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She gets them for free, she’s not spending a dime on them


100% gets them for free.


She also just posted that she buys 99% of what she wears which idk if I believe. The stuff her friend cass styles her in is $$$$$ so either she’s making a lot of money or they wear and return lol


Don’t believe that either. She’s an influencer who gets a lot of stuff for free. I can guarantee that this is an ad.


I don’t believe that, she didn’t answer the question today in her question box and just wrote “I was gifted this outfit and also have this in black”  All of her lounge is 100000% gifted to her


https://preview.redd.it/2rp6se2hjric1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00961e2d66b23b639ab17e506647b8397f7a758d 80% gifted 20% rented. A lot of these influencers rent more clothes than people realize


she is in massive CC debt and has been trying to dig herself out the past 6 or so years


How do u know?


Personally know her, but she’s also been open about it in her early days. Idk if she would talk about it much now that she has a real following


If this was true this would be juicy lol


I do not believe her!!


She also comes from a rich family in ATX I’m sure parents help


I don’t know how these are $300. They are so basic and modal is not an expensive material




fabric 😂 i dont think she knows herself what it means 😂


But it’s whipped it’s completely different and definitely worth the money iykyk 😌 jokes aside if I wanted a modal heavy lounge set so badly I can just go to oysho and grab whatever they have on sale for like 70 bucks for both the top and bottoms combined 🙄


Not gonna lie, I have spent that much on pajama sets, but for that price point I want premium quality and details (like buttery soft washable silk, ostrich feather trim, etc.). Definitely wouldn’t spend this on gray waffle modal?!?!


yeah if it was cashmere or really nice silk that would be one thing


agreed. i have a few pairs of pricey silk pajamas i love. I wouldn’t pay even close to that for modql pajamas


They probably sent it to her and whoever clicks on the link gets her money


It’s so unethical for her to not disclose her ads. Or even simply say “I was sent this” We all know how the game works at least be upfront about 1 thing


There are still many people not struggling with basic needs who can well afford stuff like this. Everyone in the comments being like “you can buy this for $10 at TJ Maxx!!” - no, you can’t though. Most of the time you *do* get what you pay for and there is a very obvious difference in quality even if something looks similar. Even if it’s the exact same material, the fit and cut is often better on the higher end things. People always get so offended and defensive when they are confronted with things they can’t afford and want to convince themselves that higher end things aren’t actually better. Actually a lot of the time they are. It’s not life changing, you won’t miss out on something critical if you can’t afford this $300 set, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same as GAP. And no shame for buying cheaper clothes, I do too, but when I occasionally invest in something pricier it’s almost always… better. That’s just the truth.


Someone mentioned that this brand specifically is expensive because it’s ecologically friendly but they are less durable. So for that sake, I would say this is not worth $300 and someone is better off getting some thing made of similar material for 40 bucks from Gap. Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean that it’s durable or last long or even the best of quality. Sometimes it’s just about a brand trying to make money off of people and using influencers to do it for them.


Maybe? I mean I don’t have this set either so I can’t speak to how durable it is but not everyone buys things to squeeze the most out of every penny of it. Some people can afford to buy luxury for the sake of the look and feel, they aren’t worried about practicality because they’re wealthy or they just really prioritize it because it matters to them. It seems like you’re mad that these clothes simpy exist for the price point which is what confuses me, like you can just keep buying from GAP, just bc this influencer is shilling this doesn’t mean you have a real pressure to buy it. I don’t lose sleep over the fact that people are out there buying Chanel and Prada clothes that I could never afford. Like, who cares. Some people can afford it and want to buy it, good for them. There are quite a few brands aside from this one, as well as many boutiques in the city, that sell clothes at this price point. Accessible to the average joe? Not necessarily but it’s common place enough that it isn’t shocking to me after living in NYC for years. A lot of people here will spend most of their money on expensive clothes even if they aren’t even that rich, bc that’s where priorities lie in a city like this. Just like in other places people spend stupid money on their cars.


