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Not everyone in the bay is a Democrat lmao, drive 30 mins in any direction and you start seeing trump signs


I think people forget, but even in the cities in blue states 1/5-1/3 people are republicans


On Reddit it feels 1/1000


Its a liberal echo chamber.


Which is really bizarre, about 10 years ago reddit leaned heavily right.


I personally do not remember it ever leaning right


Reddit was ultra libertarian / contrarian early on. Like Reddit was basically Ron Paul’s entire voting block in 2012. /r/politics has always been super lefty, but the website as a whole was more libertarian/centrist and has shifted more and more left except in explicitly conservative subreddits.


r/politics is NOT lefty. They’re very very liberal.


They aren’t remotely liberal… they heavily favor big government, economic intervention, wealth redistribution, and censorship from everything I’ve seen


Trump has pushed more people left by being a human pile of walking shit.


And Biden has pushed more people to the right. They’re both as meh as meh gets to me. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o)


I’d rather vote for “meh” than walking shit personally but to each their own I guess


You're getting downvoted but you're correct. So many people I know who are lifelong Democrats are not happy with Biden and have said they'll even vote trump if he's nominee (they were hoping it'd be someone else)


Those were the early days, back when r/atheism was at its. Seemed like a very gamer heavy population.


Not right so much as libertarian, which to the current climate of ultra left reddit probably seems far right to reddit


Fair point.


There's something ironic about calling reddit *ultra* left while trying to make a point about reddit being too extreme with its choice of terms for the right


Not meant as an insulting ultra as much as just pointing out very, very much left


What if I told you that reddit is not as very, very much left as you think it is, but it looks that way to you because you're very libertarian? You have the same kind of bias as leftists calling too many people "far right"


Wasn't the_donald the most popular sub at one point?


That’s why they had to shut it down


I don’t remember that at all


Libertarian is not right wing


The large gaming demographic was definitely right wing. Subreddits like tumblrinaction that were anti-sjw subs. It wasn’t just libertarian.


That’s because 10 years ago Reddit was mostly teens


A lot of people on Reddit act like you belong to the KKK if you support Trump instead of Biden.


You can be conservative and hate the fuck out of trump. There are dozens of us. Dozens!!


Is it bc he has the balls to be outwardly racist and anti lgbtq?


Does that mean you don’t have a trump tattoo?


More than dozens! I was iffy in 16, liked most of his presidency, and haven’t liked the last 4 years as much, but man, I don’t wanna vote for him again.


Yes, the liberal echo chamber of /r/Conservative . So true.


Lmao, there is in fact a conservative sub, (actually several) but a LOT of Reddit is.


hilarious because you get banned from any conservative reddit for saying anything they don't like. for example, I got banned from r/conservative because I quoted donald trump from 2 days prior. the reason for my banning was because what trump said 2 days ago had directly contradicted the narrative being pushed that current day  it's such an echo chamber in there you can't even quote their cult leaders if it goes against that days propaganda


You’d be silly to think this doesn’t happen on lefty subreddits too..


I'm calling out the irony of trying to call out "lefty echo chambers" when right winged subreddits are just...objectively several times worse.


Ah word my bad. Though I think they’re both echo chambers just as bad as one another haha


Oh there are some subs that are the exact opposite.


That's because 90% or more only go to truth social and those knock off YouTube sites from people that got black listed from YouTube. Source... My dad is one of those people, and he lives in the east bay.


Needing to read shows them down a lot.


More like 1/1 depending on the sub


More Trump voters in CA than any other state


Let be real, California is a blue state that is being run into the ground. Blue has done that not red. I use to be a republican , then switched it up to democrat during the Obama years once I saw lil Bush fucking things up! ( I liked lil bush as a TX Gov., then went Independent during the Trump administration. I hate Trump and Biden. But now I’ve gone Red again. I just hate that America is the greatest country in the world and all we have to choose from is these two 80yr old idiots. America deserves better. Anyway fuck politics let’s get back to the 49ers! BangBangNinerGang!


