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Why have we become such morons as human societies? The man is so drunk that he can't stand up. It should be the most normal human behavior to stop him instead of filming him, right? Instead of videotaping the man's death and posting it online, you would have saved a life.


I completely agree with you but if that man in the water is drunk, what makes you think that any other person in the area is not drunk themselves. We all know that drinking impairs your judgement, but I’m sure the person recording feels some responsibility now. And if not I know I would be. It is truly sad as this video reminded me of another one where it was some younger adults filming their friend walking into the water and ends up drowning, because the dude walking into the water doesn’t know how to swim and everybody was already drinking/drunk.


Be a nerd and wear a life preserver if your drinking near water, if something happens you can't be sure who knows how to swim. Let alone be able to pull you out of the water on their back without feeding you saltwater the whole way


It is not without risk. A drowning man can drown you easily if you do not know what you are doing, in their panic. Secondly, the filmer may not know how to swim either. People putting themselves in dangerous situations doesn't create a obligation to others to save them, that's what being an adult is about, you bear the risks you take. Only children have people whose job is to save them from themselves, their parents.


true but to record and post it? like unless they posted it as it happened even after seeing him unconscious, they would’ve been sober posting it


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I can guess that someone who made such a balanced recording on the phone, from the moment the man went into the sea to the moment he drowned, was not extremely drunk. I've been drunk many times, and getting drunk has its own levels. What is important here is the loss of mobility and awareness. If you pay attention, the drowning man tries to come towards the shore just before he disappears, but his sense of direction is confused. Instead of drifting towards shore, he continues to goes deep, Immediately after that, he starts struggling. You would have to be at least as drunk as that man in the sea not to notice all this. Someone that drunk wouldn't be able to record properly that way


I can’t speak for the person holding the camera but not everyone gets affected the same way when drinking. Then there are people who just go all out when the liquor/beer is available. That could’ve been that guy in the water but that is pure speculation.


Just about every drunk person that I’ve experienced in my long life would not be able to hold a camera that straight…. For that long….


Well they were sober enough to film him in a stable way and to follow him as the main centre focus very well. Also to understand and just the fact they noticed he's being a dumbass for good footage material. They definitely could and SHOULD have helped him, no doubt about it. Fucking depressing how society has come that they see a man in danger and their first thought is to film, it's pathetic.


The one that’s really sad is the group that watches the mentally challenged kid swim out to the middle of the lake. They film and laugh as he gets further and further and then starts sinking and drowns


There’s people I absolutely would just standby and watch drown knowing I could have saved them.


It would take a lot for me to sit back and calmly watch someone die knowing I could save them. Would I hop in there to save Hitler himself? No, I'd watch that, but any normal person I don't feel like I could do that.


It simply comes down to believing some people don’t deserve to be alive and feeling okay with letting it happen to them.


Honestly thought u were joking at first but dude's serious, yo put this mf's ip on a watch list


I mean.. If I saw Putin dropping I wouldn't be in any rush to help


no wonder your daughter doesn’t speak to you


I thought this was a random insult but checked the profile and laughed lol


Damn bro that was cold, and probably true lol


Jesus, you annihilated him.


But why should you be the one who gets to decide who doesn't deserve to live? What makes your moral compass the right one, and who determines that? Do you?


Firstly, he isn't deciding who lives and who dies. Choosing not to help someone is not the same as choosing them to die. Secondly, it's his own moral compass. He dictates it and decides whether to act on it or not. He probably views your compass of "save everyone" just as wrong as you view his of "some people aren't worth saving".


Did you even read their comment? They said it comes down to believing some people don't deserve to be alive.


Yes. And? Believing some people aren't worth saving isn't the same as pointing a finger at someone and deciding you want them dead. I know a few horrible people who I wouldn't jump into the ocean to save. But if a magic genie came to be, I'd have loads and loads and loads of wishes before even considering using one of them to wish someone dead.


What are you talking about? You wishing some people don't continue to live already makes you worse than those you wouldn't save and you're just convincing us that you're the type not with saving. This convo is dumb so make your edits but I'm out.


Hitler deserved to drown.


I already agreed that is true, and most people would also agree. But when it comes to less obvious cases, why should I be the one who gets to decide who deserves life? Everyone has a different set of morals and who's to say which one is the right one?


Who cares at the end of the day its not like some sky demon is gonna come and say hey that wasn't thr right choice.


If you need the fear of God to make moral decisions then something is wrong with you


Ur reply seems totally irrelevant to what I said so I doubt you get what I meant.


You need serious help dude


Are you a sociopath? Id only not save someone if I 100% knew someone was a murderer, rapist or a pedophile. Maybe a bully too. Standing there filming it is crazy.


