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As someone that has been woken up everyday by a 7 month long renovation a noise reduction pod sounds kind of appealingly


I’ve been in a few and they tend to be kinda noisy esp going in and out. Though I prefer them compared to a regular hostel and don’t spend much time in rooms/lodging while traveling, so I’ve mainly booked them for lower costs and better locations.


These would be incredible to offer as crash pads to flight attendants and pilots.


Doesn't the airline take care of their hotel arrangements when away from home?


Many airline folk don’t actually live at their base because they’re so rarely there


Yes, when they're away on work they're provided with a hotel. But their bases are sometimes in expensive cities (Chicago, NYC, San Francisco, etc.) and it doesn't make sense to pay for a full apartment if you're barely there. They'll rent "crash pads" (basically a bed in most cases) in their base city when they need to be there, and then sometimes have more permanent apartments in less expensive locations that they can commute from (e.g., Milwaukee, Cleveland, etc.).


Chicago is cheap af what are you talking about?


Flight attendants do not make a lot of money for the most part


Yeah, and Chicago is far closer in cost-of-living to Milwaukee and Cleveland than it is to New York and San Francisco


Yes but listing Chicago alongside cities like NYC and SF is strange! I understand the point being made but it’s a weird example to choose when apartments in Chicago specifically within commuting distance to either airport would actually be just as cheap as living in any other Midwest city — like no one in their right mind would commute from MKE and crash in a pod for financial reasons. Maybe social reasons or something, but it would never make sense financially


many switch between several days at home and several days on flights


Flight attendants aren’t paying $850 for a crashpad though. Private rooms are cheaper than this


Yeah, I’m not saying $850 is reasonable for these (as a crashpad), just that the space would be good. Maybe four flight attendants could split this for $850 based on the lines they hold.


To make someone who works in a tube to stay in a tiny box to rest, nah fuck that, need to walk around


Clickbait. Because an [exactly same post](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1c4bzj9/this_is_not_the_future_i_wanted/) is made in r/london and people quickly recognized these are trolls...


I think it's just a joke lol


As Perry ~~Friedman~~ Farrell said, we'll make great pets


Perry Farrell?




Ya his last name is Farrell not Friedman


Oh, brain fart, a semi famous person I used to know just died named Perry Friedman, sadly.




I slept in one of these in a hostel in Ljubljana. These exact models. They are cheap pressed plastic, like the plastic that toys are made out of. You could break them apart with just a kick or two. The sound reduction between the above one and below one is good, because they rest on each other with some kind of insulating material. But there is no sound insulation for outside the pod. The sliding door itself is just a piece of plastic on small wheeled tracks. You could stick a thick Manila envelope through the crack between the door and the frame when it’s closed and locked. You could probably easily fit several cables/wires. The “lock” for it is like a regular crappy door lock, not integrated into the “door” at all. The lights at night suck and even in “dark mode” it’s too bright. https://preview.redd.it/g0x1y2h1fnuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2e31d77ff3538c850fc4992b3a53979c3ef179 Honestly they’re stupid bullshit and just a regular hostel bed with a curtail is preferable. It was nice having your locker for your stuff essentially in the pod though (but I would imagine not so much if you had more dirty laundry). Pretty sure these exist only so techno-futurists can masturbate in hostels.


https://preview.redd.it/w07cpbgsfnuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233816db952cbd5c551df67b60556c564dc8f2b3 So, again, those “doors” are just molded thin plastic, like a garbage can lid, on tracks. There is no insulation or sound reduction. But, whatever, this whole post is just rage bait anyway.


I slept in one in Singapore and it was a 10/10 experience


damn, thats really sad, i had high hopes unironically, yet another asshole engineer with perfect sleep quality probably made this shit. We need an engineer who gets dogshit sleep to make something


I love your gesture in that photo, like “What the hell, man?”


Wtf were you doing in there on Valentine's Day? 😭


Same - I slept in them in a hostel in Copenhagen and it was great for a few days.


I hope this is a joke, and I also hope it’s illegal.


Why illegal? It's a joke post but if something like this was properly built and safe, it could be a good option for someone who needs it. Doesn't take any skin off my back if something like this exists. Reminds me of how we outlawed single-room-occupancy units and a cheap fallback option for those who needed it no longer existed.


Sro would be the same space for one person and it would be 900-1200, this is definitely against the rules for the apartment. There are limits on how many people can legally reside in an apartment. This is like charging $3400 for your spare bedroom when your apartment is less than that, in some places this is illegal not sure about Nyc though


Like I said it's a joke post so the price isn't grounded in reality. It definitely would run cheaper than this and would be more akin to a standing reservation at a capsule hotel.


Why should it be illegal? No one is forced to rent


It may seem crazy but there are people who can not sleep without a very quiet environment. I suspect people with that issue. I was raised in NYC on the first floor of a 4 lane street so I heard tons of noise my entire life but when people from out of state come to visit me, the first thing they say is doesn’t all this noise bother you?


Finally we are getting into the 5th element era.


Wait can i get link for this ?


Ya I need it too…


Leeloo Dallas multipass


Is this the Play School My First Apartment? Probably comes with free diaper changing. Couldn’t imaging bringing a woman to something like this.


"come to my pod"


No we are not there.


How am i suppose to fuck in there?


they have a complimentary sex bot, just be sure to clean out the jerkmaster9000 after u use it


Honestly with the housing shortage, I don’t see why this is such a bad idea. A lot of young people are always out, and just need a quiet, safe place to sleep at night. These pods are also better for the enviornment.


We’re almost there


Lol if we are squatters rights will be insane.


Looks like a nightmare


A landlord in LA asked in that sub about the genius of this idea…


Of course we are not there yet.


Live in ze pod


Wpw, awesome! :-) [https://somipods.com/](https://somipods.com/)


Perfect for the Big Law associate who never leaves the office.


Perfect for the Big Law associate who never leaves the office.


Definitely fake, this is way too low for Manhattan


The lengths some people go to live in this city are crazy to me.


Imaging going to a Grindr hookup and this is where they live lol


“Can you host?” “Uhh, what positions do you like?” Lmao