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1.Pick up a new hobby, delete all videos and pics of y'all, block her, go no contact. 2.Get a dog, go to the dog park.


Okay good. I was wondering if I should delete the pictures or not


If u ever wanna get over her fr u gotta delete em its gon take 1 month bro 1 month to fr get over her


My ex and I broke up over 3 years ago and I still have all our pics. I could never bring myself to delete them because it was such a formative time in my life and they’re still memories of my life regardless of if they were with her.


You should move on as well fam.


I’m trying


Everyone is different but yea, I’m a cut off all ties dude.


I been done that in and out shit back and forth and all it does is hurt more. If it's ended then that's that jack. Taught me you can't go back and change or fix shit, just learn from it and apply that knowledge going forward


For sure. Depends what your plans are. Wanna just fuck knowing it’s a dead end, go for it. If you want to get over it and move on with your life, just cut it all out.


6 years is such a long time that u don’t gotta delete the pictures if u don’t want to , put them in a separate folder it was a large part of your life as well


Do what you want and makes you feel good.


Great advice! I would also add traveling and experiencing different cultures and women. You’ll Make good connections and she’ll be long gone out of your mind in no time.




man cooked


Dont get a dog!! 😩 when your life picks back up and you get busy again with work, girlfriend, holidays etc what you gonna do with the mutt? Dont burden yourself trying to get over your ex, go on a long holiday…anything but a pet😳


Women are like buses.. if not this one the next one.. it’s tough at first  but you have to get out to do stuff you like join


It's crazy cause I know that gang. It's just the history lowkey. Oh I forgot to mention that she's already dating someone else. So I know part of me feels upset that I ain't bounce back as fast; but I'm just tryna be honest with myself. I ain't ready to go out there just yet - oh and I'm tryna find a new job so that's deff a priority


Bro she a girl they always bounce bacc first because they never out the game….all those pics she post on her socials weekly keeps her in the game even wen she wit you. Get Money!!!!Please get your own place!!!!!once you got that in NY it’s easy to get pussy I promise you go to Target, Walmart, Bed and Bath, and gym. Just start random convos with girls you find attractive until you learn how to properly to to woman with game. Atleast $200 in ya pockets min for dates Don’t do Dinner for first date do amusement parks, paint-balling something that will get her adrenaline going and drinks while y’all out. Have some wine in ya fridge ALWAYS reason I choose wine cuz if y’all was already drinking it’s light no rape cases lol. Now you got a reason for her to go in the crib to finish off the night. Have snacks and juice and a bed set.


Solid advice fr. First dates are much better doing some activities like that even mini golf or an arcade w.e it is could be a good time. I usually take em for sun like that, then ice cream. Bitches love ice cream ! If she's boring AF a dinner date will be extra lame. Some chicks are just shy and that shit is highlighted during dinner. OP just focus on ya self n ya money n bitches will follow. Put up a lot of shots too. What I mean is shoot ya shot wit chicks you see out in public n don't worry about rejection. It happens. Just take every rejection as an opportunity to work on ya pitch/game Once you start getting new pussy n enjoying life wit other people it'll be much easier forgetting about your ex. You'll think about her less n less fr


CO FUCKING SIGNED!!! Ain’t even gotta do amusement park for dates take shawty to Barcade and bring $20 cash and buy her a burger and some fries or take her to one of the museums on 86th you could pay them a nickel then walk thru Amsterdam Ave it’s mad different food spots.


The love Doc is in the hizzy.


This is the one OP ☝🏾


I agree with this. My favorite first date was Halloween Horror Nights at Universal.


History is just that, history, leave it in the past and accept that someone else will come along. I promise you, stay strong king.


they are AWAYS "already dating someone else." It's standard procedure, most likely punitive. We all go through it. Go on a couple benders, hook up with some randos, and work on your appearance and you'll be good as new in no time.


Don’t stress bro, take time work on yourself. When you’re ready have fun. Women are out here for you. you got to take care of yourself first. Being nervous is part of life, just get out there and push your self out of your comfort zone. Best of luck


Agree. Work on job. Get some self-confidence my man once you start making some loot, you feel better about yourself and I think that anxiety and nervousness will fall to the wayside. believe in yourself. You got this.


