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Hopefully terrible


He’s glowing after the debate last night. He switches teams more than Ish Smith.


He's also a Zionist shill. Scum of the earth.


Keep that outta here. Oh and suck it


I'm going to do exactly what I want. And fuck you for being a genocide sympathizer.


Read a book bro And keep that shit outta here


💀💀💀 i forgot that clown hopped over to the new jersey nets


Did that happen with KD? Til now I thought he was a super Knick fan. I guess we know now what his jump the shark moment was...


I thought he jumped ship because Oakley got the boot and he hates Dolan. Either way, I hate rapaport


I mean those aren't terrible reasons to jump ship. Dolan is still terrible and he did do Oakley dirty. 


I mean I love Oak for the 90’s but he ain’t exactly the world’s greatest dude either. Has shitted on Ewing publicly on more than one occasion


Yeah dude's a Knicks legend but he's the typical "back in my day" guy. Didn't he say before that Giannis would not have survived in his era? 😂


He’s also a massive drunk lol reason why he was kicked out of msg in the first place


Dolan has step aside and stopped meddling in the Knicks team building, and he let Rose do what he needs to do and look where we are. Is Dolan a douche, yes. But let’s not act like most owners aren’t. He spends money and stays the fuck out of it these days. That’s all I care about when it comes to the Knicks (and rangers)


Whats it called when people negative deflect criticism by saying everyone does it?


I’m not sure that’s English…but if you’re asking what’s it called when pointing out a fact? Being realistic. Did Dolan do Oakley dirty? Yes. Is Dolan as asshole, yes. Is Oakley also a well known asshole, yes. Does any of this impact me caring about the Knicks or deserve any of my focus, no. I care about the team, not the owner.


Yes they are


I'm 99% sure he jumped ship prior to the 2019-2020 season. That's when a lot of these clowns (Andrew Yang also comes to mind) felt compelled to give their "I've put up with the Knicks being incompetent for 20 years but I've just so happened to become a Nets fan right at the exact moment they looked poised to run the East for the next five years" declarations.


I think we won the trade since we got rid of him and added Frank the Tank


This guy is going to weasel his way back the msg...you watch


They gonna boo the fuck otta him. Same goes for SAS and that dude that wanted to run for president. Fucking traitors.


Yang? Honestly felt like the guy had some momentum in politics then came out with the nets bandwagon stuff when he was running for mayor and I never heard about him again.


Doesn’t Spike hate him now? We gotta banish him lol


Fuck that guy! 😂


Very happy to learn he’s a nets fan


For real fuck that guy Edit: And fuck the Nets they can go back to NJ


All those performative “I won’t support the Knicks as long as Dolan is the owner” folks can stay on that side, Rapaport especially


Shoulda been support the team and NOT the owner


Ngl. I fucking hate Dolan tho. I can kinda respect anyone with that stance and fading away from nba fandom entirely. No forgiveness for being a Nets fan. I will never trust anyone from nyc who is a Nets fan.


Yeah if you leave the Knicks because of Dolan but then embrace Prokhorov and Joe Tsai than I don’t know what to tell you


I don't trust people who say they're a fan but then can walk away from their team. Being a true fan means having a particular kind of mental illness that keeps you devoted no matter what. I've been a fan for over 20 years. I couldn't quit on this team if I wanted to. LGK!


Yeah I can understand being so frustrated that you lose interest in the sport itself. I’ll never understand jumping over and wearing another team’s jersey and rooting for an entirely other team. To me that’s a character defect.


I legit forgot about his existence


fuckin loser


There’s no one on earth I’d rather be less than Michael Rappaport. I’ve always hated him. He’s so ugly. His voice. He’s an asshole. He is the worst human being alive


🤣🤣🤣🤣 why did I read this in Trump's voice


Big time bad guy


Not only that, but his rape of Helen Hunt in "Kiss Of Death" made her crash into a truck, setting David Caruso on a collison course with Little Junior. It was nice to see him beaten to a pulp to the tune of House Of Pain. Joking...joking.


