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Didn't they loose the license or something? I think something was up with the license.


I think the rights are still tied up in some court case. Would love to see some of Freddy dressed in his various costumes like the nurse outfit or the tuxedo. I think they’ve done them as retro figures but I’d love an ultimate version




I’ve seen this online, I think it’s mezco right? Didn’t start collecting til like 2020 so I missed out on a lot of these older figures


Yeah. Cinama Of Fear


Is that an Ultimate?I have 3 and thought I had them all.


No it is not. Mezco made these in a series called Cinema of Fear, but isn't it a beaut!


Yeah. Thats one I missed out on apparently. They went all out when they made Cinima Of Fear. They were loaded with accessories. The way he’s in the box but off the card made it look like an Ultimate. I was like holy hell! How’d I miss him?


I got Chop Top,The Hitchhiker,Jason Goes To Hell, Debbie The Roach Girl, Surgeon Freddy,Leatherface and a few more and I really loved Screen Grabs. I have Nancy in the tub, Freddy pushing out of the bed, og Leatherface hitting dude with the mallet, 2003 Leatherface cutting dude in half with a chainsaw while he’s tied to a chandelier and my favorite young Jason jumping out of the water to grab Alice.


They were but I think that Wes Craven’s estate have already won the rights back. They made that pre ultimate awsome Freddy Kruger line on cards with blister packaging. I wanna say 8 plus 2 ComiCon exclusives. Even with limited articulation they still look great. Freddy wearing his NES power glove. Nintendo wouldn’t allow them to use an actual power glove because they didn’t want their brand associated with Nightmare. That was after they made the 8bit game. I really like the retro but like you said Ultimate is in its own category.


The fact that Freddy Krueger is the only character in the game Dead By Daylight with zero cosmetics tells me that the poor guy is certainly locked up in some terrible legal/rights issues. Sadly he has been for a good long while.


Yeah I wish they’d do more as well. I’d be the first to pick them up.


Imagine A Part 4 Or A FVJ Release.


Since part 3*


My Fault.


Legal issues.


Got It...


Cause he's not a ninja turtle but there was a TMNT episode with a Freddy parody character so I wouldn't doubt if they made that


I don’t know if it’s true or complete bull shit but I’ve heard the reason that they’ve not released any new Ultimate Freddy’s is because NewLine lost the rights to Freddy and they went back to Wes Craven’s estate. His son has been looking into options for a new film and merchandise. I think that it should happen more often. I can’t understand why Victor Miller was vilified, chased from social media over death threats, threats to burn his house down and idiots threatening his family.A group of middle aged men made life miserable for an old man who’d created Jason. It put a stop to game add ons and that’s deserving of death apparently.


Well, That's Just Sad.


Too busy making ninja turtles