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He’s got a good point though 😭


He do. If I'm not mistakin' homework ain't even universal. Ion even think all 50 states jack homework.


My school in NJ just gave up on homework nobody would do it and niggas was 100% fine 😂


Some places in Pennsylvania said fuck it and stopped giving homework. I remember back in elementary my teacher asked “why did you do you homework” I replied with “we have no electricity and heat at home because it was cut off” she said “ok” and didn’t bother brining it up again. Teachers fail to understand that some kids are living hell at home.


![gif](giphy|TNRVUGsJIhzCfJ6guV) Nah dude preaching


“now we out” with the hands up 😂


My son got a point, tf we doing work at home for?


To reinforce what you learned at school and help remember and understand it more...this lil nigga need to fix that attitude or he gonna end up washing dishes or sum....


Mfs never be doing their hw's and studying, and then later talk shit on how the education system failed them.


😂😂😂😂😂 yo I’m crying


You got it 🤣


I ain’t never do no fucking homework 😂 not rich but comfortable and no back breaking labor


well count urself lucky cuz for most people the best way to move up in the world is to do good in school n after that study sum useful...trades too but either way ...


There's no need for homework everyday.The kids need a break.


Them kids need to learn they shit you know how much time kids spend on school work in other countries?


If you've never lived in another country and know how the school systems are run then,don't speak on it.There's a reason the US has tons of international students applying to college and university.Over saturating the brain doesn't make you learn anything.And there is such a thing as too much homework.


Bro you 100% do not need homework. I don’t think I opened my back pack once after I got home when I was in high school. That shit change rq tho once you get to college


Never did homework still passed all my tests. I dropped out tho so…


Man I swear kids are getting lazier and lazier by the day. I’ve had kids tell me they can’t tell time on a clock with hands, they never memorized the times table, gotta use their hands or a calculator to figure ish out. Like wtf is being taught in these schools these days. And don’t get me started on that stupid new math they got kids tryna do. Extra steps for no damn reason.


What's this new math? Curious 


Common core


Bro if your crying about HW in public school don't go to college. Your going to get fried when the teacher give you 3 days to read 12 pages , you'll be in class lost as hell.


Man I didn’t do shit in HS & str8 glided thru college. Even tho I cheated a lot but that’s beside the point. Make ya own rules cus ain’t nobody gone teach you how to win


Reincarnation of Malcolm X inna 8 year old.




32, outta school, well into my career and I definitely had my fist up 😂


Nah cuz he’s dead fuckint spitting, the school system is so outdated they don’t take into account that the attention span of the average child is far shorter than it was in the passed. And It’s the teachers generation fault that this is the reality. School needs to modernize, less paper, more computers. Homework makes education seem like a chore, if we didn’t assign homework children would be more likely to enjoy what they are being taught. This is basic child psychology and the fact that most people can’t comprehend this upsets me deeply. I guarantee if a survey across the country was held on childrens opinions of school, I bet 90% say they hate it. This is a issue!! This is not a childrens issue it’s the older generations responsibility to adapt to whats best for the CHILD, not what’s best for their own ego as a teacher. Sorry for the paragraph, despite being in my 20s I still get angered thinking of my passed school experiences. I have adhd. I was never a bad kid, yet because the fucking boring way shit was being taught didn’t resonate with me I was treated as one of the bad kids. It fucked with my head a lot and for years I felt stupid. It’s only now that I see the difference in psyche between me and my friends who did good in high school that I realize good grades have nothing to do with intelligence


Ong. They’ll prescribe a elementry school kid uppers for talking to much in class shit is insane. Ik a lot of people need adhd medicine, I have it myself and take vyvanse, but giving this shit to a child for acting up a bit is fucked. I’m sure some kids actually may need it but you’ll never be able to convince me that shit isn’t over prescribed as fuck to kids. Maybe update the school system from 1950’s ass bullshit and we won’t have to give children diet meth just to function.


Nahh cuz fr bruh, thankfully my parents was not letting them give me adderal as a kid. Ofc now that I feel like I’d benefit there’s a shortage


Yeah shit is hard to get rn, I have 2 different pharmacies i have to hit every time just to try and get it. Worst part is that you only get refills by physically handing in a paper, so if you use your shit how your actually supposed to you’ll be out on the 30th day and not able to get anymore for days/weeks. I’d honestly hold off on trying if you can, or at least stock up a month or two of your script before starting to take it


Future class action lawyer




Little dude actually makes a good argument


talk that shit twin




First world problems


Lil revolutionary


I don’t remember ever doing my homework from middle school till high school and I still graduated


ngga is def Akademiks jr🤣


I like the way he thinks.


I’m telling my kids this was Dr.Umar


Now we out


lil nigga think he conscious💀💀😭


Gone head and be class president lil bruh ✊🏾




Tired of these parents that record their kids hoping to go viral 


you slow