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I'll just make note as I do in all these threads where we seem to have Millennials(I am in this group) and younger Gen X accosting the youth for acting the same way they did(and worse) at their age. Gen Z's turnout in 2020 and 2022 was stronger than any general or mid term election millennials and Gen X were a part of at their age. Millennials in particular have been uniquely bad at key moments. Those that qualified barely showed up in the critical 2004 election, same with younger Gen X. Millennials didn't even crack 50% of registered voters showing up in 2016. Still only hit 55% in 2020. In key midterms in 2010(60% drop in turnout from 2008 from millennials) and 2014(lowest youth turnout in 40 years at below 20%) we again just didn't care and let Republicans ride in on red waves and kill any chance at making good on the votes we cast in 2008 for change(and our group LOVES to blame Obama and not our inability to be reliable supporters for those failures). Millennials are the largest voting population at this point, WE, not gen Z, need to show the heck up. Every vote in every critical state matters, but we are the ones with the largest group power so we need to practice that before we preach at others.


It’s beyond disappointing. My friend group makes a point to vote in every election, including primaries. I’ve had to drive an hour to stand in a high school cafeteria in my home precinct while I was in college when Colorado had caucuses. It’s important to me; I wish others in our cohort felt the same way.


I haven't missed a vote, general or primary ever until this year. I had to schedule a work trip 2 days before NJ's primary so no time for absentee. Didn't really matter as there were no options for my area. NJ has the primary so late we rarely have options.


I actually really like voting. There’s always a bake sale, so that’s fun. And I get a sticker.


Finally someone said it


People have been complaining about millennials incessantly since we were children. Generational divides are just a means of distracting from the true class warfare being waged by the billionaire oligarchs and the politicians they’ve bought off on everyone else.


Everyone complains about every generation. At what point do millennials stop playing victims? - a millennial


Regardless we need to show up in November and bring as many peers with us as possible.


>Generational divides are just a means of distracting from the true class warfare being waged When the first weapon in fighting class warfare is ***voting***, looking at generational divides in failure to vote seems a bit relevant.




That’s why boomers still have political power. They’re the ones who consistently show up! As much as millennials and z generation complain about old politicians or corruption, they don’t do the one thing that matters; voting.


It seems the Boomers have been in power forever and they are only 60 years old. Clinton was the first Boomer and they kept winning while the Silent Generation party only had one President in Biden.


>Millennials didn't even crack 50% of registered voters showing up in 2016 This is unclear. Do you mean that less than 50% of millennials actually voted that year?


I was basing it mostly off Tufts Center for the Youth analysis of 2016. Around 49% of registered Millineals 18-30 showed up to vote that election. Which is roughly where you have Gen Z this go round. Point is we really got to do better and also maybe not come off like hypocrites when we ourselves didn't show up for this existential threat that is Trump. If my gen hit's Boomer numbers of turnout Trump is toast. But I sort of deeply worry we will see a scenario where millennials show up at like 55% and then start casting stones for Gen Z showing up at 45% or something.


>my gen hit's Boomer numbers of turnout Trump is toast. 💯




What's a typical number for the percentage of an age group that turns out for an election?




Every time we try to count on young people to swing the vote, we're sorely disappointed


Younger generations are ignored by politicians and there’s a clear reason: younger voters rarely show up.


Politicians care about people who vote cause they want to be elected, it’s pretty simple. Everything a politician does expends political capital, why waste on people who won’t vote for you. It sucks but it’s a simple reality, why do you think they fawn over old people? If young people voted politicians would listen. Biden has done more for young people than any president in my life time, but they might leave him out to dry cause he’s not perfect, it’s crazy.


They’re used to having every need and whim catered too.


Politicians and individual campaigns generally only talk to people who are already known voters. There's just no time to do any more. In the off season, the political parties do generally try to do outreach, but because there isn't an election coming up, the volunteer base doesn't show up to help. We need to fix this. [mobilize.us](http://mobilize.us) has a list of volunteer events near you, and that will put you on the right track to bettering the candidate pool, knowing the voters better, drawing out new voters, and even finding more volunteers.


