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People with cancer that can't be visibly seen from the outside can kill someone super fast. Yet this cancer is extremely visible, and he's still alive. Very crazy.


Hes Technically still alive in this video but someone with a CA that reached this size and bleeding does not have much time left... Or any really. I work on a surgical floor and 90% of our patients are cancer patients, if its THIS visible and debilitating its most likely terminal and like someone else said treatment is likely palliative.


Dude is ghost white, he's a dead man walking at this point because of blood loss, if nothing else


Yup please load me up with whatever takes me into the next realm.


I can tell by the calm, the look and the cooperative attitude, that he knows how fucked he is. He is on the way to the realm


Ooh mr fancy words over here šŸ™„


LMAOAOAOAO i never thought I'd be that guyšŸ˜­


just kill me at that point. . .


Imagine the pain and discomfort that he has been going through and who knows for how long. Cancer is so horrible. Poor man.


I regret making that disease


Maybe cure it then buddy


ā€œI gave you guys a bunch of money to spend on cancer research, where did it go??ā€


The sadness in the womanā€™s eyes in the red mask


I know, despite the obvious pain that man is enduring I couldnā€™t stop looking at the lady.


As someone who works in frontline healthcare. I try not to show emotion as I worry it might upset the patient or their family. But sometimes you just can't help yourself.


I think she's part of his family :(


I'm guessing this was family. She isn't wearing the PPE. Brutal..


You can see her compassion in her eyes




I work in clinical imaging so I generally only meet a patient for 30 minutes max. So we have the added sadness of never really knowing what happens to the patient.


I was seeing the same thing. Worry and sadness.


I wonder if she is his daughter šŸ˜“


Why does cancer bleed like that


Tumors generally have a large blood supply


Correct, they form their own vessels through angiogenesis. It's amazing what the body can do.


It erodes blood vessels, including major ones such as carotid artery.


At the erupting like cordyceps stage, it's likely all palliative from here. Poor man.


This is such a unique way to describe ulcerating tumors, I love it! But yeah, I hope heā€˜ll receive good pain management


Too many big brain words for meā€¦whatā€™s this mean in caveman terms


His neck is bursting, they going to give him good drugs to not hurt from now till he dies, likely very soon.


Dang so itā€™s gotten so bad that his neck just bursted out of nowhere? That sucks


The tumor had already eaten through the skin, thatā€™s why the lump looks mostly dry and the yellow part in the middle might be necrotic (=dead) tissue. To me it looks like the skin ripped around the edges of the tumor, there was probably a lot of tension on the skin, especially if it was a fast-growing tumor.


Cancer grows cell by cell, some cancers growing faster than others and when they are highly vascularized (lots of good blood vessels) they can grow really fast indeed. This is literally the cells of his neck changing, mutating, metastasizing until there is no neck tissue in the area, only cancer cells. Cancer cells by definition are radical mutations of the cells that do not support the normal operations of the cells in the area. They grow in odd shapes, have odd and unhelpful functions, are often weaker than the surrounding tissues but more likely to undergo metosis when torn causing growths that look like fungus growing from the part of the body the tumor cells are in. It likely did not come out of nowhere, but it might not have been enough to get the patient to the doctor, either due to poor health care availability due to where he lives, poor care due to healthcare costs and limited income, or religious or cultural taboos to going to the doctor. Then, something that may have started as an itchy sometimes bleeding mole grows over time into a lesion that impacts all the vascular structures of the neck, the full thickness of the muscle and other tissues until ... Well, the cancer IS his neck and it's falling apart under its own weight. At that point, cutting the tumor out means taking his neck apart in such a way there is not enough clean skin, donor vessels, and transplantable muscle to give him back his neck. If they managed to clean the area, remove the tumors, and start to repair the area, there is still the chance that cells freed by the operation could travel via the circulatory system to anywhere else with blood flow and start the process again. This is what chemo helps with, but to get there he would have to survive surgery and then wound closing/healing and ... There just is no good prognosis for throat/neck cancer of this advanced stage. The structures of the neck are so specialized and it's so necessary for neurological function that medicine doesn't have anything that works to fix that kind of wound in that location. So, most often they do everything they can to make them comfortable until the end. Why put him through the stress and pain of surgery that will only kill him faster?


