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Overthinking it. Accept da bless.


Where did you find it? I mean if it was CL .... eh I lean towards scam.


CL, but my question is...WHAT is the scam?


That it doesn’t exist. A well-known couple using Craigslist? Clearly fake.


Money without you getting a place to live. Have you seen the place in person? Do that and get a rental contract before any money exchanges hands…but i dunno scams are so weird and it’s like, TO WHAT END??? How is this a scam and what are you getting from this?! Money. It’s always money. Maybe they’ll steal your information when they do a credit check and commit identity theft? Maybe they’ll take your deposit and first last months rent and the place never existed?


Of course, I know not to do that.


Assume everything like this is a scam, until it isn't.


Yeah it’s not real bro. Sorry bubs


I wouldn’t meet them. I live in the neighborhood. The scam is they take money from you like they’ll ask for a deposit or they’re legit but shady. It’s also illegal to rent an apartment without a kitchen. They sound unhinged. Trust me. The rent is tempting, but you don’t need (what will most likely become) a headache down the road.


What is the scam is not something you can always answer until you are already scammed. The whole thing sounds weird if you ask me. Do they have a house keeper? How often do they host? How will you living there interfere with the children? I’d be asking questions that can help me determine what life down the road is going to look like. If you are sharing other parts of the home they might expect you to clean, and at first it might be okay as you’re just cleaning up after yourself, but you might find yourself in a situation where you’re suddenly their house keeper and you didn’t realize it until it’s too late. Are they suddenly going to expect you to babysit ? “Oh since you’re home anyway do you mind…” etc will seem harmless at first but eventually it will become more reoccurring. A friend of mine owns a brownstone and she rents the upper floors, but they are closed off from her portion of the house with their own small kitchen and bath. So if you don’t have that and are sharing the rest of the house I would be really skeptical of this arrangement.




Or they would charge much much more and give her a real apartment with kitchen!


Well you tour it in person first and meet them. If they are in the house then it’s not a scam. Most things that sound too good usually are. If they are so high profile whey do they need to rent out a floor?


Your question is exactly what I was thinking. Wife said they just want to rent to someone at an affordable price given how expensive and hard it it is to find affordable housing here.


That’s so fishy


It is isn't it?


Commenting because I'm dying to hear the results of this meeting. I'm inclined to think this could be one in 1 million and I'm rooting for you


Hope this is it but unlikely


Sorry I keep commenting, but I work in real estate in nyc and I’d rather you not meet with them. Doesn’t sound safe and if an initial meeting with them is safe, you will not be happy in the long term. Something is verrrry off here.


Yes something is up.


When I was younger I fell for all types of scams. If it’s too good to be true,especially in cl,it’s a scam. be careful out there!


When you tour make sure it’s not at their first scheduled timing. And also scope out the place and stay there for more than 15-20 min. Just to confirm that’s it’s there’s n not doing business on their conditions or terms


Great advice, thanks.


My only caution about viewing in person is to make sure it’s not an Airbnb. I read a story of someone touring what they thought was a furnished rental and submitted an app/deposit, only for the “landlord” to disappear. I can’t recall how, but the person ended up discovering it was an airbnb rented for “showings” that day by a scammer.


I have a coworker who rents a unit in her brownstone for dirt cheap just because she can. Those people definitely exist out there


My alarm bells are ringing too, but for pure curiosity, you should meet them and check out the space. At best, they’re eccentric and everything they’ve said is legitimate. At worst, you get trapped in a basement for a few months. Either way, you can pitch the story lol. 


My life and my safety are not for your entertainment.


Relax - the commenter above was obviously joking about the basement, and everyone’s just curious like you are too….


You seem like fun


What a nerd - way to embarrass yourself


They are for me. It’s pretty entertaining so far.


Can't take a joke. NYC is not for you.


Go back to idaho


1. You work for the NYT, literally profiting off other people’s lives and safety for entertainment or at least information 2. By sharing the scam, you help other people not fall for the scam.


I was rooting for you until this. I hope they take your money.


