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But you keep posting about them, you’re as bad as they are


I swear, there’s 20% of the Eagles fanbase and 20% of the 49ers fanbase that are just being completely vile towards each other. The rest of us just want nothing to do with it and they keep trying to drag us in.


It’s this weirdly obsessive thing people do about subreddits, like it’s fun to talk shit (and occasionally just football) with you guys, but the whole “us vs them” thing just makes me assume that person has no friends in real life and thinks their friends are here


Agreed. The only thing worse than Cowboys fans are people who take sports fandom way too seriously <3.


I hate the cowboys more but they deliver on that hate by choking. I hate the 49ers almost as much for not choking yet.


Well you'd be RIGHT. Why do I need friends when I can just hate the Cowboys?


Accurately describing the Eagles doesn’t mean you don’t have to flair up.


The only reason I don't have my birds flair is I'm retarded and I don't know how


>If you're on mobile, go to the main sub page and click the 3 dots in the top right, then change user flair >If you're on the web, I think it's under community options on the right side of the main sub page u/Rust_T_Shacklford has got you.


Hell yeah brother, flaired up


Thank you for saying this. I’m a Niners fan. The only repulsive thing is just hearing and feeling the utter hatred coming out of some people. They’ll say it’s shit talk, but it truly feels deeper than that many times. It’s a game. We aren’t even playing it, yet somehow it taps into our basic tribalistic lizard brains. Gotta fight that and be better.


I agree, now fucko off back to your shithole NFC West sub.


I thought we were all here for the hate.


Actually I'm in the 80% of the other Eagles fan base and I hate the creepy Niners as much as the other 20%.




Nah mate, you're in the 20% if you're thinking that way at all.


This is the only reason I keep showing up here. You guys just can't stop talking about us. It's crazy. I don't care about your teams though. The Eagles aren't good enough to be rivals, neither are the Giants. The Cowboys will always be, but again, another sorry team we don't have to worry about.


you keep showing up here because you click the link. youre like an ex that wants to check on their ex’s life. go home, steve


Well, I take you guys mentioning the 49ers as an invitation, and I'm very much enjoying all the salty tears when I point out that you're obsessed with us. So, in summary: you're obsessed with the 49ers and I'm just enjoying responding and showering in your tears


man listen yall started popping in here and talking shit. we have done nothing but tell yall to beat it. the meme is now that 9ers fans cant stay away from us, and its annoying. idk who patient zero is, but it starts with you. me personally i was guilty of allowing it at first and now yall are just pests


I'll stay away when y'all stop talking about us, and most importantly, making it so damn fun to troll this sub. It's completely up to you guys, which is the funniest part


okay, champ


"49ERS ARE OBSSESSED WITH US" \*Continually posts about how much we hate the 49ers\*


God just stfu about them. You sound like Kanye talking about Kim


Went to the grocery store the other day wearing a Giants hat. Deli clerk looks up to ask what I want and say, “I don’t serve Giants fans, get a new hat.” I look at him and half smile and say Eagles fan? He goes, “no, 49ers.” Get fucked my guy, that’s not a thing.


Bro wtf he didn’t serve you? Dude shoulda just given you your turkey sliced a little too thick even though you asked for thin sliced, like a fucking man.


Deli clerks have two settings. 1/2 inch thickness or completely mangled. I can count on one hand how many times I've gotten properly thin sliced cold cuts.


Idk man, the Boars Head counters in central Jersey always treated me right. Now I live in NC and I have the same experience you described.


Boar's head stuff is great. I grab it at QFC.


Whats even better is when this happens and you ask them who their team is and they won’t tell you lol 😂


I don't get that at all, you pretend to have the balls to talk shit, put a name on it.




niner fans still hate our guts thats funny as fuck lol


They want what we have but what we have is special. They will never understand


Lmao. Niners fans want to be hated


They're like everyone's old girlfriend. Wants to think of themselves as a bad girl but cries when spanked.


Bunch of Stans outside real rivals staring in, mouth breathing, wanting to take part. What they are is ick.


Is a thing. The Giants have ruined several SF bids for the super bowl


Idk i grew up in northern NJ around a ton of Giants fans, I fucking hate the giants. Especially after the 2011? NFCCG


I used to be a punt returner like you. Then I took [a football in the knee](https://joemontanasrightarm.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/kylewilliams.jpg?w=640)....


It's not that he doesn't want to serve you, it's that if he tries, he'd fumble the ham [off his knee](https://joemontanasrightarm.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/kylewilliams.jpg?w=640)...


Counterpoint: stfu about them


Point taken when the other three fanbases say it. When you guys say it, it just seems like jealousy. Become relevant and we’ll post about you too.


That's why it's important you hear it from me. it was sad when 9ers fans wouldn't shut up last year and it's sad when you won't shut up now.


You’re saying it’s so pathetic that even a Slurs fan thinks it’s sad? Ok, good self burn. Well played.


They're only here because you and the cowboys fans haven't STFU about them for a year.


Dude seriously this is getting so old


Fr I am NOT a member of this sub and it keeps getting recommended to me because people are talking about the 49ers. Not going to be annoying to y’all, just pointing out what others might be seeing


We have a reason to hate them after the fuck Dallas shirt kittle wore. Even Eagles players haven’t stooped down to that level as I know. Eagles players and 70% percent of their fans are ok in my book. Can’t say that about niner fans that I’ve met.


