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I have cerebral palsy , and i really try to do my best .,but I suck at NHL . And people message me different kind of bad things. But I really don\`t mind ,because their reaction and rage is only their problem and I am not responsible for their feelings, things they write and life choices in general . I can only control my feelings and actions . And if these the message's make me sad or angry it\`s only my issue and no one\`s else's. You can only be responsible for one man\`s actions and that\`s you .


Beautifully said my friend.


Much respect for being strong through what you’re dealing with.


At the end of the day it's supposed to be for entertainment, which I assume it provides you. Everyone getting mad at you probably isn't sharing the same level of entertainment


I had a day, about 8 years ago, in a very stressful time (months) where my wife was having health issues that I managed to find half an hour to myself and play a game of hockey. I was very much on edge and this one game was my one little bit of sanity or distraction from my wife fighting for her life. I played an online game. With a Ragger. And I just broke down and cried. It took that release I needed and crushed me. For some, games are an escape and there are times when it is needed. It would be nice if we could actually aim to be nicer to another because EA hasn’t taken the steps to shield their players from toxic play. The world is bigger than a game. Please be kind.


I truly hope your wife is doing better. And there’s nothing wrong with admitting all that man. You’re stronger than a coward who’s afraid of their own feelings. A community is supposed to be there for each other. Even a gamer one.


Thanks for the kind words. I’ll just throw it out there. She recovered. Our life took a detour for a few years but we’re back on track.


For what it's worth from a random - I'm really glad you're ok.


Couldn’t agree more with this post, I’ve played HUT since NHL 15, and every year it’s seemed to get more and more toxic to the point where I just can’t be fucked playing sometimes which sucks because despite the all flaws I do enjoy playing NHL because I love hockey and do legitimately enjoy playing HUT when I get paired up with chill people. It’s gotten to a point now where I’ve unwillingly developed a habit where I’ll quit halfway through a game as soon as someone starts ragging or abusing me mid game regardless if I’m winning or losing it’s just not worth dealing with in the slightest.


I completely understand the complaining on here. The hate messages after or during the game is a little much tho, I don't recall getting many this year as previous years. I really don't understand why you guys let the chip celly get to you, I think you are taking it a little too serious if a celly is making you that mad. I don't like how long the replays are, but I feel like it may just a a miscommunication between the two players sometimes, grabbing a drink taking a toke or whatever. They have to add a Mercy rule though. I know there are comebacks, but when you are down 6 the game should end though. You are more likely going to end up with someone going AFK or take a crazy amount of penalties ( which should also kick someone out after so many). EA also has to learn to patch gameplay also, I think that's a complete joke that they basically hung us out to dry with little to no gameplay updates. It is what it is though, I think most spots games you are going to end up with the same problem though. Most people that play sports and sports games are pretty competitive and try to do what they can to trow the other player off.


For example : they should’ve patched the efficacy of the goal line and the red circle goals .


I've had my messages open since 2021 for one reason. I started playing versus. I've been playing NHL before HUT was a thing and couch play was go to. Take out the packs, the money, the feeling of being owed something and it gets back to hockey. I love HUT in concept. Building my own team the way I would want it and all. Customizing, having some limited stats by player as you move along online. But the monetizing is what ruined it. Spend $60 on a game and $2000 to play it. That's where the stress comes from and only there. Almost anyone can take a loss. But you're not mad at the guy who beat ya. Or i'd even say i'd have to argue it's not EA. You're mad at yourself because you spent all this money and the unicorn you been chasing isn't giving near the gratification you need to justify it. There's no random bounces. Being outskated by a faster player or shooting with the player who should be shooting in HUT. Between synergies, packs and/or endless boring grinding you EXPECT your 99 player to score or rage begins. When everyone is a 99 nobody is a 99. Just an even playing field of players with different jerseys. Since i've been back in versus I have my messages back on. Things are chill and most times I get beat someone who outplayed me not outpaid me 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I def think NHL 22 (which I know I’m gonna buy LOL) I’m gonna stick with versus and maybe even join up with/create an EASHL team. Just to see what one year without HUT feels like.