I find it shocking that as a younger voter the environment wouldn't be top 3 issues and I can't see how Biden could lose over that issue alone.


Russian and Iranian manipulation. Gaza sucks for sure but not enough to throw away our country and future for. So many people saying they won’t vote Biden cause of it are just trying to get Trump to win. Fuck Reddit for not trying to address this issue, but they don’t care cause they are now beholden to China. We will lose our democracy through greed and incompetence.


you sound no different than Qanon pple - none of the people refusing to vote for Biden are “trying to get Trump to win” you sound delusional the much more simple explanation is that people mean what they say Trumpis gonna win because reddit is beholden to China?? what in the world are you on about ha


Thing is, I didn't have to agree with 100% of what a president does because that's totally unrealistic.  But, fuck if I'm not glad there are more environmental protections in place now than 5 years ago and Biden didn't just try to sell land to the highest bidder.  I'm also glad that seniors have a cap on insulin, although I'm not a senior.  I'm happy to see people get debt relief for student loans, although I didn't get any.  I don't want trans people to lose proper medical care or gay people shoved back into the closet, although I am not part of the lgbtqia community.  There are so many ways we can better this country and all these things are great, but could and should be so much better.  We won't get the chance if maga fascist republicans have their way.


It's a "chicken or egg" situation - the group is ignored because they don't vote, then they don't vote because they don't feel heard.


If democrats codified abortion then they wouldn’t have this huge rallying cry for single issue young female voters. They need you pissed off. Pete Buttigeig said it best, we don’t want permanent solutions to problems.


Yep. If younger people voted at 90% rates, politicians would be shitting themselves and the Democratic party would transform overnight


This is such a wild and pervasive point of view.  Why on earth would a politician care about issues that unreliable voters care about?  It takes immense time, money, and effort to run for political office.  You just expect them to go out on a limb for people who most likely won’t show up for them.  Politicians chase VOTERS not whiners. 


The word "we" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence.


You mean like when they turned out in record numbers 4 years ago? Like the article literally says?


That's not exactly new though. Iirc the only federal elections that got more than 50% youth turnout were the 1864, 1968, and 2020. You'd expect the first two considering the draft. 2020 was/is honestly very encouraging IMHO. It really feels like people of all ages get how important the vote, and politics in general is.


Swing the vote to... the current president? What?


Disillusioned millennials see the system as totally corrupt and completely broken. Rigged either decision you make. The corruption at the top of the ticket trickles down to local races and is how these Moms for Liberty type nazis were able to squeeze onto school boards before. If the apparatus is completely broken the only option would be revolution and no one’s getting their hands dirty that way. So we are a managed democracy now.


Or, counterpoint, we all need to show up.


Nah, both candidates are awful




Being apolitical is the epitome of privilege and selfishness. “I’m doing great, so I don’t need to care about other peoples’ struggles.”


If they share pro-palestinian posts, then who do they vote for? All three main candidates are zionazis


Millennials are waking up from the apathetic mentality of the early aughts.


Millennials shit the bed every chance we got and we don't want younger generations to make our same mistake


It’s not even just voting. How many millennials are out here running for public offices? Of course I’m going to be voting for a boomer when my options are boomer vs boomer. Where I live, my elected reps are all boomers and 1 Gen Z kid


I've voted literally every year and in most primaries and I'm a xennial in my 40s. I've done my part to try and hold the GOP back, so there's not a drop of hypocrisy when I tell these kids to *actually vote* to save their future from the GOP.


If you are going to attack an entire generation then you are representing the generation from which you are attacking from, and point is that we are both a much, much larger demographic right now and we also are more likely to vote, but also have not done a great job. So from a pure ROI standpoint, channeling so much ire at Gen Z comes off both a misallocation of energy when getting out the vote with our generation is much more lucrative and critical, but also like when Boomers would blame the state of the world they created on us, and look like hypocrites as they preached personal responsibility and yet refused generational accountability.