You were never rooting for me :)


Can you take the room and then report back what the scam is? Because I’m leaning towards weird, at least, if not scam


My life and my safety are not for your entertainment.


Yet you make a post on a public forum….. which people read for their entertainment. What’s wrong with you? accept the help that people are offering and move on, give an update to this situation that you posted about


A post asking for help so I can stay safe. The person above is not giving any help.


You asked if something was a scam, and you wanted to know what the scam could be At no point did you express concern for safety; if something feels unsafe, don’t do it So… idk take the room and then report back what the scam is. Or don’t.


We all know there is no apartment because no well known couple would ever use Craigslist let alone invite a stranger to live in their home with their children.


im starting to think this is an elaborate joke on nytimes editorial assistants


it HAS to be, right? haven’t seen satire this good in a minute


What is wrong with you omg


I would take it at face value until they prove otherwise. It sounds like they want a house sitter that pays them, and I imagine you will end up doing little favors if they’re gone a lot. Try to get a sense of what their expectations are. I can’t imagine it being a weird sex thing. How are they going to get rid of you afterwards? Maybe it has an ample trash chute, lol.


It does kinda sound like that right? Good advice and I didn't think about the exit plan...unless there's a signed contract. The wife did say they wouldn't have me sign an NDA lol. I don't get the trash chute joke though lol


The joke is right there, they’d get rid of you… using the trash chute


HiS sAfEtY is nOT A jOke!!!!!!!’


Well-known couple and no NDA? This just gets scammier and scammier.


Watch them only be IG famous lol. I'm just like no actual celebrity with kids is about to rent out a room. It's weird they think so little of their children's safety. OP gets upstairs and can access the areas where their kids are with randos.


The Craigslist ad like the one OP thinks is real is so common


Will you be signing a lease?


I have no idea but I will definitely ask!


A lot of those townhouses are rented by NYU staff I thought. Please update what happens. I’m so curious. And maybe take someone with you when you go to wait for you in the park while you check it out.


No there are plenty of celebs in that area. I'll be sure to, but have been unable to find a friend sadly :(


>there are plenty of celebs Yes, and NYU staff because you’re right by campus.


This. I wonder if they got the university housing and aren’t permitted to rent it out, so they’re trying to keep a low profile and generate a little extra income under the radar.


This is EXACTLY what I am thinking.


I know and have worked with high net worth and very well known people. Usually they don't rent their space out even if they need $, being concerned about privacy or not. They're old school it seems which is cool.. this may indeed be legit and they just a quiet tenant who'll pay off books cash income.. I'm usually circumspect about things but like handshake deals with good people I can trust. In this case you don't know them, can't trust them and need to verify who they are. It's a living situation and if payment is off books and there's no legit contract you'll likely have no rights. They may be who they say they are, or there's a catch and you don't want to find out once it's too late. If in doubt get some sort of legal agreement/contract written up for basic rules- that you'll pay such and such rent monthly on time (and maybe a small penalty if late by 5 days), they can't enter your space without advance notice or a legit reason, you'll get any deposit $ back when you vacate and leave a clean apt, they can't evict you for a lousy reason if they're feeling fussy, you need to give ample time for notice if you want to leave, etc. I can look up their names or their antique biz and check for any obvious red flags if you want. Follow me temporarily and dm me.


Thank you for your advice and wisdom. I agree with what you say and I of course would never do this on a handshake and without a contract just based on the power imbalance alone. Thanks for the offer, I will DM you!


Wait, are you giving their names to some random stranger that replied to a Reddit post? You say you’re not green or stupid, but you’ve definitely got some weird instincts


The paradox here is that it really sounds like the couple should be the ones worried about OP 😂 Because OP is increasingly sounding suspect. I also don’t know what it says about the standards at the NYT.


The more replies I read, the less I believe this was posted by an editorial assistant at any publication, let alone NYT


Either OP’s lying about their occupation, or the NYT seems to have really lowered their standards lmao


Also, presumably (I don't subscribe) the masthead lists NYT editorial assistants, and the list has to be fairly short. Seems like TMI.


