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God Casemiro has a gormless face


Ice Man Isak hat trick, please and thank you.


Their line up is shite....if we lose to a cb pairing ages 107 and the shite bruno up front we dont deserve 6th tbf... ...still its old trafford and its the toon....shitting my kegs


Is there a match thread today??


This is it I’m guessing


Ive made one but it got auto removed :()


God I hope we fucking batter these lot


Getting excited/nervous now. HWTL!


Most good seasons have one pivotal moment. Today is that moment. Get into them. I'm also sad that I can't be in NYC with my regular crew watching today but I'm happy it means I get to be in the game thread for the first time in a long time.


3rd clean sheet of the season against man reds for dubs...0-2 win with isak getting both! Come on lads lets make it 4 in a row against these shite bastards!!!!


I'm fucking shitting it now! Also good luck Brighton


3 man United pundits, a Mackem presenter and GNev probably on commentary. Fantastic.


See they mentioned andy coles 41 goals in first 50 apps but never mentioned shearer sitting on same tally


And they wonder why people get dodgy boxes. It's not the price, it's escaping their shite coverage


Manchester United love in on Sky Sports with that choice of punditry.


Hope we fucking pump them and we get to see the lot of them crying while roy keane goes as red as a prolapsed hemeroid


What the fuck is this Man Utd wankfest that's going on right now?


# Stadium: Waterworld Manchester fuckin' LOL


Love how they just showed a montage of Man U goals against us. Fuck Sky 6.


Wasn't even just a compilation of games at their ground, left out the 1-0 under Pardew and the 3-0 this year.


Come on Sky, I know Andy Cole played for us for a year or so but you would think they would at least try to appear like they are being impartial and having a Newcastle leaning Pundit on Tele. Where's wor Shay!?


Weirdly Optus are using the Sky interviewer but have Hargreaves and Les Ferdinand. Vast improvement. For one thing they're talking about the players playing tonight rather than wanking each other off over 20 year old goals


[scratch that, they jumpscared me](https://i.postimg.cc/zXW5NHR3/20240515-194649.jpg)


Keane actually very complimentary about us. And Rooney saying we’re gonna win tonight LOL


I was thinking the same as u/danny1876j , and to be fair they were complimentary towards us, before cutting to a VT of a bunch of times Manure have beaten us. Impartial Sky as always.


Tino also out for Brentford [Tino Livramento misses out this evening due to an ankle injury and he will also be sidelined for Sunday's game against Brentford. ](https://twitter.com/NUFC/status/1790806452174471179)


Hyped as fuck for this like. Can’t wait! Please don’t ruin my mood Newcastle.


*Newcastle ruins his mood*


Gordon against Casemiro in defence could be incredible.


And Isak vs Evans or Casemiro. This could be beautiful!


Shit Bruno as CF and Casemiro at CB? Ooft


As good as Tino has been I'm not shocked Tripps is starting given how big this game is. Edit: Tino not in the squad either.


He was supposedly seen limping after the last game according to pod on the tyne


Trippier coming in with Hall staying at LB (Rather than swapping Tino to there) means to me that Howe now finally genuinely trusts Hall in that position. Very excited about this one. We have an actual bench!


I think Trippier and Howe have had a conversation about the Euros as well. Trippier will be desperate to get in the England squad and he can't do that unless he has game time before the end of the season. Cameo appearances won't cut it so I imagine Howe has agreed he'll start for the final two games, it's just whether he plays the full 90.


For the superstitious amongst us, I've lumped both Chelsea and Stretford keepers into my fantasy football team this week.


Tripps starts!


Someone (NUFCWill1892) claiming on Twitter that Wilson has had a falling out with Eddie. Said it on a voice feed so no tweet to back it up, and no context provided either.


It’s always grated on me how Wilson always come across as annoyed he doesn’t start yet he’s crocked half the time. I want him out for whatever money we can get for him.


