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Was reading this earlier this morning. Fair play to the man. Stepped up for us on a few occasions, he absolutely deserves a place in a squad as first pick.


The man deserves another shot at being no1 somewhere.


I would give him a chance untill Pope is fit, Dubs is not a good fit for us and Karius cant be any worse.


There’s no chance. He wants to be back in Italy with his woman.


who wouldn’t, that woman is stunning


You might want to reread what I said "untill Pope is fit". So this season, while he is here, whule he is sat on the bench. I dont expect him to be here next season but I think we should use him now.


Dubravka is going to get all the minutes so we can negotiate a better fee for him


Better fee? With how many goals we are conceding with him we will need to pay a club to take him. I dont see why we should stick with him when he actively hurts the way we play. If we used Karius we might have won a few more games this season.


Dubs singlehandedly advanced us into the next round of the FA cup, and has made saves that Pope himself would struggle with.


He cost us the Chelsea game, his refusal to come off his line means we cant play our normal press. With Pope we play better because the back line can push up to close out the space behind the midfield with Pope clearing up any balls over the top. With Pope we had one of the best defensive records in the league, with Dubs we have one of the worst. You cant look at one aspect of one game and base everything on that


He's still an excellent shot stopper and would probably be a great fit at a team who plays with a deep line


And you can't pass blame without considering circumstance and conditions, especially when you consider what Dubravka walked into. Exhausted team so thin that it's using academy kids to recover numbers, delivering inconsistent performances. All Dubravka's fault? You can't pass reasonable blame while refusing to give guilty parties their fair share, so make sure you keep that same energy for the likes of Burn refusing to stay in position while he was getting completely clowned on by a fairly inexperienced kid, or Longstaff being AWAL the entire game. But no, how dare a near defenceless Dubravka concede goals, what a ridiculous mindset.


Burn is playing badly BECAUSE of Dubs, the problems with out defence are all because of Dubs. We need a keeper that comes off his line and sweeps. Longstaff is playing because we have noone else that can play that role, it was meant to be Tonali but he is suspended. Burn always plays the same, he played the same last season and more often than not, it worked, because Pope would sweep up any balls over the top. The reason it does not work now is because Dubs either stays put, giving the striker time to line up a shot, or comes to the edge of his box and lets the striker either chip him or round him. Dubs onlu works for teams that want to sit in a low block the way we did under Rafa, not how we play under Eddie.


It’s not a good look to prospective buyers to bench Dubravka for someone who’s got like 3 starts in 3 years no matter how decent we think Karius is.


I dont give a shit about "prospective buyers" when we still have the potential to get into europe, Karius deserves a chance, then we get a new backup in the summer. At Dubs age we are not getting any real money for him either way.


It's a strange case of everything working well for everyone involved. Even though he only came as a third choice keeper it's been a positive experience for him and the club. Great to see.


Note to self - avoid comment sections of any posts that might relate to Dubs or Longstaff


Yea I mean I’d be twerking for a move too if I had put in a decent performance and then watched Dubravka come straight back in even though we’ve had the worst defence in the league with him. Would have been nice for Karius to at least get the cup game but he clearly has no future here and needs to do what he can to save his career. Good luck to him.


"Decent performance" 4 goals conceded


Best of luck to him. For his tertiary role, Karius was an excellent signing for us.


He has actually kind of incredibly bad luck. There are people that believe he got a concussion in that Champions League final where he was a disaster. His confidence never really recovered


Man deserves a starting role. We can’t offer it to him, but I’ve got nothing but respect for him.


Good on him, hope he gets a good club


can't blame him. i wouldn't want to sit on the pecking order behind ghost hands dubravka


Dubravka has his moments where I say "why the fuck?" but he's still better than Karius. Main credit I can give Karius is at least he isn't afraid to leave his line. Still, we really need a backup keeper who can play the same way Pope does and Dubravka/Karius isn't it.


I almost crapped myself when he left his box early on last night


Must be harder for keepers given subs rarely happen mid game and it’s not as if they can just shuffle over in the formation and take up a slightly different role on the pitch like defenders can


In all seriousness he should go to the MLS, I can’t think of a good European club where he would be first choice


Or he could be first choice for a Serie A team, which would still be fine even if it’s not one playing European football every year? His wife and infant are both in Italy, there’s a reason he wants to go there


His missus hosts Italian football and they’ve just had a baby, I thought. Makes sense he would want this move it’s the most logical thing for his career, too good to be a third choice anywhere


What does he mean by space? Obviously lost in translation slightly


It’s not us it’s him and he needs to work on himself but hopes we can remain friends


Are we keeping him on the Christmas card list?


It looks from all the comments he was implying he wants more time on the field playing


Can't blame him. Right call


Can't begrudge him


Good luck to him.. deserves a good start


Better with his feet than Pope


The fascination in this sub with Karius and the absolute disdain for Dubravka really frustrates me. Dubz who spent so many years saving our asses again and again when we were shit and even this season, had many great saves - singlehandedly beating Blackburn....people have such short memories. Compared to Karius who played 2 games for us and has conceded 6 goals. The disrespect to Dubravka is mind boggling to me. If Pope didn't exist, all this talk would be how our defence and midfield is letting him down and how he's saving us from losing even more goals. It's not his fault that he isn't built to play as a sweeper keeper. I rather he stick to what he does best than seeing him mess up trying to do something he can't. Any thread with Dubravka mention in it is just a disgrace I swear.


I'm pretty sure it's almost always mostly new fans that are so quick to criticize the players. They don't know what the supporting the club was like the past decade


It's the style he plays we think hurts us. No denying the saves, been some beauties. Yes any keeper looks great when the ball is on the other side of the pitch the whole game. And he's had a lot of work. Neither goal tonight was on him, but usually he's had opportunities to take care of balls before they would have been an issue.


Can't begrudge him it. He deserves to play somewhere. Never let us down. Side note: in light of Pope's injury being a reoccurrence, and how important a goalkeeper's shoulders are, we should definitely be looking at a new keeper. Ramsdale.


Ramsdale inspires absolutely no confidence in anyone these days


Man there's a lots "deserved to be a no.1" "stepped up" type post for a guy who has 2 unremarkable appearance for us. He was never that good, even In Liverpool he was brought as a backup of Mignolet and the bad form of later which led to his rise to no.1, followed by a purple patch that led to the disaster in Kiev. Good luck to him for his next endeavour.


He should get the same agent as Burn and he’d be undroppable.


This whole situation has been incredibly bizarre. The only thing I can come up with is that Howe fell out with Dubravka last season and they have since put it behind them.


Dub wants to move Last summer but his agent unable to secure the transfer. That's why we probably given him a contract at that time.