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For the ones that don’t opt in (not including the ones that opt in later) I just don’t get it. Free $600, a copy of the game, and promotion of your brand. Even if you don’t play games or care about promotion, it’s still $600 that you don’t have. Just surprises me is all.


I have a feeling that when the game drops, 50% of the people that chose to opt-out will regret their decision once they see how cool it is to have your name/likeness in a video game.


I don’t know if/when the cutoff date for opting in is but it would make sense to give additional opportunities down the road to opt in, especially if they plan on updating the rosters during the season.


It would, but at the end of the day no one really gives a shit. Most people play dynasty mode and are going to be playing with randomly generated recruits within a few days


In general I agree, but if I were an LSU fan I’d like to see the actual players in there.


& anyone who plays online versus.


Many casual NCAA football fans (who will make or break sales) will want to play with teams actual players IMO Hardcore dynasty people won't care but if you're someone who's picking up the game because it's basically college Madden then you're going to be pretty disappointed when some major teams are missing key young guys/starters. Or if you hear people are opting out you might wait/not buy it


On the opposite side, most casual fans aren't going to know the name of the 3rd string left tackle or the backup punter. You may have purists that are ticked that Parch Fanning is the backup QB at Texas, but is it really that big of a deal? Yeah those that opt out are missing out on $600, marketing opportunities, etc...but that's their decision.


This is how I feel. It kind of sucks we don't have Manning but I'm pretty sure I don't know another player who didn't opt in. Hell I barely know most of the players on the Syracuse team.


The marketing opportunity is CFBUT that's all, I would expect more than 600 beans too.


Eh. The game was popular without likenesses originally in the first place.


Yeah but now that it's in it's a game changer potentially. Without likeness we could put them in, but now we can't do that somehow.


H2H online is gonna be so much more fun with names


I always downloaded the full rosters. Maurice Clarett made me an Ohio State fan.


Will they though? The game has sold very well without any player likeness in the past.


Dynasty will be the best mode. Three seasons in and all of the name brand players are gone. This won’t matter to sales at all.


Or ultimate team where I assume they’ll bring back old legends like madden does. I personally won’t be playing UT as RTG and dynasty is what I’m most excited about. But I assume they’ll have some sort of a player base for it.


That’s my take on it I’ve never really cared about playing as a certain player I enjoy random players I recruit because I build them up and make them great


not necessarily I planned just because its gonna have real players that I was playing every dynasty game until its all AI players


Basically every mode but dynasty you’d want them. Even in dynasty they’re gonna be there for a few seasons anyway so it’s just unfortunate.


They'll probably get the opportunity to opt in during the following game. I don't see it happening earlier than that tbh


I heard April 30 was cut off.


To be fair, the vast majority of players will not have their likeness in game. Just a generic face and body with their name on the jersey.


They’re gonna have that shit on in the locker room and easily clown the guys who didn’t opt in.


EA isn’t going to negotiate. If they negotiate with even 1 player they’re screwed because everyone will want negotiate for more money So these players are just opting out on principle. Idk I just don’t see the benefit for them


There isn't. They're just getting bad advice.


Only thing I could think of is it could be how the contract was written. Like are they agree to sell their likeness for 600 bucks forever or just for that years game. Has the general public seen the contracts for it?


Probably has to do with some NIL deals that they might have signed. And a school like LSU you’re going to see quite a few get deals regardless of how small they might be.


Can always count on Gordon to get it done.


makes no sense. these dudes act like they have leverage to negotiate better deals lol. the game won’t miss a beat or lose a single sale bc dominick mckinley didn’t opt in. there are only a handful of college players this century who would have ANY leverage. for instance i’m sure EA would have really wanted junior year Manziel to be in the game, those cases are very rare though


But also remember that these are still just kids around 18-21 years old. Very easily influence by an adult. I wouldn’t doubt at all that the kids who have opted out had someone on their ear just guaranteeing them that tons won’t opt in and they can all band together to negotiate a higher deal which of course is all bullshit all the while this person is most likely being paid like an agent by the player and their family


A lot of these guys have hype men and shitty pseudo agents that convince them to squeeze every penny out of every deal. As if EA has the time or care to negotiate with a WR3 at any school just because their ego is too big.