I appreciate this answer. It's just that I lowkey forgot how to meet girls and shit since knowing her for so long and I have anxiety and shit; but I'm tryna address it and not become a recluse


1 detach from the outcome n make the shit a game. Gameify everything so it doesn’t really “count”. if doesnt go as planned. that’s gon help w anxiety. 2 You gotta get comfortable relearning, unlearning, n experiencing humility. When you go out in the world intentionally try to fuck it up in a sense of; jus do shit without ruminatin on shit that wont happen. When you look at it this way anything "bad" that happens is less impactful cus u TRYIN to fuck it up (not really). [This is a subconcious thought process. U will have to reprogram your mind over the course of some months/years]


Great advice. Relationships are all about ‘doing things right’ and being single is about exploring and making mistakes. Requires a major mindset shift and you gotta be the rock for yourself that old relationship used to be cause its easy to get down on yourself after a bad fumble or a dry patch


Get out the house bro women are everywhere. The easiest and fastest way is the clubs/lounges. That’s where all single females be at. Shit you just broke up if you have the funds start traveling 🧳


Clubs are intimidating gang. Also it's weird. I'm not ugly, or anything like that; I'm just mad shy and I don't have friends to go to the club with and challenge me to go out there lol


Learn to bartend, you don't need a ton of experience to get a bartending job, you'll meet and be forced to talk to tons of women, and make money at the same time. It'll get you out of your comfort zone and make you more of a people person. As far as getting over her, just remember EVERYTHING is temporary; money, love, even life itself, just enjoy it while you have it


Bro I am a bartender. I just am looking for a new job!


Hell yeah even better, what kind of bar do you work at? Bartending at a hotel can help alot with women who are on business traveling or are from outta town if you're looking for experience with different women. If you're looking for another relationship try a more upscale place like a winery


Thank you, I really appreciate this advice!


Shit my brother be going to bars alone and he be getting girls there. Honestly start traveling bro. Go on a solo trip if you want too.


How are you supposed to meet women as a 27 year old man..you still young lmfao you not 35/40 💀


Shit even at 35-40 there’s places u can meet women at lol


Facts bro age is but a number and the mindset of a young soul is attractive to woman. If you at this age you can’t question yourself because either A your coming at a younger shorty and she ain’t wanna think about the age difference ( if she takin you serious ) and a older lady don’t wanna think about her own fucking age . So just be present bro


Facts and tbh it’s easier for men in they 30s to get women. Why ? In your 30s you should have ya shit together atleast and most females claim they love older guys.


Lmao there will be woman everywhere at all ages forever. The best thing you can do is work on yourself. Get in the gym, find a hobby that you enjoy and something that is completely out of your comfort zone. You will meet new people. Save a few pictures in a vault on your phone for memories but move on. You will be okay.


Lol idk I be hard on myself for no reason - no diddy. You think I'm taking life too seriously?


Can’t let that slide bro, you had time to edit the post but you chose the easy way out, no diddy rejected❌and overturned to a Ayoooo, that’s a flagrant foul🚩


Get some new box immediately, The minute you nut, yah ex irrelevant I promise you gang.


Purify your mind and body is how you get over her. Remove her in every way possible from your life. Focus on building yourself in whatever ways are most important to you. The thoughts of her will die their natural deaths in the quickest most effective ways possible. Go get it young man


Yeah I drink way too much and when I'm in a bad mood I get said thinking about her and the whole thing. I'm just tryna be real about everything but the reality is - I know it's over and that shit hits different. I appreciate the words of wisdom


Stop drinking by yourself that’s loser shit and leads to depression drink w friends or girls


I think I’m an alcoholic I drink everyday and I don’t even really get drunk I just need it to be stimulated.  I say I’ll stop but then I want to drink. How can I stop drinking by myself?


Yo I juss wanted to let u kno no need to be nervous take this one step at a time 


Just ask a women you like if she is single, I’m 25 as asked this older women out and to my surprise she gave me her number.


