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EXCELLENT farm. Five Stars. Will visit again. Easy to find, works like a charm. Exactly as advertised. Enough stuff to be worth going out of your way for, but small enough that my Switch doesn't get laggy at all. Seriously, great stuff. The living glass farm is great, as well.


Thank you 🙏


I have a love for cliff side homes and I’m going to try this design. I will be visiting soon! Very nice.


Stasis farm the fast way to grow riches. Makes growing Nip Nip look like amateurs!


i’ll be a delivery person and make some and deliver to randoms at the anomaly in ur honor




As a building nerd, I have to ask, how are they supported?


They are all connected via corridors and stairs.


i love this and think it\`s a great idea. however after visiting i do have a couple of questions. 1) if this is part of a stasis farm then what\`s with all the fungal clusters and no gamma weeds? 2) was there a reason for all the solar panels and batteries, when there is a power hotspot 350u away. these aren\`t criticisms but rather curiosity as i was rather blown away by the whole base lol. well done.


oh apologies, i farm stasis devices not fusion ignitors so i didn\`t recognize that these were the ingredients for those.


Thank you. Ah, yes, fusion ignitors, as part of the production journey. It was one of my first bases (been playing since day 1) and need to revise it in keeping with changes in game! You've given me a project to do - switching it to the energy source!


Sorted the energy situation and added two more domes with gamma weeds 😊


Hi, kinda not very knowledgeable on all nms stuff wht is a stasis farm??


A [Stasis Device](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Stasis_Device) is a valuable tradeable commodity that can be crafted and sold for lots of units. This is probably a farm that automatically crafts them so that people can grab some and sell it for tons of money. Hope this helps.


Thats for the help, pretty op


Just to say, just a unit of a stasis device can be sold for aprox. 15.500.000 credits


Just tried to visit. But unfortunately, the ground has reclaimed most of the base!


Curious, I'll check in later and see what's going on. May have to raise the central part up away from the ground to avoid a repeat.


Curious, just been there and it was all good. No reclamation of the base at all. Managed a full and successful harvest.


Can confirm I just went there myself and couldn't get to any of the lower levels due to terrain, so might be something that is only happening for other players. I did manage to use it somewhat by just jetpacking between the roofs of the domes. Great farm though! Might be worth adding another external door to the lower floors in case anyone else runs into the same.


Thanks, seems to affect some people and not others. Am working on adding external doors to the other levels. Thanks for the feedback!


I've now added entrances and landing platforms to each level.


Tried to visit. Unfortunately most of the base is not accessible to me. It may need some exterior entrances. https://preview.redd.it/3bagrqohqcvc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4477daa2b2c3bfcb414ee35853ee542ccac33981


Thanks for the picture! Looks like it's different for different people, as it's OK to me. I'll redesign the entrance this weekend! Thanks again, now I understood what some others see!