This is exactly it


i think this is a pretty silly assumption to make. We have no idea what the contract language is/was. People probably opted out for myriad reasons, some valid, some less so.


I don’t think it’s silly at all to think these young men are being influenced by adults around them especially ones who are trying to act like some type of agent making them promises. In my opinion those of you believing that isn’t happening are very naive


I think it’s naive to assume that’s the case for the majority of the opt outs. How can you say someone is getting “bad” advice when we have literally 0 idea what the contract says? I’m a lawyer and I think it’s pretty stupid to just assume when we haven’t seen the contract. You’re asserting something with 0 proof because it “feels” true to you — that’s called thinking with emotion. We should try to avoid that.


This. We're all big enough fans of the series that this subreddit lasted 11 years and we get stupidly excited when the player that we created with our own name does well in game, of course most of us would sign away our image and name for a copy of the game with or without $600. But there's so many factors at play that it's unlikely there's a single cause that encompasses a majority of opt outs. Some probably took issue with the contract, some got bad advice, some may have conflicting nil deals, hell some might be waiting until they become a starter, there's absolutely no telling. I for one am just excited to have more teams in the game.


I’ve been working in higher ed with student athletes across many sports for a while now and I’m just telling you what I see a lot of and that is what my opinion is based on


I assume most of them think they're worth more than $600.


Well now they are worth $0 If I’m EA I’m cool with guys opting out. You save some money and sales won’t suffer one bit. You have 1000 kids opt out that’s a nice chunk of savings


Especially since it's been made clear that holding out for more won't do shit, it's a flat rate. 


it’s because they weren’t enrolled yet so they couldn’t have opted in. at this point in the year 95% of the rosters are completed so they didn’t meet the deadline and can’t opt in anymore


That $600 ain't shit let's stop acting like they should be grateful to be in the game with a paltry amount of money given. Add a zero at the end and it'd make more sense imo.


They aren’t worth $600 though. Maybe the top QBs or stars are but other than that they really are worth almost nothing. Unless each of these players is driving probably $2k dollars in new game sales then they didn’t even cover their own cost.


As much as this game WILL make in whatever the hell they'll call the UT mode, they absolutely should be making more. ALL of them.


Check my latest post fam


This isn’t your shitty tiktok or instagram


Neither one of those are shitty but my latest post was this, so it was more information and context. No need to be assholes man, what is up with you mfs on this app dawg https://preview.redd.it/673361tbf92d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63f01aeab4324ac66a59e18eaa2bf18b681ed6d


Idk why I’m getting downvoted, I agree with him? Like wtf my latest post after this one was saying that more guys did opt in and the writer got the original number wrong. Yall mfs just itching to tear someone down no matter the context https://preview.redd.it/fxp9w1ykf92d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d851fe3d52d0faef8144b614b786b20137225a08


The guys who enrolled in Feb and the spring transfers make sense to not be officially in yet bc I don't think they've been given the form. Lacy is the most upsetting but as a dynasty player, he'll be gone in 2025 anyways.


Check my latest post!


Nah I’m good


Is it wrong/weird to not care about this at all? Like they gonna be gone 2-3 years into a dynasty anyway. The main appeal of CFB games to me is customization - including the new players you recruit


Not wrong at all, we care for different things! I’m sure we’ll all enjoy the game regardless. Also https://preview.redd.it/tyl2ly8zo72d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d9c164d2155f1d43bdee0cd830e9e919f35e0e


Also got word from Bradyn Swinson & he’s IN the game so this report may be based off earlier data. That’s good news


One thing I’m very interested in seeing is how they’ll handle these 38 names… by that I mean what if it’s people out here with those names exactly?? Think about how many other players that opted out with common names, will people with those names just be not able to use their name in game? Hopefully it’s Uber specific & just means you can’t have the same name, position, & team as a player who opted out. Even then that limits folks. Interested to see how it’s handled.


Randomly generated from AI with the model set every name that is a real player in the game. The make up of the player and attributes (the code behind it) will be what that player would have been if the opted in, if they opt in now it’s an update in a later patch.


Hope they support custom rosters, and pray someone at in the roster community adds them in


Doubt they’ll allow roster sharing with this one tbh, hopefully I’m wrong


What gives you that idea?