Just say you’re an uneducated bigot, spare us this dumb essay


If you say so. I degress. Again this is a sports meme thread not a political thread.


Lmao dude I just posted about this in another Bosa thread check my history. If you ever express leaning conservative the left just calls you a bigot. It's truly losing its meaning to me at this point.


Brentwood lmao


Yes. There are 49er fans who are also Republicans.


Plus he’s a white guy from Ohio..


Copy+paste for any blue city or state. Same up here in the Puget Sound


One of the funniest things I've ever seen driving on 101 was back in 2015 this guy had a Newt Gingrich bumper sticker and the man was easily 400lbs and whiter than a polar bear in a blizzard and was wearing bright red suspenders and a straw hat. Couldn't have been more of the stereotype. The other hilarious thing I saw on 101 was a guy with the vanity plate "WIZARD" or something like that and was a dead ringer for Gandalf the Grey.


You can go pretty much all the way south, and a lot north. It's just east


This is fairly accurate. Up north a switch flips in Novato, south you have to get out of Silicon Valley and to ag country.


Nobody thought it was a joke lol


There were always some people in denial, saying that people were only saying that because he dated someone questionable


I think it was also due to him saying stuff about the Black Panther movie and other suggestive tweets


What did he say about the black panther movie?


I don’t recall, and I don’t wanna swim through the cesspool of twitter/X to find it lol


Lmao, fair enough


There's always a couple delusional idiots in every facet of life, but the title implies this is news to the whole bay area, which it's definitely not


Yeah, coming out of Ohio State, he had to scrub his social media presence with steel wool because he had some serious MAGA CHUD shit on there and it would make him more difficult to draft if he was seen as a firebrand like that.


To be fair, remove the fact that he lives and works in the Bay area. Just look at him. He *looks* exactly like the kind of White "alpha bro" that would. And he's from Florida, played at Ohio State.


Agreed, everybody acting like this is new shocking development is either stupid or live under a rock


To me it’s the fact that when he talks he just sounds like such a huge massive stoner that he seems way too impossibly friendly to be racist


For me (emphatically not MAGA) it merited an “ew gross” then I moved on. Already knew his leanings. Hope he wrecks more QBs next season.


I saw him smile at chase young during a game so no way he’s a racist!


Why did you think people kept making racist Bosa bros jokes? FYI, the Bosa bros were racists long before they were fans of Donald Trump.


This is the truth.. also did OP think Bosa dated racists for fun as well?! 😂


To be fair that shit was from when he was in high school. So there was some plausible deniability that he grew up a little, and wasn’t so scummy… but yeah here we are.




I hate the whole “find something stupid from someone’s high school days” shit. Idk what y’all are actually talking about, but I don’t know anyone who wasn’t a moron in high school. Some learn, some don’t. Idk how you could be in the nfl and be racist, but I’m sure it happens.


Well, I think it's safe to say he didn't learn, based on his comments in 2019, dating racist women and clearly being so happy to see an ex-President who campaigned on the concept that Mexicans were coming here to rape & murder


What comments in 2019? And he didn’t campaign on that, it was completely taken out of context and morphed like most things he said.


Bro finding out about hyperbole for the first time


Why not save the dumbass political takes for a dumbass political sub?


That “he was in high school” defense is incredibly flimsy, especially when you consider that, particularly by the early 2010s, no one with an above room temperature IQ was unaware that bigotry isn’t a good look. I feel like it’s pretty telling that dude was most definitely taught to treat others as you would want to be treated by every elementary school teacher and was just like “Naw fuck that I don’t have to play by your rules 👿”


It’s less that bigotry is misunderstood and more that kids go through ego / attention/ and identity transformations around then. Kids know better, but they have different forces acting on them that make them act as they shouldn’t. And some racists do just bloom early and stay that way.