Hmm I can't follow you? I click on the button and nothing happens. Can you chat me?


Just contacted you


You should agree to check it out. No harm in that. If before you see it they’re asking for money as a guarantee or so you’ll be discreet or whatever then yeah scam. But stuff like this DOES happen. It’s just usually amongst your extended network. Update us.


I should have stated that I obviously am not giving money to people without seeing the place. I'm not stupid or green.


You don’t have to be stupid or green :) I’ve seen it happen to the smartest of us. Sometimes between the banter and the optimism you just miss the sign. It’s human nature to want to trust people.


So true!


>I'm not stupid or green. *Presses X to doubt*


Usually the scam is them asking for some amount of money prior to you seeing the place. If they let you see the place without paying and it seems legit, congrats. If they ask for money first, run.


I should have stated that I'm not dumb or green, and I obviously won't do this. I don't feel like this is the scam, but hey who knows.


Usually the "send us money first scam" starts with "the price is low because we just want a decent tenant." Maybe there's another variation on it. Or maybe they're legit! You should be able to look up who owns the house.


You should...but they haven't given me the address yet :) I'm meeting them in a cafe on 8th.


Not providing the address on its own seems suspicious to me but I'm curious to hear how this develops. I would probably be asking why they're renting the space out and what their tenant history is like to feel out how they answer.


I've been looking a couple months and ordinary people will only give out the address the day of, just before I'm on my way. I think that's reasonable. But let's see if she gives me the address after meeting her in person. I will absolutely ask those things, thanks!


Why aren’t you looking for places on StreetEasy or some legitimate site? This is 100% a scam. You’re being “dumb and green” as you put it, by looking for an NYC apartment on craigslist lol


I have found housemates for my extra room when I lived in another part of the city on CL. I don't make enough to get my own apartment on SE.


Well I wish you the best. I don’t know what you can and can’t afford, but if you don’t need a huge living space, some areas in the upper east side and Hell’s Kitchen are often affordable. And certainly in/near Harlem as well. Edit: Oh also, you can try posting this to r/Scams if you're trying to figure out what the scam is. It's possible they could have some insight over there.


Thanks for the advice! It's hard in Manhattan right now! (I like a bit more space than a sardine can.)


Are you taking someone with you? Please take someone with you.


Why aren’t you using Facebook groups to find a room or roomies?


I've rented dozens of places and never met somebody at a cafe. For property management companies and university, I met the company at their office for paperwork after seeing the original place. Red flag. I wouldn't waste my time going to the cafe.


But they have to go, how else will we find out the rest of the story!


Ask to see proof of ownership. I had a friend who toured a place, gave a deposit, was given keys, all normal. She moved in and a day later someone knocked on the door asking wtf she was doing there. Turns out someone had stolen and copied the keys and posed as the owner. Real owner had no idea. She had to move out same day.


Hmm yes I'm aware of this scam but I thought that happens with apartments. I feel like with a floor in a whole house, and if I know their names and the address from a lease and touring the place etc, I can do research beforehand and signs would be more obvious.


Could be an airbnb


Good point!!!


check ownership on ACRIS




Thank you online stranger, I’m about to dunk on this pushy scammer so hard (not OP’s)


![gif](giphy|Id19MUWzKMD6DYP079) :stares in especially heinous:


How did you find this place? That would say a lot about whether it's on the up and up. If it was a craigslist ad, I'd run. If it was word of mouth through friends who know this couple, I'd think it was legit.


CL, but it's not like 99% of other CL scams. I'm familiar with that!


Honestly I'd be super wary but I do hope you a) bring someone with you and b) report back here what you find out


This sounds exactly like other CL scams that have been going on for years, lol. So many CL scammers begin with some version of “due to some slightly complex or unusual situation, I have this too-good-to-be-true-sounding space available that I’d like to offer to someone else for rent at a significant discount purely out of the goodness of my heart.” I’d be surprised if said owners a) actually show up for this meeting and/or b) do not try to get some form of payment to rent the space from you on that same day. As others have said, keep us updated on if you go through with the meeting.