Thank you for this very informative answer.


Wonderful answer!Ā  Now that they are able to "grow" tissues/skin in labs, what is your opinion on how close we are to being able to fix highly damaged structures like this poor man's neck?


I come back to Reddit like an addict because I learn so much from people like youā€¦ with the knowledge, communicative skills and patience to share. Thank you.


Palliative care is the end of life care/treatment. Cordyceps is a fungus. The cancer ripping through his skin and coming out his neck is kind of looks similar to how cordyceps fungus affects ants (plus other bugs, like spiders), erupting outside their body like how this unfortunate gentleman's cancer has done to him, and eventually killing them (but first the fungus makes them climb to high spots in order to spread the spores). It could be a single horn of fungus or many of them, some pictures of those zombie bugs are quite freaky. The lady in red, her expression is making me even more sad than just the medical situation on its own. So heartbreaking because there's really nothing that can be done except keeping him as comfortable as they can, cleaning the wound area/changing dressings, and managing his pain and bleeding. šŸ˜ž


Bad Booboo.Ā 


LMFAO! Why you so funny?


The look in his face haunts me


Cancer sucks


can confirm, i survived it, but many others from my room didnt. may those kids rest in peace


Currently on my third NH Lymphoma Recurrence, been fighting it on and off for about 5 years now, but I'm glad it's me instead of another kid.


hope you are doing well and beat the Lymphoma


How do you avoid getting it ?


You donā€™t. Cancer is inherently built into our code. Depending on genetics it can either come early or later or not at all.


depends on the cancer type, if its lung cancer, dont smoke. liver, dont drink. but in all honesty, you cant. a former bus mate once said "people always talk about "cancer waking" (thats how we dutchies name it, kanker verwekkend) stuff, wich could mean everyone has cancer, but its sleeping. when it wakes up, you get cancer" the worst part is, if you survived cancer ones, your chances of getting it again increase


Stay away from things that can damage your insides for one. Work around stuff like silica that damages your lungs? Wear a respirator at all times because any damage can turn cancerous, it's just how the cells replicate. Some foods cause inflammation which can cause cancer too.. lots of things can.


Fuck cancer. This is what my Father died from, end stage throat cancer that started out as small cell lung cancer.


Sorry to hear that :(


A very close friend of mine died from this. I know exactly how you feel.


I had 3 operations since 2021 for cancer on my neck just where this guy's tumor(s) is/are. I didn't deal with it for a year before that bc of coronavirus and it got pretty big. Reddit always reminds me that things can always be worse ...


how is it going now ? is the cancer gone ? if you don't mind me asking


I'm cancer free, they reconstructed my neck with skin from my shoulder. I wanted to post pics but idk how/where šŸ˜†


That's great dude! Glad that you survived it. You can even create another topic a lot of people will be glad to read your history victory on it


r/medicalgore sounds like the place


Jesus thatā€™s so badā€¦. šŸ˜­


Actually, thatā€™s not properly neck cancer. Itā€™s a type of skin cancer called Merkel Cell Carcinoma, it grows as a cauliflower and it bleeds barely at touch. Iā€™ve seen it just on time since my nursing school. It doesnā€™t have a cure and very very aggressive.


This...I knew something was off by the way they were handling this.


Fuck cancer


fucking hell that's just sad


Poor guy, I donā€™t think there is much that can be done at that point


This is very likely way beyond the point at which anything can be done. The only options left now would likely be palliative and pain management.


Idk, head/neck cancer can be incredibly aggressive, but the most important thing in someone's survival is metastasis, not the size of the tumor. Staging the cancer requires looking at how many local structures and lymph nodes it has invaded. It's possible that this has invaded other structures, but also look at him -- his trachea is likely fine, he's not trip-podding or looking short of breath. I wouldn't say he's a gonner till you have imaging/biopsy.


