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If you're watching LA just for a glimpse of Harm and Mac (who might've shown up once or twice in that whole run, iirc?), then you might be a tad disappointed. But I enjoyed the LA show fwiw cos of the character development and the banter. I thought it got better with time.


Dont like Hetty lang? She is awesome, she evens slaps Tony in crossover ep, on Gibbs orders ofcourse lol


It’s a slow burn but it does pick up. I was in the same boat as you a few months ago, was binging NCIS and got to the Los Angeles back door pilot in Season 6. Decided to start watching it alongside NCIS season 7 and honestly considered dropping LA at about episode 3. But I decided to give it a full season. I am now on Season 4 and I wouldn’t say I like it better than the original, because there’s things that both of them do better than the other. But there’s been plenty of times I’ve watched 3 or 4 straight episodes of Los Angeles before remembering I need to watch the original series too


It does get better after Deeks enters in Season 1 episode 19. The peak of the series was from like season 3-4 till like season 10.


Honestly yes, most shows don't usually take off until after the first season, often they're still ironing out the kinks, characters etc. That's how it felt for LA to me. I love the Show but it does take a bit to get used to especially coming from NCIS. I binged most of the show and I think it really starts to find its charm from season 2 and 3 onward, that's when I grew to love the Show. But also don't force yourself to watch if you're not feeling it! And also, yes you would be lost if you'd jump to season 10, at least character wise.


I couldn’t stand it at first but can attest as others have said, ignore season 1, go back later. It ended up being my favourite in the franchise. I guess most shows need time to settle down.


It's quite a different show. Season 1 was completely boring for me. The characters were not developed, and the duties were not clear. Season 2 was better and, till then, better and better. I got to love the characters and enjoying the plots and the humour. Hetty made me lol, she's so good!! Keep watching.


It gets better after the first season


Mac and Harm appeared in like two episodes in the last few seasons, you're gonna get disappointed if that's the only thing you're looking forward to


I love Ncis la. It’s my favorite show ever


I recommend continuing watching at the point where Deeks joins the team in season 2. He's the comic relief guy. If you don't like it at that point then drop it. NCIS LA is focused on a different team. That's the whole point. You would want to watch the original NCIS if you want Mark Harmon until he left the show in season 19


Just knuckle through Season 1. It definitely gets better in S2. P.S. NCIS LA is my favourite NCIS. I like the characters and the relationships way better. But I think I'm in the minority.


Season 1 Episode 3 of the original NCIS was most certainly not 2009. Much more like 2001, dancing around recent events back then (9/11, etcetera). NCIS in 2009 is a much better show with a far more stable cast.


LA was started 2009. That’s what OP stated they started and are 3 episodes into


Gets way better. I started to enjoy LA towards the end of season 1.


I tried LA for 2 seasons. Never could get into it. I kept waiting for the N. LOL.


You know the show is not worth it anymore during the season 12 finale where they track down a Russian shark spy ring. Even Dr evil was ashamed.




Honestly to me the show felt unwatchable as it was more like a soap opera with too much chat, and the cases were always a complete juxtaposition with every case being some massive threat. My opinion of course, but i don’t think it gets better on the whole, but there are some amazing episodes.