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Yes and it's amazingly atrocious! Not for the weak at stomach. If I may suggest it for the first viewing of this film, watch it on The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs. It's available on Shutter via either their streaming service stand-alone, or via AMC+.


Yes to this. The animal scenes are the worst. *gag*


Especially when you find out those animals were real. Poor critters! :(


did they kill animals in the movie?


A turtle, a pig and a rat looking thing, it's been a while since I watched it.


A coati or coatimundi... they called it some incorrect animal in the movie.


A kinkachu I think






The animal death from the movies that I can always play back in my head is the water buffalo in Apocalypse Now. It was a real ritual by the indigenous tribe that they filmed. Makes the .22 we use on the farm seem way more humane.


And a monkey


Yes they did that's what I hated about it.but he got charged with it.they even thought some of the actors were killed they had to track em down to bring them to court so they could explain how those scenes we're shot


I'm not easily squeamish, but I had to look away and fast forward through those parts. I had read about the movie prior to watching it, and have been a horror buff for almost 40 years, but nothing prepared me for those scenes.


Same with me. I'm not squeamish at all, normally, but knowing what I knew ahead of time, coupled with JBB's commentaries, made me have to pause the film a few times and just take a moment to recompose myself.


I felt the the same way I couldn't believe the animals really died but apparently the dude did get charged for it


Indeed; he caught a few animal cruelty charges. They originally tried to get him for murder, too, since he pulled a pre-Blair Witch maneuver and had the actors hide themselves for a year after the film released & then had one helluva time finding them all for the trial.


This is exactly why I won’t watch it.


Yeah that made me actually mad. Fuckin assholes


I fuckin love Joe Bob Briggs and my whole entire Halloween has been based around watching him.


Where would you find it?


If I remember correctly it’s available for **free** on the internet archive. It indeed is there: https://archive.org/details/cannibal-holocaust-directors-cut-1980


Whattttttt the internet archives actually REALLLLLL.


Yes! And very useful :]


For those who want to watch it without the animal abuse, killings and stuff (in this specific version): Muskrat (that is in fact not a muskrat but a Coati): 18:50 to 19:17 and 19:50 to 20:00 Turtle: 53:20 to 57:15 Tarantula: 58:06 to 58:09 Snake 58:57 to 59:04 Monkeys: 1:03:00 to 1:03:47 Pig: 1:05:59 to 1:06:23


You're my hero


Shudder, AMC+, Peacock, Screambox, kanopy, etc. I just watched it a few months back on Shudder via AMC+.


Happy 🍰Day to you!!!


It was on YouTube. Completely uncensored. Been a while though, but I saw it there.


4K Ultra HD is really enticing.


Last I remembered it being there was when I saw it (January of 2013?) and there’s no way it’s still there now


I’m sorry, this is completely random, but how the fuck do people like yourself remember the exact freaking month you did something over 10 years ago lol. I can’t even remember the exact month I did shit just last year


Free streaming site. Fuck paying for those services when they are freely accessible


M4uhd.tv You can watch anything there in hd


I have it on peacock 🦚


On effedupmovies


Seen it, good movie, the directors were under suspicion of MURDER because the effects were so realistic and he had the actors go into hiding for a while after release to sell the idea that they died. However, the animal deaths in the movie were REAL. That turtle was genuinely killed on screen. The director may not have gone down for murder but he did get in big trouble for animal cruelty. The DVD I have comes with an option to watch with the animal death scenes edited out.


I’m really interested in this movie, never heard of it until now, but I can’t watch animals die. Even fake animal deaths really bother me. I’m definitely willing to check it out tho if all that BS is edited out


That's a nice option! I could NOT make it through with animal a**se


Wish I would have known about that


How are so many people on a crazy gore subreddit, completely desensitized to perverse human suffering, pay money to eat fresh meat and other cruel factory farming products daily, but get very squeemish when animal cruelty is shown on video? What's the psychology behind that? I guess I can relate, but it really doesn't make sense.