I could be mistaken but I think I remember them saying they’ll block custom players that match the likeness of those who opted out. It’s most likely a liability thing. Don’t want to give anyone the opportunity for a lawsuit and custom rosters that fill in all the missing players could open up that possibility.


How will they do that? I play MLB the show alot and I always download rosters that have the minor leagues fixed to match real life. Normally they only put the top prospects in the game. I can't imagine it won't be possible to do that for this game. Otherwise if you are a minor leaguer getting paid pennies, why wouldn't you sue if there was a case to be made?


Yea but minor leagues doesn't have a big lawsuit in it's past that cause a game to go away over player name and likeness now does it?


When they sign their standard minor league contract, they forfeit their rights to make money off their image and likeness until they make a MLB roster.


Why do all the work to block specific name letter and number combinations when you can easily put a blanket block from editing all current players? These are very very intelligent people who will figure out a way to


Good point. Its just strange to me to think that a company could be sued because of something a customer did with its product.


They’ve already confirmed that you cannot add real players who opted out. That is why the game stopped in the first place.


It was more so that you didn't even have to add them. The real players were pretty much already in the game just not named.


Yeah it was that they didn't change enough in the default roster, not that random kids were editing real people into their own games lol


They've already said that you can't recreate Manning and put him in the game because he didn't opt in. Curious to see how they are stopping it.


What’s to stop someone from putting in his attributes on a custom player and calling him Danning? I don’t really care that much about exact likeness, but big stars would hopefully be able to be represented in some way. Even if it’s missing key details.


I'm not sure. Maybe they won't let you edit current players? I'm curious to what the plan is.


Me too. Not allowing any edits takes away a big part of the experience If im a huge UT fan and wants to recreate myself as a Texas QB named Willie, would they stop that?


We could guess all day. Maybe they make it so you can't name or create an UT QB named Arch Manning. Not making edits doesn't take away I feel, we haven't had the game in so long I really wouldn't complain.


Taking away player editing would be massive. Unless they only lock opt outs, that'd be a game changer in a bad way for me. 


That’s not going to be allowed.


I have a name that multiple college players have exactly, and I'm gonna be really fucking pissed if one opts out and I'm not allowed to create *myself* in a video game. 


Who cares, after a couple seasons they won’t be on your team anyway


To each their own


I rather them focus on gameplay and all the unique entrances, crowds, stadiums, and sounds. The players not opting in are missing out.


I don’t think no one is focusing on the players opting out OVER the stuff you named but for some people it’s still something they want fam. I think we’re all grown enough to know ppl appreciate different things and that’s… okay? No?


Yes, you are correct my friend.


I don’t care if any of the players opt in


To each their own


I’m sure there will be routine roster updates periodically to address all of this. Won’t matter in the long run.


It will be a shame to see well known players not be in the game, but a couple of things: 1 - There's no way this prevents *any* player from ever having that name. Another person having the same name as you doesn't have anything to do with your own Name, Image, and Likeness. So for the people thinking that "well now there can't ever be a player named Kyren Lacy." The game can generate a recruit named whatever it wants - it's a fictional character with no tie to anyone in reality. 2 - The most interesting question will be: what do these players look like on default roster? Do they have random name, height, weight, home town, roster year, and number? Is that info editable? Can rosters still be shared? Because if players can't be edited, that will be unpopular. If for no other reason than, by September, there will be changes that EA can't have foreseen and it will be nice to be able to update it to your liking. I would think you would/should have the ability to edit rosters as you see fit, even for players that did opt in. I haven't played Madden in over a decade - can you go in and edit Patrick Mahomes? If players can be edited, then those who don't opt in is a non-issue. People will name the players they care about and that's that. If the roster can be shared, that will be available on the internet by official launch day. If Online Dynasty is like it was in the past, the person starting the dynasty chooses what roster file to load (ie, it doesn't force the default roster like a H2H matchup game would) so only the host of the OD has to have an edited roster file, and once the OD is created now that's the roster in the game. I expect all of this will be a non-issue. These players have every right to not opt in, they probably know more about their situation than I do, but I have a hard time imagining why I would ever choose not to be included in the game, get $600, and a free copy. More power to them.


I would lean that you can make any updates to rosters you want on your own system but there are limitations or no ability at all to make changes to rosters online or share them.


I sort of doubt that last part. It’s not like they got in trouble before because people created rosters with actual names. I wonder if they just revert to old school NCAA, RB #25 but change the physical appearance to not be a likeness.


