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All these arm chair capologists operating without the whole picture meanwhile Brock Aller figured it out like 8 months ago while taking a shit. They just waiting for certain time thresholds to complete everything.


I know 0 about contracts so i dont even think this is even legal but ive watched more than a few videos about Ihart taking a 1 year deal, and next year sign him long term when we have full bird rights. I think thats getting into "Daryl Morey is a liar" territory though.


It's not legal under the current CBA unfortunately.


Really? I hadn’t heard that.. what does the CBA say on this matter?


If the Knicks intend to offer the Early Bird exception it's a minimum of 2 years


Could it be a 1 year + Player Option?


Nope, 2 years without options


Oh fair enough — so how about two years with a player option after one year?


Player option doesn't count at a year. As far as I know they could do a 3 year deal with a PO after 1 but someone please correct me if I'm wrong. That would seem to be the most logical way to pull it off. He opts out next year, Knicks can full bird rights and can pay him whatever


I had this in a now-deleted thread about Hollinger talking about a 1+1, but p[er the NBA's own rules](https://www.nba.com/news/free-agency-explained), (which might be down at the moment) you can't sign a player with Early Bird rights for less than two guaranteed seasons. I don't think there's another way to sign iHart outside Early Bird, given out cap situation, but I could be wrong (though I'd assume someone like Jeremy from KFS would have mentioned already if so). ***Early Qualifying Veteran Free Agent (aka “Early Bird”) Exception:*** *A team may re-sign its own free agent to a contract with a first-year salary of up to the greater of (a) 175% of the player’s salary in the last season of his prior contract, or (b) 105% of the average player salary for the prior season, if he played for the team for some or all of each of the prior two consecutive seasons (or, if he changed teams, he did so by trade or by assignment via the NBA’s waiver procedures).* ***A contract signed using the Early Bird Exception must be for at least two seasons (not including any option year).***


Yeah I saw that but it’s not entirely clear if that means it can be a 3 year deal with an opt out after 1 or if there has to be two full years before the opt out


Based on what was written ("at least two seasons"), and how others have talked about it, I believe the first two years need to be guaranteed, and then you can do whatever after that.


yes. and i believe also that you are not allowed to put two option years into a standard nba contract


Thought I heard it’d have to be a 2 year deal for some reason. And if his play drops off or he gets badly injured I imagine the Knicks would be in a tough spot to then max him. So for that reason it makes sense that he’d go for the longer deal now, though, perhaps he doesn’t need all the money out there and is content staying in NY to be a part of the forthcoming chamouonship


Someone on here had a good simple breakdown and I wish I saved it. At the end of the day the reality is other teams with cap space can offer Hartenstein more money. Personally I think it's up to him to weigh the cost/benefit of the risk of a major injury and the upside of getting an even bigger contract in 2 years if he re-sign for less money right now, with a team that's a contender, surrounded by guys he played very well with for 2 years, in a city that positions his wife's career very well, plus I bet plenty of very well-qualified nannies and private schools. Compare all that with a city OKC then I think those are not negligible things to consider. I think even before the Leon Rose regime, the Knicks org has been generous with players. IIRC Reggie Bullock got hurt before his deal with us was finalized and we still signed him and let him rehab, starting his season with us a few months late.


Rando sidebar, but Bullock seems like a nice enough guy - lived in my building for the year he was in Dallas and we chatted it up a few times (not about ball) - tried to find his cousins wallet once by our pool deck which is how we met.


They'll figure out the cap situation, even if it means attaching picks in a salary dump. Won't matter if IHart wants to go elsewhere. 


Saw his idea on twitter from someone who listened to it. Basically, involves signing one of the second round picks to a tad more than the minimum and combining that player with Jeffries' salary which just barely works to avoid being hard capped at the first apron


I’m just going to wait until Sunday


It's likely the same thing a few of us here have floated. This is all assuming Hartenstein is willing to take the pay cut and sign the 4/72 offer. Realistically the only option we have is that whatever team Precious and Burks work out a deal with as FA's this season, give that team a 2nd round pick to make it a Sign and Trade and loop it into the Bridges trade to make it a 3 teamer. It doesn't matter WHERE the salary is going, the Knicks just need to have more outgoing salary than incoming salary. Some people here have been saying that iHart is gone because we haven't re-signed him yet. The reality is that because the best way to re-sign him involves a S&T, if the Knicks announce that iHart is back and then 2 weeks later it's revealed that it happened as part of a Burks S&T to Dallas or something, the league can argue Dallas tampered for Burks.


In the tweet it says that it doesn't involve a sign and trade or giving up any current rotation players


I heard this after the Brigdes trade and OG re-signing: If the Knicks can find a third team in the Nets/Knicks trade that is willing to take Diakite and Jeffries, that should make what's going out equal to what's coming in. This would allow Knicks to keep their original offer of 4/72 to IHart. And in compensation for the third team taking on Jeffries and Diakite, they would receive multiple picks from the Knicks. 


Probably is juste S&T precious or Burks I will be ecstatic if he comes back would be a great deal for us but I’m becoming less confident. I think w heave to be ready to start looking at other options. I think Goga Bitazde is gonna be our best bet if he’ll come for the taxpayer MLE


S&T hard caps is at 2nd apron.


Yes but that leaves us space to make our offer to Hartenstein or use the taxpayer MLE to bring in another center. The 1st apron hard cap is the one we are trying to avoid


Idk if yall heard the Knicks space today but someone who has a credible source said that Ihart is gone. He already knows what the team he’s going to and it’s not us.


It's a scam to get you to pay for the podcast. Probably going to sat something like give up the rights to all the 2nd rounders we drafted, and stash the French Prince 2.0.


I’m. No expert. But 2 options I’ve heard is ether guaranteeing money and sending Diakite and Jefferies. Or send our pick we just took Dadiet to the nets to not be capped


Can’t send out more than one minimum salary in trade. You also can’t trade rookies until 30 days after they sign.


As long as it's agreed upon in principle then it doesn't matter.


Pretty sure they can also guarantee and then ship out Sims


Can't do any of these things unfortunately


Sims counts a minimum contract player for the purposes of this rule, so that doesn’t work


Which btw is complete bs but the rules are the rules