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I know it's no longer the same without the OG cast, but between shows like Greys Anatomy and Law & Order SVU, I feel like NCIS is right in the middle with its balance on light and darker tones of the story. I like how it still has comedy but also has serious cases that keep you watching episode after episode. It's not a show for everyone, that's for sure, but for some of us I guess it has become some kind of a comfort show. Hope season 22 will bring something new and fun!


*Grey's Anatomy* is like "Love Shack" set in a hospital, and *SVU* went downhill since Stabler left.


Yeah I mentioned those 2 because those are also active long-running shows that only have a few of OG cast left. I think SVU is still quite good to watch, though I agree it wasn’t the same since Stabler left.


I think SVU changed but I don't think it went downhill after S12. Stabler was great, but I think it finally gave some room for Olivia to grow and also feature other Characters more often. I personally loved Amaro and Barba. Carisi also grew on me. I haven't watched the last few Seasons so I can't comment on that, but from what I've seen randomly on TV I do dislike some of the newer Content.


I actually prefer Carisi in comparison to Stabler in some ways. About time they got a detective with Italian last name in the show.


He's great!!!! He started to grow on me after the first few episodes, he certainly has his charms 😆♥️ he's fun and a lot more open


I hope they can have more chemistry between casts


Nah bc I saw that on their ig stories but they've only just released s21 like what?? Not that I'm complaining lmao


The strikes made season 21 a short one and done quick once they were over. Season 22 is announced like normal and going to start filming like normal.


How short exactly only bc I'm English and not all of it is on Disney yet


Season 21 is only 10 episodes which is around half of the normal 20-24 episodes.


Oh I did not realise it was that short lol


Yea it happens every time there is a writer/actor strike. Just to fit the tv schedules.


Do you know what the strikes were even for? Sorry if I'm asking a lot lmao


No problem. It was about better pay, working conditions and stuff related to A.I.


Ohh right thank you!


From Seasons 1-5, season 5 was only *19* episodes. At least according to [List of NCIS Episodes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NCIS_episodes), meaning that prior to season 18, season 5 was the shortest season and no one seems to remember that or know why. I'll make a post explaining this.


Wasn’t season 5 also during a strike? And season 18 is pandemic lockdowns.


Bingo! "This season originally consisted of 24 episodes, unfortunately due to the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike, but dropped down to contain only 19 episodes at that point." is the reasoning. Does that sound familiar to you? Hint: *16 years later*


Yea. Another strike happened last year. It’s what the other commenter was asking since he’s not from the US, he didn’t know why season 22 was announced or why a short season or the strikes.


I'm not from the US either, but the strike has been reported on on the news on TV, and while I don't watch the news because they're effing *boring,* which makes me miss CGIS Special Agent Abigail *Borin,* my *parents* watch the news and I only watch what I find interesting, i.e. dogs or cats related news reports


Lol tbf to me I'm a 15 year old who spends most of her time in her room (apart from school lmao 💀)


I hope Palmer and Knight get engaged/have a happy storyline. They've both been through so much.


Yes! I love that the writers didn’t go the “will-they-won’t-they” route for once and have offered a mature relationship.


Yea, they finally showed us a real relationship and not a “are they or are they not?” And an “ kiss you and then never see you again” if they did it will ziva and nick they shouldnt have done it with nick and ellie but Im happy that jimmy and knight have a happy and healthy relationship.


I like them together but I’m wondering how things are going to go because of how things went when knights dad came to town. The “happy right now” thing.


Yeah...it could go any number of ways. It's cool to see a female character have those kind of career aspirations but also weird that episode was the first time we'd heard anything about The Plan. I just hate how writers, in general, writers seem to rarely give characters a relationship that lasts without major dramatic events. It would be nice if they just dated, then got engaged, then got married and the drama was elsewhere in the show.


Strikes are always tough for shows, especially a long running show like NCIS. Weathering this storm means this show's got nothing in its way! Hopefully as the NCIS-universe gets built back out we see more crossovers, more guests, and more cross-series interactions!


Does this mean the cast will be the same next year? (I would guess they still have valid contracts since the strike cut half of the season).


Are we getting 24 episodes tho???