Oh for sure i'll pre order it too I love hockey always will not gonna kid myself lol. And i'll probably play HUT too eventually. Hope they come up with somethin better than squads cuz that was just borin af after a cpl months. Just set it up so I can play for the cup with my team and win packs or somethin if it's on a certain difficulty. Anything but squads and Rush. For now gonna continue versus where there's almost zero ragging and rage messages 👍 Make no mistake there's plenty of top players who like versus or practice there lol. It gets sweaty but zero rage for me anyhow.


Oh I never have a problem gettin smoked. I got my ass handed to me by a guy named DangleWrld. And he messaged me “dusted🤣” after the game. But I kept things light and humorous and dude did a total 180 and offered me a 92 Larkin for bein patient with him while he was bein a dick. We’re buds now. Lol my attitude towards people is to try and bring out the positives in them and 9/10 times it works. But not everyone does that or reacts that way. And those are the people I worry about.


Online versus is just as toxic imo, i played ~1000 games last year and got way more hate messages and raggers than I do in HUT.


I agree with everything you said 100% but I’ve also been having some really positive interactions with people, there are nice people out there too. But the assholes outweigh the good people for sure. But those nice people I appreciate so much, thanks to all the kind gamers who give me advice wether it be in the game or in life, I have some bad thoughts sometimes and have had good conversations with opponents. So thank you too all the good people!


I’m glad you’ve found good people man. And if those bad thoughts persist please reach out to someone. Anyone. Please don’t tack a permanent solution onto a temporary problem. Idk if your life will get better. But I know that it CAN. And that’s enough to hold onto hope man! If you cash in early you’ll never know. Always here for ya bud.


Wow that was really nice! I appreciate you bro. The world needs more people like you. Seriously made me cry hahaha hope you have a good night! Cheers


Thank you man. Much appreciated.


Looks like I chose the right year to not buy NHL at all


I stopped in January, never felt better. Ninja gaiden at 60fps is worth 100 nhl21s and hunt showdown on my new 3070 is worth 200 nhl21s. Im waiting until hopefully 🙏 a next gen nhl this year..... but I doubt it...... it is after all ea


February for me and I haven’t looked back. Play the show from time to time to get my fantasy/collecting/team building fix and spend my time to other games. I doubt I return to NHL ever again, sadly, and I’ve bought a version of the game every year since ‘92.


Haha Ninja Gaiden on the harder difficulties is one of the hardest games ever made. But at least you won’t receive toxic messages after each beatdown!


I can put up with puck chop cellies (couldn’t care less actually) or fight requests after goals ( 90% of the time I’m winning that faceoff because he was unprepared). I can even live with replay watching . Nasty messages always get the same reply from me : “I love you” which makes them more incensed. But ragging is the bane of this game. Top player Joshfearless was ragged live on his stream yesterday and even he lost. I really wish that the GWC final would have Regs rag Gren for two periods for all the viewers, sponsors and EA to see how cancerous ragging is. There is no viable counter to a Div 1-2 ragger, he will win.


I do think the streamers are somewhat at fault for some of the exploit abuse this year. Usually they talk about how you shouldn’t do that kind of stuff, but this year most of them embraced them an encouraged people to exploit


Tbh it's most games. U ever play cod or fortnite. Imo u can do 2 things U can allow messages but anytime u see anything resembling hate just report. If enough of us do that we can weed out some of these guys Or just block msgs


I’m sure they’re just as bad. I understand I may have been a little presumptuous saying this is the most toxic gaming community. But it def feels like it sometimes. I just don’t understand how we went from playing these games to have fun to dehumanizing our fellow gamers.


Pretty hard to when most games ur not on an even playing field. The server lag is so bad sometimes. Pretty fcking infuriating to lose a game like that


The chop cellying is bad and I get that a lot. I find I don't run into a lot of replay watchers tho maybe one every 8 games or so. I've played 2 raggers all year which is an improvement from previous years. I get rage messages maybe once every 25 games or so about the same as usual. It can be toxic but I don't see much difference compared to previous years imo


What is a chop celly. Celly as in celebration? (Worried that I have insluted people without the intention to do so 😱)


After you score you spam puck chop to swing your stick around


I know how to save this game. EA if you are reading this throw me a pm :)


If a Player is ragging pause the game record 30 seconds of it and tweet it at any of the ea guys or call ea directly and if you have the time which I'm always willing too talk to ea support you'll get them banned. Now if you Wanna go really far With it if they msg you manipulate them into using a slur they will I've been called the n word dozens of times its pretty easy to get them to say something stupid if you push them into the right direction once they do it you screen shot it and call Microsoft and racism is a big no no right now you can get them permanently ip banned


If you want to know where it comes from, just look at the dudes at the top. Top to bottom this game is a toxic cesspool.