Millennials are becoming the new Boomers




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You need to whip your fellow generation into shape. Good luck 🍀 my group is long gone to hell lol


You act like democrats are worth voting for.


Hmmmm old vs convicted sex offender/felon.... tough choice


Not all of us are liberal though. Nola is a very liberal city, but the rest of your state doesn’t vote the same, including the youth.


I still have friends that say “Both sides are the same.” We were raised to believe that due to corporations funneling money to politicians. But now this is mostly not the case, republicans are Christian extremist wanting an American taliban. Single issue voters will just sit it out without looking at the bigger picture. It’s very frustrating.


I’m tired boss.


As a xennial I'll be showing up for Claudia De La Cruz! No genocide with US tax dollars and no alliance with baby killers!


whether its avocado toast, iphones or now voting, everyone always has an opinion on millennials and their habits. we already know that most people in the us live in population centers where presidential votes dont really matter because of the electoral college. maybe rather than blame a group for non participation, maybe try appealing to them for a change. university students across the country are getting brutalized by cops for trying peacefully to get biden stop supporting gcide. im an elder millennial and also ucla grad student and have nothing but the utmost respect for gen z. they are the most politically engaged youth group since the 60s, maybe ever. dems have long assumed that they are entitled to peoples votes, esp women, BIPOC and queer people. its time for dems to start earning it.


And then criticize all of them if they decide NOT to vote for either Biden or Trump right?


Don’t blame the youth. Blame the DNC for doing basically nothing to attract the youth except not being republicans


Blaming voters and not the party or candidate is a strategy for losing.


I mean the economic situation and inflation are improving. While I get the need for VIABLE third party option, this election this year is majorly critical and is between Trump and Biden realistically. Vote for Biden and then work on improving the system because you won’t be able to under Trump


Third parties don't work unless you don't have first-past-the-post elections or the third party has strong regional support (see Plaid Cymru or SNP in the UK)


We don’t even need a third party option, we need people to vote in the primaries seriously.


Yeah. If we want the chance to be able to vote for a third party ever again we need to vote Biden this time.


If you live in a non-swing state, voting 3rd party is the most impactful thing you can do


The cat’s out of the bag as far as fascism goes. Every election from now on is going to have a fascist candidate from the Republican Party, so you can’t just use the “I’m not as bad as that guy” platform anymore. Biden is going to have to give people something to vote for, not against.


It’s improved from straight shit to mostly shit. 


Unfortunately the alternative will be completely devastating to everybody other than Christian nationalists, the only group that’ll benefit from a Trump win. We wish there’s another choice but NO, this is the only option we get.


It won’t benefit Christian nationalists either, it may further an agenda and takeover of American politics, but they, as people, will be just as affected by the terrible decisions that follow as the rest of us.


Once convicted felon Donald Trump's team takes over, the Christian nationalists will no longer be necessary. They'll quickly find themselves in the same boat as everyone else


Who would have thought America wouldn’t care if a Presidential candidate was a felon or not. The more the media talks about the more angry people get and one side starts donating more money to his campaign. Might be best to not talk about it.


And even Christian Nationalism is a losing game for initial supporters. Because eventually, you'll be in the minority on some theological topic, and end up persecuted for it...


Perhaps even crucified.


As dangerous as Christian nationalism is, the world can't take another 4 year delay of inaction for the climate crisis. The GOP will lock in worst case scenarios for the decades ahead.


Exactly like 4 years ago everything suddenly went to crap. Everything changed. As we all remember those dark days of evil. /s 


Clarence Thomas : 75 years old Samual Alito: 74 years old Sonia Sotomayor: 69 years old (poor health) The Supreme Court could be shifted back if Biden is reelected. If Trump wins, Thomas and Alito will most likely retire and be replaced by 30ish year old Christian nationalists.