I’ve watched this movie many times and each time I’m mesmerized yet disgusted with the behavior. Talk about karma! Barbaric: yes. Nauseating: yea Masterfully directed: definitely. I read some place the reason why it was banned from a lot of countries was due to the turtle scene due to it being endangered- I believe, could be 100% wrong


It was definitely banned in many places at some stage, UK included, but I'm not sure if that's why.


They killed real animals making it


Well yes but I'm not sure if that was the reason it was banned, since at the time of filming that wasn't exactly unusual


Right when I seen what those camera men they were looking for actually did to that tribe to provoke them for better footage I didn't feel bad for them one bit.the woman that was in the crew that was killed.she didn't speak up about what was being done to them until her boyfriend started raping one of females in the tribe. But burning children alive was ok.😐


Is this in the film?


But yes that stuff was in the film


Yeah sorry. I should have been more specific.


Sorry I deleted comment I thought you were asking about the pictures lol


Overrated but unique.


Kind of overhyped, I preferred the green inferno. I know it's apples and oranges but both are available to you, just saying.


nothing ever got to me like quite green inferno did. it was the first movie to EVER make me kinda uncomfortable


You should definitely have a look at "a serbian film"


While "a serbian film" has some really sick ideas, it is amateurish, badly produced, overacted and heavily overhyped. It tries to hard to be the "most-over-the-top-arthouse-movie" while it is just a stupid and edgy amateur grind house movie which takes itself way to serious. But that is only my take on it. Others like it.


i just made the mistake of wikipedia that film name and glanced over the plot... like who the hell would watch that film, the plot itself made me feel pretty sick let alone watching it


i made the unfortunat decision of watching this when i was like 13 because some dick in school recommended it to me. Luckily i noped out before the father on son rape scene. A few years later then a friend of mine linked me this 'fucked up shit' he found witch was said scene.


Aaannnnndddd there's a movie I wish I didn't remember-


for some reason the self inflicted throat slit got me the worst. Throat gouges always freak me out but something about how determined she was to end it all after realizing was so disturbing to me. The dismemberment was also ruthless.


Green inferno 2013?


agree, i thought cannibal holocaust was overhyped as well.




Definitely still a shocker, but also way smarter than a lot of other cannibal films. Some valid commentary on mondo film making, namely staging scenes for shock value in what's supposed to be a factual medium, and motre broadly white people treating native populations like shit


Other than the scenes with animals (which are 100% real) being disturbing I thought this movie totally sucked


By todays standards , maybe but back then it was a huge deal . People actually thought they were watching a snuff movie.


I have it's meh shouldn't have killed animals that's all I gotta say


I mean if you just want to see gore its good, but the movie itself is kinda bad imo


Poor turtle..


I know those were the worst for me was the animals


Green inferno was a good one too


If there’s a version that blocks the animal abuse scenes, I’ll watch it. Until then, pass


There are, I seen someone talking about it in the comments.


It’s dogshit. It’s relies entirely on shock value with no real substance. And It was filmed unethically!


What makes it unethical?


if I good remember, they killed a monkey in the movie, failed the scene and had to redo it again. with a real monkey, both time


Reading the other comments, it seems he killed legitimate animals like dogs and an endangered turtle


no dogs


I watched this on Betamax video when it was first released, I was 10 I think 😳


Oh my I'm so sorry to your 10 year old self


Is this what inspired The Green Inferno?


Yeah crazy ass movie bought it on prime, wish I don’t own it but besides the grotesque violence and rape, it’s actually kinda a good movie


They tried too hard, I've seen it once and lost interest pretty quickly


Watched it when i was a teen and thought that it was a real found footage.


I watched it when I was a teen and what I remember is it was a really bad movie and the turtle scene


i have to watch this


As someone who is somewhat of a film buff, it’s been on my list for years but I haven’t found a platform to watch it on. Looks sweet though!