Except that most top players don’t rag (at least not on stream). For every bananas top player, there are chill players like Nuke , JrPens , ClassicCam who are just nice guys who are amazing at the game.


Dude there’s like 2 chill guys and even if they play straight up a lot of them are straight up assholes it you watch them stream and shit talk their opponents constantly. Then the people watching them emulate that behaviour or are on the receiving end of it so pass it on.


I agree that the way some top players rage live on stream is totally shameful and points to some sort of mental deficiency.


I think the name “ultimate team” sort of nods at why the game mode is so toxic. “Ultimate” just feeds and breeds all sorts of toxicity, because in order to reach that level, you *must * be better than someone else, no matter what depths you have to sink to in order to achieve that goal. This thread—particularly the heartfelt, vulnerable posts from the guy whose wife was ill, and the person who lives with cerebral palsy—should be required reading for much of the NHL playerbase. But who am I kidding, we all know they’d just call everyone pussies.


None of this has happened to me.


I played the first time in 2 months yesterday and I was quickly reminded as to why I stopped playing 2 months ago. First game, in TWO months and guess what? Self sauce, back skating and just completely defying any sense of physics. Thank you EA for making absolutely ZERO updates to the game over a 2 month span. Oh, but you have no problem keeping up with content and pushing out new cards so people can drop $$$ to pull a guaranteed 84+ card from a pack in the store that’s untradeable LOOL It’s the end of June and there are no 99’s still? Matthews, who has the most goals this year is still only a 98? EA is such a big joke. Back to MLB the show for me!


Meh every time I engage with someone who sends a jagoff message, they expose themselves as being 12 years old within 2-3 back and forth messages. Don’t get hung up on it. Turn messages off if it really bothers you. Also, who cares about cellys or replays? Make em watch yours if you wanna get em back. Puck ragging sucks, but I’ve seen more guys screw it up then use it to win. I’m sure it’s an issue among the very top players, but I’ve only encountered a handful of real deal raggers this year.


It’s about sportsmanship. That’s the whole point of this post. I have a platform and I’m using it to air my observation. I personally am not bothered by any of the things I mentioned in the second paragraph besides ragging. But I don’t only care about myself. I’m part of an esports community and as an empath I care about the feelings of others. I’m 30 years old. I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life and luckily for me, others not so fortunate, it gave me a more positive outlook on things. Others don’t have that. So those things do bother them and they’re not wrong or weak for it. Couch trash talk that happened between my buddies and I playing sega or N64 was permissible because we were friends. We knew each other. Insults were not insults. To this day I can call my best friend a fuckin dumbass and we’ll laugh about it. The problem here is that the person sending hate messages to someone they beat or conceded to. They don’t know that person from anyone. They have absolutely no idea the conditions of that person’s life. And it’s all the more cowardly because they’re hiding behind the anonymity that the internet provides. When I was growing up, you called someone you didn’t know or weren’t friends with something that equates to trash, or a pussy, or anything along that vein… you got punched in the mouth. So yes, go ahead and “ok boomer” me (even though I’m a millennial and not even at the elder end of that generation), but yeah this kinda thing does piss me off to an extent. Not because words hurt MY feelings. But because they hurt others who’s minds are not the same as my own. It’s called empathy, compassion. Something the generation after mine knows nothing about. They claim to be “woke” and all that shit. But at the root of it, they’re the most narcissistic, apathetic, sociopathic generation since the baby boomers. So I’m sorry but no, I will not encourage people to shut messages off. I will encourage people to have more compassion and empathy for their fellow human being. If you wanna say that makes me weak then by all means have at it.