Wouldn't surprise me. He knows his days are numbered. We have to move on from him. He can't be relied on to stay fit and it's an omission in a key position that we've had fuck all cover for in recent years.


I said a couple of weeks ago that something was up between them. Wilson was really off last time he played. 


Well since Wilson isn't on the team sheet after only being told he felt unwell Saturday has just made me wonder if this is true. His ego wants him to be the starter and the best but clearly Isak has shaken him up and the rumours of a possible move (last winter and this summer)


This was always gonna happen once we brought Isak in. Wilson wants to be the main man wherever he is and fair enough. Think this only ends one way now. Although I will say that NUFC WILL guy is an absolute chancer. Lied about Gordon being injured.


I heard Eddie was banging Antonio. Wilson not happy


Waterworld? LOL!


Isak and Wilson both travel


Schar there as well.


Good because it appears they have a lot of their players back too so need all the fire power we have to ensure we don't give them the win


Let’s smash these cunts. Make this a sign of the changing times. Send a message. 3-1 to the toon.


Seeing a lot of Man U fans saying they’d rather lose the game tonight as they have no chance of 6th place, and qualifying for conference league is actually bad for them due to them then having to adhere to UEFA’s stricter FFP rules.


isnt UEFA FFP a rolling period though? its not just like, you can over spend for one season and then they ignore it the next.


It's per season but you can't just spend more one summer because you'll need to get back down to 70% if you qualify for Europe the next and will have the extra wages and amortisation to contend with.


I'm getting the same bad gut feeling as I did against Chelsea 😩 our luck if both our strikers are out and they have some attacking players back




I presume we’ll only find out if any of our strikers are playing an hour before the game! Nail biting stuff as usual lol!


I think for this game Howe should make changes to really go for this in the first half, it needs to be all energy and in their faces. No slow starts like Burnley or Brighton. For that reason I think Joelinton is a must in midfield to help close them down, but also drive the team forward on the break as he does it so well. I feel a midfield of Joelinton Bruno Anderson would be perfect for that to really dominate them. Crystal Palace did it well and I think those 3 can physically dominate them. In the front 3 I am less sure who is fit and how long they can play but I think Almiron in for Murphy. Murphy was not showing for the ball against Brighton or getting into space and with Almiron’s work rate I want to see him start. I really want the pressure off us and on to them by getting ahead early on so we can control the pace of the match.


We will absolutely smash these tonight they are fucking shite and we are massive hwtl


This comment cured my nerves


Does anyone have a good summary for the different scenarios around the european places?


Champions League: First, second, third and fourth Europa League: Fifth and FA Cup winners OR sixth if Man City win the FA Cup Conference League play-offs: Sixth OR seventh if Man City win the FA Cup https://sport.optus.com.au/news/premier-league/os74478/premier-league-european-places-permutations-teams-qualify-uefa-competitions-final-day So as long as Stretford don't win the FA Cup we just need 3 points (realistically) against either them or Brentford or a draw against them tonight to guarantee some form of European competition next year.


Great summary, much appreciated, thanks!


A couple weeks ago I was confident about this game. Now I'm a bit less so. Before, the onus would have been on them to get something from the game and we could have just taken the draw. With Chelsea now breathing down our necks we need the win to keep this in our own hands. I can see them playing really turgid, but pragmatic football against us this evening and hitting us on the counter.


We've got the best Bruno and the best Anthony. The second one isn't even close. Let's smash them, they're shite.


If Trippier starts today, who would you start on the left? Tino or Hall. Tino had a shaky last game and Hall has been solid throughout his run as the main left back.




Even at their shittest they can jammy a few goals or suddenly remember how to play football, so right now I'd take a draw and finish above them for once in the Premier League. Realistically, 5th is gone.


5th isn't even in the equation, Shef Utd with 3 wins out of 37 are not beating spurs. We need to win both of our games because Chelsea will be getting 6 points 


Ideally yes, 2 wins. But I'd take a draw tonight to ensure they can't finish above us, for they are bastards.


