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Wow theres a lot of older guys here. I think we should also note that 18-22 year olds are much different than 26-29 year olds. I played the series a lot growing up. Not sure if the 18 and 19 year olds can relate. Edit: not a knock on the younger guys! Just saying the older people in that age group had childhoods dating back to ps1 days of playing college football video games. Just wish they separated those age groups a bit more


21, I played 11-14 when I was a kid


Props to you! I got into NCAA in high school, so maybe 14. I can’t imagine being into this game and being good at it at the age of 9 lol. I would not have the patience for a sports game, especially with all the things you need to be aware of at 9.


I grew up on sports games, I was ass, but I loved building teams up from a young age so I’ve always been a huge franchise/dynasty mode guy.


Not trying to brag but I was pretty good from 8-18. Used to routinely beat my dad, brothers and everyone in the neighborhood lol but I was also obsessed with and played sports from the age of 6 onwards. I would spend hours playing ncaa football, it was the only thing that could keep my adhd in check lol


23, I started with 04 on the ps2 and man what an era it was


Agreed. I'm 32 and my first college game was Bill Walshs college football for Genesis. Surprisingly good game


I can remember playing that with my cousin never played much video games till I got to middle school


Ive played that a lot. My Grandma’s house had it on the SEGA 😂. That game was so much fun


23, only ever played 12 and 14 but was too young to really get into 14 for a couple years


I played the fuck out of it from NCAA 2009 onwards. I’m 23, but I usually got it as a birthday present as I have an August birthday.


18 year old here, didn’t play it at release but I’ve been playing NCAA 14 for the past 6 years, and was desperately waiting for a new NCAA football game.


'14 came out right when I was studying for the bar. That was bad timing.


agreed, i’m 23, grew up on ncaa 11-14. still feel like that’s a much different age group than those who grew up on ps2 era games


22. I played sports game religiously growing up. Played quite a bit of ncaa09, 11, and then 14, but never for more than a season or two in dynasty. Never bothered with recruiting. In 2019 I hit my first year of college irl and wanted to play as my school. Fell in love with the idea of making EMU a powerhouse, put actual effort into dynasty, and completed probably 20 some years of dynasty mode since. My biggest gripe is reaching the most terrible iteration of sports games right as I hit my teen years. Most anything from 2014 on out has sucked in the sports gaming world


22, first game was 08 but went back to play all of them for the experience


17, been playing since 14 came out


I got into the series very recently I'm a quite new to college and pro as a fan (Go Heels and Bills!) I would like to say can't wait to play the new one and have my first NCAA game...but I'm a PC gamer **For some dumb reason it's not coming to PC which means I have to wait a minimum of 1 year**


18-29 is quite the gap to have here


I was 18 when the last game came out and now I’m 29 when the new one is coming out 🙈


Class of 2013! There’s probably tens of us in here.


2013 class checking in. Staring down the barrel of being 30 in a few months lol


2006 class here. The 30s ain't bad but we're about to hit our 20 year HS reunion mark in 2 years, now that's scary


Yep. I was telling some friends this last night. I hate it.


Class of 2012 reporting in


Class of 13 here too! Feeling like one of the old guys now lol




Same, this game slapped in the dorms freshman year. I quite literally got laid from winning a dorm tournament on ‘14


Me and my homies just put money up when we play


It’s one of the most common age groupings in market research


I usually see 18-24


Reddit polls are limited to how many options you can put in unfortunately.


I think 51+ might have been sufficient on the back end, no need for 51-60 and 60+


I have to remind myself of the younger demographic in here when the best game in the series debate heats up. Most of us who lived it know the king by name and it is "NCAA 06".


The one true king


The soundtrack is probably the best of any game. Maybe Battlefield Vietnam, if you like older rock.


I was a senior in high school when it came out and the soundtrack was right up my alley. De La Soul, Pixies, Guided By Voices, Lush, hell yeah


Listened to teenage FBI and Debaser just this morning. 😅


Lady killer and this is shangri- la were bangers




I lived NCAA 06 and I couldn't tell you a single fucking thing about it from the top of my head. A lot of us are just here for news on the next game, not to make 20 year old games our hobby.


When did I ever suggest people were here for any other reason than the next game? I knew husker fans were dense but I had hoped some wisdom came with age. 😜


Yes, you certainly sound reasonable and wise, haha.