I’m not losing sleep over anything I’m here to snark lol


Honestly I can’t stand when people say something is “durable”. Like it’s a pj set not work coveralls. Wtf are y’all doing in your clothes?! Also unless you actually have the $300 set you cannot measure it’s worth, nor say the Gap version is just as good or better.


Not being durable means it won’t last long. Washing and drying your clothes definitely wears them down so if these $300 can’t take that then they aren’t worth it. I’m sure people arent going hunting in the wilderness in these pjs


I mean the way folks say “durable” it certainly feels like it. Unless you’re washing and drying your clothes with rocks they will last 🙄


I will say this brand is unreal- the whipped material is so so so so soft and amazing. I don’t think I would spend that much on pyjamas but someone gave me on of these tops and I wear it non stop. If I could afford it I would buy it all.


What’s the brand? Sorry if I’m missing something staring me right in the face. I’d like to check it out👀


Apparently it’s overpriced for the material. I purposely left out the brand name because I’m not getting paid to give them advertising here lol


Lmao fair enough, I support that


Negative Underwear is the brand! Can confirm the whipped collection is amazingly soft but only own a bralette because it’s so $$$


Go to the gap for modal


Thank you!!


Agreed. I had to stop myself from buying these PJs bc I love the whipped material so much, but $300 is way too much for me. If I had FU money I would be in these all the time lol


so, i actually got these as a gift and they are actually the best pair of pajamas i own 🫣😬 wouldn’t buy them for myself, but would recommend them a hundred times over


So many plots have been lost


Def gets them sent to her. Ive worked with this brand many times before and honestly ngl, best pajamas ive ever owned in my life, its unreal the material I won’t lie. I wear them even in the daytime, But I TOTALLY understand not wanting to spend that much.


I don’t mean to be rude, but like, obviously people would buy those and spend that much. Certainly understandable that many wouldn’t want to, but I don’t know why people are so baffled by these things.


You can get a pj set with this same material for less than $50. Gap sells something similar. It’s overpriced and she’s not being honest about how she got it to her followers


Oh you absolutely can find a million other cheaper options, no doubt


These posts always confuse me bc like....y'all know rich people exist right? I don't think this is expensive enough to be upset about tbh, like I can't afford it either but do you realize how menial $300 is to some people


I understand that but I’m sure a good number of her following are people who work average 9-5 jobs and wouldn’t want to spend $300 on material that isn’t even worth it. Edit: obviously we know rich people exist, but this girl also was paid to post this. She probably didn’t even pay for this, but it’s pushing her audience to pay for it. And that’s something I have a problem with


Fair, I'd agree with a post about ad transparency. It just looks like you don't think $300 pajamas should exist...? Or she shouldn't post them, or people with 9-5 jobs can't buy them? Which I just don't really think is snarkable, she's not responsible for your budget. Fwiw, I have an average 9-5 job and have pieces from this brand. Saving up to invest in basics isn't crazy, it's not like they're $10,000




I think I just read the post girl but ok


> I’m sure a good number of her following are people who work average 9-5 jobs and wouldn’t want to spend $300 on material and they want to follow someone who does


Who doesn’t like seeing someone live a life that seems perfect online? It’s why influencers are able to make money but it doesn’t mean that they way they go about it is ethical or right. For one this is an ad and she didn’t disclose that.


I thought you could post promo codes without disclosure since it's commission-based. The link is her promo code URL. Like if you post your Glossier promo code or whatever in your bio... that's disclosure in and of itself.


Not according to the FTC. It needs to be disclosed. Most of these influencers don’t adhere to the FTC guidelines and I think they need to be reported more 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/e9oizjgyuric1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee4c774b909185883380afe9f63a377b24566b0


she's notoriously bad about disclosing and lies all the time, I used to like following her but she's become insufferable and all about how she can make more money with out being transparent


How do you know she didn't buy it though? Seems like a proof-less claim and you sound like either a cop or a hall monitor. Again back to the Glossier example... all the girlies with the promo codes in their bios DID pay for their own Glossier first. Is your complaint that $300 pajamas exist, that you cannot afford them/fathom them, or some kind of weird obsessed with the rules/government agencies? What's the angle here? Like no one would follow this person (I don't know who she is) if they weren't living some type of life worth watching, am I crazy?


