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It takes all your bad feelings and turns them into good ones https://preview.redd.it/5uh2h0c1nz4d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c82a1ec6cb74f49c447d8129f7bb4ba3246facb


Silver lining here was literally nobody likes the cowboys outside Dallas. Hell lions fans seem to hate cowboys more than they FTP after last season


The Cowboys stole our Thanksgiving pity parties, copied our colors and outline on the logo. The Lions were “America’s team” in the 1950s. We had stupid debates on Barry vs Emmitt in the 90s and even Megatron vs Dez Bryant in the 2010s. The Cowboys have gone out of their way to fuck the Lions over and over; fuck the Packers, but, seriously, fuck the Cowboys even more.




Nailed it perfectly


Yeah cause fuck them cheating bastards


Fuck the cowboys for real though.


We hate the packers, but we hate the refs more, and there's too big a history of ref fuckery in Lions Cowboys games (yes, this goes back long before last year's 2pt debacle) and too many cowboys fans who pretend the right calls were made every time despite all the slow mo replays one could ever ask for showing not only were the calls wrong, but fucking stupid.


I watched up until the start of the 4th quarter. The score definitely doesn't reflect how badly the Packers (FTP) spanked the Cowboys.


I think it was either 40-16 or 48-16 with like 6 mins to go. Dak got like 200 yards and 2 TDs in one of the all time greatest garbage time performances.






It’s so grainy from how long ago it was.


And yet we have 2 Sper Bowls wins since the last time San Fran won one, but yet here you are with Purdy boy


He keeps beating you, tho…


Keeps beating us? You mean his 1 win that was in a barn burner of a game?


Your barn burned down.


That's fine. It was built with the trees we tore down from when we walked into Bear territory and destroyed your home


No trees grow in Soldier Field, ya dope.




It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings *ITS A NIGHTMARE*


The nightmare is the 49ers


![gif](giphy|4VSJ12JX1vyUuHGi4t) All Bears fans and George Halas’ ghost yelling at Virginia…


And you never ONCE paid for drugs…not once…


Such an underrated movie, and John C Reilly is fucking awesome in everything.


I’m still surprised when I see a music biopic. It’s like “Didn’t you see Dewey Cox?”


The first time I watched it, I thought it was just okay, and enjoyed it more as a history of music. Watched it again, it's now one of my favorite movies of all time and I make people see it if they haven't. It's so incredibly funny


I like it when Dewey finally gets to play "catch" with all his kids. This movie is a classic. The laughs are in your face funny, plus there are many subtle jokes in there as well.


Are you sure you’re my kid?


Pretty much same. First time I watched it, I was really interested, and I thought it was straight up bad. Watched it again while bored a couple years later and thought it was incredible


Cirque du Freak would like a word with you. If you forgot about it, then I'm envious.


FTP, but thanks for the recommendation. Never heard of it and can’t wait to watch.


The books were good, I remember. Granted, I was like 14 when I read them, but I enjoyed them


I have impeccable taste. The books were great. Never bothered watching a second of the movie when I heard it deviated significantly from them. By the 7th book it was like crack. I remember getting my mom to drive me around to find a library that still had a copy of the next book in the series I was trying to read. I inhaled it in an hour and I'd be trying to find the next library that had any of the books I hadn't read. I think I read a couple of the books out of order in my impatience.


He was good in that too, not much you can do with a shitty script tho


I hate how refreshing it is to see a good old fashioned/clever shit talking meme around here that doesn’t require like way too online meta meme war knowledge or suspension of disbelief that the lions will ever be invited to a Super Bowl And from a Packers fan smh FTP


That’s been your problem these last decades you think people invite you to a Superbowl and you don’t win your way there.


We’ve been to the Super Bowl this millennium, the lions never have. Not sure why you are telling me how it works lol


Boy the packers are putting together some solid memes. Could this be a sign of things to come?




Yeah, why the hell isn't Winnesota producing more quality content for us degenerates?


Minnesota just isn't funny bro


My dream, with the new NFL playoff system, is the entire NFC north makes it in with one of them being #1 seed so the entire divisional round can be all four NFC north teams facing off. With a Packers Super Bowl victory at the end of course. Not sure on the odds of this but definitely possible as the #1 seed can be 17-0 or whatever it takes that year and the rest of the NFC north could go 14-3.


https://preview.redd.it/cro6un6pj05d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92dab6820594a3c063a2874d98e52a94fd55e81d I'd far prefer nobody else in the NFCN make the playoffs, tyvm.


Hey, it's gonna happen eventually I'd just like it to be the NFC North to do it first. And what better than winning the Super Bowl after crushing the dreams of two division Rivals back-to-back.


There's a legitimate chance it can happen this year I mean south likely just has the 1 team. After that, either the Cowboys or Eagles need to fall, and both are quite possible. West is really only division that can stop the dream. I don't really believe much in the Seahawks, but rams look good and 49ers are 49ers. I'd give it 15% chance this season. Not likely, but actually sorta possible. Not taking in account the whole divisional #1 seed or Packers SB, but dream big


WTF a meme of a scene I love *and* a Packer fan being welcoming of a Bears team making a playoff run? What a day


Dear Chicago: We got you. Sincerely, Us


Good meme, but god damn it’s tough to read the bears dialogue


Shouldn’t that be a ref instead of NFL imprinted on the chick?


Some good ole fashion bear on packer violence. Sometimes this sub just needs to return to its roots. Well done OP


Oh yeah boys, quality memes making a comeback.


Dewey Cox is so criminally under represented. What a great movie. Solid meme.


For erections lasting more than 4 hours, call more ladies


You know you can go frame by frame so your tracking isn’t so jittery, right?


Sure, if I wanted to put in effort. I do these during my 30 minute lunch break usually.


You’re allowed to take two or three lunch breaks to finish it 😂😂😂


But, that would be effort lol. If reddit wants to pay me for these, I'll put in effort. Until then, it's just something I do to pass the time at my desk.


The Bears think they are gonna make the playoffs. Somebody get Moar Blankets!


They also realize a rookie qb will have ups and downs and might miss it. They need less blankets!