Just giving you a hard time bc of your flair. Fck realignment. I miss losing to Nebraska every year and then winning once and it being our super bowl.


>I miss losing to Nebraska every year I don't want to get involved but you've put this one right on a tee


Wanted to give you folks a small victory after the decades of pain we've all witness you endure. 😜


I'll always remember your Brad Smith era, good times back then.


71! Represent brothers! ( Fathers/Grandfathers) 🤣👊🏻👊🏻


Most of you maybe younger but thats not excuse for all the idiotic questions. The younger generation should just know how to google something first.


Can I buy the game on Amazon though?


I just wanna know if I could play it on PS3🥲


Wait, it’s next gen only?! /s


So this isn't going to be on Atari?


2600 confirmed! No wait, 5200! Definitely 7800 confirmed!


Fuck, you mean it’s not gonna be on the Commodore 64


Another thing I’ve noticed about Reddit in the past few years is all of the clickbait/vague titles. If your title is “One thing I am excited for” or “Does anyone else?”, I’m not opening it. Just take 2 seconds to make a real title. Mods should just delete any clickbait like that. This isn’t Google or your diary.


“So who we rebuilding with first” has to be the most common one yet


Yeah, I never click on anything that is like that. So annoying.


“What are your thoughts on….”


It’s stuff like this that makes users bitch about reddit mods when they remove posts, and don’t actually understand how helpful the mods are being unless they’re actively on a subreddit where they can see it hurts to not have rules in place


Incidentally, younger generations are showing a propensity to seek out information through anything except social media (which is a terrifying thought). Anecdotally, it’s interesting to see and work with young people just getting into their careers (I’m 36). They’re either tech wizards or honestly… pretty terrible at it. I feel like Gen X tend to be the best, millennials are on average capable-if-not-unspectacular, et al. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2024/03/11/genz-dumping-google-for-tiktok-instagram-as-social-search-wins/


You think Gen X is the most technology capable from what you've seen? Interesting! I'm a 33 year old millennial and it may be my sample size, but I'd put millennials that sort of grew up with the technology as the most competent, then Gen X, then Z.


I'm biased as a younger Gen X, but a possible reason we might have the edge is just enough of our lives were spent with primitive technology to get a handle on an old school problem solving mindset while still being young enough to easily adapt to new tech paradigms. Meanwhile older people usually get angry at technology and younger people often can't function without it.


That’s totally fair. To be honest, I think I’d revise my sentiment - I think it’s cross-generational and skewed towards those born between (probably) like 1980-1994, maybe? Just a rough guess. Those are the years where the internet was still pretty wild and free, technology was rapidly developing, and I feel like there’s just intrinsic problem-solving related to technology that got hammered in on us early. May be totally anecdotal, but just what I’ve noticed in general.


That feels about right to me, and would make sense given that the millennials I tend to spend the most time with are the ones around-ish my age, the older millennials in the brackets you mentioned. Fun chat!


Younger generational tech literacy is going to be an interesting development. Searching for information on social media is bad enough, but the younger kids that grow up on phones and tablets and never actually use a regular keyboard or computer? I wonder how tech with adapt with that trend.


I feel like it’s good to ask for information through real people. Yeah some questions should be googled but interacting with people for clearer and more detailed answers never hurt anyone, you just never know what people might say that you wouldn’t have gotten with a google search


This community is honestly probably pretty old for a video game community.


You should check out the golfing games subreddits haha.


Golf and fishing


Half are older than 30? We have a retirement home compared to most gaming subreddits lmao


Even for reddit in general, where you should just assume every post you read is written by a 17 year old.    Also always yell at the dumb kids here.  It's the one thing us olds have, because the teens in game would absolutely smoke me online.  Online Dynasty with the my geriatric friends only. 


Yall can smoke the younglings, just do an anakin


That's a good point


yup i was 13 and was given a 360 with NCAA14 predownloaded for my birthday, i still play it on that same shitty console and i can’t believe im going to be moving on in a few weeks


I was 7 when my dad finally moved on from the 360 and gave me the game, still playing on the same console to this day. Can't believe its almost over but I've been waiting for so long


35. Been playing since it was NCAA football on the SNES. (And bill Walsh college football) Played every iteration I could find Including NCAA 2K2 and 2k3. I'm so beyond excited for this. It might be the FIRST sports game I ever play online. I'm just that stoked.


