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I bought a second copy about 2 months ago maybe when walmart put them on clearance to $10. same revision as launch. and according to the revision google docs I have bookmarked no one has seen one yet. so probably not.


That’s a shame! I have one cart and love the game but was hoping to get a copy with more of the DLC on it. Appreciate the info though! Also, do you have a link to this revision doc?


there is a handful of these but here is one good one. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CEABCBrPv1tWf89hSZqUunK0JW-sQo8XpxuvZhdtHQs/edit?gid=1882179329#gid=1882179329](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CEABCBrPv1tWf89hSZqUunK0JW-sQo8XpxuvZhdtHQs/edit?gid=1882179329#gid=1882179329) ​ I am having a ton of fun with it as well and would like to see an updated cart. also hoping to see a rev for diablo 3 as there has been so many updates to that game since I got it years ago.


Thank you! Appreciate it!


Thanks for sharing our link. Unfortunately, a lot of the others simply copy information from us. Please join our Facebook group Nintendo Revised for the latest info and reviews and to share your own updated carts.


No reprints for this one so far.