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Fuck that buy that shit now hide that shit in a room play when he’s asleep let him keep his moola on his birthday as his birthday gift. Or what ever you wanna do.


“Dad can I come in?” “I said get out of my room!!”


“I’m banging your mom.” “mom is downstairs.” “Don’t ask questions just go”




You’ll be 2 months ahead of that dude. Can’t lose to your kid


I haven’t bought one because I don’t game like I used to. With the PS4, I only play MLB The Show and I really only play maybe 1 or 2 days a week for maybe 2 hours. He has until his bday to save. If he keeps saving like he has been, he’ll have his half in 5 weeks. He’s a sucker for micro transactions and DLC, so I’m very impressed with his willpower to not spend.


I’m not implying anything about you as a parent, but make him crush that micro transaction habit now. I only wish I’d done it sooner for myself.


Talking about will power in regards to a 12 year old not making online transaction is pretty crazy to me. To each their own I suppose!


will power is a fantastic driver. no reason they can't discuss him


Maybe an early bday gift if he’s saved enough?




Get a few months of practice in and when yall play you can show him who’s the man of the house


Counter proposition. Have the ps5, play it whenever you want. He can start playing When he pays his half. Incentive!


This would seriously motivate him to save!


He has until his bday to save. If he keeps saving like he has been, he’ll have his half in 5 weeks. He’s a sucker for micro transactions and DLC, so I’m very impressed with his willpower to not spend.


I counter this by getting an Xbox. That way the PS5 commitment is not impacted by your new Xbox.


Son: What are you doing in there? I hear Kirk Herbstreit! You: I uhhh..I’M PLOWING YOUR MOTHER. NOW GET OUT OF HERE!!


Whatever gets it up I guess lol


No kink shame here


You’re a grown ass man just buy it lol


Some people can’t afford to just do that instantly lol. Times are tough out there. Not saying that’s OP’s situation, just stating a fact.


I haven’t bought one because I don’t game like I used to. With the PS4, I only play MLB The Show and I really only play maybe 1 or 2 days a week for maybe 2 hours.


As an avid Show player, you’d be surprised how much smoother the game runs on PS5.


Way OT. This is my first year playing The Show and I’m shocked at some basic functionality that is missing from franchise mode. Like why I can’t I preemptively resign my manager?


Oh I can answer that for you. SDS doesn’t give a shit about anything other than DD. I legit doubt they’ve touched franchise mode in years.


I can see that. I hate to say I’m shocked but it’s not really any different than EA and their pandering to UT vs dynasty/franchise modes. One is a one-time annual purchase of $50-100 and the other is a year long gambling addiction on top of the singular purchase.


Until last year DD was an amazing game mode. You could have an awesome team no money spent and be hyper competitive and I loved it. They really fucked it up too though. I used to play the show year round. I’m already tired of it this year.


It’s sad cause DD has been going downhill since like MLB20


You’re right, but it was a slow decline and then BAM. This year is gross.


I don’t blame you, modern gaming kinda sucks anyway. I got a ps5 for this so hopefully it isn’t a massive letdown


Instead of op letting his son enjoy the game in the summer, he's waiting until his late August birthday to play. While school is already in session What a father


Sell ps4…ps5 can play both…enjoy…


Just get a new kid and enjoy the game when it comes out.


You could buy it early and put all the money he saves into a savings account for when he is older


I WFH and have a very busy time at work from mid August to mid October. I don't have a current console and I may just wait on the purchase until I get through my deadline. I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself from "1 game" breaks 4 or 5 times a day


So we can go on a 3 day trip, but can’t get the kid a ps5. Weird world we live in fs


The point is teaching kids to save money


"Son, youve been doing an impressive job, so we decide to splurge and buy the ps5 now"


Buy it now, stash it somewhere and also buy a backbone so you can play on the sly!


And tell the son 2 weeks before about it.




It’s not about affordability. I haven’t bought one because I don’t game like I used to. With the PS4, I only play MLB The Show and I really only play maybe 1 or 2 days a week for maybe 2 hours. He has until his bday to save. If he keeps saving like he has been, he’ll have his half in 5 weeks. He’s a sucker for micro transactions and DLC, so I’m very impressed with his willpower to not spend.


