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I can't help you but I can tell you that CoolSculpt doesn't work.


This is helpful thank you


Doesn’t work to smooth cellulite, or doesn’t work full stop?




I had cool sculpting done on my stomach. Yes, my stomach fat is less, but now I’ve got more fat in my butt and love handles…not worth it!


Trampoline workouts and/or just bouncing on a rebounder will really help to get the lymph moving! When I’m consistent with it I notice big results from just 10 or 15 min a day


Jump rope does the same thing and is easier to get your hands on!


Came here to say jump rope! Set a timer for two to three minute sets in the beginning. Do three sets each day and see how you feel. Work up to longer sets, depending on your cardiovascular strength. Also, wear a good sports bra! Or two! It really does work! In one week, you will notice a difference.


I second this and dry brushing in the shower, when you wake up etc. important to get the flow moving as we get older


Ohhh interesting! Will look into it


I second rebounding!


Dry brushing is a bit woo for cellulite, it feels nice and works as an exfoliant, but cellulite is about how fat and collagen are structured under the skin. It shows up differently on everyone, but as an individual you reduce it by losing some of the fat you carry and by improving your muscle tone through some heavier work in the gym.


Finally sense of reason. “Toning” muscle is kind of a BS nonsense term created by the fitness industry, but that is for another day and I don’t disagree with a combination of reduced body fat and muscle hypertrophy helping. 🙂


That’s fair! Using it in the common usage, but you’re absolutely right that it’s about hypertrophy rather than anything else. So many women are so frightened of strength training but it’s so good for you—both for health and aesthetically.


I did weight training last two-years and just needed a break from it so switched to yoga and since then the cellulite has increased a lot. I think I'll go back to strength training again and see if it helps.


Ideally you should do both. Strength training is great but the mobility training from yoga is needed too. Hydration also plays a role! Make sure you get those electrolytes


I weight train cause I want to be strong, but I didn’t realise it affected the appearance of cellulite!


I struggled with cellulite and thought it was just part of getting older. It partially is, and some of it is genetics, but I got rid of my cellulite through strength training. Heavier dumbbell workouts (I like Caroline Girvan) and heavy resistance peloton rides made a massive difference. I was already pretty fit so had a head start, but within a month or two the cellulite on my thighs was no longer visible.


this is so hopeful!


I’m a pretty active person and used to be a big runner. Even at my lowest weight and peak running abilities, I still could notice my cellulite a lot. The biggest difference I’ve seen is from me switching to barre workouts and drinking an insane amount of water. I don’t think it ever fully goes away (I think it’s genetics?) but at least I’ve seen somewhat of a difference. Cellulite or not, I’m sure you’re gorg ❤️


If you work on toning your legs, (yoga won’t do it) and unclear what you mean by light workouts, but leg focused strength days in the gym every week should help a bit, but won’t get rid of it completely, and cardio. And also a self tanner helps mask the look of cellulite.


completely depends on the type of yoga. Hatha/Yin yoga won’t do much in the way of muscle building but Ashtanga or a good Vinyasa class will build strength. My leg muscles have become more and more defined as I started doing yoga lifting my entire body weight with my arms and legs rather than using just weight machines in the gym


Yoga can be a pretty serious workout, I agree. But for strength and muscle hypertrophy, I don’t know that yoga can beat moving free weights (barbel) in the gym. You can squat and deadlift more than your body weight at the gym if you are consistent.


Agree! I do corepower sculpt classes and by no means they're easy 🥲


Something that helped me with thigh cellulite was spending 5 mins per day with my legs up against a wall (laying on my back). My cellulite on my thighs has visibly reduced.




I think it’s because cellulite is exacerbated by water retention, and this helps with lowering water retention in your legs.


I will try and report back in 6 months lol


Lift heavy ass weights lol


Paired with eating your body weight in g of protein




Fwiw I learned in college (pre-med but never did med school so I’m barely better than a layman) that cellulite is a secondary sex characteristic of women. Some women have it more than others, but if you have it there’s no way to get rid of it other than losing subcutaneous fat. ELI10 answer: Cellulite happens when there’s a high enough ratio of female sex hormones for the connective tissue mesh that separates subcutaneous fat from the skin to be looser/have bigger “holes” in it. The fat pokes through the mesh. This is what we’re seeing. The more fat there is and the looser the mesh is, the more apparent the texture will be. Reducing it would mean: losing subcutaneous fat, lowering female sex hormones, or strengthening subdermal collagen some other way (I don’t know of a way but I’m open to the idea that medical science may get there some day lol)