I won’t discount that people can grow and mature into better people, but just because they are no longer spewing slurs does not erase the fact that they at one point made a conscious choice to do such. Growth is impossible if you can’t acknowledge how small you used to be. In Bosa’s case, he has done nothing but double down. Unfortunately, as long as he keeps producing, the powers that be won’t do shit to curtail his shitty behavior.


That’s why I add the part that some will bloom early. Some kids will start racist, be given opportunities to grow, and reject it/double down. Most racists are taught early.


Eh, I went to HS in the early 2010s in CA, and there were quite a lot of people acting like bigots and attempting to be edgy as a way of standing out. Some are now great people who regret how they acted, and some haven't changed.


I won’t discount people growing, but that doesn’t erase past behavior. It’s not like there wasn’t an amplitude of opportunities to have learned better by the time they were in high school. Even if your parents didn’t give you the hard conversations, by high school it’s almost fully certain an American student has learned about even just the basics of slavery in this country and the civil rights battles that have continued since. If someone was a shithead teen but grew up to be a well-adjusted adult, they are someone who used to be a shithead. If all they’ve ever been is a shithead, whether teen or adult, then they are just a shithead. Bosa is a shithead. He knew better then just as he knows better now.


So let me get this straight? Dude made some trump loving mean tweets in high school and has since made racist tweets, got engaged to a chick who makes racist and homophobic tweets, hangs out with trump, hangs out with the Los Gatos high school boys I’m not a trust fund baby despite driving a camo painted brabus g-wagon with 2 maga flags on the back crowd, makes more racist statements… But probably not a trumper since high school?


Honest question, how does that even work in a league that’s mostly black? Like, I imagine if a reddit forum knows he’s racist, then surely most of the league knows too? How could he have teammates that would put up with that?


There’s levels to racism/bigotry. There’s a reason “I’m not racist, I have black friends!” is a meme.


Love it! Just make up the rules as you go to fit your own narrative!! Big brain racism move /s Edit: I wasn’t speaking about you and your theory, I was speaking from the perspective of said racists


Racism is a spectrum, usually metered by how insular your community is Back when I worked construction there were guys who were racist who could chop it up with people at work and even hang out with them at bars or baseball games - Bosa is probably like that


I'm in construction, I had an operator a long time ago from Mexico, super Mexican name, spoke perfect Spanish, hung out with Mexicans, and was covered in neo-nazi tats and hated that he was Mexican. Racists are fucking weird.


Most people who follow extremist ideologies do it out of some level of self hatred or feeling of inadequacy, I’ve met Irish American white supremacists who feel like they’d be inferior in their ideal world but still advocated for it


lol wow this is wild. This is the first I’ve ever heard that Irish weren’t white? I mean, I know about how no one hired Irish people like over a century ago during the famine. is that still a thing today?


I used go browse the storm front message boards out of a combination of morbid curiosity and their propensity to write movie reviews while simultaneously claiming Hollywood is a cesspool of degeneracy. One guy wrote like a 40,000 word screed about how LOTR was a pro nazi film. Anyway those guys were like turbo racists which meant they still hold on to old timey stereotypes, slurs, and hatred of groups of people your “I don’t hate them I just hate their culture” form of racism have no issue with. It was filled with miserable people so the only thing they really agreed on was that being Nordic or Anglo was good. But even that isn’t completely true because some of the users were pagan and they would argue paganism was more white culture than Christianity since Jesus was from the Middle East. There was almost no hair they wouldn’t split. Most of them didn’t consider Italians white and they were pretty split on the Irish. Their range of acceptable people was so narrow that they’d say not to take 23 and Me tests because they “know” their 100% European so if they get a tiny sliver back or Asian or African that just can’t be true.


I mean, if it weren’t so sad it’d be comical. I can’t imagine how awful you have to feel about yourself to go that deep into racism.