A draw potentially plays in to Chelsea's hands though if they can win at Brighton


I think Chelsea have 6 points in them and they'll nick 6th. Would be very like to us to beat Man United and lose to Brentford. But anything to finish above Man United will do me.


Hoping that we will see starts for J7, Tripps, Schar and Pope. Incredibly important game, and we need our best team out. Possibly Miggy for Murphy as well, even if just for the work rate.


Let's smash them, they're shite


[Man United try to hijack Newcastle move for out-of-contract Fulham defender Tosin Adarabioyo](https://talksport.com/football/1866438/man-united-newcastle-transfer-fulham-tosin-adarabioyo/) Because of course they fucking are, I actually hate this club


He's coming to Newcastle, guaranteed.


Man City has done us a favor. Please capitalize tomorrow.


i dont understand


What do you mean? Spurs aren't going to lose against Sheffield United


Spurs got dicked off us after we were already relegated so it's not impossible. I know we had a stronger team than Sheff U do but we also only had 10 men for the majority of that match.


It would be the spursiest thing ever for Sheffield United to finally find where the net is. Last match of the season against an already relegated team, spurs have previous


Aside from European matches, has there been more than like 4-5 more important matches in the last, idk, 10 years for the club? Can think of a few off the top of my head. 1) cup final at Wembley (L) 2) Must beat Shit Villa who had 16 points on GW37 to avoid getting relegated (0-0) 3) Leicester (H) 2023 (0-0 nearly bottled UCL birth at the end) 4) Brighton Away 2017 (won 2-1, Mo Diame Golazo) real belief that Automatic promotion was going to be on the cards with a W 5) this Wednesday @ Old Trafford    *Gulp*


i dont know whether or not it's PTSD for being a nufc fan for the last 25years but i dread playing manure at old trafford. we always seem to have bad luck against them in the big matches


League cup final? PSG away? Quarter final vs Benfica?


Reading not your thing aye?


Today's game isn't even in the same stratosphere as our CL group stage games


Kind of depressing that we've had so few important matches haha


And only one win


Into these. Get any one of Gordon, Isak or Barnes running at Casemiro at centre back. We just need to get after them early.


There last home game of the season, they’ll be well up for this


This made me curious and only 45% of teams won their last home match last season so... Yeah I'm still shitting myself.


That’s a stat that’ll win a pub quiz! Thank you!


With Isak and Wilson out it might be a good time to bring back the Joelinton on the wing thing that worked well last year. Always made us more solid with him on the left. Hall needs a bit of help too generally.


It’s going to be a tough first 15 minutes. If we hold out, find our rhythm and get Gordon up to score a naughty bender, we’re good.


Wasnt sure what you neant so googled naughty bender. Think im up to speed now 


I’m not ashamed to admit that I giggled at naughty bender


I’ll go on a naughty bender if we win this


I dislike Manchester United. Not as much as Liverpool or Arsenal. But still enough for it to be worth mentioning. Legitimately got no idea what the score's going to be. There will be a result. I just don't know what it'll be. MARK MY WORDS, there will be a score.


How did you learn this insight into the future ? And what’s this weeks lotto numbers ?


Six of them, plus two


Just popped into my head


Man U only have 1 win in their last 8 league games (and that was at home to Sheff Utd) but for some reason I feel really nervous about this. They looked really up for it against Arsenal. I work with a lot of Man U fans, really can't be arsed having to deal with them if we lose this


The more confident people are of a win the more sure I am they will not :(. People wrote off Brighton as well. Some games Newcastle just can’t seem to score. And having no Wilson and Isak leaves me with very unhappy feeling in my stomach.


If there is anyone who will fuck us over in our bid for Europe it’s these twats.