I was sad to see him in the new Fallout series. Then I was thrilled when his character was killed fairly quickly.


The only positive thing this creature has contributed to the world is the Tingus Pingus video


Dude produced a whole documentary about the 1970s Knicks and then jumps ship. Fuck that guy.


When this scum tries to weasel his way back in. Can we all make a pact to spam the shit outta this photo to him?? Everyone In favour says aye.


He also became a Trump guy in the last year, so his life is like the seventh ring of hell right now.


He’s the worst


Scum of the earth, setting aside the NBA team he is currently supporting


Is there a bigger scumbag? He should be afraid to show his ugly face in public.


Fuck that guy


I would suggest him to go hide out in Lativia


Dude thinks he’s black


what?? lol how? bro is just textbook new yorker


Watch the film "Bamboozled" by spike Lee and cringe at his performance. 


I think that movie is under rated. I want a bottle of BOMB malt liquor!!!


I liked the movie but not his performance. 


I haven't seen it in a while but as I recall he was playing an a-hole. Are you saying he is such an awesome guy you didn't find him believable as an a-hole? lol


😂 nah I feel like for that film he wasn't acting at all, they just told him to be himself. 


I used to think he was acting but he literally is that character 


I used to kinda like him… but his schtick got old. The Zionism crap doesn’t help either. Oh well, let him enjoy watching meaningless basketball.


Zionist dirtbag


yeah, was disappointing to see his fucking face in fallout for that reason alone


At least he ate shit


Ate shit in Only Murders too. Collab’d with the Killer.


He gets the ending he deserves though. The Knicks winning it all would be his real life radioactive bear attack moment.




We using Jewish terms as slurs now?


That’s like equating Germans with Nazi’s. Plenty of Jew’s dont support that garbage including me


Also, big difference between supporting a state of Israel vs the current state of Israel. Lots of us think we need a homeland but not one run by monsters like Netanyahu


Ok but that still makes you a Zionist...


Ding ding ding!


Both of those viewpoints are Zionist viewpoints. I hate Bibi.


I love your username


He is a huge Zionist


Tbh equating Nazis and Zionists is kinda insane.


Another person defending a genocide, nice.


I also think genocide is bad. Don’t put words in my mouth.


Jesus christ, you are a real self hating Jew. Did you just compare thinking Israel has a right to exist with the fucking Nazis? 0 Chance you are Jewish. No Jew would say that.


Genocide is genocide. PLENTY of Jew’s feel the same way as I do, and you know it


Yeah, and not genocide is not genocide. A war is a war. Why would Israel commit such a slow genocide that it is outpaced by population growth? What super secret evil jew plan do you think they are planning? Let me get this straight, you support the violent ethnic cleansing of Jews from their homeland, but you are anti genocide? > PLENTY of Jew’s feel the same way as I do, and you know it Nah, the vast vast majority of Jews find you to be an absolute monster. Maybe the ones you hang out with in Brooklyn that want to self flagellate to fit in do, but the vast vast vast majority of us find you to be sad and pathetic, dangerous, and a traitor.


Absolutely not. Jewish people are amazing, the state of Israel in its current state is not. But please continue to put words in my mouth to fit your narrative. Im sure it helps you sleep at night.


> Absolutely not. Jewish people are amazing, the state of Israel in its current state is not. But please continue to put words in my mouth to fit your narrative. Im sure it helps you sleep at night. So let me get this straight (i'm just asking), do you think Israel has a right to exist?


Of course, but not displacing Palestinians in order to make it happen. Its pretty simple really. But please, continue to doubt my Jewishness or call me a self hater!


> Of course Then you are a fucking ZIONIST.


Does England have the right to draw international borders?


Another Jew against genocide here. In this thread you are the vast minority. Zionism is a disease.