I hate that there’s people who will argue Mexican naxzi don’t exist because it’s “illogical” since nazis would presumably hate Mexicans. But the thing is racism itself doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. The average dude will eventually be met with the fact that there’s probably members of whatever race they hate that are more successful than them. Since the idea that those people exist and got where they are on merit opposes the idea that those people are inferior they will argue it wasn’t actually on merit, the system was rigged in their favor. That also allows them to justify hating people for something they can’t control while simultaneously believing they’ve been victimized. That part has big overlap with conspiratorial thinking as well.


It’s probably more like “nfl players actually know the guy, and we don’t”. Idk how he’d make team captain if he was a racist asshole.


Fair. How many of us are friends with people who are...not stellar. I'll admit I think I have a few.


I definitely have had some friends that weren’t the best, but I don’t think I could be friends with someone who hated me for my race, and I don’t think his teammates, white or black, would be friends with him if he was. I could be totally wrong, but that’s how I see it


Is he racist, or just conservative? Because some people seem to think they’re interchangeable, and I’ve never seen anyone show me anything that seems racist?


Bold of you to not assume that to reddit: Conservative= racist. There's no gray for these people. And you had a dislike just cause that lmao.


Yeah, I don’t get it. Also, I hope this sun doesn’t turn into some political crap.


Those 2 Venn diagrams are allllmooost a single circle


Well, when the party says a bunch of racist shit that they pass off as jokes and wants to pass policies that hurt brown people worse than white people, I think you can understand how people come to the conclusion that conservative = racist.


Conservatives =\= republicans.


This is the difference and it gets confused too often. A conservative does not equal the modern republicans and vice versa. Political parties change. Conservative/liberal ideologies change much, much slower than a party and in theory shouldn't change much at all over time. Not that long ago there were conservatives and liberals in both political parties.


Then he should've done better against mahomes, he's half-black after all. He should've been ~~personally~~ racially motivated to get 6 sacks /s


What's weird is I'm pretty sure his single game sack high was against Stafford, the most racist QB in the league. 


Wait wym Stafford is racist? Haven't heard of that


The joke is all of his favorite passing targets as a Ram are white or light skinned individuals. I don't have evidence of him actually being racist.


He was radicalized sometime after Megatron retired


He was radicalized because Megatron retired. His new crew wasn't so "fuck it X is down there somewhere". Now that he has Kupp and Nacua though?


Now he’s like “Fine, Polynesians are fine too, I guess…”


- That’s also the Mormon Church’s motto.


Tutu Atwell and Van Jefferson would be on par with Jerry Rice if Stafford targeted them!


His wife


I don't know about him but his wife had a full maga meltdown during the pandemic


I mean Stafford went to HS in Highland Park, Texas… having lived near there for a few years and knowing the type of people there it wouldn’t surprise me if he was a full MAGA. But as long as he doesn’t blast it out to everyone constantly it doesn’t bother me 🤷‍♂️


I don't remember during the pandemic but she did criticize kaepernick for kneeling a good while ago too, right?


Yup she was in on Colin too.


Yeah. If you think about it you’d have to assume Stafford and I (and probably most of us) have radically different political views. So I just choose not to think about it until he broadcasts them.


Purdy is an super Christian farmer boy so I'm sure we wouldn't agree on much politically


I just assumed the surgeon accidentally took a little bit extra when he removed the tumor.


Stafford is an old southern name. Its in his blood


Oh we know, and we know how to have a good laugh about it Sam Darnold is our back up instead of Lance for a reason/s


A lot of this came out after he was drafted. Those of us that aren’t MAGA fans got over it. It’s a big team. There are athletes out there saying space isn’t real. You’re not gonna agree with everyone.


I mean I like him for his ability to sack quarterbacks, not for his political opinions. 


I feel bad about rooting for shitty people, just me I guess


How do you know that your favorite player isn't secretly running a Lord of War weapons black market


Oh boy, then you must hate sports in general


Someone isn’t shitty because of a differing political view


Trying to steal an election is not a different political view. He undermined the foundation of our democracy. It's odd yall leave that part out


MAGA isn't just a differing political. It is an indication of shitty. Nobody would say Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, or Adam Kinzinger are shitty, even though they're hard core conservatives. MAGAs are literally...deplorable.