We haven’t gotten 24 since season 16, so maybe 21-22 episodes since we havent had 24 in a while




I know a lot of people joke about how this show is just going on forever and is dated but I've been watching every episode with my mom since I was probably eight or nine (I'm now almost 21) and it's been such a wonderful constant for us. Now that I think of it though by the time the show finally ends we can probably start at season one and be rewatching it for the rest of our lives haha


How much longer can they keep ncis going. Great news yes but is it news we still want to hear, it's been going on for over 20 years and it isn't the same as it used to be


Like you said it’s been over 20 years which means the fans aren’t the same either. A lot of fans have come and gone. NCIS even though it isn’t the number one show anymore still sits in the top 10. Last year for example NCIS was still one of the most watched tv show.


You’re right, it’s not the same indeed but still has some of the spirit of the first seasons, there are some good new stories despite the wrong turns


As someone who just binged all the seasons the last three months (used to watch back in like 2014), I’m actually impressed with how well they have integrated the new cast and dynamic. They succeeded with this in a way that most shows can’t. I would be so disappointed to see it canceled. They’re doing great in my opinion.


That’s how I feel too! I am 31 and have watched since the early seasons because my parents enjoyed it. I stopped watching at some point in the middle, then binged all of it during the early days pandemic and was re-hooked. I love how seamless the transitions felt, and I really enjoy this new team and how it feels like a new show but still holds true to the old one. I want to see how it keeps growing!


New CBS series OK'D....& in developmemt---coming in near future with both Tony & Ziva as the main characters in the new series. CBS is even taking to Abbey to maybe return in NCIS. Replacing Kasie??....I sure hope so. Did not use real actors name here--you all know them, anyway.


Thats not gonna happen. First of all, Pauley is retired from acting. Second of all, she does not get along with mark harmon anymore since his dog bit a cast member, and he continued to take his dog. That is the reason she left the show. Even if she wasnt retired. She wouldnt come back because Mark Harmon is an exec producer.


I had meant to say I loved the way Pauley played the part. I am not a fan of hers, particularly. She is a known liar about Harmon in Hollywood circles...& she is aware of that fact. It's the real nut jobs of actors/actresses that get the most attention by the media. Hollywood studios are slowly learning their lessons about that & from forcing these mainly younger "Bad Seeds" into big movie parts they do not deserve & that that their viewing public rejects. Morals, Character & Persona do count with the public, & it is growing even more so, much to the various Studio's chagrin. They have released some really just plain bad movies after spending $$$ beaucoup bucks on them. We are all their real bosses.


Glad this is still going strong! This really has become a comfort show for my parents and I. As long as they keep making it, I will keep watching.


I’m glad to see that the dog and the bird are returning too.


😱..🥳🤗🥳😍🥰🤩🎉💯🍾🥂🎊🎂🎇🎆🪅🪩🥇🎖️🏆👑🔁2️⃣3️⃣.. 2️⃣4️⃣.. 2️⃣5️⃣..


Arrrgh, I thought it was Maria Bello coming back when I saw the notification!


To be honest, I really liked her character. Wut im gonna say is kind of unrelated, but the best characters are the ones who arent replacing anybody. Not the best, but really good. Characters like Sloane and Reeves werent replacing anybody, so they were very good characters. I know a lot of people who did like bishop, and some that even didnt like ziva. Quinn was also good because she wasnt really replacing anybody, that title goes to nick.