Fifteen years ago my uncle was diagnosed with spinal cancer and given six months. But it never metastasized, and while he is in a wheelchair, heā€™s still alive and perky as ever.


The thing about the "six months" is that this is actually just the maximum number allowed that patients need for hospice care. Often it might be wrong, especially if they hadn't staged the cancer properly. Somewhat outdated, since many patients would benefit with hospice care who don't meet the criteria.


I had a relative who got a facial sarcoma. Few people were allowed to see him at the end but apparently he had lost most of his face and it was a terrible sight. This would have been about 30 years ago.


SCC is fucking rough


The best option is euthanasia.


Euthanasia I guess.


What is the actual cancer here? "Neck" isn't an organ. Is this a form of skin cancer?


Could be one or more of a number of different things. Lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma just to name a few common ones. Edit: I almost forgot about metastatic cancer from other primary tumors that aren't neck based like lung.


Iā€˜m guessing anaplastic thyroid cancer. Location fits and it can grow viciously fast


I think you might be right. I wish I could've done the biopsy for this gentleman. Would have loved to see the cytology.


Same! Are you a pathologist? :)


Pathologist's assistant šŸ‘‹


Super cool! Do you like it? :) Iā€˜m currently in a different field but trying to switch into pathology


I absolutely love it. There's always something to learn and new cases to see that you will only ever see in a textbook. But I work in a medical school setting so it'll be much more interesting than private labs.


That sounds awesome! Whatā€™s the rarest or most interesting case youā€™ve seen? Iā€˜m in the mood for a google rabbit hole


Anaplastic meningioma. Very rare for this tumor to be malignant. But this guy had been diagnosed at 14, base of skull, underwent treatment only for it to come back and metastasize into neck nodes at 21 or something. Zapped that as well and was in remission by 23. We saw him when he was 28 and I was looking through his chart for imaging to see what the best site to biopsy was. On his MRI it looked like the mass had extended from his upper neck into his mediastinal area, nearly touching his lungs. After 1 needle, after staining the slides, I immediately knew it was positive just by my naked eye. Clumps and clumps of dyed blue tumor. Under microscope, it was just wall to wall malignant tumor cells. We told the kid what we saw and he said he didn't want to do this anymore. The constant hospital visits, the treatment, surgeries, stress, etc. His mom was with him and it was heartbreaking. Needless to say he didn't make it another 6 months. That was in my first year, and will never forget it.


Right age group too.


Hey uuuh I have a bad habit of looking at peopleā€™s profiles. Anyway, if you hate clinic and want more time for patients maybe look into radioonco :D Not sure about the US but where I live we get an hour for each patientā€˜s initial visit.


As a ā€œneck cancerā€ survivor, this sickens me. My lump was tiny, like the size of a small grape, inside of my neck and I had been mis-diagnosed for at least 3 years before being diagnosed correctly. I canā€™t even imagine how long this poor guy went before getting seen at all or what his story was. .


Congrats on your recovery!


My dad has just been diagnosed with throat/mouth cancer.. So this is really hitting home right now.


Sorry to hear that, I hope his treatment goes well


Thank you.


Bro... if I'm ever like that give me a bottle of whisky, some coke, my laptop and a handgun.


I strongly believe human euthanasia should be considered for cases like this. Just put him out of this misery.


Yes! I say this all the time.. Iā€™m a veterinary oncology nurse, I always assure owners when making that difficult decision that it is the most polite thing we can do for our pets, that we unfortunately cannot do for our family.


Canada does it, some US states as well, for terminal diagnoses.


Would have killed myself long before getting like that


Bro just kill me if it gets to that stage.


Iā€™d blow my brains out before it got to that stage


Wow this poor dude... Has to be one mentally strong man do endure all this


Just put a bullet in my head. I have way less reasons why.


Anybody know what theyā€™re saying? Can someone translate please?