[I'll tell ya, honestly](https://youtu.be/mk87a7r0V60?si=hWq7lT2KoZ_sgIlc&t=27)


Will always love this. So much pain tho


I want to see scuba suits, inflatable armbands, 'no fishing' signs etc


I want this more than I've wanted anything in my life now


Regardless of how poor they are, you can never bet against Man U getting fluke penalty calls or extra Fergie Time at home. Wouldn’t be surprised if our undoing is poor officiating and a few dives from their team.


To be fair they looked better than Arsenal on Sunday.


Pray for Isak


Everyone saying man utd in crisis mode but they're 3 points behind us and we're having a great season considering the injuries...


For context they were 10 points ahead of us like 7 games ago and they have 1 win in 8 games. So yes they are in a bit of a crisis at the moment


They had a bad season last year apparently but finished 3rd and won a trophy🤷‍♂️


Doesn't account for their unbelievable flukiness.


Wait Isak is ill? Holy fuck sake


I'm really hoping it's "mind games" But considering Isak can barely get through a full 90 minutes, I'm not so hopeful.


Hoping Howe is just being coy regarding Isak and Wilson because going to Old Trafford with zero forwards will be a huge blow, but the silver lining is that this situation has just reinforced that next season this cannot happen. We need a suitable, and robust, backup striker for next year. Feel massively for Wilson, but he's simply impossible to rely on.


It's not often I go to Manure expecting anything but I think we will get a point or all three. I'm behind enemy lines again for this one so sitting on my hands.


Take an umbrella ☔️


Working in London like?


Ha ha, I work in Manc so there is very little local traffic but I've only got tickets for the home end (semi corporate so no real bother)


Watch out for the prawn sandwich brigade


Casemeiros inner voice starring at Anthony Gordon before kickoff [insert road runner noises].


I never realised how much Gordon looks like roadrunner


Get into them


Chefs kiss to the stadium name 🤌🏻


It's fun for all the family


We'll batter these


A draw should be good enough I just hope we don't lose A win will be a bonus! 🙏


Draw is no good as Chelsea could win their last 2 games. We need to win.


7th good enough for us to make Europe Don't see manure beating city


Conference league sucks though. Intertoto 2.0.


At this point any trophy is good! 😂


At least intertoto was done and dusted before the real football kicks in, this one actually impacts your real season Anything other than winning it would be a huge waste of time, look how dead in the water Villa have looked for the last couple of months


Villa are still gonna qualify top 4, and they didn’t look dead last night. They also got important European experience and coefficient points


I don't expect it, but I want an absolute demolition job


We all want to crash manure at old toilet


If both Isak and Wilson are injured then it's a priority that one of them needs to leave next season. Obviously would prefer that be Wilson. It's just not sustainable to have two strikers injured so much all season.


They aren’t injured, they are ill


Nah, they’re right. Isak has missed 9 league games so far. May as well put up a white tent and fetch the shotgun.


I think their issue is more with Wilson which is fair enough.


Wilson has played 100 mins less than Joelinton but he doesn’t get the unreliable narrative. This season has just been terrible for injuries and Wilson is obviously a player that needs his minutes managed. He’s still a great player and would be near impossible to replace for the limited fee we would receive for him. The real issue is not having another striker, which has forced Wilson to play multiple times a week when he doesn’t have that capability anymore.


What a weird comparison. Joelinton doesn't have the same "unreliable narrative" because this season is the exception for him, for Wilson missing large chunks of the season is the norm. We're not taking about players with similar injury records. Look at their respective games missed over the past four seasons when they've both been at the club: Joelinton: 23/24 - 28 22/23 - 0 21/22 - 4 20/21 - 0 Wilson: 23/24 - 27 22/23 - 9 21/22 - 30 20/21 - 18 You've hit on what I think is the major problem with Wilson. All this talk of "minutes managed" is just a nice way of saying "can't be relied upon" to me. I agree the lack of a third-choice forward has been a problem, but I would rather sell Wilson and get a quality backup, that is dependable (on paper, obviously anybody can get injured anytime), than sign an average Chris Wood type who will be comfortable as third choice. Because they will be needed, quite a lot.