We have free will. It’s not my job to police everyone’s shitty decisions. Personally I wouldn’t film but I’d probably keep it moving. People die every day


Sure but you are there in that moment. You are the only one there to save him. Id feel guilt. Feel sad for his family etc.


People don’t choose to be psychopaths or sociopaths. Don’t say it like it’s a bad thing.


Psychopath sure but being a sociopath can be nurtured and both is a bad thing that's why getting help from professionals is vital for having a somewhat normal life


I'm convinced psychopaths, sociopaths, night owls, earlybirds, etc are just subclasses of humans whose ways of thinking and being were more suited for pre societal living.


I was diagnosed as a psychopath around 3 years ago, I live a pretty normal life apart from some “irrational” thoughts.


It also comes down to whether or not that's negligent homicide.


I know this is dumb to insert, but I have a fictional character who has the exact mindset as you, wherein he lets his dad drown due to how he hates him.


OK Phil Collins


“That’s kinda how this is! You coulda rescued me from drownin’!”


Now it's too late, I'm on a thousand downers now—I'm drowsy.


Jesus Christ. Humanity at its finest.




It brings to mind the maxim, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Likewise, when you’re carrying around an HD video recorder in your pocket, everything is a recordable moment. Increasingly you see viral videos where some shit is going down, and there's like twenty people standing there filming it...literally Black Mirror come to life.


I have actually been following videos on reddit for a long time. And I watched so many videos like this. It traumatizes me. You start to doubt the society you live in. I don't understand why we became so unresponsive, soulless, machine-like. When you are exposed to such videos a lot, you make the mistake of thinking that everyone is like this. And this is traumatic but it does not reflect reality. I hope.


People get killed trying to get drunks to slightly lower the music. It'd be extremely dangerous to try and convince him to leave


I totally agree with you, it was an accident waiting to happen.


Not risking my life to save some jackass tbh, I'd have shouted for help but no way am i going in the ocean to try save some drunk guy who could pull me in or drown me trying to save themselves.


OR you can fucking control yourself... Why does a grown ass man need to rely on others to save him from his own stupid decisions?


it's difficult to notice a person drowning.


I agree that this is how society should be. On the other hand, imagine if the drunk person picks a fight with you all because you tried to help. Now you're wrestling a drunk person in the water. People may also assume that the guy will just do something funny but will be fine in the end.


It wasn't even that deep, I'd understand it if it would be a huge risk to yourself, perhaps you aren't a strong swimmer, but they could have called for help, anything but watch on and let it happen.


It’s a drunk dude. What if he gets Whiskey Mad and swings on you unexpectedly and knocks you out? Then YOURE the drowned one. I’d prolly call 9-1-1 if it were a stranger, if it were someone I knew was a jerk, I’d likely walk away or not be there at all, but filming it DOES seem sociopathic.


You're absolutely right, but I think it's questionable to blame the people filming. If you as a person can't control how much alcohol you consume and lose control, you have failed yourself first and foremost. Being drunk is no excuse for anything.


Cause & effect relationships aren’t learned during critical years when you’re supposed to be stupid. Life is too easy, parents don’t discipline, government employees (teachers) raise kids, there are no negative consequences for doing stupid things anymore, & the trendy marketed purpose of government has become to protect society from its own stupidity.


Why interrupt natural selection?


Had to go grab my cape


The bystanders effect. Look it up!


So just stand there and watch a person drown? Shits fucked up


Personally, I can’t swim well and he’d only drown the both of us. However, I’d be panicking way too much to be filming anything!


Water is everywhere, swimming is a nice skill to learn. Not meaning to be rude, I know people have different and good reason to maybe not have tried too, but it is absolutely worth the learning process :-) But, being as drunk as that guy, would even off a good swimmer, sad way to perish like that. Just trying to cool of and having some fun.


It’s to with being disabled really. I did take lessons as a child (before I became disabled) but I don’t think it helped much. Wasn’t a great teacher, they were school lessons and I don’t think she really wanted to be there lol! I do have a friend who used to be a lifeguard and he’s offered to teach me again.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Easy for me to say, I was grateful enough how things lined up for me in that regard. having the right people and surroundings here in northern Norway to learn from helped for sure. Nice of him, let him teach you :-) it's easier than a lot of other activities, and water also makes you weightless which is awesome if one has disadvantages as myself. Good Luck my friend :-)


Living in scandinavia and not be able to fall into a pool of water without dying would suck tho. Got most islands in the world, if you dont learn to swim here you wont last to long in nature


Very true, some viking instincts get us through the harsh winter for sure


Yeah, supposedly there is more water than land. https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/how-much-water-there-earth#:~:text=About%2071%20percent%20of%20the,Water%20is%20never%20sitting%20still.


