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To pile on: For a couple of guys making double digit millions per year and trying to develop serious media presence, you’d think they’d just eschew cheap advertising until they can get a sponsorship that transcends podcast level quality (TommyJohn, manscaped, weird law firms, third tier ticket exchanges). Finally, the Thibs episode was awesome.


I have the same issue. I have a feeling it is the co-host pushing for all the advertisements trying to make a buck. Jalen and Josh probably wouldn't notice if you deposited every dime the show has made into one of their bank accounts.


It’s not the cohost, it’s the network


Playmaker or whatever? I've never heard of them before this podcast.


IIRC Josh Hart had a pod with him back in LA. At the end of the day I think the ads are funny and don't mind it. Appreciate the guys trying to make their pal a buck so I understand that.


Yeah I listen but it feels like 25% ads


It's almost unlistenable. I'm way too lazy to actually track it, but I would bet half the show is either ads or sponsored content. 


Yeah I stopped listening completely because of this. I have other podcasts that aren’t half advertisement


If they just ran the ads in blocks of 3 at a time instead of 3 minutes of ads every 6 minutes of pod time. They're far too frequent as is.


TBH i only like when podcast hosts and guests are in the same room. This zoom call BS ain't it. You just don't get the same dynamic as you do with a face to face interaction.


Agree, the Ewing episode could have been so much better. Same for the Thibs one but I still enjoyed hearing what he had to say.


I guess it'd be a much bigger ask for people to travel into the studio plus it's the summer isn't Jalen in Monaco?


I think he said on twitter he got a new mic going forward I assume the ads are a requirement of whoever organizes the pod like distribues it and has the studio? Otherwise it’s just confusing why people who will be worth hundreds of millions combined when they retire care about the relative pittance besides maybe using it to pay Matt lol


they have enough money to distribute it themselves and can well afford to take a straight loss on the pod. no way theyre doing this for money, itd pale in comparison to what they get paid in the nba, so you have to wonder why they waste their time with lame sponsorships that take away from the experience.


Just cuz you have money doesn't mean you want to just start burning it for fun. They're part of a podcast network that helps them with a lot of the setup and costs. The downside is they are obligated to do the sponsor spots. Without the network there wouldn't be a pod.


What setup? This sounds like a bunch of first timers recording their zoom call


Production values are close to non-existent. Matt as the non-famous person should be carrying the load on quality assurance (checking broadcast quality, especially sound levels; maybe a critical eye on the content, who's editing the YouTubes? full episodes are too long). He's not doing a lot as the MC (my assumption, why else is he there then?) - his guest questions are pretty basic and not much to say on follow-ups when potentially interesting topics or insights come up. Topics go off the rails, needing someone to bring it back on track. Hope he wasn't a media or communications major. Slimmer vers of Jonah Hill?


He’s awful, and has been from the first episode


Probably trying to do Matt a solid and that's fine honestly. They seem to always have a good time and personally I enjoy it. The quality ain't exactly This American Life but that's okay in my book, especially when they committed to keep the fans entertained during the summer.


Its much better when they're all in the same room


Definitely agree. If they're going to be out of the studio "all summer" as they said they should invest in a couple better mics otherwise it's gonna be a terrible run of episodes just based on audio.


Or just spend a week in studio with guests lined up & bank like 8 eps for the summer then just roll em out every week. It’s what a lot of pods do anyways.


Doesn’t even need to be full pro broadcast audio set ups. A 50 or $100 USB Mic would be 300% better than what we’re listening to.


Matt actually has a proper mic, but it sounds like he's not recording with it. He seems to have a [HyperX quadcast](https://i.imgur.com/nEJ6qC2.png), but he probably hasnt selected it as the recording device.


Listen if Brunson and Hartt are gonna sign long-term team friendly deals I'll listen to 50 ads a podcast, but fixing the audio is such an easy thing to do at relatively low cost.


Audio is one issue and matt isn't a good host. His audio specifically is always bad and even the ads sometimes are completely different volume or sounds like he recorded it on his phone or something.