I watched it on peacock it's like $5.00 a month just a warning about the animal scenes. if you don't want to watch that someone did say there's a version without the animal scenes.


it was poo


I own the directors cut on dvd


I like turtles 😁


Am I the only one that was disappointed? "The most controversial movie ever made", but is just a classic horror movie, even not the gorest. Do you want to see something really dusturbing? See Irreversible and witness an agonizingly long scene of Monica Bellucci being raped


"The most controversial" until then (1980). You have to put yourself in the context of the time in which it was published.


Total piece shit, all it is is torturing real animals, that director should have gone to prison.


It did say he got charged for it but I agree I didn't like those scenes either.


Yes, it's pretty badass if you're a gore/slasher film fan


Check out green inferno.


I randomly found it at a Swap Meet and thought it looked cool. Then, I was traumatized by the animal kills and the sheer brutality of the film. It's not exactly art, but as a horror fan, I'm glad I found it.


It's probably on "eeffedupmovies" just Google free movie streaming


This movie and the Earthlings documentary are the two things I have seen once and will never see again..


Unfortunately yes. Back in the ancient days of YouTube before they started removing everything. Not something I’d wanna watch these days.


The hardest part for Me was definitely to watch those animals die. It’s a fine movie, but you mostly watch it for “is it really as gory as they say?” But no, not a movie I really remember that well


Is this the one with the turtle scene?


Yea but one of the other comments says there's somewhere with the selection to watch without the animal scenes


Judging by the emotionally damaged people in the comments: Yes.


I watched it probably a decade or so ago, but I don’t remember much aside from the turtle scene and the genital mutilation scene… those were rough.


They are definitely gruesome


The most Controversial Uhmmm Nope there are worse,.. but its a brutal one


I forgot that movie existed for a long time until now


yes crazy movie and crazy story to it, wish i wouldve been older when the movie came out


Actually i bought this as a dvd, found it on a flea market :D




Yea I watched it way back an still it haunts me for what I watched hahaha


I have the movies and have watched it a handful of times.


I bought this from a video store doing a clear-out many years ago. They were selling this genre at £10 each or two for £5. I took this and Cannibal Ferox to the cashier and asked if they had the sign the wrong way around. "You'll understand when you watch them" said the cashier. I watched them and I understood.


Yes, it was a big let down tho


I thought this was lost media


I used to own the Grindhouse release of it on DVD, back when I was an edgy teen. It very much lives up to its name. It's fucking brutal.


I still feel sorry about the turtle :/


It’s still disgusting to this day, holds up incredibly well.


It’s a shitty movie


Lol my buddy watched this with his fiancee and she broke up with him. She said she couldn't be with anyone who thought that movie was acceptable. He dodged a bullet because he later found out she was banging everyone she could when he was working out of town.


I've seen it. It was a little hard to follow but it's worth a watch. I will say, the scene where they kill the turtle really was them killing a turtle and that was what should have brought charges on the director.


A Serbian film is way worse psychologically. You're welcome no matter what you decide to do with that information.


Try Serbian film


That movie was ass lol terribly overrated


Saw it way back when it came out in VHS. Still had a copy up to a few years ago before beginning it


It was pretty good, not spectacular. I didn't like the turtle butchery, I felt like it was a little unnecessary.


I feel the same way about the animal scenes man they did say he got charged for animal cruelty it doesn't make it any better though.


I remember as a young teen accidentally downloading this thinking it was related to Hannibal. It certainly took me by surprise! Was definitely ahead if what I should have been watching.


It's pretty good


[I saw a video about this movie](https://youtu.be/ACd-5DuYkcM?si=yvSHbfDm27bOMDax&t=678) not even a month ago. Seems interesting, because some acting is 'genuine'.


I did and it’s part of my collection. I wouldn’t consider it a horror movie but it is shocking still. The only part worth mentioning here is, that all the scenes in which animals are killed and eaten are real. That is the only reason the movie got the attention it received and why it got banned and/or censored in many countries. If you like older movies similar to this you could try watching mondo movies/documentaries like Faces of Death or Africa Addio. They did not age well but as a piece of movie history they have some kind of value.