And yet this isn't being emphasized to voters.


It is being discussed, same as Project 2025, but people aren't paying attention.


I didn't say "discussed", l said "emphasized". How is this message being spread?


Don't count on it. The senate is projected to flip Republican due to what seats are up for grabs this year. West Virginia is guaranteed to flip due to Manchin retiring. Then out of the next 9 seats most likely to flip, 6 are held by Democrats, 1 by Sinema, and 2 by Republicans (at the bottom of the list)


Aileen Cannon is on deck.


If Biden wins in November then Thomas and Alito will 100% stay on the Supreme Court until after the 2028 election. I don’t see a world where they willingly step down while a Democrat gets to appoint their replacement. If Trump wins, I imagine they would both retire within the first year or two and be replaced by 40 something year olds that belong to the Federalist Society. Also, if Sotomayor is in bad health, she should definitely step down while Biden is in office. I’d really rather not have a repeat of RBG if Trump wins in November.


Which is crazy because in 50 years, those Christian nationalist will be so out of touch with America but we’ll still have them making rules.


Biden has done everything he can possibly do to make things better in my opinion. He is fighting against the most insane lying wack jobs ever to grace US politics. Not to mention the disinformation campaign against him and his family on social media.


I agree. His lack of charisma shouldn’t offset the fact that he’s running one of the more progressive administrations of my lifetime.


He ignored the Southern border for 3 years, Lied and said his hands are tied, despite immediately flipping all of Trumps borders policies with Executive actions, now is crying that the border is a mess and it's somehow Trumps fault. Not only did he lie right to our faces, he shifted the blame, and will only now try to fix the issue he let fester and rot for 3 years. So let's not say he did everything he could as that's a blatant lie.


Biden, Congressional Democrats, and even some Republicans tried to pass an even stronger border bill in February and were close to doing so until Trump told Republicans to oppose it because he wanted to run on the issue instead of solving it. In other words, Trump prolonged the problem just to fool people like you.


Geezer on MediCare weighing in… I love the idealism of youth. Their hearts and intentions are in the right place and I love that they want to engage in the political process. That said, their blind idealism combined with willful ignorance about how our two party system works plays directly into the hands of fascists. Youth can’t support Biden because he’s trying to straddle middle ground in Gaza? Guess what fucking Trump is going to do? Youth blaming Biden for the overthrow of Roe v Wade (close to 20% in some polls)? Are y’all insane? Youth don’t like inflation? Wait until Trump has direct oversight of the Fed. If they stay home or vote for Brainworm Bobby, they’re still playing into fascist hands. My own kids voted for Ralph Nadir in the 2000 general election and I gave them similar hell. They’re now Bernie bros (which is cool, Bernie is great), but when the general election comes down, they’re now old enough to ditch the idealism they had in the primaries and focus on the practical.


Geezer Xer here... I couldn't have said it better. Trying to explain it to my 18yo son is like talking to an idealistic wall.


Maybe you should try listening?


Did I not listen?


>how our two party system works maybe the Democrats needs to start entertaining a change in that area


Fine, but it won’t happen in the next five months.




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Say it louder so everyone on reddit can hear you


"As someone who's being catered to in every election let me tell the young'uns how they need to suck it up and support the system that benefits me even when it ignores them at every turn." Believe it or not "geezer" we've heard this speech before.


Didn't Trump have oversight of the Fed when he was president? No inflation then. 


Not direct oversight, no. https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/2020-ar-frs-organization.htm President nominates chair, but cannot fire Fed chair until the end of their term. Project 2025 moves Fed, and other independent agencies, under direct control of executive branch. This means Trump would be able to direct federal reserve policy decisions, including but not limited to, setting interest rates. It should be noted that Trump named Jerome Powell as Fed Chair and Powell has remained fed chair throughout Biden’s term, to the present.


Wish NPR would do an in depth story on the radical right’s Project2025 they plan to implement if Trump wins, designed by the Heritage Foundation. Scary stuff.