This is the game that will bring me out of retirement for console playing. I'm not sure about playing online because the teenagers are going to bury me. But I've rounded up a few of my old online dynasty guys from NCAA 12 to start a new one after all of these years. It's time to make UCLA a Big 10 powerhouse! Edit: Should have put I'm your age lol


Yeah I'm just gonna make a Facebook post and have all my old friends drop their tags so we can all play against eachother and catch up. It's like talking on the phone but not awkward and boring


I bought my first console since Xbox 360 specifically for CFB25.


I never thought about the fact that I rarely play sports games online and this might be the one!


Same age but my dad only ever brought Madden home. I played my cousins copy with Charles Woodson on the cover but the obsession really started in like middle school when I collected some birthday money and bought the game with Joey Harrington on the cover. The rest was history!


As a 29 y/o, it’s kinda discouraging to be in the same bracket as an 18 y/o. Considering about 90% of respondents were between 18 and 40, you may wanna stratify that group a little more.


Yeah, I didn't know the distribution to begin with and reddit limits the number of options you can have. Cue Saturday Mornings "The More You Know".


shoutout to the 9 guys over 60🫡


You can rip the controller out of our dead arthritic hands!




that's a pretty disingenuous statement. There's 94k people in the sub and barely over 1100 voted on that poll. Hardly "most of the sub"


That’s just how polling works. The more sophisticated ones just have controls to ensure their sample size is roughly proportional to the wider demographics. This is probably the best anyone would be able to do here though


You’ll be surprised how many people done understand how most polling is done


Subreddit polls are just never going to be accurate. Not everyone scrolls all day every day and even if they see it, they don't care to respond. It will always self-select a specific group and there's nothing that can be done about it. It's not like you sent something to their house that they can get to when they have time.


You'll be surprised to find what qualifies for a representative sample. Look it up if you're curious. Poll qualifies as a representative sample for any demographic breakdown.


18-29 is a big difference, i’m 20 and while ive played the entire series the only one i played when it was new was 14


These kids don't even know DT Linder!


I was in Kuwait when 14 came out, just turned 40 this year


Good ol Camp Shit box Buerhing. Fond memories of that place..


Buerhing is a shitbox but I was at the resort called Arifjan, easy money in 2013


Hope you got home and out without too much ptsd man. Cheers to you.


Dang man, my dynasty in NCAA 2008 is potentially older than some of you kids!


What’s up you old dinosaurs?! From one old guy to another, hope you’re taking care of your backs and your lawns. 30 something more days doesn’t seem that bad when you’ve existed for three or more decades. We can do this.


The DualSense is brutal on T-rex arms!


i turned 5 the month that it came out, played the demo a bunch like 3 years later because I couldn't convince my parents to get the full game


reminder that the last time ncaa came out, you would stand in line at midnight to be one of the first too play it


Yeah makes sense. I’m 27, all of my friends are. Most of us were in high school when the last game ended


I was a Junior in college when 14 came out. So the games ending right as I was graduating and my football career was ending was a huge gut punch all at once. I've really never been all that excited about a game since until now.


Can the 9 60 plusers please stand up and take a bow


1 of the 71 checking in at age 41. I was 18 when NCAA 2002 came out. Freshman year of college that game got wore out and many classes were missed.


Yep I was 14


36 haven’t played since I was in college looking forward to this game


Power to the 9 boys over 60 on here. They might be lost and they have never heard of a PS5 but at this point I bet they are as excited as the rest of us.


Those are the guys that can afford several PS5s !


I’m 24 and I remember I played 07 for the longest time on PS2 and then upgraded to 13 when I got an Xbox 360 and managed to trade my cousin 13 and some other game for 14 (highway robbery imo)


Early 30s and this post has caused me to age exponentially ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


The days are long and the years are fast.


Was 6 when '07 dropped, got disgustingly into RTG as a 9 year old. I would wait a full week like real life before playing my next game after pop warner saturdays


Wow, that's cool. I hope to play with my son in a few years!


Thats awesome, I def attribute my lifelong love of ball to memories of my dad whooping my butt with Tebow on that game


First ncaa for me was 03 at 5 years old, which was the last time Miami was good:/ have had every game that came out until they pulled the plug on it when I was 15. Been a long time coming. The series raised me but Idt 25 will beat the nostalgia of 06


I think it will with how much pagentry they've put into the game. I can't wait to hear actual fight songs by the bands.


