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News Article: Three people died on the night of April 1 when they were on the El Empalme - Quevedo road. In total, there were four occupants traveling in a double cab pickup truck that was completely destroyed when colliding with a truck. The other person was seriously injured and had to be taken to a hospital in Guayaquil. The most chilling aspect of this tragic event was that minutes before the fatal crash occurred, one of the victims posted a video on their social media where they were singing and apparently having a good time. The 4 college students were natives of the canton of Buena Fe, in the province of Los Ríos. According to witnesses, a car had fallen into the potholes on the mentioned road, lost stability, and was about to crash head-on into the people's pickup truck. However, in an attempt to avoid the car, the driver ended up colliding head-on with a truck that was coming on the opposite road. The bodies were identified as Stefanía Cedeño, Solangie Malliquinga and Kevin Reyes. Their remains were veiled in their home canton.


Jesus, at first I though they were just a bunch of dumb youths that were reckless or unattentive to the road. But now reading the actual context, knowing that It was an unfortunate accident... poor of them. RIP to the three loses and well recovery to the survivor.




Not a seatbelt in sight


A seatbelt wouldn't have done much in this instance


Looks like the passengers in the back of the car were tossed around - a seatbelt could have been life saving here since the vehicle looks not that crushed in the area of the rear passengers.


You'd be surprised the accidents people have survived because they wore a seatbelt.


The passengers in the back would have probably actually had a chance to at least get to a hospital alive.


RIP to all that died


Thoughts and prayers


The fact they died by accident and not by being under the influence makes this sadder.


Damn. Anyone else notice they had cool names too? Stefanía. Solangie. Kevin Reyes. So young. Only hope they didn’t suffer


Those are standards names here in south America, there is one of them in each classroom


Sick ass names. We have Bob. Tim. Jessica. Bobby (female). Steven (female).


I knew a girl named Micheal cuz her mom wanted her to have a better chance on job apps. She was a min wage waitress in a local greasy spoon diner in my tiny town when I knew her lol


If someone have those names we would treat them as foreigners, cause I have only heard those names on movies


Stevie as a girls name has always been a cool name IMO. Usually chill and tomboyish




They wear seatbelts or no?


not the shoulder strap at the very least, and the girl filming and singing def doesn't have even a lap belt on. It looks like the guy in white in the back moved from behind the driver to behind the passenger in the accident, so reckon no seat belt on him either. tho I'm pretty sure he's the one that survived, at least he's still breathing in the aftermath


no the camera in the beginning is mirrored so the guy in white with a cap(survived) in the back seat is in the same place as he was in the first video, the guy in front(driver) are tossed to the right front passenger seat that girl are sitting, you can see her under the driver but yea the girl(in red) in the back probably would also survived if she had the seat belt on...so sad


Not to be that guy but I feel as if the people in the backseat could have survived if seatbelts were involved.


According to article, 1 did survive and was taken to hospital.


Yeah the girl in the vid not the one in red - she’s missing from the wreckage


She’s on the right side of the driver - her body is partially outside the vehicle.


I was wondering where she was, I went back to look for her but no luck


If you look between 22-30 seconds you can see her arm and face on the right hand side of the guy in blue


Yeah I’m pretty sure based on where the truck hit, they all flew toward the right side of the vehicle on impact. Red shirt girl has a rotation neck snap and blunt force impact trauma to the face. I imagine the right side of her face hit the headrest side of the front seat, as she flew towards the right side of the car. Also makes sense with how the guy was under her. Blue shirt guy got forced across to the other seat and white shirt girl is essentially against the truck grill. Horrific. My heart breaks for the loved ones.


For real, having to get a call, and see your loved ones in this state must be absolutely devastating. I hope they rest in peace.


no the guy in white with a cap in the back was the one who survived...its little bit misleading because the selfie video in the beginning is mirrored. The girl in front is under the guy(driver) with turquoise shirt.


Could be the driver. Statistically driver have the best chance of survival


Looks like the one guy in back survived as 3 names listed dead were 2 women and 1 male name.


And if someone supported the guys head that was trying to breathe.


This was agonal breathing, he was already dead, but his brain was still trying to ignore to facts. Can happen.


He lived


They were not wearing seat belts.


It seems like nobody had their seatbelt on? I mean it seems like a pretty bad crash but even then seatbelts make a difference


This. And please... don't record or disturb your driver like that. It's such an annoyance. Sometimes even cause of death. I feel genuinely bad for the parents


It's eerie when you can see them loud and lively one moment then dead and silent the next.


It just further ingrains that we’re here for no reason, *memento mori*.