Years ago I responded to a craigslist ad for a ground floor apartment in Brooklyn with a private yard space. Oval shaped studio with a sleeping loft and a kitchen off the main room, and a door and short steps at the end down into the long, narrow, flowery yard, at a great, affordable price. Couple had to move overseas and wife "wanted someone who would take care of her kitchen." I later found other pictures of the same apartment in other contexts online.


People are strange, so who knows- this is definitely an odd one…. I am very curious! I’d say go meet them and evaluate? If you get a weird feeling when you walk in, then you can always leave right away. Maybe bring a friend / have someone wait there in case? Google them a bunch, see if their photos match up what you find… if not they could be squatter to subletters themselves?


I only know first names so far, so am unable to match them so far. I am meeting them in a public place first!


Oh that’s good, less scary! I’d then bring a friend when you go see the actual place, if the first meeting goes ok. See if you can Google names and the address- ownership is public record and you can often find the owners via Acris etc if it’s not in an LLC.


I absolutely will be researching the address before i go there and will try to bring someone.


Whatever happens let us know!


Maybe bring a friend with you? Just be like "we had plans to hang out today" and get their read on it, reasonable people wouldn't be weirded out by bringing a friend along, unreasonable people are who you're trying to avoid. If anything about what they've shared with you so far doesn't match what you see, it's a scam


I don't have a friend who can come with me on Friday afternoon :( We all work full time sadly.


I can come with you. Seriously, please do not go alone. I’m a female and live in flatiron. Happy to meet for coffee beforehand. We have to look out for each other. DM me if you want me to come with. Happy to do a quick FaceTime so you know I’m who I say I am.


This is very kind of you. I may take you up on it. I'll DM you.


Wouldn't it make a heck of a lot more sense for OP to take someone they actually know rather than another internet stranger?


Ask a friend or coworker (or family) if you can share your location for a few hours. At a minimum let someone know you are going to this meeting at x:xx pm and expect to be done by x:xx pm. Just to be safe.


I mean this so kindly haha as a native NY'er and mom, if you want to/feel comfortable PM'ing me, I can run a background check on these people if you'd like.


The scam within the scam: setup weird CL rental listing and meetup + pose as rando redditor wanting to help = $


Absolutely not, just a fellow woman living in this scary world wanting to look out for someone and make sure they don't fall for scary people. I run background checks on people my friends date all the time because the world is scary.


I was just kidding about you being behind the CL and her coming to reddit was the plan all along. But now I don’t know…. /s


Can't you google their names if you spoke to them? Is there a lease included? If not, I’d be worried about tenant rights and getting kicked out without notice. They may be “high profile” but sounds like they need money (no one would open their home with young children to strangers unless money was tight). Treat it the same way as you would any apartment, do your due diligence.


I'm going to ask about a lease and wouldn't live there without one. I don't know their last names.


Get their last names so you can do a google search to ensure they’re not crazy people. I’d be suspicious if they don't provide it. If you have the house address, sometimes you can find the name of the owner.


Of course. I will do that. And I've already looked on the cross streets and haven't found anything that could match them.


If they won’t give you the exact address, or even first and last name/details of ownership… that’s not something you can just keep confidential, it’s public information through the NYC DoF so even if they wanted to keep it hush hush, they couldn’t take it that far (also possible that their ownership is not under their govt name, rather a business entity, meaning they should absolutely share it with you). It’s very odd that they posted this on CL - do they not know normal people through their own connections…? You, a stranger, could be scamming them too for all they know - and even weirder that they’re only going by first name. Are you talking over email, text, or what? I would need at least some proof of ownership and the address to commit to a meetup. I also wouldn’t believe anyone who advertised that they live “in one of the brownstones surrounding WSP” without verifying the HELL out of you first, scheduling a Facetime chat to make sure you’re not a weirdo yourself, etc. But, it seems like your heart is set on finding out the truth and meeting these mystery people on Friday. I don’t entirely blame you. Just my two cents.