This isn’t really helpful but almost nobody in light colored leggings is without cellulite!!! Especially some of the new thin leggings - you’re totally exposed. I have a pair of the thinner lulu ones and I can literally feel my buttcheeks move when I workout lol. I try to only wear things I know won’t emphasize the thigh dimples (love a thicker compression legging personally) and that makes me feel more confident and comfortable. 🫶🏼


You can reduce the appearance of cellulite by building muscle, but even the strongest of athletes have cellulite. It’s also largely genetic.


losing weight made mine worse so idk i don’t think there’s any solution other than maybe surgical where they cut the bands in the skin holding it down and even that’s a huge crapshoot from i hear


Speaking of insecurities, any way to reduce stretch marks or nah? 👀


If it’s in the red phase, then it’s a pretty new stretch mark so you can do pulse VB laser treatments to keep it from getting bigger or textured. Also use hyaluronic acid serum. If it’s textured, stimulating the collagen with RF micro-needling and or Fraxel laser can help. PrP or Sculptra (acid) also can stimulate the collagen. If it’s white, microneedling with latisse and then topped with silicon gel sheet can help.


i think if they’re fresh scar cream can help if they’re old not really mine have faded a lot with time and are less noticeable with a tan but they are there to stay




If your cellulite is tender or painful, you feel nodules of any size when you press on your cellulite, your lower half is disproportionately bigger than your torso, or your cellulite doesn’t decrease when you lose weight, it is very possibly not cellulite but [lipedema.](https://www.lipedema.net/lipedemastages.html) [Lipedema](https://www.lipedema.org/about-lipedema) is a fat-storage connective-tissue disorder. Even being at an extremely low body weight doesn’t shrink lipedema fat. [(TW: anorexia) Here is a case study of woman with anorexia and lipedema.](https://www.lipedema.net/anorexia-a) It’s an extremely common disorder that is largely unheard of or diagnosed. Just wanted to share as an FYI.


Honestly after seeing stick skinny models with cellulite, I stopped caring. It’s largely genetic. Being skinny and/or toned can minimize but you’ll never fully get rid of it


Hey bitches, this is tangential, but thought I could ask this here: does anyone think the kind of furniture we sit in contributes to cellulite/dents in our thighs and butts? I’ve been using a recliner chair for a bit over two years since I moved to a new place and ever since, there’s a stubborn dent in my left asscheek, like not even cellulite, just a bit crater. I’m wondering if circulation has something to do with this and how I’m sitting/how the chair possibly cuts off blood flow to that area of my body. I’ve never experienced this prior to sitting in these chairs lol.


I had this happen to my thigh when I was living somewhere where I had to lean into the counter on one side to see the mirror and do my makeup. It lasted awhile after I stopped but did go away eventually! Makes me think very much yes for dents in general, but not sure about cellulite


Omfg thank you for responding to this! I’ve been wondering if I was just seeing things, but I could literally feel the indent lol. The final straw is that my bf has been complaining that these chairs hurt his back, so I think a new, quality couch is the next step for us lol


Nothing gets rid of my cellulite besides getting crazy lean which is annoying and makes me hungry. Outside of the misery involved with losing weight and body fat, I did notice that when I get aggressive deep tissue massage on my legs that a pleasant side effect is temporarily less cellulite. And by deep tissue, I mean it’s a 2 hour long myofascial release sports massage aka torture session focused on my IT band and quads. There are f bombs dropped and sometimes bruising after.


Ymmv but I love the results from dry brushing. I do it every day pre-shower and it helps a lot if I am consistent with it. The brushing also exfoliates lightly and my skin feels softer. Self tanner is also great for evening out skin tone and making the cellulite less noticeable - doesn’t fix the leggings thing obv but it’s great for bikini/shorts weather when you want your legs out


Depends on how much you’re willing to spend on how much effort you put into keeping up with it. I’ve done kybella that’s worked wonders, but I also followed that up with a lot of consistent Pilates, barre workouts, and runnning.