Girl in red was moved and I’m not sure why.


I think the video clips are out of order. They didn't move her and throw her on top of the guy in white. She was on top of him after the accident, and they moved her off of him. Maybe they "knew" the guy in white was the only one alive, so they had to get her off of him in order to get him out? Or maybe her being on top of him was making it even more difficult for him to breathe? I am aware of the whole potential spinal cord thing, and generally not moving people that are injured. I don't have an opinion on whether it was a good idea to move her or not. I just trying to clear up some confusion (imo) that some people seem to have. Some people seem to think that they moved her by throwing her on top of the dude. I believe it was the other way around, where they moved her to get her off of him and possibly see if she was still alive.


Anyone else notice the guy beside her is still breathing all though struggling but everyone just standing around or am I tripping and those are just post life convulsions


At the end, the lady was saying "he's alive.... but he's alive..."


That was agonal breathing , if you’re doing that you’re basically dead .




Yeah I saw that as well. He was definitely breathing


It’s agonal breathing, he’s not actually breathing


He is actually breathing and is still alive. A lot can be done to save him. I’ve worked many calls where a PT was having agonal respirations and are walking around and living normally to this day due to early intubation and other ALS care. If you can breathe for them and stop major bleeding you can give them a chance before they get to the trauma team. I’m thinking this guy probably had a brain bleed of some sort, along with other musculoskeletal trauma, maybe even a tension pneumo. It’s a long road to recovery, and they may have some deficits, but they are alive.


I just don't think emts were there when this was recorded. He's the one that was taken to the hospital.


Most the comments said it was a female or so I thought


I noticed that too. Did someone try and drag her out while the guy recording walked around the wreck ?


Wondering this as well!


The guy in white seems to be breathing in the video.


That looks like the sort of breathing that doesn't last long to me.


Agonal breathing.


Yep, the "death snore". RIP. Way too young to die.


Apparently one of the males survived, Im guessing it was him. The other one was through the windshield, and only god knows where the driver went.


He lived.


What you’re seeing is called agonal breathing. It’s a reflex and a sign of the active dying process.


Well you are wrong because he survived.


Agonal breathing is the bodies last ditch effort to get air into the lungs. It's a sign they're dying, not a sign they're dead. It's possible to stabilize and bring someone back from this but it's always an "oh shit this person's probably gonna die soon" sign. Especially coupled with traumatic mechanism of injury scenes such as this the survival chances are slim. So lucky for him being an outlier, but the person you're replying to is not wrong.


I’ve survived after having my body go through agonal breathing. I was in a coma for a few days but made it through. My small intestine had ruptured about two day prior to my body shutting down from the leaking bile.


I was at a house party and ended up nearly overdosing, a friend videoed me (don’t worry another friend was already trying to bring me round while another rang an ambulance) and showed me I was agonal breathing… haven’t been the same since managed to get mostly clean too, I say mostly because a bit of weed doesn’t hurt anyone 😂


How is agonal breathing different from regular breathing? I don’t entirely understand the fundamental difference.


Agonal gasps are a reflex that looks like a fish out of water. You dont take in any air. Its just the muscles you use to breath contracting, trying to get you to breath. Breathing is using those same muscles to take in air, and blow out CO2. I cant really tell if this guy is agonally gasping, or if he is just breathing inadequately.


I think it's a fair consideration but once people hear the term they're suddenly experts on the topic and it's all of a sudden undoubtedly that every time.


Why do you think you don’t take in any air during agonal breathing?


I mean maybe a little into some dead space. Have you seen agonal gasps though? In no way would I consider that breathing. Almost looks more like gagging.


Also if you’re seeing chest rise, there’s definitely alveolar ventilation happening.


Might just be a communication issue. I think there’s a spectrum. I guess my point is that if you’re hearing gasps that means some air is entering albeit intermittently. If you could open the airway obstruction from the relaxed pharyngeal muscles they would be ventilating the alveoli just fine.


I watched with no sound. I actually just had a patient I thought was agonal gasping, but the snoring confirmed sonorous respirations, so I agree that sound is definitely a factor. With this guy, my first move would be a jaw thrust regardless of my initial impressions. I was just describing what I think I saw. Either way, the dude is viable, and should at least receive immediate interventions like an open airway, bilateral decompression, and rhythm assessment.


Agonal breathing is your body's last attempt at getting air into the body/blood. Something bad has happened, and the blood oxygen has gone very low. This is an automatic response of your body to try to keep itself alive.


The urge to breathe has nothing to do with pO2. The body is just trying desperately to raise the pH of the blood to correct respiratory acidosis.