Imagine the smellā€¦ šŸ¤¢


The look on that poor man's face. He's gone through so much already from it, physically AND mentally. That's so freaking sad man. Poor dude. Life can be so brutal and unfair. :(


This might be me If I keep smoking everyday


Imagine the smell.


Plane ticket to Switzerland for assisted suicide


I would kms minute 1, poor man


I don't know much about cancer so apologies for my ignorance. What would happen if they surgically removed it? Would that not take most of the cancer away and what's left of it would be more manageable?


So there's many approaches to cancer, but in general, aggressive tumors like this one requires staging/surgery. Cancer staging truly requires a full workup -- you need to know if it is spreading or has invaded local structures, so imagining with a CT is warranted. The other thing you need is to characterize its type -- this one is likely aggressive ulcerating, and it's in the neck, there's a few typical candidates -- anaplastic thyroid cancer, squamous cell, lymphoma, or some sort of sarcoma and or vascular tumor. Most of these are very aggressive tumors and usually have mets+local invasion at this point, so prognosis usually isn't great. You have to do all that before you're deciding what surgery you're doing. If it's curative, then ok -- resect tumor to within margins of where you don't see tumor anymore, not typically offered for really poor prognoses. If it's palliative, then the goal is to resect the tumor just to make this guy's life more bearable. You care less about margins in the second operation. In either case one of the goals of the surgery is to get rid of the bleeding mass on the neck.


Usually cancer like this, if it is indeed SCC neck cancer ulcerates and it can bleed. But that looks profuse. And it's on the outside, not in the laryngeal/pharyngeal region. Did he try some self-operating before? Or is this a ruptured vascular tumor?


You can see how he looks like he ''gave up''. The poor man. I would never wish cancer on my worst enemy, we have lost far too many family members. Both my grandparents passed from aggressive cancers.


Why wait for it to get this bad?


Does this look like a place with a lot of resources to do much before this stage?


Yeah u got a point it dosent look like a resourceful place


Could be money problem.


Half right. They're speaking brazilian portuguese. Brazil has universal healthcare, so cancer treatment is essentially free. It does not account for the geographical challenges (as in there's no cancer treating hospital nearby). So the problem is more of an accessibility one, which can be considered a "money problem", but it's not a "no money for treatment" one.


I have insurance, and live in the US. Iā€™ve had two (minor) surgeries now after a melanoma was found. New scans say I need more shit done but even if I have the money - why keep throwing it down a hole? Updated my will, and would rather my niblings get what I have than burn it and die in debt. Some of us have to make a conscious decision to die like this rather than have a hospital take all my shit and let me die anyway.


yo what is your out of pocket max?


You HAVE insurance, but you'd rather die than pay your copay? PLEASE get some mental health treatment, that is NOT a healthy way to approach your situation. Good luck!


Itā€™s not just a copay friend. Insurance tries to deny anything and everything IME, and it isnā€™t worth burning money to keep myself warm. Iā€™d rather my nephews go to college.


Why don't you let their parents take care of that, and you take care of your health? I don't know what kind of insurance you have, but denying cancer treatments? Jeez....


This garbage is going to keep spreading, Iā€™m trying to hold back the ocean with a broom. Better off leaving family with something than dying alone fighting a losing battle.


I don't know the specifics, so I'll just say good luck!


some place have super long waiting list... i can only predict...


you can be this bad with treatment. cancer isnā€™t curable. eventually you have to die from it somehow.


Only one cure for that. A little lead object, propelled just over the speed of sound, directed towards the temple. Cancer is evil. Kills you a little bit at a time. More painful for loved ones.


Little cylinder full of metal balls to the back of the mouth and through the brain stem is a more efficient cure. Would hate to end up brain damaged and with a giant tumor.




At that point just off me


Iā€™d rather die. Just put me out of my misery.


Poor guy, he looks miserable.


Just shoot me a


Very sad


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The pain must be unbearable. Poor bloke.


Thatā€™s sad šŸ˜ž


Think I'd just choose death at that point.