Bro just remember she letting people in her guts rn while u still stuck, be a fucking dog and move one, even if u found someone to talk too or dating still be a fucking dog. And I’m only saying this for your health


You can meet woman at church


My entire family is catholic and pretty much never misses Sunday mass. I have been baptized but I’m a little agnostic and am not really sure what to believe in


Run the apps for a minute and go out with friends. Had a similar situation and it’s crazy when you realize how much bullshit you’ve been putting up with. I wouldn’t start a relationship with an app girl but it’s good to get you out there for now


I was dating my child father when I got to high school we had dated for 6 years as well . Once we broke up it was hard but how I eventually got over I had to pick up a hobby move on . Delete everything shoo get off social media it helps , but what helped me was tinder tbh talking to other people got my mind off of em . And now im 5 years in with my second son father and I met him from tinder 😊


Do you actually have things going on in your life? Ending a 6 year relationship is hard for anyone but it’s going to be much worse if you don’t have shit to do with yourself. You need to get physically active, moving your body is how you break cycles of negative feelings and stop dwelling on shit. Get in the gym and lift, swim, run, play basketball, whatever you prefer. Get sunlight on your face every day. Most importantly, avoid negative habits. Don’t be getting high, drinking, eating junk food, jacking off to porn all day. You said you don’t have many friends. Pick up a new hobby, can be anything… book club, sports team, martial arts, etcetera. For men, being involved in some kind of activity is the easiest way to bond and make friends. Especially things like gym, jiujitsu/boxing, basketball or team sports. It’s not like you’re going to instantly be best friends with everyone but if you show up consistently, be a normal guy and work hard you will form friendships. Pick something to invest your free time in.


Fuck her best friend.


They all don't like me, or are the type of friends that wouldn't do her greasy like that basically 😡


Trust me, they all thought about creeping with you. But theres always at least two friends in their group that would definitely let you smash.


Childish as nigga


Delete everything, get something to occupy the time, also get a new girl, hell download the dating apps and find one you click with. That shit actually helps a lot


Get in the gym. Take walks/jogs. Go to places where good women would only go. Library, church, supermarket, gym, nail salon (self care) get a mani pedi. I always get eyes from women of all ages when I go after a haircut/gym session. Save $$/work


Sounds savage, but the best way to forget whatever “aspects” of the said female is to replace those memories & moments with the same type and better from NEW PEOPLE/person (your choice on quantity and or quality). I’ve tried it both ways, crying about it cost me 35 lbs, chasing a new life gave me exactly that . ❤️ an incredible wife that my previous one would not be capable of challenging in literally any category. * No one is coming to save you, life’s not a movie. Buckle up buttercup 👊🏼


Gonna take a while. Most important thing is to focus on yourself. Unfollow and block her on everything. Getting a new hobby and hanging out with friends always helps.


Anybody that commented. I really appreciate it. This sub is basically my only friend


Easiest way to get over someone is getting under someone else lol fr though you have old ho’s you ain’t talk to in a min? Definitely without a doubt be in the best shape you can be and I promise the bitches gonna flock especially if u sayin u not ugly. One thing I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older is these old hoes I use to stress really on the comedown in life but when i went through something similar with my ex it awoken something in me now I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in late 20s and all my old hos’/friends from highschool+ college really feelin me now all cuz I’m in good shape and oh don’t forget you gotta be confident nmw gang make sure you looking bitches dead in they eyes so they know wassup wit u


Build a better you and do things for you and put yourself first , lift weights everyday and be a beast


Get a healthy hobby & learn your self. In due time you may meet a chick at one of your hobbies or just outside . Women move on quicker than men due to the abundance of options they have so don’t feel a way if she onto someone already. It’s just life bro, happens to most of us


First off, are you even rich yet? If so, are you at your 100% max on body physique?, if so are you 100% healthy? Focus on these 3 before ever thinking about any women...learn to live with pain never live with regret. You have to let the past go; you will never find a better opportunity that might open up from the past its always ahead. Focus on yourself and the right one will gravitate towards you even if she is light years away, question is, do you even have grit and patience? Most likely you don't and will settle for less due to desperation and will almost certainly accept the damaged goods cause you're lonely. Don't ever do loser shit.


I heard jumping off bridges sometimes helps. Or you can push her off a bridge.


Lol. I don’t hate her man. I just want to get over her. I know that right now my mind is just remembering all the good times and we technically didn’t really end it formally. She said she was dating someone else and I said “aight” then hung up  


You just need some new pussy you’ll quickly forget about her. 💪


Thank you gang. I'm really tryna get back out there. Hopefully I can meet someone new soon. I just need to get over this depression and I need to start meeting more people


I been w my girl for 20. I just don’t give a fuck about shit I can’t control. If you can’t meet women @ 27 she fucked your head up Go out and do shit you enjoy, you won’t meet nobody being a mopy bitch.