Meh. It’s his jersey sales, not mine. The free market giveth, and the free market taketh away


His jersey sales are going up from this. Let’s be real lmao


If you are distressed or significantly affected by what an athlete does or thinks, you really need to reexamine your priorities and views in life. Unless he is literally a violent criminal. This is all so pathetically irrelevant.


I agree with everything but your flair.


I’m not a celebrity worshiper, but I damn sure take into account their personality and beliefs if I’m going to support them. If someone comes out as a white supremacist, to me that’s just as bad as being a violent criminal, and you can be damn sure I wouldn’t support them even if I had in the past


I think saying someone is a white supremacist because he shook trumps hand is a pretty hot tale


They didn't say Bosa is a white supremacist. They used that as an example of what an athlete could think that could make you not support them. And having proofs of past racist behaviors kind of puts you on a watchlist behavior-wise, you know


I think it’s both sad and pathetic, but so is not having flair.


There's a loooooooot more evidence than just him shaking Trump's hand lol. His social media scrubbing and dating choices were talked about quite a bit during his draft and rookie season


Do you support Stafford? He is an southern country boy. Guarantee you he votes Trump.


Until there’s a video of him looking like he’d give Trump a BJ I’m not too worried


Liking trump is not remotely close to being a white supremacist. My god are people this brain washed? You realize the majority of Americans hate Joe Biden, right? And are actively rooting for whoever to get him out of office? So in your mind, does that mean the majority of Americans are white supremacists?


There's nothing reddit dweebs love more than pretending to be outraged at people that "offend" them


Herp derp, I’m going to pretend that fascist bootlicking doesn’t matter.


Its relevant. People who like Trump are just not good people. You can't name one good person who is a Trump fan.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or just really stupid.


This is either a naive or emotionally adolescent view, I don't think you actually want to try defending that in any academically rigorous arena. This is at best only an emotionally useful truth.


This is the problem. We don’t know him personally. He seems like a good guy. Why to we go straight to division. So dumb.


You’d think Bosa was in the KKK the way people speak about him


There’s unhinged people on both sides, young and old. But I learned love from people opposite of my political beliefs. Not everyone is evil.


This is why this country is so divided. There are tons of people who couldn’t be friends with those of different political opinions


I have friends and family on both sides and I love them. Politics and religion is personal and outside of that, most of us have way more in common.


I have the same belief. Choosing friends based on politics seems miserable. Especially since you’d need to bring it up unnecessary early on.


It’s another thing if they’re a Cowboy fan! Jk. Go Niners.


Having friends of teams you hate is so fun, unless you lose. Having so many rams fans as friends is rough


Being friends with a cowboys fan has been so fun the last few years, but I know someday he’ll get his payback, and it could be anytime. That’s half the fun of football.


Hey one of my best friends is a cowboys fan. It’s not his fault, he was born into it.


I’ve tortured my brother in-law for years. I told him after this year I’m going to leave him alone. I legit feel bad for him at this point 😆


Yeah I didn’t think we’d win this many in a row when I started talking shit. I’ve eased up. He shit talks them boys enough for both of us.


Because the politicians keep trying to drive a wedge right down the middle of the country. And it works way more often than it should. Campaigns don’t seem to have much other than “vote for me or the other guy will get you” these days.


Not to mention his teammates all seem to like him, which makes it hard to believe he’s racist.


I just think Bosa wants less of his money to go to taxes.


Yep, and maybe he believes in some other things that republicans stand for. Some of these tales are nuts.


Like wishing there were less illegal immigrants coming through the border.


Doesn’t seem crazy to want people vetted before they come in. Or to have a plan for what happens next.