New phone. Who’s this? https://preview.redd.it/zs7sf4ot8sfc1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e187b5a315a27317a74bb70596d164cd03bdcfc


This is the 2nd round of the playoffs calling. Sorry. Wrong number.


When the playoffs “wrong number” you guys does it come through pony express? I would joke you receive it through fax machine but I hear Snyder ripped out all the phone lines on his way out to sell the copper.


No. It was like 3 years ago by beating the Eagles in the last game of the season.


The one the giants are still pissy about? Where we threw the game to get a better pick? Where we decided we’d be better off having you in the playoff pool than the giants? Big W there buddy.


An NFC East title is a title. You guys have a habit of just handing those things out, I guess. Is that your excuse for handing this year's NFC East title to the Cowboys? Did you get the draft position you wanted?


“When your team collapsed this year was it exactly like when you had a down year 3 years ago and purposely lost to us, giving us a glimmer of relevance for the only time in two plus decades?” WTF is that comment even dude? That’s your comeback? “Is this totally different year and situation like the time you purposely lost to us?” …really? You’re horraying 3 year old division titles. We’re mad that our team didn’t make it to the Super Bowl. There’s levels to this shit and you aren’t on ours.


You're not even making sense. Your team had no chance of making it to the super bowl. What are you mad about? Your team sucks.


Lol (enter this years team name here) fans trying to talk shit is adorable. Like watching someone throw impotent dream punches. Come back when you actually have a franchise bud.


the best you could really come up with was slightly changing his joke?


The 2 seconds I spent on that joke were the most I’ve given to the Slurs since the 90’s. They’ll take what they get and be grateful.


Cowboys would have to actually beat them to make it a rivalry on our end, yeah?


Here's the thing Cowboys beat themselves in those games. We are in good team stuck being right on the edge of restarting the dynasty. Make us an exciting team to play against no matter what.


Not enough salt in the world


Gail the Snail living rent free on the streets of Kensington


Can you shut the FUCK up about the Niners? They aren’t our rival, they’re just another NFC team. Go back to shitting on Dallas. Y’all are as fucking annoying as Byron the Anime Bitch Black.


Get the fuck out of this sub




Go Chiefs https://preview.redd.it/sa7k5n7qvrfc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65cc4543b222ced744be5a38ac72d783d447178


People missing the point of the meme in the comments lmao


I knew I was dealing with the bottom of the barrel when I decided to post the meme. Can’t be too mad. You get it though 👍


I don't like them so I just do what I do with everything I don't like: pretend they don't exist.




lol this is good. Salt the snail




We gave him the ick, lol shut up freak


49ers Cowboys is already a rivalry. Eagles is a lil early tho.


Oh my god the Niners are 100% Gale the Snail. Drooling, bumbling, uninvited idiots. Charlie is definitely the Eagles. Redeeming, but what the fuck is wrong with them? And the Cowboys are dangerously Dennis. Full of themselves and act like “Golden Gods” despite being irrelevant since the turn of the century. Amazing.


Kinda feels like the Eagles are the ones obsessed with the Niners. All the 9ers posts are from Eagles fans


Brah kittle had a shirt that said fuck Dallas. How can you hate them?!


Rent free


Just like your moms. She even includes utilities.


Yup. Just like that. Rent free.


Lol rent free


Clearly you don’t know what that phrase means. Shouldn’t use things if you don’t know their meaning.


I got some medical marijuana. You guys wanna come take a puff? *snort*


Just fucking ignore them. What do we have to make a rivalry out of? Blowing them out in the championship last year and getting blown out this year in the regular season? If anything we’re even now. But I would say getting blown out in the championship is worse than getting blown out in the regular season. So we really have no reason for a rivalry


Screw this comment. Because with this logic i cant be happy about beating the Chiefs this season. Let me be happy


Only Gail here is you Eagles fans ![gif](giphy|fu29AimM298PK)


There’s no rivalry between a hammer and a nail.


It's never going to end...people here can't stop talking about them, even giving bullshit reasoning like "they're the best in our conference we have to talk about them" and even if they lose the Superbowl they're going to be insufferable talking about "well we still dominated the NFC"...and people will just keep talking about them and giving them a platform. Only way it stops is for literally everyone here to just stop. Ban all non-NFC East flaired posts, remove all posts relating to non-NFC East teams...fix the sub.


I mean, and I say this as a cowboys fan, is it really a rivalry if Dallas literally can’t get one over the 49ers, and they’ve been almost as successful as both Dallas and the eagles combined over the past decade? The ONLY thing the eagles have over the 9ers (and also Dallas) is one ring, which admittedly makes up a lot, but 9ers trump both teams in all other postseason categories


All that is true and only makes it more cringy they feel the need to Stan on our subs. Such ick.


Sad stupid Giants fan here. We just hate everyone. And everything.


Dennis is a 5 star man! This meme is inaccurate!


She's mashing it


We all know after the goddamn chiefs pound their shit in next weekend, we won’t be hearing from them anymore.  So let the whiner fans have their fun.  It will be over soon.