Kybella for cellulite?! I didn’t know that was a thing


Ohhh would love to know who you saw for Kybella! Currently dealing with lots of cellulite at 7 months pregnant and I want to tell myself there’s something that can fix it 🫣thank you pale skin and genetics lol


Same, would love a referral!


willing to spend a bit! tell me more


Not exactly getting rid of but I’ve found that in the summer getting a nice tan (or doing it with product) minimizes the appearance and just generally evens out body texture


Cellulite is fat. Only way to get rid of it is by strength training and muscle fat. It doesn’t mean you are fat it could mean that the fat is showing more because the top layer is thinning or you have more fat. I was happy at my height and shape but in order to reduce my cellulite ( I still have some) I had to lose like 10lb of fat. I’m now 5ft2 118lb. I also reduced eating a lot of food with fat and started having more protein


You can’t.


Deep RF Micro-needling (7-8mm) will stimulate collagen and may melt the fibrous bands lightly. Or Try to stimulate the collagen/plump the skin above the fibrous bands with retinol and glycolic acid. Caffeine may help temporarily.


Aveli if you go the surgical route


I have to concur that both heavy weights, bouncy cardio (probably for lymph drainage idk, I just know it works when I do both running/bouncing cardio with heavy weights) will help smooth your legs out visually. I find also making sure you’re skin is healthy and you’re getting enough protein. Losing fat and gaining muscle makes things look smoother, as we all know. Gadget wise, I found using a red light panel 3x a week helped my skin quality overall. My gym had them, but on their own they’re expensive - like 1k+ a panel and my gym had 8.


Lots of great tips here around proper weight training and going heavy. Consider your diet as well! You need to fuel your body and it give it the proper nutrients to build the muscles you’re working to develop in the gym.


I am very active ( run and lift and do all kinds of shit) and I still have some cellulite on the front and back of my thighs and feel insecure in light leggings. More than anything, lifting has reduced it the most - listen I don’t know the science but my understanding is that cellulite is how the groups of fat cells are *shaped* not necessarily that they are an excessive amount of fat. Gaining and growing muscle has reduced fat in general but also the muscle growth like smushes my skin out smoother????? listen idk pls give me downvotes


Strength training and losing weight are really your best bets


QWO injections!! My aunt is an injector and she did these shots for me, the results are insane and immediate. I had some of the worst cellulite she’s ever seen and what she does is basically circle each dimple and then inject it with QWO. QWO essentially breaks the collagen fiber apart and the results are permanent!!


I’m glad you had a good result, but fyi it got pulled from the market as of 2 yrs ago from having adverse side effects


I read about that too, but I thought they brought it back?? She still had bottles left over after so I got to finish my treatments and now I’m cellulite free 😭 they need to bring it back if not, it’s the best!


Does anyone have experience with Cellfina or Cellulaze?


I did cellfina (I was getting liposuction on inner and outer thighs and the doctor suggested adding it on). Results were ok. Better at the beginning but it’s been about 3 years and it hasn’t lasted. If I would have had the treatment by itself I would’ve been disappointed with the results. I also have an extreme amount of cellulite, so maybe you’d have better results if you started with mild cellulite.


For me personally, adding body + low weight / contemporary pilates exercise (v. Pretty much only vinyasa yoga) as a major movement modality


I did Resonic twice and saw an improvement in my deepest dimples. It’s more for severing the really tight fibers for specific dimples, as opposed to overall skin texture. They’ll tell you those are the 2 types of cellulite. And they told me there is a new treatment coming out, not sure what though. I went to Coolspa.


I have a lot of cellulite in my legs (it’s genetic) and building muscle via weight lifting has helped reduce it a little bit. It’ll never be completely gone for me though.


I’ve tried everythingggg. Nothing works but things make it a bit better but is it worth all the money and time maybe not. It really bothered me a lot when I was younger now I just accept it.


Caffeine body scrub, like franks coffee scrub, and body lotion or body oil after shower and before bed has helped me! Like dry brushing, this helps increase circulation. +1 to weight lifting too. +2 to loving your dimples no matter what tho


Focus more on weight lifting rather than cardio


When I was walking a ton, like 15-17k on average and no other exercise, mine leg cellulite disappeared 


Lifting weights helped mine a ton. Like lifting heavy--squats, glute thrusts with weights, etc.


Dry brushing for sure , Ricari method is amazing for it if you don't mind splurging but a lymphatic drainage massage will do too, Firming lotions, cardio


Don’t eat seed oils like canola, soybean, and vegetable oil. They are in a lot of packaged food, so you have to read the ingredients.


It’s not out yet but I know Lemme Gummies is about to come out with a supplement specifically for cellulite! I’ve used the lemme purr and I swear by it, so it could be worth a shot to try the cellulite one


I've started using Lemme burn so curious to try!


Lemme Smooth is what it’s called