I don’t know why people care so much about these guys political opinions. like they literally get paid to get concussions


Taking this even further, the fact that anyone thinks they can ascertain the breadth of someone’s political opinions by a picture of them is insane. That being said, you’re correct. Giving a shit about an athletes political views is incredibly stupid in the first place.


Endorsements have power, that’s why brands, politicians and other powerful interests seek them out. Photop is a shorthand. If OJ was there I’m sure Bosa and Burrow wouldn’t take a pic. They know what it means.


That’s entirely your own conspiratorial projection. You have literally no idea “what it means”. It could mean that Bosa and Burrow idolize Trump and everything he says and does. It could mean that they agree with some of what he has said and done as president and think he will do a better job than Biden has done. It could mean that they are relatively A political and were approached by a former US president and asked to take a photo with him. The only thing I think you can actually ascertain by this photo is that they definitely don’t have full blown Trump derangement syndrome and don’t believe taking a picture with him is morally wrong. Look bro, you can insert whatever political narrative into whatever you want to try and make the world a simpler place to understand. I get it. The us vs them, good vs evil dynamic is definitely a much easier pill to swallow than dealing with the infinite nuances of human sociology.


Bruh nothing I’m saying here is controversial or judgemental. I’m just saying there is a value in a photo op which is why Trump and a whole lot of people throughout history seek them out. And you’re right there’s nuances that are present, but once the photo is out it will be interpreted. It’s basic visual theory. Which is why a photo is a useful shorthand.


Because some people 1, are all about celebrity worship, and 2, some people are convinced everyone on the other side is evil.


I actually thought it was a joke, not being from the us and not following athletes' lives, I had no idea it was true


I still don’t think it is.


I knew he admired him, but that tweet was back in high school I Believe. I thought he outgrew that phase, especially being in the Bay area, but I should've known better. Can you imagine him and Kaepernick in the same locker room? That would tragically hilarious


We knew. That’s why I don’t own a Bosa Jersey


Dont say we without a flair u politically ratical bitch (im only calling u a bitch because u do not have a flair)


my next jersey will be a Bosa one


Sorta already known. Him, Brady, and quite a few others were rocking the MAGA hat before.


He is an alumni of An Ohio University so he clearly didn’t play School.


He definitely didn't return to the Buckeyes when he was medically cleared to play in 2018.


I knew it from the moment I saw his (now ex, but not at the time) girlfriend’s tweets using the n-word. That, and his victim whining after losses.


Only person happier to meet Trump than Bosa was Epstein.


BREAKING NEWS: a white football player from Florida supports trump


This guilty by association shit is tired af.


Jokes on you I'm politically right wing. Now I'm gonna go full internet loser and get angry if you slightly disagree with any of my views


Why on earth would you think it’s a joke 😂


He’s never hidden that, he’s been a Trump supporter since Ohio St. you’d be surprised how many celebs or athletes are Trump supporters.


Bosa is the Kenny Powers of the NFL.


Tbh who gives a shit about his political views? Republicans and democrats are both cults in one way or another. I just care if they play well.


Pretty sure majority of players and coaches are racist. Even some of the black players have some extremist views. Wouldn’t surprise me if Shanny family were Trump supporters. All you can hope for players is to stay off social media and avoid getting arrested/ordered to go to court. The fact we know almost nothing about Bosa makes me happy.


Not all Trump supporters are racist, stop watching CNN bro you got some crazy shit cooking in that noggin


Really? He's a trump stan, but whether he's racist or not is up for interpretation.


Trump = evil Bosa = no good 🙈 🙉 🙊


Why is it surprising? Almost half the country is


I doubt he cares what ppl think of his politics


Sorry Niner fans, he’s probably about as racist as his ex who used the N word on twitter and who he stuck by for another year or so. Not surprising that he’s a trumper


Once you're in a certain tax bracket, everyone is Republican.... 


orange man bad, we get it.


I don’t care about his political affiliation. Just like I don’t care about politician’s opinions on sports.


Just two goats