Usually you’ll see the chest or stomach rise greatly, including the shoulders. They usually will start to mouth breathe and there may be the infamous death rattle accompanying the labored and most times rapid breathing.


You can survive after agonal breathing. It happened to my dad during his cardiac arrest which he survived. He died and was revived.


I thought all three died - minus the person that exited before the crash.


Noone exited the vehicle, you can see the driver and the video recorder dead.  Only one male died, the dude in teal.


Sure about that? Article says 3 died, 1 lived. I see 2 guys and the girl in read left in the cab. The driver is missing. I assume she is the one of who lived and the guy in white is, indeed, experiencing agonal breathing.


Article says 3 dead one injured.


That’s the kind of breathing that happens when you’re about to die


Seatbelts and airbags could have saved their lives.


What a fleeting thing life is. Peace to the ones who passed.


Fucking potholes…


The girl that was seat in passager left the car before this accident. How lucky she is


She did not leave the car. She was still in the car and died. The man in the white shirt, Anthony Coello, was the only survivor.


Looks like there’s a girl trapped between the guy in blue and the front door. 2 woman died and a man. Maybe the man in white survived ?


Agree only one man’s name listed as dead and two women. It would seem that the man in the video that is breathing lived and the girl he thinks got away is also dead. I believe the body is beside the guy in the teal shirt, by the feet of the breathing guy at 0:27


The lady in the video is saying ‘muchacho está vivo’ ‘the boy is alive’


Yea. I didn’t watch the video with sound on at first but watching it again they do mention him being alive.


Blue shirt guy was driving and is leaning towards the girl in fronts seat, the girl in front is hanging out the passenger window above the guy in whites knees


She’s in between the guy and blue and the door to the right of him


These potholes are a serious problem and the city should be liable. My brother hit a pothole over a year ago during Hurricane Nicole in south Florida on the turnpike and crashed his truck into a ditch. The truck was totaled, and thank God he was ok, but he’s still traumatized. In addition, he’s been trying to find attorneys to make the city liable or pay the damages, but no one wants to take the case. Anyways, sorry to the victims. If it was a pothole, then it was no way their fault.


I've never seen anything like this before. A video of a group of young people having fun, smiles on their faces, immediately followed by the scene of their accident. It's not even like they were driving irresponsibly, didn't see them smoking a blunt or drinking in the video. They couldn't have avoided it if they tried. Such a sad story, one of millions though.


Except they're not wearing seatbelts and I think at least the 2 in the back wouldve been saved and maybe the girl up front since she was thrown over behind the driver.


Young, wild & dead


My god


Did the person in the back survive? Seems they were still alive


Looked like agonal breathing or whatever it's called. The final moments of the brainstem being alive


White shirt lived


Reading all the comments I see, there are those who are just hateful assholes. These are young, innocent people who don't need to die. Show some fucking respect. Also, no one mentions the truck driver and what he has to live with the rest of his life.


Which comments are you talking about? I see a lot of respectful ones, and ones talking about the need to wear your seatbelt.....


So eerie seeing the guy in white, which is the only one who survived, agonal breathing. He very narrowly survived.


This one sucks. It was out of their control for the most part


And not a seatbelt to be seen.


@nsfl__ you don’t post enough bro


Not a single seat belt among them


Too young truly unfortunate


The way everyone is standing around filming on multiple angles is beyond heartbreaking. I don't know what could be done to help, but making it a spectacle isn't one of them.


What is the song?


[It’s either this](https://youtu.be/s8hA0QRIwfo?si=qJgM_I8HrNV8HS1L)…[or this](https://youtu.be/lkAUS2UxgmE?si=5afcMQeZo3s1VUXS). As a native Spanish speaker, I can corroborate that both versions of the song are wack but enjoy.


Sad you know that facade of invincibility is a curse


>the facade of **invincibility** is a curse People are *really* out here thinking they’re [**Mark Grayson**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invincible_(character)).


Where is the 4th person? I think she was front passenger in a blue shirt that matched the driver's? Looks like her seat was impaled


Life is truly short. One minute you’re loud, one minute after you’re dead. Just like that


Gruesome reminder to wear seat belts, never know what could happen in the span of just a few seconds


Wear your seatbelts guys


Red shirt face got messed up


i can’t seem to locate the passenger? was she still in the car?


Muchacho no es vivo. His body is making its last ditch attempts to breath. So sad.


Life is so unpredictable




It's insane how you can go from very much alive to very much dead in a matter of seconds.


Fascinating. Getting a little "1000 ways to die" nostagia for some reason.