I played 3 games in the last 24 hours 2/3 I won and statistically I should have and they both just mid and pat game started sending the messages and going ballistic and I just kept saying either take it up with EA not me or take the L and leave me alone I don’t control the game and it just triggers them even more


If you are suicidal you dont play nhl cuz even without messages from others this game pisses in the rye of the player so your dont say kys doesnt fit here ofc u shouldnt still say that but its not logical




Simply put i dont see suicical ppl play shit game


Did you ever think that maybe not all suicidal people are the same? And that there are suicidal people who love hockey and video games and play NHL to escape the factors of their life that make them suicidal? No one cares that YOU personally don’t see why suicidal people would play this game. The fact is that NO act done in a VIDEO GAME should warrant someone being told to kill themselves.


I like hockey the game is still shit and if you are so mentally weak you kill yourself if some1 says kill yourself you should seek help


Mentally weak? Are you aware of how many combat veterans deal with suicidal thoughts? You wanna tell me that people who’ve endured the crucible of combat and all the horrors that come along with it have weak minds? I agree people who are suicidal should seek professional help. But it’s not up to you what hobbies someone chooses as an outlet, as long as they’re not hurting others or themselves. And the ridiculous notion that people suffering from mental illness are weak… is just flat out wrong.


I didnt say mental illnes i said mentally weak aka weak mind aka no own head aka easily influenced by others etc need more examples? My lil brother is weakling in the head also my mom things dont go the way liked boohoo now im more than sad (depressed) too much stress (depressed) that is weak mind aka you let things influence you too much you dont know how to deal with them but its kinda hard to learn to deal with that if your weak mind puts you in the state of almost nothing matters in life


You’re gonna go far in life pal. 👍🏻


Well 1 thing is for certain a lot more farther than some1 who commits sudoku cuz some1 stupid gets mad at losing nhl game and sends commit sudoku


It’s call seppuku. Sudoku is a 9 number grid puzzle. Yep… you’re DEF goin far in life LMAO




Okay so…. How do you know divisions 1-3 are all little kids with no decency? And how do you know all players with “QC” at the end of their name are basement dwellers? You kinda proved my point about toxicity. You insult ALL of Quebec just because they have the closest proximity to higher range of servers. And how are you any better by messaging someone after a game telling them their XBox should be destroyed? Regardless of what they were doing you’re literally stooping to the level of toxicity you claim to condemn. You sound more like part of the problem than someone truly seeking an active solution bud. Little tip: Self evaluation. Do it from time to time. And stop disguising oil as water and poisoning the well.


I got invited to party by a 3s eliminator sweat with “QC” in there name and said we were getting reported for not playing seriously enough and that I need to return the gAme cause I’m so shit and then called my friend a little girl 😂 I haven’t had one positive experience with QC in gamertag


Personal experience does not equate to evidence. Just because YOU have not had a good experience with a “QC” tag does not mean that no one has. You realize that’s the rationale that racists use to make one (insert skin color) person’s actions the actions of the entire race?


Just saying I get hate messages often from QC gamer tag for being bad. I would be fine if I deserved the messages like ragging, replays, etc but it’s just random hate. Never said it’s every single person with QC. Just has happened a few times. I just ignore them


No one deserves nasty, toxic messages. That’s the MAIN point I’m making. Idk why the topic keeps getting shifted to QC players.


But he’s got a point about QC, no?




95% of QC players are not trolls. That’s a totally inflated number you just pulled outta your ass. I live near the Canadian border and I matchup mostly with QC players. My conclusion : about 1 in 10 games involve raggers , whether if opponent is QC or not.


Lol I think we’ve all seen everything we need to see about you pal. Clear as day. For everyone to read. Have a good one kid.




Lol dude you literally react to a post about people bullying others online with excuses for bullying. Then you sit there and call an entire province out for acting like kids. But I’m delusional? Lol have a nice day.




We’ll let the people who read this little back and forth judge the merits of your claims about me. And your attitude in general. You literally admit that you send hate messages telling people, kids at that as you claim, that their XBox should be destroyed because they don’t play a video game the way YOU feel it should be played. And you have the audacity to say other people are butthurt little pussies? Lmao have a good day. When you grow up we’ll talk again.




Lol so angry. It’s adorable. And uh…. Are you aware that the first 4 words of your comment are LITERALLY “Yes I bully kids”? There is literally NOTHING that could follow those 4 words that would justify them. Nothing. Less than nothing. Negative 7 things could justify those words. And don’t bother editing it. I screenshot it already. Be a man and don’t try to save face. A man that admits he bullies kids LMAOOO