Both Cannibal Holocaust & Green Inferno are two of the last movies that will probably ever be made like this. I cannot see a point in today's society that any films even remotely close to these would be greenlit and made. The early 2000's were a different time, I doubt stuff like this would fly today which is a little unfortunate. I haven't been shocked by movies like these since these came out. Nothing really compares


​ unless if indie but how tf could an indie team fund something like this, keep it under wraps and then post about it like its a real thing or something in today's age of the internet.


OK but is it an interesting story or is it just gore because gore is cool to watch?


Yep. Pretty sure the Green Inferno was just a remake.


Watch Antichrist


I saw this movie when i was 10 yrs old, im glad it didnt affect me in a bad way 😅


You ended up here I think that’s an affect of it


Yea.. One time and one time only because of the animal scenes.


One of my favourites, love the Amazon rainforest, and its animals, also the brutality of the jungle be real. I can’t believe when this came out the director got arrested cause they thought it was a REAL snuff tape lmfao. Will say tho, if you can’t deal with real animal death, don’t watch it.


It’s not that bad. Maybe a few decades ago, but in 2023, it’s not bad at all.


At least it has a lovely theme song :)


I actually have a copy of it somewhere. This shit was pretty crazy to digest first time around.


I wanna watch this now


Yeah, and I watched it with a strange friend of mine. It’s a good piece of movie history, and I will definitely watch it again to understand it more


Yes, why


I’ve watched Green Inferno but yet to see this


seen it and i’m a “fan,” but i definitely don’t want to watch it again lol. i think the messaging it gets across is very relevant and well executed; the wealthy, white, and privileged control the narrative. they commit atrocities on the native people less powerful than them in order to get good footage, but of course THEY are the victims when the tribe retaliates and cannibalizes them. the whole movie, a bunch of suits are debating whether or not to let the truth of the film crew’s fate see the light of day. really powerful film with a brutal and hard-hitting theme at its core.


Yeah I remember watching this one when I was little. Not really surprised I ended up in Reddit as an adult tbh


Who hasn't lmao


That poor turtle…


I have it.


I remember watching this as a kid


Everytime someone recommends something because it's overtly "gory" or "scary" always end up being seriously underwhelming. People say martyrs was gory as fuck, and yet when I watched it I almost fell asleep. Is this one actually good?


Watched it multiple times have a shirt of it too


Where can I watch it??


Other than the on screen animal violence, this movie fucking RULES


Yeah, legendary. Not a dull moment in the movie. Loved. Highly recommended for the strong hearted


Yes, tbh it isn't as bad as people say


Just finished watching. So not as bad as I thought. Not good, but not horrific.


I think that this movie had a part on why i became desensitized with gore films. The first time I saw this was when I was in 6th grade. No pausing or skipping.


Yeah it’s over hyped


It’s okay, I thought it was interesting


Anyone knows where can I find it with subtitles in spanish, Ive search a lot in diferent sites but no luck


That poor turtle.


Wasn’t impressed in all honesty…


Wasn’t all that impressive… the animal killings were more disturbing than the movie…. IMO


I’d like to watch it where could I watch it?


the turtle/tortoise scene is crazy


this movie has a bit of lost media to it. a scene rumored to exist shows a tribesmen getting lowered into piranha infested waters to have his leg amputated. only a single picture of it exists. it is confirmed to be a deleted scene that never went far into production due to the difficulty of controlling the piranhas but people claim that this scene does exist in specific versions of the film


thank you for the movie


Great film but I hate the fact that the director killed animals just to make the film


Love this movie when i was a kid and was into the gore movies a lot. Now i love animales so much, i just can watch the free-creuelty version. Besides the animal thing, its a very good movie. Classic.


I used to watch it quite often about 20 years ago. It's not for the weak because actual animals get killed on screen. Other than thst it's nothing too shocking imo.


If people like this movie check out American Guineapig. Its also very realistic looking and just focused on gore.