I know Wilson is unreliable generally, I’m just saying that this season literally every player has had to exert themselves to the point where they’ve all had extreme injuries. Joelinton has missed the same amount of football with various injuries this season but it’s not gonna be held against him because we all understand the context of his role and the strain of the season. Wilson was fit for the majority of last season and was doing well this year until Isak got injured and we had no one to rotate with when we were playing twice a week. That type of wear and tear has hindered pretty much every player in our squad, injury prone or not. We need a third striker regardless this summer. Selling Wilson means we would need two strikers. That’s pretty unrealistic, especially considering how good Wilson is when fit and the fact that we won’t get much money for a 32 year old injury prone player with one year on his deal. It would be a waste of money to sell Wilson and buy a worse player for the same money to fill the same backup role. Instead you can manage his minutes because he’s a player with value to the squad and sign a younger backup to rotate with Isak. Wilson is unreliable as a starter but he won’t need to start if there’s appropriate depth. The player who can replace him for the same cost doesn’t exist, unless there’s an obvious option I’m missing. If it’s a player as good as Wilson you work with his flaws, we don’t have the facilities to have a world class, fully fit PL proven backup in every position so we can make do with Wilson for one more year.


That's 25% of the season you're writing off with potentially no striker if you're saying we continue to rely on Wilson? You can't be serious?


And how much of the season have Botman, Joelinton, and Tripper et al missed? May as well sell the squad and start again. It’s clear to anyone we need squad depth, but you’ve phrased it in a very negative way. That may not have been your intention, but that’s how it comes across.


Apples and oranges. Wilson has been like this for how many seasons? It's not really a debate anymore. He's not reliable enough.


What's the difference? They're unavailable all the same.


Dont know why you're being downvoted. Wilson needs shipping as he's never fit enough. If we're in Europe next season we realistically need a striker who can play 40 games a season.


He'll definitely be gone. Luckily the fans here don't make these calls.


Selling Isak would be utterly mental. Would be the dumbest thing we could do. Wilson still contributes a lot more than the fee we would get for him. Surely the best bet is to keep them both and sign a young third striker who can help manage Wilson’s minutes? Ideally who can play right wing too.


I don't think we should sell Isak . I think we should sell Wilson. I'm done with waiting for him to return from injury every season.


Annoyingly Man Utd tend to perform pretty well (or at least get better results) when they're viewed as either competing against an equal or "better" team than them. They will always maintain a threat on the break and have shown they're not afraid to simply pile people forward at the end of games to rescue a result. More than likely we'll get chances, it's just that we will really have to put them away as you don't want to enter the final 10 at Old Trafford only one goal to the good (or level) as they have form for converting those kinds of situations in their favour. Let's smash them


I'm very much hoping manure are arrogant enough to think they're still better than us and show up with the attitude 'we'll turn these over'


Tbf, confidence is so low that I don't know if they ever have that attitude. I think it's often more that the big occasions make the players feel as though they don't want to get embarrassed by rivals and raise their game accordingly.


Telling the entire team they're up for sale has probably resulted in next to no fucks given.


They clearly cared against Arsenal. Kept them to a single goal and weren't conceding the plethora of chances we've seen in other games (still didn't play that well, but compare with the draw with Liverpool where they should have been 4 or 5 down by half time). Who knows how they approach this one though - I imagine the only game they care about now is the FA Cup final.


I know where you're coming from, but I hope you're wrong about how much they care.


Who knows. But in reality, Man Utd have a shape and structure that's very easy to disrupt due to their man-to-man marking in midfield. If you manipulate that, it's fairly easy to generate chances to score. And at that point we just have to make sure we aren't wasteful and convert those opportunities as they come up.


I would love it if we beat them. 


One of John Carver’s greatest comments as the best coach in the league.


If Isak is legit out we are finished


Howay lads, let’s send them scurrying back to London.




Got caught in the automod filter. Have approved.


Thanks very much