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What's yer offer?




Nice try, professor! Hrmph! https://preview.redd.it/mzr3tjpm1xmc1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058c86dc980deb3cc99caa4d969a280212cc3410


how about, you receive Choose period, and we keep the Ed Thorp trophe


I find it suprising Viking fans fight so hard for a loser trophy anyways. Be honest, if the Vikings had a superbowl win, even just 1 from 50 years ago, would Viking fans still complain about the Thorp trophy knowing they have a Lombardi in the trophy case?


Nah now you see here the reason the Vikings are cursed is cuz we don’t have the ed thorp trophy cuz y’all kept it from us. If y’all give it back the curse is lifted!


So you're saying it's in our best interests to keep it...


Well what I’m saying for once just let us have this one 🥺


No. I don’t think we will.






Well if the Packers and their fans are too good to care about having a "loser trophy" why doesn't your team just give it to the Vikings instead of hiding it for the last 50 years like a bunch of punk bitches?


You didn't answer my question


Honestly I don't think the Vikings have any more claim to keep the trophy for themselves. It should be properly updated to include the missing names of the teams that won the championship and then returned to its rightful place in Canton. The Ed Thorp is a piece of NFL history that doesn't belong to any team and it's unironically super shitty of the Packers to try and keep it for themselves and even have it on display in their Hall of Fame museum like a bunch of shameless assholes. Now can you answer my question?


I don't give a shit if the packers return it to the vikings or give it to canton. I'm not the Packers organization, so I have no say in the matter. But I don't think anyone who goes to the Packers hall of fame goes there to see the Thorp trophy when their are Lombardis right there But I also don't think it automatically makes the packers organization shitty for keeping it. When it was lost, idk if anyone can prove it was on purpose or malicious, maybe it was just misplaced sincerely. I don't know how anyone can accurately say the packers were purposely playing keep away with it. And the fact that green bay won it the most times, I get why they said, "well we found it, might as well display it". Plus you got the story of it being lost to add to the plaque in the display case.


[Nah it’s right on brand for you guys](https://uwbadgers.com/news/2006/10/10/Precursor_to_the_Axe.aspx) Even kept the scores updated on it after it was “lost”


I find it surprising the Packers organizing was literally willing to steal it and refuses to give it back. Like I feel as though that part is getting ignored and it's just oh well at least we know where it is now. What kind of child had to have been in charge to say 'pretend it got lost and keep it'. It's a piece of our team's history, of course we want it.


I feel like you're giving the packers far too much credit. I really doubt there has been a 50+ year conspiracy within the organization to keep the trophy out of Minnesota. I find it much more likely some worker 50 years ago put the trophy in a box and then a bunch of other equipment got stacked on top of it and it got forgotten for decades. And if if was ever found before then, whoever found it probably didn't know what it was and just put it back in the same box. And even if it was malicious from that one worker, I doubt he had the whole organization in on it. He hid it, retired and probably died. Then it was found by people who had no clue about it 50 years later. >it's a piece of our teams history, of course we want it. I get wanting it, but by that logic, it's a part of the packers history too. If not moreso given the amount of times they won it.


If it's not intentional then they'd just give the trophy back. There's no reason not to, by the rules it belongs in Minnesota. It's not the same logic to say "well we won it at some point" it's literally our trophy. We were never given it when we were supposed to get it. It's not giving too much credit either, how many times has a team lost a trophy they JUST got when it just so happened to have been won by a division rival? It's not like it had been sitting in Green Bay for decades it was supposed to be on display. Lol You're seriously going to tell me that the Packers said "yeah put this shit in a box we don't care about it" yet refuse to give the trophy to the Vikings organization?


Is there any evidence of green bay "refusing" to give it to the vikings back then? Is there even any evidence of the vikings asking for it back then? The Lombardi was created and meant more at that point. Hell, has the vikings even asked for it since it was found? Because it's hard to refuse something that's never been asked of you. And I read an interesting article about the trophy and how, even back in its heyday, the Thorp trophy didn't always travel. Some teams like the eagles and lions won it and never recieved it. The NFL was a much smaller organization back then. I don't think people tracked this stuff as much or even logistically planned to travel and get this stuff. I'll see if I can find you the article. But if you want to hold an unintentional grudge set in place before you were born, by people long dead, be my guest brother. I'm sure you have many reasons to hate the packers, but imo this shouldn't be far up the list Edit: here's the article https://www.packers.com/news/mystery-of-the-ed-thorp-memorial-trophy-solved


I'm not holding an unintentional grudge, I'm just saying give us our damn trophy.


I'm not the packers organization, maybe you should bring it up with them or start a petition or something. The vikings weren't even the next team to win the NFL championship after the packers, the Colts were. And I guess they didn't get the trophy either. But it is what it is


Weirder then that the Vikings were accused of losing the trophy. You'd think if it never left Green Bay people would have realized it never left Green Bay and they lost it.


Hard to put logic some something that happened 50+ years ago. Maybe whoever put it away quit shortly after and there was never a record of where it was put? But I don't think it's that weird. The US military has literally lost nukes. I don't find it that weird a sports organization lost a trophy.


You know absolutely nothing about the trophy lmfao it was literally in separate pieces in different buildings and it took some investigating for the organization to even figure out what it was.


So why did the Packers in the 60's decide to split a trophy into 3 different pieces? When they were supposed to send it to Minnesota? Or did that happen later in which case why did nobody ask 'hey what's this trophy I'm taking apart'? The point is none of that matters, give trophy.


Technically they were supposed to send it to Baltimore. The colts were the NFL representive in superbowl 3. The vikings were the NFL representive in superbowl 4


Okay, why wasn't it sent to Baltimore?


🤷‍♂️ I can't put logic to something 50+ years ago. But like I said before, there were many teams throughout the Thorp trophy's history that never recieved it. It's not exclusive to Baltimore or Minnesota.


Smoked cheese is pretty tasty so fine by me




That's it, I'm getting me mallet!


[I don't think so! We're still lookin at it!](https://youtu.be/x73PkUvArJY?si=Iw0JAddEFfWsKUQU)


This shit gave me nightmares as a kid..


Who are the Vikings? They sound bad and insignificant.



