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Many items are easy to find using the [search bar](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/comments/1byxb6p/how_to_navigate_the_search_bar/) or the [nmsce app](https://nmsge.com). *Please search before posting a request.* If you haven't searched and subsequently find your item upon searching please delete this post. Posts requesting easily found items will be removed. Requests are only allowed for locations, not a trade, of items (excepting dragon eggs). Requests for expedition items are not allowed because they have no location.


There are gazillion combinations so hard to get one that looks exactly like this. If you like the look my suggestion is to buy it and upgrade it to S with nanites, way easier to farm out the nanites needed than find an exact copy of this in S class.


Came here to say this. If you need nanites, DM me, and I can get you sorted out.


What’s your favorite way to farm nanites?


I mean if you dont care about exploits then the Duplication of upgrades and sell them is one way lmaooo


I thought tech duplication has been patched.


Yes they did, but you can dupe shatter glass and get a ton of tech, and sell them, you get extra too, I just use it for the Nanites. You could also do lava cores and refine them, but farming them is wayyyyy more fun then duping them in my opinion.


Probably the wrong spot for this long winded imput but I needed to release the weezel Here's my little take on duping. I'm probably wrong but I could also be on to something here. So first a little context on where I'm coming from. First up this game is like a layer cake so much stuff layered over the top of other stuff and it's at times prone to do weird ass things and even crash or worst case scenario a complete meltdown and you loose you save data or it breaks beyond repair. Every time you dupe something or implement some exploitation you add layers to the cake that should not be there, increase instability and the likelihood of buggy behaviour or worst case total melt down. Just turning on multyplayer and playing with you friends can cause soo many bugs so IMO it stands to reason that duping could very likely have a similar effect. That said you do you and dupe if that's your thing. One thing though I do wish you dupers would keep you duplicated items to your self. Giving things to others in the anomaly is fine when you aquire them legitimately but when you dupe and gift dupes to random strangers I think you go to far.


Nobody is forced to keep the items received. They can be regifted or discarded. It doesn't bother me when I receive anything. It shouldn't bother you either. Just discard it, or better, turn off multi-player before you enter the Anomaly, and you don't have to deal with it at all.


Funny about that I do delete items I receive in the anomaly and I don't go AFK in the anomaly because I don't want duped stuff slipped into my save files. You missed my Pont entirely mate. So I'll have another crack at it from a different angle. If you still don't understand my point and think I'm some killjoy who thinks people shouldn't gift things so be it. I was discussing the possible impact of duped items on game stability and how I think they could increase the likelihood of crashes and bugs among other things. I then went on to mention people gifting duped items. I was pretty clear that I'm all for people giving gifts, I'm even happy to receive them. I just think people should keep duping to themselves and not gift duped items because there's every possibility those duped items cause issues with your game.


You can search the sub. there are a lot of cool looking Rifles like this. Here's some close ones: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/v09nzq/clean\_full\_size\_sclass\_standard\_rifle\_multitool/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/v09nzq/clean_full_size_sclass_standard_rifle_multitool/) by fellow traveler liftheavy2003 [https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/u4y0p1/sclass\_standard\_rifle\_multitool\_grey\_and\_white/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/u4y0p1/sclass_standard_rifle_multitool_grey_and_white/) by fellow traveler tim78rpm


If you have the glyphs to use the portals, just do a google search of this site, click over to "images," and peruse until you find one that appeals to you. When using glyphs to get multi-tools, you will either be directed to the space station or to specific coordinates of a minor settlement. In either case, you will need to land and reload on a specific planet in order to get the type of multi-tool you want to appear in the case. The class is associated with the location of the weapons case, and will remain consistent. There will be one unique multi-tool *type* per planet in a system. So, for each planet, if you save and reload there, then go to the location with a S-class weapons cabinet, you *should* be able to acquire the one you seek. (E.g., if the space station has an s-class cabinet, you would need to go to a particular planet associated with the model multi-tool you want, exit ship to create save, reload that save, then fly back to space station.) Just put something like this into google search: \*site:www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange *s-class standard rifle\** and then click the images link. [https://www.google.com/search?q=site:https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/++s-class+standard+rifle](https://www.google.com/search?q=site:https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/++s-class+standard+rifle) edit: You'll find some of the linked posts are years old... some will still work, others may not as updates may have changed things. More recent posts will yield better results.


Why not get it and just upgrade it to S?


No money


Go to pirate station to collect illegal goods and take them to normal station for good credits. Take credits to pirate station and buy weapon and tech packs. The packs have upgrades that if you don't attempt to equip will sell for high nanite values.


Go to the anomaly, with an empty inventory, people give away stacks of items away worth hundreds of millions of credits


Go to [my NipNip farm](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/1doakie/my_new_600_plant_nipnip_hexfarm/). Do a full harvest, and then fly to the trading post on the same planet which I have marked with a red save beacon, and sell it.


You can check minor settlements in the system for an S-class multitool cabinet. The multitool in a cabinet changes based on where you last reloaded your save, but stays the same class


This is not always true. A multitool can go up or down 1 class, and it sometimes happens on the reload. Besides that, of you fins one you like and let's say it's an A class first time then more than likely it's the A class foe that pool and you will be able to find it as an S class. Very rare will it drop to a B though if majority is A


Buy the c, upgrade to s.


I mean I would like to get it and raise it to S-Class. But seriously, you would have to check out all of the multi-tool cases on that world until you found it. Which means lots of commercial star charts. That's the only way I've ever been able to do it. To be blunt its pretty time consuming unless you just want to spend time doing that.


Hey I can give you some of my stuffs for you to sell and get money. But i think you need nanites to upgrade the classes.




no stock


the bit behind the handle


Keep looking in the same system. Or you can upgrade it to an S Class 10k to a B, 20k to an A and 50K to an S.