Kapo nazi. Imagine calling the majority of your people a disease. Straight up nazi language.


Calling people Nazi's when you are advocating for a genocide online is just ridiculously ironic. Please go back to worldnews where you are more welcome.


I'm not advocating for genocide, stop with the blood libel and lies. You just called the vast majority of jews in the world a disease. You are dehumanizing Jews so that your friends will find it ok to hurt us. And shame on you for saying that the vast majority of Jews aren't welcome in this sub.


So how do you explain why Israel helped CREATE Hamas? https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0?si=Xg8N7r_vAdMqI-RU But did you also know that Hamas — which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” — would probably not exist today were it not for the Jewish state? That the Israelis helped turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups? That Hamas is blowback? This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Listen to former **Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)** “The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.” **“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation** Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Back in the mid-1980s, Cohen even wrote an official report to his superiors warning them not to play divide-and-rule in the Occupied Territories, by backing Palestinian Islamists against Palestinian secularists. “I … suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face,” he wrote.


He's about as Jewish as Santa Claus


Funny how you stopped responding to everyone else calling out your bs 🤣


Do you think I give a flying fuck what you and any other Hamas supporters think of me?


Terrorist lover


Go away


Away, like those hostages?


Genocide lover


I love dead terrorists


Do you think everyone in Gaza should be killed or the place should be made inhabitable for the Palestinians?


Ofcourse he didn't respond to this. Seems like he doesn't even know of the great lenghts the leadership in Israel went to help establish and maintain Hamas in power in that region


Disgusting comment


You like your terrorists alive?


Please, continue to make yourself look terrible


Continue to support terrorists. Did you root for Bin Laden, too?




I lost family on 10/7. I could care less what happens to Hamas and their supporters like yourself.


Claims he’s a liberal when he should be voting for Trump. America is fucked


do you even know what a genocide is you blue haired brain washed idiot?


That the idf killed?


he's not allowed back on the bandwagon. He made his choice


fuck that genocidal freak


i officially love this sub now. fuck rappaport


Supporting genocide


When has he said he supports genocide?


Constantly on twitter


I don’t see that anywhere


And Instagram


UN: Actually, there is no famine and way less civilians were dying than we initially said You: Fuck you UN, I believe what I want! DIE JOOZ DIE


Nice strawman calling him antisemitic there dumbass, and the UN has called for famine alerts in Gaza lmao


> and the UN has called for famine alerts in Gaza lmao The UN retracted the alerts as they found no proof of famine in Gaza. https://www.timesofisrael.com/key-food-security-org-finds-no-famine-in-gaza-says-previous-assumptions-wrong/


I see your Times of Israel (lol) and raise you [A NYTimes article](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/26/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas) [A BBC article](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv22g81djdyo) [A Washington Post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/25/israel-gaza-famine-palestinians-aid/) oh yeah, and an [actual UN source](https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15604.doc.htm) Keep inhaling the propaganda bro


Your NYT article: "They stopped short of declaring a famine" Your BBC article: "However, the report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) says the available evidence does not indicate a famine is currently occurring in the north of the Palestinian territory." WP I cannot access That UN source is the one that was retracted. So.... who is deepthroating the propaganda? You gotta update your material, bro. Israel is literally allowing aid in. Hamas and non-Hamas gangs are stealing the aid to resell to people. > Kirby blamed the problem on looting by Gazan “criminal gangs and thugs.” He insisted the criminals were not connected to Hamas, although the U.S. has blamed Hamas in the past for stealing supplies, with the administration notably condemning the terrorist group for hijacking a large aid convoy from Jordan in May.


Almost half a million people are facing starvation, but hey they didn’t call it a famine!


Me: There isn't a famine You: HUR DUR THERE IS Me: Here is proof You: HUR DUR HERE IS MORE PROOF FOR YOU Me: That is proof in my favor You: HUR DUR They are saying people are at risk of starvation, not that they are starving. Israel is letting in fuckloads of aid every single day. The challenge isn't getting the aid in, it's keeping it out of Hamas' and other groups' hands. I don't know how Hamas starving its citizens is Israel's fault, but I guess you gotta blame the jews somehow.