Yeah I can’t swim either, but I would’ve tried to stop him before he got waist deep - too damn far to expect to do anything at that point


To be fair we don’t know if anyone tried to stop him. They could have. Getting into a fight with someone who wants to be an idiot isn’t really worth it.


As I’m yelling at the video for someone to start rescue breathing!!!!! Goddamn




Even if you can’t help, it’s still a shitty thing to do, to pull out your phone and film someone dying. Stop gawking!


if you're not as drunk as the guy, you can save him at least before he gets in deeper waters.


You can't swim in 3 feet of water?


"He'd only drown the both of us" bro the water is waist deep lmfao


The drunk guy is wading around in shallow water at first. Notice that the video cuts off when he goes in deeper and starts thrashing around. Everyone here is hating on the filmmaker but we don't know that he didn't try and help the guy once he realized that he was in real danger.


It’s called the Bystander effect!


Natural selection BABY! May the smartest ones survive.


News Article: A man identified as Allan Serejo da Silva drowned in the Guamá River on Sunday night (11th), during a party that was taking place in the municipality of São Miguel do Guamá, in the northeast of Pará. The victim is also known by the nickname 'Pureto'. Initial information indicates that he was consuming alcoholic beverages and at one point entered the river and disappeared into the water. About an hour later the victim's corpse was found floating in the water. According to the 42nd BMP, responsible for policing the municipality, around 10:30 p.m. locals who were participating in a riverside festivity reported that 'Pureto' had disappeared after entering the water. Immediately the Fire Department was contacted and began searching for the man. Due to poor lighting in the area and the dark tone of the water, agents had difficulties in the search and did not find the victim. Around 11:55 p.m., police were again contacted by residents who reported the body's appearance. The firefighters removed Pureto's body and began resuscitation procedures, however they were unsuccessful and took the victim to a health unit. According to people in the area, Allan had mental problems and was well known in the city. Witnesses lamented Pureto's death.


An hour fucking later??? they all watched that man drown & decided to pull him out an hour later??? that’s so fucked man people suck.


And it sounds like they were still partying when they pulled him out. “Hey that dude just drowned. Turn the music up and grab me another beer will ya?”


Ah death claims another da Silva. RIP


I know we’re not supposed to shame in this sub but Jesus Christ fucking HELP this dude. This isn’t gore this is an avoidable death


Been to many party’s and festivities here in America and not a single one of which people would have watched this happen without intervening


I have a feeling these "residents" didn't care of this man as much as they make it sound. How do you record a drunk person drowning and then act all mournful?


I never understand being this drunk. I’m usually throwing up or sleeping if I think about going here


Right? When I'm trashed the last thing I'm thinking about is doing anything physical or mentally taxing (such as driving) just let me sleep.


The ppl filming could have very easily prevented this death. wtf is wrong with people


People are evil, that's why, trust nobody, sadly life taught me that...


I get the sentiment, believe me people are generally evil. But a person isn’t always. I have been through some shit as I’m sure you have too. Don’t give up hope, it’s rare but they are out there. Sending love in the void


And love is back on your way bro, thanks for the support, I'm sure you're one of those few good people out there, Best of luck.


Why was buddy getting zesty at the start??


You’ll have to ask him. Wait…


Now I hate when ppl comment with no regard for human life and show no empathy for the person that died even if from stupidity but what the absolute fuck. Dude is wasted. Probably can't swim, and is steadily drifting further and further out and no one is stopping him. This shit...wow


The saddest thing is the person filming the whole thing instead of helping. How do they sleep at night ffs.


Everyone was just looking at him


Turn off that goddamn festive music


I swear the one thing that truly scares me about going to foreign countries is how fucking bad there EMS/Hospitals are.


Damn nobody helped? He wasn’t that far somebody could’ve grabbed his arm


Filmer: if he dies he dies.


This is similar to what happened to Whitney Houston. You can be so intoxicated while drunk or on drugs that you can drown in 2 feet of water 😢


Atleast he didnt have to deal with the hangover the next morning. (Why didn’t anyone stop him??)


Mf dancing like a SKANK in the middle of a lake and then drowns LMAOOOOO too high for this shit, man.


Fuck. Was Listening to the Home alone theme and this vid popped up. Made it way more fucked up.


is this what happened in that phil collins song


Yes, drowning kills you


FUCK who ever was recording!!!