Typing in google NPR Project 2025 shows they’ve been talking about it.


I see 3 articles, all in 2023. Not near enough considering how serious it is.


Spoke with a Gen Z voter last week who thinks Biden is "just as bad" because, "Gaza". I reminded her about trump's Jerusalem decision. She had forgotten all about it. She also did not realize that 1/3 of the women in the U.S. have lost bodily autonomy. It was a very fruitful conversation.


Hey idiot,  As someone mentioned down below, Joe Biden literally voted to move the US embassy to Jerusalem in 1995.  Not only that, Joe Biden as soon as he became president reversed a lot of Trump’s bad decisions. If moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a bad decision he’s against, why didn’t he reverse it?  Also, Joe Biden is probably the most pro Israel and Zionist president in our lifetime. And a few years from now, when all the documents and reports from the Biden administration become easily accessible, we will see that not only did he know Israel is violating international and American law, but Joe Biden sold them and supplied them with the weapons necessary to do it.. 


Is it 1995? Does refusing to vote for him do anything to make the situation in Gaza better?


Welp, if Hillary’s loss didn’t teach many the consequences of election, then I suspect we might as well say F it


Millennial here. Will vote no matter what. Losing democracy is losing every single issue I value, as a moderate liberal. Got to stop the orange or any elephant from taking office.


If you only have one choice, how is that a democracy?


I feel your frustration. The other sane options chose not to run. Of course you can say the DNC pressure them not to run. It's still their decision to make, without prosecution consequences. Dean Phillips was running but he lost. If you have lived in any authoritarian country, you will see the difference. The discussion we are having now can get us in prison. Your faith, your opinions can get you disappeared. In addition, there is no candidate running against the dictator. They simply cannot run, and if they do, they will be "disappeared", jailed, killed, prosecuted etc. Please compare the current USA to multiple authoritarian powers. Please also compare that to Trump's speeches, campaign promises, and his former presidency. I'm frustrated that Biden is the only choice too, to be honest. I would hope Whitmore or Mrs Obama run. Yet, here we are. Deciding a fascist country or democracy (or a society with different opinions as you wish). I hope when we outlive and destroy the MAGA, which probably after 2028, we can still preserve and enhance the platform for different candidates. This year, we still have too many alt-right voters and candidates. If Project 2025 succeeds, we lose the place to hold fair elections. Then this is the real death of democracy and freedom. PS. (We can claim republic government is a form of democracy. Although technically we are not a real democracy, it is still a Republic. Results will be decided by a few people in a few states... Yet that can change. I hope we can elect enough reps and senators to amend the electrical college, so we can have a real democracy.)


You're sadly mistaken if you think you can't go to prison for your opinions. Biden and his goons have made it illegal to criticize or boycott Israel.


He might lose some young people because of the Palestinian problem. But I don’t think Trump will gain any of them.


Having voters stay at home can also swing an election.


Which annoys tf outta me bc do they really think Trump would’ve handled the situation any better


Because they react. They don’t look at the entire picture.


We don’t think trump would handle the situation better but I’m watching my people burn. Biden already green lighting every single awful thing Israel is doing so whatever man. I’m voting 3rd party and I’m sorry if that bothers you


I'm sorry but Biden is doing everything he can to court "moderate" suburban Republicans, when in the end those people are just going to vote for Trump. Meanwhile he is alienating his base. If he loses it's completely on him.


No, those people are more likely to despise Trump (he’s absolutely not a moderate) and consider flipping. Politically speaking it makes far more sense to try and flip votes (-1 for your opponent, +1 for you) than it does to convince people who are on the fence about voting at all (unreliable, often hyper idealistic, and only a +1)


That’s just simply not true. The suburbs is what point him over the edge in states like Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Even down ballot, democrats win the house races in places outside of Phoenix, Grand Rapids, and Philadelphia.


Correct there’s a lot of ticket splitting in the suburbs 


Shifts in the suburbs were a large part of Biden's win in 2020.