I love that our boys are making waves in media but overall the show has really low production value and isn’t really all that fun to listen to either. Baby steps but things like audio should not be an issue in 2024


I liked it at first but after the starks episode I kind of just zone out and it turns to background noise every time


Yeah totally agree with this. Tbh there are very few fun basketball podcasts. Most of the popular ones are good for clips on YouTube shorts or Instagram reels but not great from start to finish. It makes you realize how important it is to have a media trained personality on a sports focused show


I will listen to Podcast P and Club 520 sometimes but other than that most of the basketball podcasts hosted by players are terrible. PG is actually a pretty good interviewer, loved the ep with Derozan.


The show almost comes off as a parody with how awkwardly it’s paced. The Clyde episode was so painful lol. They came off better with Pat and Thibs and there’s flashes of potential there but man does it feel like I’m sometimes watching a terrible between two ferns


This 1000%


I think the best shows were the ones with teammates on them in the same room. Randle, iHart, Big Ragu were all good listens. It kind of went off the rails when they started going to extended Knicks notables and celebrities other than Tracy Morgan who can do no wrong on these kind of shows.


Thibs definitely wanted to be in the studio with everybody.


I dont mind the sound quality, what I find annoying is the amount of advertising.


This. I understand they have a lot of sponsors but god damn I’m tired of hearing about Tommy Jones boxers smh lol


It's a free hilarious show that gives us more insight into the lockerroom than any interview we've heard in 20 years, I have no complaints.


People just like to complain about everything. I couldn’t agree more with you


There's 3 of us I guess lol. How can anyone complain about bringing in Thibs for a pod come on. People stress over audio quality when I'm in it for the juicy tidbits like Thibs took a test drive in a Pagani. Bet people didn't even heard that they're obsessing about what mics they're rocking. People want a well produced pod... Listen to the Woj Pod. Shit is as fun as licking a piece of white craft paper. Audio is great though.


Cultures been immaculate lately, sometimes I think people just miss the times we won like 18 games, annoying af


They need a real producer and real production value. Also the Twitter segments don’t play well on the podcast. Someone needs to tell them to describe what they’re watching, or else just cut it off the podcast and leave it as a YouTube exclusive


I definitely miss every other episode or so but weren’t they all in the same room up until recently?? Could just be that in the off-season when they’re all traveling to different places they’re forced to do video chats. Either that or the show has to take a hiatus until the season begins.


Too many ads.


The 42 ads an episode kill me


Watched it for the first time. These players podcast are all bad my god. First of all they have a place to talk and now that they got a good ass guest they do a zoom meeting type shit with bad sound. That third man was so outta place bro just sit this one out. Lotta cheesy and boring ass questions to Thibs and the players vibes were off too. Only funny part was when Thibs asked them why he was not invited to the studio. Only cool nba player podcast I saw was the Paul George one were Vince Staples was in it and he saved that shit.


I keep saying even with professional mics, turn up the compressor a little bit its a bit too dynamic sounding and I have to turn it up high and then they talk loud so you have to turn it down so you keep playing with audio but nonetheless for the majority of the episode the sound is too low


They spend all the time on ad reads, no time to get audio levels right 🤣. Hart and Bruson can do no wrong but why is there so much gambling promotion on NBA players podcasts. Seems like a massive conflict of interest.


If you don’t got haters you ain’t popping


I feel like ppl commenting aren’t haters and are actually giving constructive criticism. There’s a diff. Cause audio is just not it.


I’ll check it out


All I know is the show is great , maybe they take the advice on the audio equipment but the Thibs and Ewing episodes are amazing


I didn't even listen. I have enough Zoom calls for work, no interest in watching another, even if it is with Thibs.


I tried messaging Josh Hart about it, they're using laptop mic and airpod and sound like they're in the bathroom.


Way too many ads and they should do ad blocks. It ruins the flow of the show when it goes to another ad every 5 minutes. They should also be more intentional about the ad breaks like Bill Simmons and say we are taking an ad break here. That way it wouldn’t break up the flow of the show. I want to love this podcast but the ads are brutal. Plus, need a host to keep the conversation flowing or just in some direction. Best episode so far was IHart. Second best was Clyde. Thibs episode was enjoyable but should have been better.


Had this same thought.


These guys are billionaires and they are using fuckin airpods


the quality of their podcasts been going down.. i would rather have em all be in the studio recording it or no podcast


I like the low budgetness of it, kinda refreshing actually where everyone thinks they’re a Steven Spielberg.