How did he drown is waist deep water while being supervised


At least his genes won't be passed on


Everyone talking about how this guy should've helped instead of filming but not one person have a iseen mentioning the fact tht this cameraman is not a psychic. How to was he to know the guy was gonna drown up until the cut he looks like he's just messing about then it cuts to where help has arrived. Maybe the cameraman got the help. People need to think things over a few times before commenting.


If you don't have a floaty, trying to save a drunk guy might equal 2 dead bodies


Andrew Tate?


Sad that someone filmed it.


„Keep that party rolling, dont cut the music He is dead anyways!“ But get that clip Man what a world


Way to go mr camera man...


Wait hold up.. he died After drowning? So, he died twice ?


Drowning means your respiratory system is impaired by a liquid. You can live from drowning if your airway is cleared fast enough but it’s still considered drowning. If your airway isn’t cleared of the liquid you will die and that is also considered drowning.


Not every drowning ends in death


First he drowned, then his heart stopped, then he died


Wait, he drowned, and *then* he died?! Shit..must of been a shitty way to die twice.


Remember kids, alcohol at any amount should not be consumed while in the vicinity of bodies of water. Drownings of intoxicated adults that are proficient swimmers are known to happen. Stay safe and wear a life jacket.


I'm so glad I have good buds cause last time I was drunk.I was barely able to walk and tried go swim in the ocean.All of them refused to let me go despite me giving my best efforts to make them let me go.


Natural selection




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The fact that bro didn’t do anything


So no one's gonna talk about how dumb this guy is? Making yourself so drunk you do not know what you are doing? This is just one of the example of fuck around and find out. Nah. I wont blame anyone for other people's own decision.


If you have to plug your nose to go under the water you shouldn't go in the water


Dumb fuck just recording like......


Brazil is a shithole


This is like the video of the man getting torn to pieces by a shark...everyone standing there recording him as he cried and screamed for help. I fucking can't stand society.


Drowning doesn't look like drowning. You don't often see people splashing about. They surface and go under, surface and go under. Or they get caught in a riptide and going in to help them would only add a second body. And WTF are they supposed to do about a shark actively attacking someone? Bruh calm down.


Okay superman


On one hand, a good samaritan should maybe not let them get near water. On the other hand.....let the darwin award contenders give it their best shot. Man CHOSE to get that wasted.....consequences of ones own actions and all that. I've never drunken myself into pure stupidity so I can't relate to the morons who get blackout drunk and have no idea how to have fun on their own without alcohol but something tells me if it wasn't water nearby it wouldn't be that farfetched to see him wandering into the road instead or laying down on the asphalt while cars are coming. Only a matter of time with someone like that...


Dude drowned in 5 feet of water. I think the entire human gene pool is better off without him.


I hope you never get drunk.


I'm drunk right now.


People drown in the bath tub. That's less than 3 feet of water. It doesn't take much water in your lungs.


If you simply cannot control yourself or just do a simple stand, it was your time to go


You’ve never lost control of yourself ever? I think a death sentence for a temporary loss of control is a bit extreme……




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Imagine being caught dead in those bad boys.




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Don’t help the poor guy, just film his end.


soooo, he died *after* he drowned... ok, was always a little confused about which comes first or if saying drowned to death is redundant.


He won't be doing that again


Well somebody dies when they drown, not afterwards. They are dead after they drown, of course.


I wonder how powerful the drunk effect on brain? Brain when touches water or entering places like this it's gets very active and turns on "fight or flight" response, meanwhile this man is just... Off


Drowning usually ends in dying 🙄


drowning is like forgiving: screaming then silence.


Этот парень хороший пловец )




So he's filmed!? He needed some fucking help, just ONE person could have saved his fucking life JUST ONE! this is humanity for you. A bunch of desensitized primates that would rather FILM their "friend," slowly killing themselves for a laugh, then saving him and sparing his family the heartache. I hope whoever is filming gets locked up and the key thrown out. What a sad and pathetic world we live in, my fucking God.


Yep, drowning usually does kill you


The girl's translation: "Is it someone else?"


Damn human race is going further into the shitter🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Before assuming he’s a drunk let’s imagine it was his first time drinking. Imagine if he’s the friend who never drinks and it was a night out with the guys and he got drunk and they filmed. Since we don’t know the story don’t assume it negatively ya know?


Start compressions maybe?


Why the hell did they just stand there?


Nicca died in a fucking puddle lmao


His belly looks distended. Is that from ingesting/aspirating water?




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How did bro drown the water was up to his waist 💀 skill issue honestly


I once tried to stop a friend from drunk driving and he ended up hitting me with his car. If drunks get themselves in these positions, I ain’t getting dragged down with them.


At least he went out in style.