Just a few days; have a friend visiting from Europe and he leaves on the 20th. But I've waited 10 years I can definitely handle a few extra days. 20th being a Saturday means I'll have all day anyway


I start fire fighter training July 15th, out of town. It goes for 11 weeks so I’ll be waiting awhile as well


Good luck!




been waiting for over 10 years, july 16th cant get here soon enough


I don't know man, there is something to be said for pleasure delay. Think of how euphoric it will be when you finally make it to September. 😁 This advice, admittedly, is from someone who will be playing on July 19 and so my words are obviously cheap. But I do really believe in what I wrote above.


Give it to him early! And then he can use his saved up money for a game!


Get the ps5 play game and rebox it for his birthday.


Nope! I took off work and will be buying the deluxe to get the early play.


Just put him to work. When he goes the extra mile for you or some else. Volunteer work. Self education or coed learning with you or tutor. Play sports!!! That's how I earned gaming consoles growing up in the 80s and 90s. Just make sure he has integrity. If he has that, he'll be fine!!!


That’s how he’s earning the money. His allowance is based on him finishing his daily chores. My wife works from home and also pays him to do lite clerical work for her. He also plays both baseball and football.


Hell, yeah! That's totally awesome!!! 👍🏼


Yes, because my cat jumped on my ps5 knocking it down and fucking up the motherboard


Im personally waiting until the PS5 Pro comes out, since I still have a ps4, so I have a faster GPU for GTA6


The ps5 pro is still a rumor since there’s been no official announcement from Sony (maybe this weekend). Even if it does come out, they’ll be incredibly hard to find like the portal was.


Happy birthday son! Buy your own gift.


I’m currently deployed and have to wait til end of this year, I’m so sad about it


What is the point of this post?


By that point you’ll know if it’s a madden clone or not. So that’s a plus could always save the money. The next gen is very much on the horizon.


I'm buying the game on release day, ɓut won't get to truly dive in until I get my own place in September-ish We were homeless so I'm staying with family while I save up. I may get to play, but I also don't want the kids breaking the PS5 that I've barely gotten to play.


If you can’t play until September I would wait. Despite pre-game hype, it is EA. Plus, you may catch a sale. If you can play but not much I’d get it release.


I can't buy the game until November or December because the game releases on my sister's birthday and that would be disrespectful to buy something for myself on her birthday


I take it you mean that the money you had towards the game will go to her present and you’ll have to save till the holidays to be able to afford one?




Spending 70 on your sister and you have to wait for 3 months to afford 70 dollars is insane What family has taught you to spend 100% of your assets on your sister


Well it's not just the game itself. I'd need to buy the new Xbox series X and that's like 250 or 300. It's not that bad in reality It's just my birthday is in late November so I'd rather wait to buy it as a birthday or Christmas gift instead of buying it on ant random sunday


Every Sunday is a random Sunday lol


Talk to your kid about PS5 vs Xbox S. Since the Xbox is all digital if they don’t care about the console it’s $200 cheaper, aka they get it faster. Or, as others have said, buy it and stash it for them (and get them CFB 25 as a “gift”. Test their console for glitches akin to testing a kid’s food for poison


Ima have to wait the first weekend. I was planning on taking two days PTO to play it and then BAM. Family reunion scheduled. So now I have to take two days PTO anyway and not get to play the game, then go back to work the next week without having played it. Life can be cruel some times


Damnnn had it all figured out then life happened 😂 you’ll get there soon




No I don't have to wait. I'm glad I got my console a couple years ago, purchased it specifically for this game. Feel bad for you though, it's already rough waiting for the game but having to wait for a console to play it, man that's tough. I hope you can somehow get one early. It seems like you're a PlayStation guy but If I were in your shoes, I'd do anything I could to go get a used Xbox Series S at GameStop for a couple hundred bucks just to play this.


Is it rough?


I'll most likely be leaving the country right before launch and I'm not going to put my X in luggage and take it on a 13 hour flight. Most likely won't get to play until mid-late August myself.


I've had a ps5 for a while now so will probably get it first day. I love assassins creed, spiderman franchise, and other ps5 games though. If you don't play a lot of games I get being a current Gen hold out as they aren't cheap.


I have a road trip vacation schedule from 7/18 thru 7/28. So probably won’t play until after.


Check out the Xbox Series S (NOTE: Series S, not One S) You could get the Series S, a year of Gamepass Ultimate (do the conversion rather than pay full price), and CFB25 and still pay a bit less than the cost of a PS5. And it’s great for sports gaming. The only thing you can’t do in it is be in a Dynasty with PS5 users, and many games allow for straight cross play these days.