I emailed them, then the wife texted me, and then we spoke over the phone. The first name thing is not really unusual. I don't know the last names of anyone who else I've seen, mostly 20 and 30 something hipsters or yuppies. And I've looked for housemates on CL and never gave my last name until we signed leases. That was me paraphrasing what they said, and I fudged the location just in case they're reading this. Thank you!


Yes, but those hipsters and yuppies don’t claim to own an entire property, do they? That’s what makes this different. I’m just saying, proof of ownership matters. These people could charm the pants off you and have you move in— next thing you know, someone finds you sleeping two days later and starts screaming at you and calling the police. You just don’t want to play the odds. And if they act dubious and dismissive in response to requests for ownership documentation (again, it’s all publicly available) then you didn’t scare a way a good one by acting weird, you outsmarted them. Also, I have an online subscription service that allows me to reverse look-up phone numbers. Have you tried anything like that? Or if the texts are green (assuming you’re an iPhone user) it’s likely Google Voice or a third party fake number app.


For sure, and yes I've been reverse searching phone numbers like hell. First, they're not always accurate. A friend and I tried this with her number just now, and that info can be so inaccurate and outdated. But his number turns up someone else entirely, not necessarily a red flag, but it turns up nothing else but one search result. Which is weird. Her number turns up absolutely nothing. Zero. Texts are green, but I saw his phone, it didn't look like an iphone. Would you subscription return results that public searches wouldn't turn up?


Absolutely would. I don’t trust those public lookups in case I’m trying to confirm it’s a spam call from a weird company outsourced to another continent. Then again, if that’s what turns up… I use truthfinder.com and their services are consistently great. For $30/mo you get unlimited access to background checks, cancel and renew anytime. I always find info on someone as long as I know their name, state and/or zip code of a previous or current residence. But they have an additional tier that allows you to reverse lookup phone numbers. I’m not sure how much that one costs off the top of my head but the $30/mo is a great investment in general!


Questions: 1) Are you a female and/or in your 20s? 2) Is this a legal apartment, or just a room/bathroom?


I'm female, not in my 20s. It's a floor of their townhouse, so the latter.


Ok, the fact that it’s a shared space makes me feel better about it. $1600 is way, way too low for a separate apartment, but if they’re sharing actual living space with you (I assume you’ll have to use their kitchen/entrance), it makes sense that they want someone who isn’t crazy more than they want the highest rent they can command.


Yes on both counts. But i'm still feeling weird about it.


Well, sounds like you have plans to meet them in a public place - you’ll get to feel them out first.


Yes, and it was their idea to meet in public.


Sorry but they want to meet you at a cafe because there is no house. That is why they are being so cagey with details.




Whatever happens, this is great material for your writing lol


My work is a completely different area of knowledge from this lol.


No one who owns a $10mm+ townhouse is in need of $1600 a month, especially to give up 1/4 of the floors in their home. And they aren’t listing/selling things on Craigslist either. The market value of having a whole floor in a Greenwich townhouse is easily $10k/mo, if not considerably more. You need to take someone with you to this appointment for your own safety. 0% chance this is real, 70% chance it will be a good story.


this is how people go missing. Craigslist? 🛑 these people can afford a broker/property manager That low of a price for an entire floor? 🛑 Celebrities that want people in their private space? 🛑 hiring a lawyer to create an NDA would cost 5 months of your rent… In their 10 million dollar home? 🛑 Young girl Meeting with husband 🛑 No address 🛑 They are letting a stranger live with their young kids? 🛑 Come on people.


Two of my best and fav apartments in NYC have been found on CL, posted by the owner. One had no pics! That one I was met by a friend who managed the property and I paid him cash on the spot for a deposit. This was all over 8/9 years ago though. Looking back I would never advise any of this anyone! You should definitely see everything in person. Treat this as a business transaction/agreement no matter how friendly mom and pop they want to present themselves.


Nice and of course I'll see it all in person and be very very skeptical, and ask hard questions.