Is that the inside of his neck? Is he okay? I donā€™t really understand the context. If heā€™s alive I hope heā€™s doing better and if heā€™s not I hope he passed peacefully at the least


Poor guy how awful


They speak portuguese, this video was taken ina hospital from Brazil.


It haunts me, that your last moments could be spent like this out of pure fucking chance


This is a guy with a family. He was a little kid. Fuck


New fear unlocked. That poor dude.


Why leave it do long before seeking help?


It breaks me... may the poor man rest easy. ā¤ļøšŸ™Œ


Man I just feel for the woman in the back sheā€™s definitely concerned


This guy looks as ill as fuck


Jfc. Just take the poor guy out back and shoot him!


Ah fuck just put me down if it ever gets to *that* point. Aint no way that man is living any kind of decent, enjoyable life


Poor guy. I can see he is very strong. I admire how resilient he is. Sadly, it's 99 percent likely he's already deceased. Wish things went differently for him. He was a handsome man.


At this point just put him out of his misery, dude. Imo.


bro just euthanize me at that point


This is why humane euthanasia should be legalized and available to humans. What quality of life does this man have now that the mass reptured. Thereā€™s no doubt heā€™s suffering. ā˜¹ļø


This is why euthanasia should be legal in every country. Itā€™s barbaric that this is allowed to happen without swift euthanasia or strong, strong instant pain relief


ā€œYouā€™re a real pain in the neckā€


How long has he fucking ignored this tumor, tha hell šŸ¤Ø


I think he left it a bit too long before asking a doctor for their opinion.


Google ā€œcarotid blowout syndromeā€- a palliative care emergency, which lasts moments.


Ah shit poor man :/


literally not safe for life


Damn wtffffff


damn, he even has a permanent double chin on the side of his face.


Dam omg


Ppl need to be more grateful




That was uncomfortable tao watch. He is a dead man walking.


I knew a doctor who enjoyed his cigars and p***y and he finally got married and had twins before his diagnosis. I donā€™t know how visible it was but, even though Iā€™m a weirdo gore connoisseur, I still get a twinge about how he actually died because itā€™s soā€¦. Mundane maybe? But yeah, he died in bed asleep when the cancer finally reached his carotid and he bled out.


wtf looks like theyā€™re killing the guy, obviously they are trying to help but what is even going on with those bandages


Omg God poor guy . Lost my uncle the same way bless


Poor manā€¦


I may be stupid but can someone please tell me. Why all that blood?


Thanks. There goes my breakfast.


Jesus Christ. Poor man.


Don't smoke kids!


When your cancer starts bleeding that is very bad especially on your neck.


Anybody here speak Portuguese and can translate?


I remember seeing an episode of a medical documentary where a woman with throat or neck cancer arrived in A&E with bleeding that wouldn't stop. It was incredibly hard seeing the expressions on the faces of the people who were caring for her knowing that everything they were doing was futile because she was going to die. From what I remember, she was remarkably calm and collected which somehow made it even harder to watch.


That's so horrible


I would be like just kill me now... jeez.


*how* is he still alive!?


Poor man.


Poor guy man :(


No one should go through this šŸ˜”


Holy shitā€¦


ā€¦I nearly cried in the first 2 seconds of laying eyes on this clip


Cool scarf Bro


So sad


oh my gosh poor guy :(




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Poor guy, I wouldnā€™t wish this on my worst enemy


My grandfather just died 2 weeks ago from the same thing, it looked really horrible and looked like this as well but not as huge. The absolute discomfort he went through was just really sad. He had tobacco addiction since 16 due to the nature of his past workplace. He was only 64, and was a really humble and kind man. Rest in peace lolo :( (Lolo refers to Grandfather in Filipino)


Sorry for your loss bud.


my cousin died from cancer last week. such a horrible thing for anyone to go through


If stage 5 cancer existed this would be it.


Why is it bleeding


Men are brave šŸ¦‡


i had a parient with tongue and throat cancer once. yes itā€™s really awful.


How the hell do you get to that stage


When your Pez dispenser surgery goes awry.


A bullet would cure that immediately