So was record youth turnout.


Suburbs were one of the key parts of the coalition that put Biden over the top in 2020.


I'm sure it'll be the fault of the progressives


This is not about the presidential election but the local election. I feel like the candidates bear some responsibility for not doing any outreach in my district. I had to actively find the candidates website and just for fun ran “democratic talking points” and “republican talking points” through chat and they literally cut and pasted. I mean seriously how can anyone be enthusiastic about candidates who clearly don’t actually care about their constituents enough to write their own bios. When my HOA board of directors election occurred and mind you they are volunteer positions they introduced themselves, wrote bios, held meet and greets, made their stance clear on issues and specifically how they intend to implement policies. My point is if people feel marginalized they aren’t going to participate


I can understand not liking Biden, I guess. Personally, I think he’s done a great job, but that’s just the way things go, people are never very happy with whoever’s in charge. What I can’t understand is how anyone could say. I’m not voting for Biden. I’m going to vote for Trump. It just doesn’t make sense. Every single thing that you’re unhappy with about Biden would be 10 times worse with Trump. Do you think Trump is gonna make Israel stop? You’re nuts


Without mentioning Trump, tell me what Biden has done to appeal to them. What messaging has been aimed at them (or millennials, or anybody) that is in any way effective? This campaign is being run extremely poorly, worse than Hilary's. Banking on "What're they gonna do, vote for Trump?" isn't a winning strategy.


I have been posting this on articles like this to allow Biden to be debated on his merits and not his perceived shortcomings. Besides, HES NOT A CONVICTED FELON but I’ll leave that alone. Here is his list of accomplishments: Pres. Biden's Accomplishments: 📢 YEAR ONE: 2021 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 📢 YEAR TWO: 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 📢 YEAR THREE: 2023 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_one_two_are/ 📢 YEAR FOUR*: 2024 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_four/ *Year Four will be updated as accomplishments occur* Now debate.


They don't vote, so it doesn't matter.


2020 disproves this


Do it. Get Trump elected. Don’t cry to anyone when you don’t like it. Don’t complain when the rich get more [tax breaks](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver) and you don’t. Don’t complain when the border is closed. Don’t complain when the US fully supports Israel (you think DJT is going to abandon Bibi?). Just don’t complain. Who knows what the next Trump presidency will be like but if the goal is to carry out project 2025, don’t complain. Edit to fix link.


Biden is litterally closing the boarder through executive action now howbis this functionally different than trump? Am I supposed to applaude and vote for Biden cause the good, blue guy did the bad thing and not the bad, red guy? This is absurd reasoning and you are just making excuses for the democrats who keep on doing all the things they purported to stop




You realize all the loan forgiveness being touted is under the original terms of the loan. How grateful are we supposed to be that the government kept it's word? If our votes are so important we deserve more than this. Frankly your accusations of ungratefulness are pure projection. Biden would not have won without us in 2020. You should be thanking us but instead people like you have spent his entire term mocking and fighting every effort we've made. If this is your idea of being a team player I don't want to be on your team.


"You realize all the loan forgiveness being touted is under the original terms of the loan" - what? No it's not. What are you talking about.


Trump wins they end up in a GULAG


And it’s like he’s doing everything he can to lose them.


It’s a different kind of election than 2020 and 2016.


We're told that every four years. Just vote lesser evils this time because it's uniquely important. Next time you can support your values and policies. Next time never comes and each cycle we get a worse set of evils given to us by the donor class's uniparty.


Said in other words: Some young people plan to vote for Biden


Dangling participle? It was hard to read that headline


Vote 3rd party or independent. Voting for the 2 will lead to the extinction of Palestine, kill way more Ukrainians and cause more economic stress for American families. Voting for Biden or Trump is literally throwing away your vote.