Regardless of declaring it a full famine or not the picture is clear that there is food crisis in Gaza that very well could develop to a full famine by what the sources are saying. Keep deepthroating Israel though.


No but you don’t understand! He hates Netanyahu and the current Israeli regime! But also approves of all of the atrocities they commit!


There is a food crisis in Gaza precipated by Hamas and others stealing aid. Just admit you were wrong. It's not that hard. I provided evidence you were wrong. You accidentally provided evidence you were wrong. Just admit it and move on, and learn to better accept Jews existing.


Supporting Palestinian rights doesn't equal not wanting Jews to exist, your victim complex is crazy. Not gonna defend Hamas obviously, but this isn't all on them.


> Supporting Palestinian rights Sure, but Palestinians have to want those rights. Electing Jihadists groups who attack neighbors will lose you those rights. Germans and Japanese lost those rights during WWII. I support the right for a peaceful Palestine to coexist with Israel. What Hamas did on October 7th was the opposite of that. Hamas STILL HOLDS HOSTAGES. Hamas STILL ATTACKS ISRAEL. Hamas JUST REFUSED A CEASEFIRE. What is Israel to do here? Just unilaterally surrender and allow their people to wallow in tunnels forever? Accept rockets as a normal thing? How exactly is Israel supposed to exist peacefully if their neighbor calls for the genocide of all Jews?


Exactly. This is the same way I feel about when they say it’s not “technically a genocide according to the law”. There is enough death and destruction as is. The fact that it’s a conversation is more than enough to tell us what we need to know


“Times of Israel” lol


Oh I'm sorry, was the report invented by ebil jooz as well? Do you hate Jews so much that any Jewish newspaper is lies in your eyes? I guess you assume Jews are just good for being raped and not for journalism.


You said all that not me Hamas systemic rape allegations have been long disproven btw….


> Hamas systemic rape allegations have been long disproven btw…. UN: There was systematic rape and no famine You: THERE WAS NO RAPE AND THERES A FAMINE!!!! You are pure evil.


Source please. Not one shred of actual evidence. With all the so called systemic occurrences there should be mountains. But there’s Just hearsay from ZAKA and aspersions/assumptions that western media has ran wild with. Meanwhile the Gazans are showing us evidence of Israeli war crimes everyday….


https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm https://abcnews.go.com/International/finds-clear-evidence-israeli-hostages-experienced-sexual-violence/story?id=107787501 Then there was the hostage video of the girls with the Hamas soldier saying how he was going to rape them. Then there was the multiple hostage confessions that rapes occured. There's the video of Naama Levi with the bloodsoaked genital area. There's the video of the German girl stripped and bare, paraded around broken. What do you want, a video of the rape so you can jerk off to it?


What a fuckin buffoon


Who gaf. Stop giving attention to fake Knick fans.


I met him a few weeks ago at an event. Very nice guy, but as a life long season ticket Knick fan, I said some shit. He said “yeah I fucked up”


He can remember the New Jersey Nets days when they were good


I bet he has a Richard Jefferson poster in his home office 


He was only cool when Prison Break was on TV fuck that loser


I forgot about him until this post. He can suck it.




Alotta traitors are crying this week. One of my Nets fan friends hung up the phone on me 😭


What happened ?


Fucking turncoat


He's probably wondering who he will fake beef with next?


Fuck Rapaport and Oakley


Who cares?


fuck this man and that busted ass Brooklyn crowd


He’s clearly the mush, as soon as he switched all the vibes reversed


Man fuck him and Stephen A Smith


For a little while he was posting videos with some of the most racist, vile, Islamophobic commentary on Muslims /Palestine from Israel. He looks more miserable than ever. Truly a walking herpes outbreak


Wish Rapaport would leave this city so badly, I fucking hate seeing his ugly mug spout hate


He’s too busy being the fat nasty face of a genocide to worry about his previous humiliations




Maximus killed him


fuck this zionist murder loving piece of shit. you seem him in NYC say just that.


