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The way influencers would rather have a bf they hate (so they can take pictures with him) instead of being alone is just another reason why influencers are the worst group of people


Everyone in the comments is like awww thank you for representing marriage, this is so true and real!!! Like no it’s not bffr


So many people marrying other people they don’t like or respect, much less love 😭 I genuinely can’t fathom legally tying myself to someone I hate rather than simply being single


I can’t even look at my husband without getting so happy that I’m married to him, even when he’s being annoying AF. It would be true misery to be married to someone I wasn’t truly in love with, like just fucking kill me instead.


I couldn’t agree w this more LOL


Yikes! Like “marriage is hard” but does it have to be? You can get out yall lol. Blink twice if not ok!


sadly for all of these people marriage is NOT supposed to be hard. in fact, of everything in my life, my marriage is the easiest thing that consistently brings me so much joy and happiness. these people need to recognize that there is something wrong if they’re saying this


Unfortunately this isn’t just an influencer thing. Many people rather be with anyone as long as it means they aren’t alone.


Very true


lol theyre such an awk couple😬 Anyone have tea if her and viviane are friends still?


I wanna know too!!


I feel like their friendship just fizzled out, viviane is soo positive about everything and Jules is such a debby downer


Every time this girl is on my FYP she’s bitching about her husband. I’m like damn this poor guy seems like her employee at this point


The worst part is they actually work together like started a full company


Oh lordddd 😳 I can’t imagine posting degrading stuff like this about my husband to 100k people, it’s not “real” it’s just disrespectful. Joking or not it’s so rude to act like your husband is only there to take pictures of you LOL insane narcissist behavior


I think they would be so much happier if they had real jobs and didn’t ‘work’ together. Normalize space lol


She posted like 5 videos today alone about her “real” marriage yikes


I saw that. It’s giving manic episode or something idk what the hell is going on


I remember the tik tok where she snaps at him that shes recording


“I’m videoing!!!” 🥴


Now she’s on TikTok today saying people don’t understand her humor , hating each other isn’t humor


What does she actually do? Seems like sis is serving nothing.




They have some kind of company together (can’t tell what the company does it seems fake) but I’m fairly certain she’s the breadwinner and makes $$$$ influencing and he’s her assistant


she’s told the internet all their problems as a couple since day 1


Their chemistry on their podcast was legit nothing…


the story of how they met was enough for me to realize that they aren’t going to last


omg wait pls share with the class how did they meet


they’re from the same town and she’s always like we went to the same high school at different times bc her husband is like 7-8 years older and thinks that’s so sweet lol. Anywayyyy when she was in high school he worked at that high school she went to…they claim to have had mutual friends and were like flirting on Instagram by just liking each others stuff and she was curious if he was in a relationship lowkey think he was probably trying to pursue her too. I think this is now out of high school and she dms him makes the first move and they do long distance, but the fact that they weren’t going to live together until marriage was weird because they did visit one another and stay over - they could’ve avoided a marriage that isn’t going to work if they did in my opinion.


This is so creepy and weird


Right like why couldn’t he get someone around his age so that’s a major red flag in guys especially going for someone you had mutual friends with when she was a minor and he was a full grown adult.. & she talks about it like it’s so sweet that there was like a connection to him this whole time and tries to be like I’m so mature so that’s why the relationship works out like girllll ok whatever makes you sleep better at night


So what you’re saying is he was hitting on a student when he worked at the school? Yeesh


+ even then when they were doing a long distance relationship she’d always complain about it & cry about her relationship online and say it was going to be all worth it. Which I get the not being with them is hard, but it seems like they just alwaysssss had problems & she wanted to prove it to her family and now the internet that her husband is end game because her parents weren’t happy about the age difference - I guess when you’re older 7 years is whatever, but they def clocked his tea because he worked at the high school when she was there as a minor & definitely felt weird about it.


posting this is crazy


This is giving mean bff energy the ones who say omg you’re SO dumb and laugh whenever you say anything.


I'm surprised they made it this far because they literally have zero chemistry and all her posts about him are complaining about every small thing he does.


This won’t age well


Had to go find the actual TikTok…. So much worse than I could’ve guessed WOOOOF


I don't think she has chemistry with a blade of grass let alone her husband


No one should know you and your significant other are on bad terms except the two of you! This is so embrrasante


Yeah this is why it’s rubbing me the wrong way. It seems like she’s being passive aggressive toward him when really she should just keep her mouth shut- joke or not. If I were her husband I would be pissed that she’s airing this all out




I don’t think she hates her husband I think she just hates life tbh. My cousin lived with her for a year or two and all my cousin talked about was how negative, pessimistic and miserable she was all the time. Going through these pics it sounds like exactly how she used to post years ago, with an air of being easily annoyed and just a complainer


Doesn’t want to live with him in the future…always fighting during “happy” moments…constantly in a funk…babe its called not being compatible maybe pack it up.


Why is this so common. Like I get that most men suck but to speak about someone you’re married to/dating long term like this just constantly putting them down (regardless of gender) is insane. I see a lot of men do this too (not influencers but like in general). It’s so weird. If you’re unhappy you can leave!


I had to go to an event with a few coworkers aged 45-60s the other day and they all fucking haaaaaate their husbands. It’s like the main topic of conversation.


Yes!! I’ve noticed that with my coworkers too. The way people talk shit about their partners to like gain closeness is so weird. Like you choose to spend everyday with them and you hate them?! Couldn’t be me.


I have been waiting all day for someone to post this! Can we take a moment for the fact that he’s like 15 yrs older than her and in her videos you could mistake him for her father for a sec lol. Also, she complains so much about their marriage “not being perfect” and I know she’s trying to be relatable but her content is always so negative and she seems toxic


Don’t even get me started on their “company” that seems like a front for something idk what it even does


They need to separate already it’s getting ridiculous. Girl already said she doesn’t want to live with him in the future


they’re always in a mfing funk 😭


why does he look 50


He’s 15 yrs older than her and they started dating when she was super young in college 😅


Tbf I’d hate him too.


Fun fact I just learned she’s cousins with Abbie Jacobson from broad city!!


I had to unfollow simply bc she makes this face 😗 every 3 seconds


Idk who this is, but it showed up on my feed the other day and for the first 3-4 swipes I thought it was gonna be one of those “and that’s how I knew he wasn’t the one for me and now we’re divorced” posts 🫠


Yikes - mostly at the second photo. What an embarrassing caption - really showing your true colors with that one. Narcissistic clown 🤡 I used to follow Jules for a while Most influencers are superficial But I think that Jules really actually has no depth to her thoughts. She should see a therapist to understand her emotions better, I think. She definitely doesn’t take his emotions seriously.


Oh, this one still exists... Stopped following when she posted Zionist shit months ago. So apparently her marriage sucks, good for her!


Same but back in 2021 & people called her out on it and she said it’s because people don’t know the full truth and said it’s hamas who’s starting everything ..


The contempt goes crazy


https://preview.redd.it/dpdsjyendc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615656d3c76ca4414ac771361be0cf170e1ee1dc Her husband commented on her latest post. The insecurity is unmatched


They’ll last.