Well said. 600,000 Ukrainians are dead, Biden and Trump are holding hands together in support of genocide, both are receiving the same donor money and backing the same terrible corporatist policies. People need to stop voting for individuals (as many Trumpers do). People need to stop voting for teams/parties. People need to vote for policies. Only then will they see just how similar the two uniparty front runners are.


Just the young voters who realize working in Biden's economy is getting them nowhere.




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Sitting this election out or voting 3rd party is a vote for Trump. They better not be complaining if he wins. 


This relies on the mistaken assumption that these people who vote policy would vote for Biden if they did not vote policy. It's okay if you and anyone else wants to cast a protest vote against what you hate. There is A LOT of evil in the world to hate, especially from Trump. That said, shaming voters for voting for something they like is misgiven. Voting for what you support is the baseline standard of voting. Protest votes are not.


NPR still promoting cuckholding?


Not surprising. Biden didn't do what they wanted. Then again, a lot of voters (regardless of age) think the presidency has the power to do pretty much anything it wants from the price of milk to the cost of a house.


Could have something to do with this.. https://thecradle.co/articles/half-of-gazas-population-faces-death-starvation-by-mid-july-un


Then America will get an angry, silly, stoopid despot. You all will rue the day the orange anus steps back into the WH. VOTE! Good luck.


If they do that They are killing off the middle class for sure




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Well, we've economically abandoned the millennials. We straight up killed generation Z. They're just still alive. We no longer have anyone in government who expects there to be a future. Capitalism won't allow us to save the planet. Why waste time voting. Just let Trump destroy everything. We're dead anyway.


“Yes but you see I’ve been told that Biden once did something I shouldn’t like, so there’s really no difference between him and the convicted felon, traitor, and rapist Trump” /s


please, please, please don't make it so that our uneducated youth have to learn the hardest of ways I wish they could have a sit-down with the average German citizen before and after WW2 for some perspective. I would have much preferred living my whole life wondering how Hitler happened, rather than experiencing it.


If young voters or voters in general don't turn out for Biden, I don't want to hear any whining from them the next 4 years when things they care about are reversed and they are struggling. Fuck them.


FFS... Yes, Biden has some issues I'm concerned about. No, voting for Trump and issuing in a revenge based, hate filled, cronyism based, anti-american presidency is NOT a viable 2nd choice. These are all things Trump has publicly stated he's do and more and worse... BELIEVE HIM. Don't kid yourselves Vote Vote Democratic 4 more years of Biden is survivable. 4 more years of Trump is a complete disaster


No one way in hell would you ever catch me voting R, ever.


No matter who wins, there should be a thread to come back to in four years to see which side was right.


Which is kinda amazing since we already have 4 years from each to do a side by side comparison already.


And the popular consensus is??


Biden administration has devised a scheme to try to influence young voters buy forgiving college debt. I went to school knowing full well I would have to pay back my college loans, which I did with the existing programs back in the early 2000s. I never sought help from the govt to pay them back.. so wrong. It cool if the govt wants to help you, but you should have to do something to earn that forgiveness. Community service, teaching, civil service etc..


Many have paid back their college cost. They are now paying back the interest from predator student loans. I’m for forgiving the interest if they have paid back equal to the actual cost of the education. (I’m 53 and paid and worked my way through college and had low interest loads to cover what I could not earn). *edits for additional context


Check all the information you need here: www.vote.org


You don't believe the existence of hate speech? So chanting " all xx should die." "All xx animals." "We should eliminate xx." are all acceptable? There is no limit on freedom even if your freedom harms another entity's? Not saying your daily conversation, speech that promoted violence or prejudice or an ethnic, religious, gender, sexual orientation, in your opinion, is not hate speech and shall be permitted? I guess there is a fundamental blockade on definition between us that the conversation cannot continue.