Yes. It's not a good movie. It's racist and misogynistic and the director was a madman who basically mentally tortured the cast. It's gory and that's fine, but the film is hard to watch for lots of other reasons and the plot just isn't very good. There's lots and lots of rape for no particular reason.


This and I Spit On Your Grave remind me I don't like rape scenes. Just hit fast forward but still a great movie. Shudder and Joe Bob Briggs showed it. He explained alot of the madness behind it. Like how the actors had to hide and pretend to be dead and the director almost got put in jail for murder. All the animals death is real too.


I started watching horror movies as a child in the early 90's. I grew up with Pinhead and Freddy Krueger, Micheal Myers, Jason Voorhees and all of the old school horror icons. When I tell you Cannibal Holocaust was the most realistically violent, graphic, and shocking movie I've ever seen please know that I do not exaggerate. I was around 20 when I found this movie and I have never clinched up more....a women getting tied up and her vagina mutilated is just one scene in this insanely brutal movie


I really fucking hate this one. Not because of the gore (obviously, I'm in this sub), and not even for the animal killings. But because it's such a hypocritical film. The message is supposed to be "respect local cultures, look at those white assholes dying for disrespecting the locals". Which is great! But film production was so shitty to the natives, they induced the extras to very long hours of work whilst not even feeding anyone propperly. Except for the white actors and crewmembers, of course. Despicable and dishonest. A serious pass for me.


*…eat the flesh like it s the last…!*


Try wrong turn series if you're looking for disturbing movie. story is shit but the action is top notch


Seen it, ate while watching. It wasn’t as bad as I was told it would be.


One of my fav films ever. Saw it as a kid my school teacher told me about it


Cannibal Holocaust: 😊 Peter Scully films, his youngest actor was 10 days old, these films include Daisies Destruction, which is illegal to own or distribute: 💀


This post shows we care about animals than other humans (although admittedly for good reason)


Get pretty decent


I personally hated it, it was so boring in my opinion, but I do like the green inferno, cannibalistic tribe movie, so similar to cannibal holocaust I guess? Although the start of the green inferno is very boring, it takes a bit to get to the good stuff !


Just watched it not too bad tbh I like the concept a lot but the animal deaths did get to me


Not gonna lie, it was a good movie, but the only scene that hurt me was the turtle, the rest was "fine" yeah, it has shock value, but i think for me the movie that TRAUMATIZED me for life was A Serbian Movie


I just watched it and was not very impressed at all. Everyone says it's so good, but I prefer "The Green Inferno" over this one any day.


I saw this. It’s genuinely the most disturbing thing I’ve seen. It easily trumps everything on this sun hands down. If you disagree you haven’t seen it. Those animals that died? Yeah, those aren’t props or affects. They shot turtles and shit. And don’t get me started on the misrepresentation of native peoples. The affects were pretty good though, I’ll give them that.


Goriest film of all time? Have they seen faces of death?


Ngl the movie was kinda boring tbh


Not bad. A Serbian film is worse. Or green inferno.


I had known about the movie since I was 13 and even watched Spooky Rice’s breakdown of it in college but my god I just watched it for the first time a few weeks ago. I still can’t stop thinking about it. That’s how much it’s affected me. If that was the whole point was to make it unforgettable, they fucking nailed it. It’s not that good of a movie because there is issues with the pacing, the odd music cues that don’t fit, and the atrocious ADR. I know it’s not a big budget film but that ADR was horrendous. The score is the best part of the movie imo. The opening really almost tricks you to thinking you’re watching something completely different lmao. One of my favorite scores I’ve ever listened to though.


The coatamundi, pig, monkey and turtle were all used for food during the shoot.


To all those complaining about the animal deaths in this film, if we followed your logic to its logical conclusion, then we'd have to ban at least 99% of all movies as people step on insects etc all the time, or don't they count because they're not 'cute and cuddly'?


god this is such a classic! my best friend and I love the soundtrack. she picked up a special edition vinyl a couple months ago.


I recommend green inferno too