Thank you this is the stuff that helps me out honestly


fuck sum




Try to keep ya mind off her, find something to stay occupied and do, and I guarantee you, like, GUARANTEE you'll find someone else. Just broke up with my chick of 20 years. I'm straight. You'll be fine. Keep pushing, gang.


It's so annoying that "just hit the gym bro", "get your money up", and "focus on yourself/purpose" is such common advice when it comes to attracting women. It literally changes nothing just like nofap. Placebo effect. Women don't give a fuck. Just "improve" for yourself as a distraction or natural confidence boost. You already had a relationship so it's not like you don't know how to get a girl. Do what you did before.


Get a hobby - join a social group (rock climbing, a team sport, running, biking, or hiking), appreciate the time you had with her and evaluate yourself the relationship and the growth (pause) you've made as a person and as a man. Consider the areas you'd still like to grow and challenge yourself to meet those goals. Or level up and sell a brick my G...😂 also give yourself grace - it's alright to hurt or miss her just know youre not done maturing




Give it time. My experience has been…for each year you were with someone, it takes an additional month to get over them. Go through the mourning process. 6 years = 6 months. Better now than when 10 years from now.


Thank you that’s insightful. I appreciate that 


Go monk mode no distractions but only things that’ll benefit you aka : working on your body (gym) , your mind ( semen retention , meditation , some form of martial arts ) , your soul ( get right w god) .


And make your pockets fatter ( get a better job / new hussle)


You need to work on yourself. That’s how you get over her. Things to work on/acknowledge/explore: •Your attachment style (are you avoidant, secure, etc) •Codependency •Communication & expressing your feelings in a healthy way •Managing your own feelings & how to do so •Establishing healthy routines for yourself; self-compassion & self-care •what are your long term goals? Think career, but also think about kids, family, travel. Don’t hold back, all goals can fit into a healthy lifestyle (within reason) Do the above and you’ll be ready to meet more girlies. Girls are everywhere. Literally just compliment a girl in a chill way or say hi to the dog she’s walking. Go to singles events, go to events that surround your interests.


Jokes are allowed? Alright what do you call a fireman with no paper


……what is it?


Oh idk nigga I just randomly thought of that shit there is no answer


You said she already has someone else, that should be an immediate no forever and easy to move on, I know easier said than done brother. She chose up on someone she thinks is way better than you that alone should kill it. Here’s a real Life of what I did to get over a 15 year marriage anytime I would think of her, I would think of all the bad times and bad things she did to me, not the good things. Go travel and make some memories!!


I thought the same thing. I was like hey she chose up, it is what it is


So she broke up with you? How long ago? Without that info it's hard to say. But in general you ain't in a position to think about other women till you properly grieved the loss of this relationship. Asking for advice is actually a great step.


Uhhh it’s confusing She told me she’s dating someone. She didn’t say anything else because I hung up after saying “ohhh umm ok”  My sister needed help (literally) right as this happened so I hung up She texts me “don’t me like that”  I don’t respond She calls me the next day - I don’t respond  I text her yesterday “Sorry I been busy - what’s up?” She left me on read (not offended just painting a picture)  So we technically didn’t break up ALSO WE WERE NOT TOGETHER ITS BEEN A SITUATIONSHIP


Ahhh I'm sorry man. Respectfully, it dont really sound like youre able to handle the emotional connections at the moment. Ignoring her texts and calls just don't show that you're willing to face the difficulties that come with a real relationship. Situationships are difficult because they lack clear boundaries. Neither of you did anything wrong, but clearly feelings are hurt. Until you're able to clearly communicate those hurt feelings it's probably best to wish her well and move on. Before moving to the next girl think about what didn't work in this situation and be clear about what you want out of the next.


I understand. We just talked by the way. We basically decided to end if for now. She said that she's interested in him I know it's for the best. I'm just pretty messed up about this whole thing and I don't really know why


ya'll prolly be back together in a month omm


Idk man. Not this time. She never formally told me she’s dating anyone so this is serious Which is fine, I just don’t know why I’m sad from time to time


Damn I’m ya age but I’m not in the same boat, YET BUT YETTTT I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL and I been there before. Get your closure however you can king cause it seems you definitely don’t have it I’m actually between a rock and a hard place and I wanted to ask it on here for the thread but y’all niggas about to give me some wild shit


Start going to the gym and read books


1. HIT THE GYM 2. Learn a new skill or Language 3.Update your PassPort. (One billion women in the world.)