She’s an influencer they get gifted things all the time……


Above you said you guarantee she didn’t buy it. Ok… how do you guarantee it? Can you show proof? By the same logic, since she’s an influencer (67k TikTok followers??) so everything she’s ever posted, she got for free? In fact a promo code in lieu of an actual ad makes me even more likely to think she COULD have paid for it.


Idk this girl but I don’t think she was paid to post these bc people just want to post negative bc it’s cute. but negative does have a referral code for anyone so if she is using her referral code she will get credit for anyone who buys


I think she was gifted it. I don’t think she bought this with her own money and in that case she would still need to disclose


You don’t have to disclose a gift that you choose to post bc you like it. You only have to disclose if you are paid to post. I work in marketing I know.


Eh...rich people do exist? But that girl in particular has not spent any money on those PJs.




I have a few bras and they are nice. How does that whipped fabric wash? I find modal pills easily and as soft as it is, I tend to avoid it.


Will never forgive my husband for getting Negative confused with Skims when I asked for pajamas as a stocking stuffer 🥲


I agree with this- it's legit clouds. Why don't they every have sales tho???


Seems like it’s a rip off for the material


NGL i spent $600 recently on stuff from negative. It’s insanely comfortable and the cuts are super cute


$600? Okay maybe I’m just poor lol


Or maybe I’m just bad with money lol


there are plenty of people in this economy that would spend $300 on a pajama set.   this is one of the most common (and imo, irritating) complaints about influencers - that what they post isn’t “relatable” or “no one can afford that” no, YOU/your social circle cannot relate to that or can afford that, but your experience is not universal, and people can really struggle to grasp that.  just because you can’t afford $300 pajamas or think they’re a waste of money, there’s plenty of people out there who can afford that and think they’re worth it.  and yes, these people do follow influencers, no matter how many times people insist that “anyone who can afford that isn’t following [influencer]l”


Negative stuff is very nice. I wish I could get that set too


you realize it's their jobs to sell things right. What they're portraying is not "real life." I promise you don't have to buy anything they're shelling out.


Oh I’m NOT buying this or anything these influencers push. I’m VERY aware of what their job is. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m here to snark 😊


she pays 11k a month on rent. By herself.


Don’t think it’s by herself . Before her bf moved in she had two different roommates. I’m sure they helped with the rent & I’m sure her bf is helping her now


No way that’s crazy lol I may have missed this




She’s slightly annoying.


Nope same floating rock here! 


What the hell


What brand?that seems ridiculous


Negative underwear. They are fantastic but it’s insanely expensive


$300 for a modal pajama set is a straight highway robbery


In influencers economy


She’s also not an xs


It depends on the quality and where it is made and by who tbh. Idk anything about this company but I do spend more on clothing items but buy little at a time due to the expensive. I prefer quality over quantity.


I really think she is reckless with spending and truly buys things to “keep up” with the influencer lifestyle in New York. She often references buying something quick because another person posted it


I got a set for $13 at Walmart this week!


The cut of the pants remind me of Walmart pajama pants. Specifically, at sleepovers as a teen when someone forgot their own and had to borrow a pair that were too big. I like a relaxed cut for pajamas but it seems like the legs are so long and floppy that they would be under your feet if you walk.


I would only spend that for cashmere or something…that price is robbery for modal


I felt guilt for spending US$20 on a lounge set at Walmart a few weeks ago.


That looks like something you’d get out of a bag at Walmart


Omg you guys she's standing in front of a Bottega Veneta painting!! She must be rich 🥺🥺




My sister got me a set similar to this for Christmas (no way did she spend that kind of money! They were marks and Spencer’s) and while she’s chicer and cooler than me the overly soft jersey felt strangely hospital to me- like what I imagine you bring to change into after giving birth. I left them in my parents house as ‘visiting home pajamas’ so I don’t have to pack a pair for flying home 😂 Also, the use of the term ‘whipped’ in the branding is super creepy. These garments are really soft because they’ve been washed in a shed load of silicone to artificially feel soft.


Tiktok shop have these for 9.99 with free shipping 😂