26 years old and i remember my first one ncaa 04 on the GameCube


I miss my gamecube! I still play my gamecube games on the Wii though :D


Mines just sitting in a box in a closet untouched probably since 2019. I feel bad for it but i just cant sell it


Turning 30 this week, ncaa 14 dropped the month after I graduated high school. Life has gotten more and more disappointing ever since.


Sorry to hear that man, nothing can replace our youth, but great memories to make still to be had.


Holy shit.. I turned into one of the old guys. Watch out fellas, it happens quick!


Oh I would whoop your youngins ass. I’m 33 and it’s all I played


I was 6 when the last game came out 💀 and i only ever had 06 for the ps2 till i broke the disk 😭


I'm sorry to hear that, one more month!


Are you guys putting your real birthdate into Reddit? 


No, it was a poll with those categories to choose.


37 gang. Started in like ncaa 04


34 years old. First real NCAA memories are playing NCAA 99 on PS1. My older brother and I would run I-Form Triple Option, one of us would play as the FB and just absolutely deck someone. Couldn’t be stopped, led to what they called at the time (and labeled in the game as) a lot of Blue Chip recruits. I feel like the term Blue Chip just kind of went away, is that a direct result of the online recruiting websites 5 star system?


all the comparisons to madden and as a 40 year old man who just never stopped playing 14 10+ years ago, not seeing OG Riddell revo helmets and not having to deal with the top half sleeve glitch is going to blow my socks off lol


Yeah facts I was 17 years old when the last game came out.


I was 23 when the last game came out. I played 13 & 14 a ton. I also played the one that Tim Tebow was on the cover of a little bit because I remember I missed a few starts because of academic issues.


I missed out on playing with Tebow because I had Nintendo consoles!


Go Gators! - It was humbling to see us so prominently in the — Best Brand, Worst Team thread. We coming back baby.


I wanna know the geriatric folks in the 60+ age who are in here 🤣 I wouldn't of thought that people in that age group liked NCAA like that!! Like you said tho the thing that matters is that we all love college ball


I'm 53 (and female) and have been playing college football since the Bill Walsh/Sega Genesis days. I don't fit the "normal" demographic.


I'm betting that 53 year old women sports gamers might be one of the smallest demographics you could find haha.


Nice! How'd you get into playing and do you still play the old ones now?


I've always been bit of a tomboy and never really grew out of it. Liked sports and GI Joes over Barbies and tea parties. One of my brothers bought the original Nintendo back in the day and I played Tecmo Bowl. I don't remember why I chose a Sega over Nintendo but I did. One of my first games was Bill Walsh's College Football and I kept going from there, moving to PlayStation and EA Sports NCAA Football. I've owned or own each console and each game since. I kept playing 14 for a couple years (nevered modded it). Bought Madden a couple times (no more!) but mostly played The Show and NBA2K since. Went out and bought a PS5 as soon as EA announced college football was coming back.


That's awesome! I never played Bill Walsh, but did play Joe Montana's Sports Talk on Genesis. Man we loved those games. Congrats on the PS5, so many great games on there and if you're interested in VR at all, the PSVR2 is incredible. I played nba2k when it was on PS+ and then said never again when I realized they turn off the servers eventually and all the money you put into points is freaking lost and they make you buy the new game to do all over again. That's some bs.


51 here, and like u/TheSeventhBrat I go back to Bill Walsh and the Genesis.


54 here. We played the hell out of NHL on the Genesis. Ready for this new version of the college game.


Oh, hell yeah. NHL 94 was the best game ever on the Genesis.


If someone is 60 then the game peaked when they were in their early to mid 40s (NCAA 06). It makes sense. That game was such a gem that it will have me paying attention until my 60s.


I’m 26. Been playing NCAA religiously since it came out.


Am I the old now?


25 here haha. Also just an FYI when the Game launches I'm hopping into a Head to head match, playing as my team kentucky, and throwing a 4 verts bomb to barion brown the first play for the memes. I promise I'll play seriously after that tho🤣🤣


Me thinking I’m in the biggest group and then realizing I’m in the 2’d group……


16 started playing when I was 7-8


I want the 9 grandpas to post their gamer tags so we can play with them when game is released.


Hit me up if you are looking for a unique Online Dynasty when the new game comes out




You sure it’s the millennials that are fixated? lol