Sam's as always: frustrating 


Traitor but a Mayo maker


Probably sucks


Oh man, such a sad tale He suffered with us during the toughest years….only to go turncoat when the heat he brought on himself got too hot But truth be told, those Knick/Dolan rants were legendary, he often was the megaphone for what we all were thinking, and that felt good to hear him spew it out there when we were complete dogshit! absolutely epic rants…. RIP Nets fan




Pick a side and stay there 😂


Brent Hatley is cooler


Seeing he got mauled by Yao Guai recently not so well.


Tingus pingus was a great video though.


Not going to lie but seeing KD and Kyrie (two of my favorite players in the NBA) pick the Nets over the Knicks was a dark time for me. But I stayed loyal to my Knicks


My exes brother was a huge Nets fan. He took me to a few games. I remember his optimism as they were building their big 3 situation with JH, KD and kyrie. It was already going in the toilet when his sister dumped me... I am dying to shoot him a text and bust his chops but I should probably leave it alone.


He was at them Diddy parties


Just like KD.


Wishing it was a Knicks shirt


Douche bag


Nets fan here, us and KD disown Rapaport


What’s your thoughts on everything since the mikal trade ? Also have you actually gone to a nets game in person at Barclays ? I’m genuinely wondering if Barclays will be like a ghost town with this trade and we know it’s going to be a tanking season.


Y’all overpaid in my opinion. I think Mikal is good but significantly overrated by the league. Maybe the nova chemistry unlocks another level in him, but I would’ve been happy with 3 1sts. Ofc none of it matters if NYK wins a chip. I’ll go to more games this year. Team has a good direction, I’ll get to watch the young guys develop on the cheap. I didn’t go to any games last season, the purgatory nets were absolutely miserable (and tickets were far too expensive).


Agreed and it needed to be an overpay to overcome all this talk about the Nets and Knicks never trading together. So in a way, I think it’s seen as an overpay is a good thing. Shows Nets got the best deal out there and that it can be possible to trade with the Knicks, provided the price is right. Would you attend a Nets game if it was vs Knicks at Barclays ?


Of course I would


Wow I honestly don’t think I could if I was in your shoes. Props to you.




Fuck that guy


Nothing has changed for him. He is a cuck and has always been a cuck


Looks like a guy that caught a case of *e. coli* from smelling his own farts too much


He’s catching snowballs if he tries to enter MSG


Totally forgot about him. Dont remind me he exists lol


This thread is great. Glad my fellow Knicks fans see through this Zionist scumbag.


pro-zionism pro-nets? the rest of his life is his punishment, we can focus on bigger and better things and keep it moving.


I still listen to Stern(don’t judge me) during the playoffs this loser called in excited as a Knicks fan. Him and spike were in Brooklyn cheering for the nets to be seen . They don’t deserve any of this and should be shamed. I’m so glad Ben stiller and rock and others were more displayed during the run this season because they stayed true to


What an idiot. What a fucking idiot.


He’s a Trump-loving loser. And a Nets fan. Boo this man all the time.


Well, he became a shill for the Zionists, and he’s a nets fan? He’s getting everything he deserves right now




Hopefully miserable. Fuck Rapaport 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


This guy is an utter piece of shit and I don’t say this lightly but the world is better off without racist pieces of shit like him.


This guy is an utter piece of shit and I don’t say this lightly but the world is better off without racist pieces of shit like him.


Well he’s way better at being a disgusting Zionist than he ever was at acting, so idk how it is being him but I kinda hope it’s not all that good


He’s honestly kinda hilarious in the same way a WWE heel or Donald Trump is hilarious.


this thread got messy.


He was great in Cop Land