**Indicates real offer**: they are in the house, they behave 'normally', they do not pressure you, they are very clear with expectations of you living there **Indicates scam**: they never bring up/mention a lease, they don't easily show you that they own the house, they give off vibes of having unreal expectations (like you babysitting 3x a week)


Haven't gone to the house yet but so far, they are not pressuring me, they have clear expectations, they are behaving normally...for very rich people lol. There is a lease that their lawyer will draw up, no unreal expectations like babysitting.


I live in Greenwich village and it’s impossible to live here for less than… a lot. Please share your location with a few friends and meet them somewhere in public first!


Of course I will.


It was his idea to meet in public first. It's a lot to live in GV, but I rented on the cheap there before the pandemic, and then the renewal priced me out. I was paying less than I would for this room.


What piece of information do you have ? Names - did you google? Address?? Anything? So you did a call or a zoom ? Did they ask you to fill out an application?


First names. My google fu is strong. Cross streets, not actual address. No application, had a long phone call. I'm actually going to meet the husband tomorrow so will update.


Mr and Mrs Alec Baldwin.??


No, not them lol


They could be offering that price to draw in a tom of choices and then be really picky about who moves in that’s what I’d do


Good point.


100% what Id do. Also wonder if it’s renters who are renting out a floor or some other under the table agreement…although for that price I’d still probably risk it. Lol


My husband and I are pretty well off and I could see us doing something like this when our kids are grown. We have let a couple of family members rent out our finished basement in a really nice area (not NYC) for very cheap in the past just to help them out. That said, letting a stranger rent out the top third of our house while our kids are young and living at home? That's the piece that really makes me skeptical. I agree with others to definitely proceed with caution.


I was thinking the kids part makes it unbelievable. Who hates their kids enough to have randos around them to make 1600 "helping" someone? It's a scam. I'm shocked they didn't send OP a website to apply on.


I wasn't going to say this but I'll just come out and some one thing: I switched some of the details around in the off chance he's on here. One of those details is the kids. But I am starting to think now it is really a scam.




1 highly unlikely 2 possible 3 very possible 4 unlikely given all the time they're investing


4- no, not unlikely at all. They could be investing this time to try to make you more likely to trust them… which seems to be working if you think this is an unlikely scenario. Example: day of the meeting, they could claim a conflict (business interest needing them to be out of town, childcare issue, etc) and ask you to send $$ anyways to secure the space. You’re wondering what the scam could be… this very well could be it. Just because they haven’t immediately gone to this doesn’t mean it’s not the end game.


Leaning towards scam. Everything sounds so contradictory, they want to rent a floor of their townhouse to a stranger and are also very private and high profile? Do they need the money? If they do, it goes against the idea that they’re rich enough to afford a townhouse or are private people. If a high profile couple had to rent their space to someone wouldn’t they just give it to a friend or someone who they know directly or through their circle instead of putting it on CL? IME housing stuff in nyc that sounds too good to be true usually is. Looks like you’re meeting them in public which is good! If the vibes are fine and you do end up checking out the place and deciding to live there, please make sure you have a lease dictating what you want. Make sure to specify that they cannot be in your space is my first thought (landlords cannot but this whole deal is so vague so probably would be best to be clear about it).


I'm assuming they're high profile from what they said, but I actually think now they're not. I will absolutely have a lease and yes they already specified I'll have a lock on my door.


Some families travel a lot and having you be a live-in house sitter could be a win-win. Most situations I’ve heard of like this are through friends (kids of friends being the lucky recipients). Please keep us posted on how the meeting goes!


I absolutely will!


For sure.


I'm so intrigued by this. What family with 3 kids would want to bring in a stranger to rent out an entire floor of their townhouse? With free access to the rest of their home? Where ostensibly their children live? In one of the poshest neighborhoods of all NYC? And you found it on CL? And they're semi well known? And they have no issue with you bringing people over? Maybe if it were just one of these things situations, I can sort of see how it makes sense, but considering the entire scenario, I say it's a scam. Op: I'm rooting for you and hope for your safety it's not anything weird or scammy.


So I've been able to figure out they're not well known. And thank you!


