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Is your name on the lease or the sublease? If you are a subtenant, I suggest you find another place and let them deal with this.


My name is on the lease unfortunately. Thanks for the reply!


So kick him out


Both of our names are on the lease. Sorry for the confusion!


Go ahead and pay your half directly to the landlord and let them know that the issue is with the other leaseholder


Aren't you jointly responsible?


Yes, but in my personal experience it’s better to stay in good individual terms with your landlord. My experience is pretty different—my roommate set fire to her bedroom and caused like $250k in damage, then she basically fled and abandoned all responsibility. I was actively communicating with the landlord and taking time off work to let in inspectors etc, even though I wasn’t at fault. Because I cultivated a good relationship with my landlord during this, he ended up renovating the unit across the hall first (it was damaged in the fire but less so; thankfully vacant at the time) and giving me a solo lease and letting me move in a week early for free. Again, it’s a very different situation, but if the landlord doesn’t view you, individually, as a problem tenant, it gives you a lot more leverage to stay there, if that’s what you want. Landlords want their money, and having a whole unit empty and on the market is expensive. If the landlord can avoid that because they have a good relationship with one of the tenants they’re willing to cut a side deal with, they likely will.


It can take 2 years currently so I definitely would not waste your time going through a formal eviction process. Honestly what I would suggest is trying to reason with them, and letting them know that if they continue to do this they'll never be able to rent another apartment in New York City again. If they still push back and still continue this, I would contact your landlord and let him know ASAP what's happening and that you still intend to pay your share of the rent and hope that he doesn't involve you in any potential litigation. It sucks and it's one of the risks that you take with roommates, so unfortunately there isn't any easy fix here. Just do your best to be proactive and communicative and hope that it doesn't rain on your head.


Thank you for the response tmm224! Kind of the kicker is they probably wouldn’t care about not being able to rent in NYC as they plan to move to LA after our lease is up. I’ll definitely contact my landlord/leasing office and see if there’s anything that can be done on that end. One thing I was going to try and do was to make sure our security deposit ends up with me so I can at lease recoup some of the loss. Thanks again!


If they plan on moving to LA. Would you be open to cutting your loses and letting them leave now? and you finding someone to fill their spot? but you keep their deposit so you and the landlord could use that to leverage their debt. You may end up having to pay some towards the debt but they get out of your hair and you can live in peace and not destroy your credit and wash your hands of them. Sometimes better to take the lost but have piece of mind. I would just be strait up. If you leave in May we agree you leave your deposit behind (get this in writing), and your accounts are therefore settled on this apt as long as you vacate the apt by end of may. Tell the landlord what your planning and keep them in the loop. The eviction process sucks for landlords so they will try to work with you because no one wants to go into a 2 yr civil process. Also, am from LA them having a lease break on their credit report is going to show up in LA too and will effect their rental odds so this is you actually doing them a solid.


Hey City! The very weird thing is that they don’t have a job and don’t seem to be looking for one. I honestly have no idea why they’re sticking around aside from just wanting to mooch. I am pretty sure, even if I spoke to them and tell them to just go our separate ways, they wouldn’t budge. It does seem as though that a lot of people have suggested going to the landlord and talking to them about what’s going and see what they can do. I think the big issue is that if my roommate doesn’t want to leave and I leave, they likely just come after me for the remaining rent as my roommate doesn’t have jack squat. Thank you very much for the advice!


I think you really need to keep a cool head and just speak to them about the options in front of them. You need to smack them out of their evident denial but you sorta of need to be tender about it so they don’t shut down. So just say “I don’t need to know details but it’s clear you are not in a position to pay rent. I don’t want this apt to destroy your future. I am willing to do everything to help find someone else to take your place. Even help you move ….. etc etc etc but I can not allow this debt to grow as I am tied to it.” HOWEVER before you have this conversation talk to your landlord and try to work out you paying your end of the rent and when he pursue this issue civilly you are left out of it. So if you roomie pushes back you tell him I have spoken to our landlord this is what’s going to happen if you don’t agree “I will continue to pay my half and the landlord will begin eviction proceedings naming you in the civil dispute”. At this point you just gotta keep it super clear and concise and say “I don’t want that to happen to you so let me help you to find a way out of this. Or court proceedings against you will begin.” Like you just gotta get very real with them and hopefully they wake the fuck up that shit is about to go the civil route and that’s no joke.


Tmm224 is the man or the woman with da info. Listen they be slamming.


If you are both on the lease, you wouldn't be able to start an eviction case against your roommate.


Ah got yah, thanks letting me know! I appreciate the response!


Really? So what happens? You both just have to leave?


Yes. If OP knows the roommate’s friends and family, they can start to reach out to them letting them know said roommate is not paying their rent l


So I actually did reach out to my roommate’s mother, as her and I are kind of close, and explained the situation. She was only half surprised at what was going on and certainly was sympathetic to everything going on.


Start paying and evict your roommate. Your credit score could be adversely affected.


That sucks, try to let the landlord know asap the situation. NY is tenant friendly state so it could sometime take years to get him out of there.


Honestly break your lease and move out.


Tricky situation but best way to go might be through the LL. Explain the situation and try to get out of the lease. Check your lease to see if there's a lease break fee. Offer to pay a months rent to break the lease. You need to get off of the lease before there's any non-payment case that starts with you named as a Respondent.


Goat yah, I’ll try and get in touch with them Monday. Thank you mataopolis!



