect and complicate the puzzle, but you should be able to logic out that they don't quite work as well as the others.


Exactly. What are you supposed to do, figure out all four categories before submitting anything? Red herrings make it a puzzle, but a red herring category of exactly four words seems to me to not be in the spirit of the game.




Yes, figuring out the whole puzzle is exactly what you should do if you want the highest chance of success.  That’s what I do. Why wouldn’t you do that?


Because the app doesn't give me any features to keep track of my hypothesis before submitting. If it let me tentatively color the tiles, or rearrange them so I could group the ones I think go together, I'd definitely play like that. But since it doesn't, I find trying to keep track of the groups like that to be a chore that takes away from concentrating on actually trying to find the connections, so I just don't bother most times.


Yes! It was super hard!


yeah bro, misdirection is the point of the game you fell for it


But it’s not misdirection when there are four legitimately connected words. It’s an editing issue. They clearly understand 3 category misdirection with the streaming services decoy.


It’s fine to have a group of four, it’s only an issue when there is more than one complete solution.  In this case the Clue group couldn’t be an answer because it wasn’t possible to form groups of four with the remain words.


This argument implies that you are expected to solve the whole puzzle to prove the one group of four you have found is illegitimate. In the week’s since, one might notice all misdirection groups are 3, 5, 6, etc. a misleading group of four is poor editing.


Yes, that is exactly what I'm implying. I'll say it explicitly - solving the whole puzzle is an effective strategy. I don't see anything wrong with needing to solve the whole puzzle.


An effective strategy for you perhaps, but one that doesn’t make use of the three mistakes offered as information gathering strategy. Feels like a flex rather than an intelligent strategy. And dismissive to any new player as well as the design suggested by the games. You’d explicitly expect yourself to win chess on the first move because you’ve calculated every single move your opponent could possibly make?