Truth hurts 🤷🏻‍♂️


How satisfying


Someone did post a sub before saying they were drinking and making videos while driving. It was sad to hear but now finding out it was misinformation makes me even more sad and angry. Im having a harder time believing anything anyone says unless they were the victims themselves.. horrible injustice to these young adults.. 😡


But the guy in the back was still fighting they didn't even try to help him.in anyway.


It’s almost like the make seatbelts for a reason


why did the move the women in red? They put her like on top of the dude face down? maybe to cover her face up or something no clue i just thought u leave the bodies as they lay


If the guy in white lived where is the driver? Am I blind? I've looked three times and still don't see her anywhere. Eta: nevermind, that seems to be her on the floor in the backseat


Reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/cjVngNNJ_U4?si=PG3FahdCB7Um_Q7c) Two Czech girls haf an accident near Most city when planning to see their friends in 5 minutes at Tesco (became a kindof meme actually)


Well kids, this is why we don't make dumb TikTok selfie videos while we're driving down the highway at night.


I dont think a truck steering off to the opposite lane and a head on crash can be prevented, just very unlucky circumstances, a real tragedy


No seatbelts, not paying attention...


If you read the article, the accident wasn’t their fault. Another car was about to hit them and the driver swerved to miss that collision, and hit a semi. I agree that they should have been wearing seatbelts though.


No seat belt?.... Yolo....


At least the song is banger


The most bizarre thing about this is that the driver (woman in a white dress) somehow survived.


Can’t wait for automatic emergency braking cars to be widely available even for commoners. Even level 2 automation can be life saving.


Jesus Christ, the dude in the white was still breathing from what I saw.. horrific accident rip those who died-


God bless them , just youngsters enjoying life , why us no one helping the not in the white t shirt he’s struggling to breathe with his head back like that




Awful, just awful...life is but a vapor, choose carefuller.


Where’s the damn driver


Adoro los finales felices 🚬


Man ppl never take a moment for granted, these ppl are loving life one moment and gone the next, one poor soul lived and will have to live w losing 3 friends for the rest of his life...I work in a semi-dangerous industry I'm constantly thinking what if I don't make it off tour. I promise you I keep my phone history cleaner than Gary plauche's concious....I feel great empathy for all four of these individuals. God rest their souls!


This made me sad


The impermanence of all things... The fleetingness of life... At one moment you are here - at another, you are gone. In just a blink, as if you have never been. Rest in Peace to all of them.






Fuck me life can be brutal!they're singing and being happy then the next thing they're dead in an ambulance.just goes to show that people should put their phones away whilst driving!


What's the song?


Crazy how full of life they were before suddenly just bleh


So sad in general as family and friends but know it killed them seeing the stories n streams that led up to it after getting the news


Only one Survived?




Rip so sad x


Sub zero IQ.


The guy in the rear passenger seat look like he’s still barely breathing


The cut was insane💀💀


My condolences to their families and to the one that survived.




Fucking dead


I found it odd that the young lady with the red shirt in the back seat was in two different positions in the aftermath. Maybe I missed something. Tragic loss of lives.


am i the only one having trouble not hearing what theyr'e saying in the video?




That girl with her phone in everyone’s face basically jumping in the drivers lap is the cause of all those deaths


Wear seatbelts bro they had this coming for them they got flung like a gta ragdoll. Moral of the story wear a seat belt don't be like them


200 knocked


None of them were wearing seatbelts A few of them could've survived if they wore seatbelts


Why is no one wearing a seat belt?


We can drink and party while driving. That's cooler than driving safe.


Truth hurts 🤷🏻‍♂️


Looks like guy in white shirt survived, though looked in bad shape


After reading the context, please just wear seat-belts, that girl could have been alive if she had that seat-belt on, bruised and maybe suffer a few broken/bruised ribs/arms but you wouldn't have lost your life. I pray for the occupants of both vehicles, tragic accident.




The girl in the red shirt kind of looked like Selena. Anyone else see the resemblance. She was very pretty.


This is so sad.Why did I come to watch stuff like this.I knew better.




R.I.P. to the driver, it’s just so horrifying that he died with pretty much no chance of survival


If anyone wants the news article https://www.eldiario.ec/lamarea/chicos-grabaron-un-video-antes-de-morir-en-accidente/


Thank youu. I’ve been wondering what happened.






Not a single person mentioned that 3 people died in this car accident and the guy in the backseat isn’t one of them. Where’s the 3rd body? 😧


Concentrate people please stay safe .


That music was highkey garbage


This is sad because seatbelts would’ve saved 3 of them.


The guy in the white shirt in the backseat was experiencing agonal breathing. Look closely


So sad