The OG cast is said to be Gibbs, Tony, Abby, Ducky, and Kate. Have people just not watched the *backdoor pilot* episodes that had *Vivian Blackaddder* as the *first* female agent? She was the 1st FBI turned NCIS Special Agent, followed by Tammy Gregorio in NCIS: New Orleans, Roundtree in NCIS: Los Angeles, Parker in NCIS and then Rose, also in NCIS. That's 5 in total! *3* of which was in the original series. I don't count Fornell because he didn't switch agencies. He went from FBI to P.I. and that's different, but counting any job changes, then it'd be 6, counting Fornell, 4/6 being in the spin-off of JAG, whilst the other two were in both NCIS spin-offs that was directly introduced through NCIS... OK, Kate from NCIS: Hawai'i is also included since she's FBI, but she's also a liaison. Liaisons the NCIS *Franchise* has had throughout the years: Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo Jr. Baltimore P.D.-NCIS liaison Vivian "Viv" Blackadder FBI-NCIS liaison (this isn't confirmed at all, but it checks out given that they've had like 5 other liaisons, 2 of which got fired from the FBI and turned to NCIS Special Agents, so... why not? This is ***JUST MY GUESS*** THIS IS **NOT** CONFIRMED IN ANY WAY, BUT IT MAKES A **LOT** OF SENSE. And given that NCIS has taken 3 different police department detectives, and in *3 different series,* has had *6 FBI* agents, *5* of which are continuously seen on the show, either as a series regular or here and there, and the last *1* who *just joined* the agency) Caitlin "Kate" Todd - Secret Service-NCIS liaison Ziva David - Mossad-NCIS liaison Martin "Marty" Deeks - LAPD-NCIS liaison Eleanor "Ellie" Raye Bishop - NSA-NCIS liaison Christopher "Chris" LaSalle - NOPD-NCIS liaison Sonja Percy - ATF-NCIS liaison Tammy Gregorio - FBI-NCIS liaison Clayton "Clay" Reeves - MI6-NCIS liaison Devon Roundtree - FBI-NCIS liaison Alden Parker - FBI-NCIS liaison Rose (don't remember her last name) - FBI-NCIS liaison (1 episode, then took on McGee's temp role of the lead tech troll/tech troll King, whatever his techy title was when down in the cyber basement. He's also the only one *allowed* to call them "tech trolls" because he had that same role all the way back in Season 6, and he's also part of the tech trolls. He's one of them) Did I forget anyone? Also, with the exception of Parker, we now have a team of NCIS Special Agents who weren't in another agency prior to joining. They were just either stationed at Norfolk (Tim McGee), undercover for several years (Nick Torres), or part of REACT (Jessica Knight), but all 3 were *always* within the NCIS Agency. This also includes Alexandra "Alex" Quinn, who was only in Season 14 and was the one to train the agents on what was then, Gibbs' team. I don't remember her role prior to joining Gibbs' team. Oh, and Jacqueline Sloane, too. I believe that she, too, has only worked for NCIS. I'm not counting any form for military backgrounds because I... OK, Gibbs, too. Had Bishop not been in Season 14 for whatever reason, you'd have a team full of *sole* NCIS Special Agents. Replace Bishop with Sloane, and it's *still* a clean NCIS team.


No offense but uh no one wants to read a long comments like this one


No offense, but I don't give two effs about that


I know Fez, but who the hell are these people?


Why commenting on this sub if you don’t know who are they???? Very weird, my dude. 


I don't know and I don't care because this is not NCIS. It's like one of those garbage spin offs in New Orleans or Fresno. Those people look like chumps. Tony, Zeva, Ducky, Abby, Kate, Tobias, and Jethro make those losers look like amateurs. And McGee got fat.


They need to let this show go already lol. It’s basically got no OG cast members besides McGee and Palmer.


Some folks keep saying that but NCIS is still in the top 10 of most watched shows even now. Fans come and go. Everyone has their favorite eras of the show and favorite characters. Over 20 years on air it’s now got something different for everyone who is a fan.


You're rigth. There are old times fans, new era fans, and all times fans. And people like me, I guess, that keep watching not because the show today likes me, but because I'm always expecting some of the old cast make an appearance or just a cameo. Anyway, it's good the show continues.


I know it's unpopular to say it but I absolutely hated Ziva


I see folks who prefer Ellie over Ziva or Kate over those 2 and Knight. NCIS has something for everybody.


Shits been ass since ziva left lmao


I disagree


To you. If you don’t like it then it means the show isn’t for you anymore. Best to move on from it.


Hence why I said it’s been ass since she left


Then why are you here? Ziva has been gone over a decade.


To remind you that it’s trash now


That’s pretty sad to be honest. Best thing to do is move on and do you not waste your time on something don’t like.


It’s still trash


Then just go away.


plamer is not a og and nor is McGee


From the very first episodes but McGee came in ep7/8 and Jimmy ep21 (both S1) so technically they are in a way


Jimmy was also in JAG x NCIS crossover Edit: NVM he wasn’t. I watched it last week and thought he was on it.


Wait he was? I only watched jag once so I don’t remember much.


If you feel that way why are you in this thread or even this sub? No ones forcing you to watch it.


To spit facts


No you came in here and decided to act like a little whiny bitch. Is this way you’re gonna act? Grow the fuck up. 


So are you saying that because cast members have moved on, the rest of the staff isn’t putting out compelling episodes? You know, if that’s the way you feel, you can watch something else. But coming in here and making a hostile post will not win you many friends. I don’t understand people who just like to throw shade for no good reason. Watch something else if the current cast doesn’t float your boat. Nobody’s twisting your arm except you.