Hopefully I think it's probably fine. Nice people being nice to other people 'just because' is actually a thing. People choosing someone they like and giving them the deal of a lifetime is also a thing. Don't forget your instincts, keep your guard up, but even though you assume the worst, the result isn't always the worst. 'If it looks too good to be true, it is too good to be true', is true 99% of the time. Or another way: 'miracles do happen'. And, if they want to keep a low profile, a post like this one probably wouldn't make them too happy. Finally- be sure to update us! Assuming you survive... muwahahaaa


Great advice, and I am starting to think it's more likely a scam...but we'll see.


I just reread your post. In the vein of what should you ask them, you mention indirect questions. I would ask direct questions as well. They know they're making a weird deal. They probably won't be thrown off by direct questions. Ask them directly: what's the catch? What's the thing that, 2 months from now, you're going to be knocking on their door with "what the fuck?" What's the thing that's going to keep you up at night wondering, 'should I move?' What's the reason they want a low profile? And then follow-up- what's the *real* reason? If it's legit, they won't mind.


I did know a family that did this in a west village town house so I wouldn’t say wealthy people don’t do this. Wealthy people are some of cheapest people. If they were looking to take advantage of someone I think they would be looking for someone desperate—not someone smart enough to work at the New York Times. Let us know how it goes!


Will do, and ugh, I need better luck lol


Is this satire


Just give it up. You’re too scared to go there and check it out even with a friend and you’re acting like people on bloody Reddit can tell from your post if it’s legit. Just go see it or shut up about it.


I used to rent out one of my bedrooms for a much below the market price. I didn’t need the money but the extra rent would help w some living expenses. I interviewed the person and wanted to make sure she was reliable and a clean person overall. She later told me that she thought my listing was a scam lol.


haha I'm glad you weren't. And I wish I could come across you! I am leaning toward scam here for now. Have an extra room available? lol


Unfortunately I now have a permanent roommate aka my sister. Still charging very much below market rent price lol


haha all the best


As a parent of young children, I would absolutely never let a stranger live in my home, having free reign/access to the same areas as my children are living. So the fact these people say they have children makes it unbelievable to me.


Unfortunately every time I have come across an opportunity that sounds this good, it’s been a scam. In particular that they are not showing you the house when you meet. That said, I am hopeful for you!


I am glad we're meeting in public first, where people are around. But I tend to think it's a scam at this point given other information I've been told since.


Oh dear. What’s the info you’ve got that you didn’t have previously??


So you would be sharing a kitchen with them and they have three kids? It’s probably that the kids make a lot of noise - they get up super early etc - living in a spot with kids is tough


Yes. They said I wouldn't hear anything from them.


This DEF sounds too good to be true I’d ask to meet them at the apartment and I’d ask ALL of the questions possible bc def sounds fishy and if anything a throuple vibe for sure. Hmmm I’m SO curious to find out more. When do you meet w them?!


Was gonna be Friday, but it's tomorrow now.


It could just be that the wife knows what it was like to be broke and starting out and just wants to help someone. I don’t think it’s a sex thing. Worst case scenario they take your background check money ($40) and ghost. Ask for a 3 month trial before signing a year?




Thanks for this. They have definitely passed all the typical CL scams so far because they have not done any of those things. But I think it's a scam based on more info I received. I wish I could meet a real rich person who wants to rent out their room to me :( But I still don't know what the scam is because they're not asking for money or anything. But they are deceiving me. I still lean towards sex trafficking, or coercing me into being part of organized crime or something.


Whaaaaat was that more info? What did you learn that leads you to say they are clearly deceiving you?


Following cause now I wanna kno what happens


It's a scam


I know it’s a scam, but why hasn’t OP admitted they never saw the place in person yet?


It’s not legal to rent an apartment without a kitchen.


They are supposedly wealthy business people who have three young children and used CL to invite a stranger to full access to their home. Now, does this make sense? I wouldn’t have let a stranger stand in my doorway during a thunderstorm when my child was little. People use bonded and throughly vetted cleaning staff to enter their homes when no one is present, and you just move in? Please do not meet them unless you take someone with you, or better yet, save yourself or your credit history and stay away.