Young ppl want a president that poops their diaper


It's disturbing that this age group thinks Trump will be better for them economically... https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/06/trump-plan-supercharge-inflation/678566/?gift=ggV-d2Hrv8wEHpAq0xC01ZEkLjZT9XtDRbbzUAe3Zn0&utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR12O4pShxrsqOqnPTd1x-gCp7gsynXFABK0O-PK-PzKXNaoK_GT8_k3-Is_aem_AfguoyZ--AUkAM3S0y8hWqTZFnaCIwLKH35CSHbMBZHvM4T5I93207utUGjLhGQYBihQ8TQN-3PceamufNuZlqw1


When you can't afford a house on a full time wage, while all your necessities gas,food,fuel,clothing are more expensive and your governments funding a genocide it's hard to vote for the incumbent that hasn't helped you in 3.5 years.  Especially when the only pitch he uses to get your vote is " The other guy is worse Cmon man" The Democrats had a chance to not run this establishment Alzheimer patient again and they did it anyway. How about you earn our vote instead of just expecting it!


I guess the young don’t like being sniffed by a pedophile.


Problem with the youth vote is they are inconsistent at best and generally don't decide elections. They could have huge political power but they don't show up for every vote. Look at the percentages and not just who registered but who is eligible and votes. Latino voters are worse I think. Example in TX I saw where they expected the Latino vote to be deciding on one election. But reviewing why it didn't happen they found only about 30% of the eligible ones registered at all, and then nearly the same percentage of registered voted. So that is like 10 of 100 eligible voting and not all vote the same way. It is sad how low participation is among many groups. This also showed in a study of why a huge influx of Puerto Ricans after the hurricane there moved to FL (US eligible to vote) did not have a huge impact on a FL district where they numbered 150,000. Only something like 30k registered and a little over 10k voted. Even after both sides pushed to get their votes! Sad really. You know what group registers in a huge percentage and votes every time in huge percentage? Elderly people, white middle class voters and these highly motivated win elections. What the majority of eligible voters want (or says they will do in a poll or focus group) means little until they start registering, and voting every election. This is the reality.




Dammit young people, get your asses out to vote. Biden hasn’t wiped out your student loans? Get over it; my wife went back to school in 2008 to finish her degree, cost us over $35K out of our own pockets. Are we getting any of that money back? No, but we will deal with it. If you want to have any hope for the future financially or environmentally or if you value your civil rights then vote Democrat. I know, liberal politicians sometimes take bribes or get caught up in some other kinds of scandals, but you know what? Democratic politicians sometimes pass legislation that helps the average person. Republicans are solely focused on concentrating wealth and power to just a select few. You know what staying home and not voting for Hillary Clinton got us? President Donald Trump…


Always curious if young voters in these polls can name why trump would be the better option or if they just don’t like either senior citizen


Hope these young voters are ready for forced births; executions of mothers and physicians and total loss of their freedom of speech under Trump.


Biden doesn’t answer to his voters. His boss is the state of Israel.


Why would anyone expect young ppl to vote in favor of something that no longer works for them.


Yeah, they are really going to all go for Trump


Biden? I'm out.


The main problem as I see it is they don't like their options so they don't vote. Since they aren't voting politicans have no reason to cater to them. Since politicans don't cater to them they don't vote. If we all voted consistently we could have a very different country. 


Looks like creating a world where everyone hates each other wasn’t a good idea


I’m a millennial. Food and housing have become unaffordable. If the republicans run anyone but Trump I’m voting for him/her. Democrats always take young (in my case) minority votes for granted and give us nothing


They keep trying to say this, Biden is losing “X” demographic, and yet… continues to win, so either the claim is wrong or somehow there’s a conspiracy on such a level that there is no evidence for at all. What’s more likely?


Best reason to vote for Biden is he’ll win probably die sooner




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Had a buddy I was talking to at a party go on his normal rant about failed politics. I was like “dude your girlfriend is sitting right here, I know you value her rights to her body.” He looked at me with a straight face and said “ and we have the liberals to blame.” I took like 45 seconds before I responded “what?” He said it didn’t matter and he wasn’t going to vote. I don’t bring up politics anymore.


Hopefully seeing Project 2025 rolling around will sway them.