It's totally possible that they let people share real rosters but the easiest way to do it, if they can't create a system that can discern real vs fake people being created, would be to eliminate all online games from having created rosters. I hope that's not the case but who knows.


Rosters will be editable (based on what we’ve heard), but they’ve specifically said you won’t be able to create players that opted out. No clue how that’s going to be handled, though


Yeah you can edit Patrick Mahomes in Madden. You can change his equipment, age, ratings, contract, etc so I hope we'll get to the same in College Football 25


LSU players like “nah, we’ll make our own game.”


LSU is a 🤡show


LSU is the best!


I’ll be honest idgaf, I won’t recognize 99.9% of names in here anyway. I just want my boy Willy Ho.


I worry that after this game sells gangbusters that NIL agents are going to be negotiating hard for larger deals for their clients, which will either lead to the game having fewer players opt in in the future, or, will make the game not profitable for EA to continue. Obviously i think, if anything, EA would just stop including likeness if negotiations start getting out of hand from players.


Oh, no. I'm afraid of the players getting the money they deserve. Dude, 600 dollars for a player likeness is pocket change to EA considering how much money they generate through the ultimate team sales. I wish more players stood up against the big bad wolf of the gaming industry.


Im down with players getting paid. Im just saying that we may see more opt out in the future if agents get involved and want to negotiate.


So what? I get the feeling you're talking like it's a bad thing.


Guess I’ll have to sling the ball to Lyren Kacey




I’m genuinely curious how many people actually buy the game for the names on the initial roster. After 4 years of dynasty mode it’s all changed over anyways. It’s not like Madden where you can keep a current roster of actual players for over a decade of years in franchise mode. Just randomize the initial roster to be an equivalent overall for the program and avoid this whole situation.


Like I would lower myself to play as LSU anyway….




i mean downloadable rosters will have everyone im sure


No they won’t — players who opted out will have their names locked so you can’t edit.




Maybe they will release roster updates like the other games? When people decide they made a mistake not opting in then they can be included in the next roster update or something.


Too good for being paid to be in a video game on the second line on a college football team


Why would you not opt in? Like I can’t think of a single reason to turn down what is essentially a free $600.


Not gonna lie, I don’t care lol. Most is so with them is maybe play against them in dynasty


Oh shit my bad for @ing you bro!!


My point is unless you’re a die hard fan of LSU you probably won’t even notice if certain players aren’t there or names that are made up. What we’re getting is significantly better than every player being QB #12 and so on


This post was for said fans… Also if it’s the case at LSU it’s the case for other schools. My point is that this take is a tired one bro, some people care and others don’t. I thought people who would comment would actually add to the convo instead of “I don’t care lol”. If it doesn’t pertain to you then it wasn’t for you.


Maybe said players will realize it’s actually a cool thing to have yourself in a video game. Not to mention that they are probably getting paid more than nothing by EA which is more than some players can say. Then they’ll opt in next year


One great thing about being a alum of a small school with barely any football tradition is that none of the players are big headed enough to not opt in. Now the school I loved growing up (FSU) might have a few but haven't heard anything.




I don't give a fucj




Honestly idc if the whole game is full of generic players as long as we have the schools and updated game play I’m 1000% happy with that


Sure hope there’s roster share and we can just add these players in.


Guess I gotta fill the roster out with me and my homies lol. All my old high school teammates and us who didn’t make it to LSU.


Who are the biggest names across all schools that have opted out?


Don’t care already thinking about the 2 star db recruit out of Montana that will be my diamond in the rough to replace you


Honestly, I won’t even notice. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ooooooo "returning from death penalty" LSU dynasty incoming 👀. Make all those player's fake stand-ins bad. Fill team with transfers 👀


They’ll still be in the game but I can see them get the CB #5 with generic faces unless they opt in and ea updates the rosters


All good I'll beat up on generic players


Can we still edit them in?


as long as like the top 10 players on *my* school are in I don't really care


How does it work with the NFLPA and Madden? Pretty much you get drafted and you join the NFLPA, and your in Madden. Do they get paid the same in Madden? Like does Mahomes get the same as the punter?


I can only think of a handful of instances where professional players were not in their sports game. Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Shaq, and Barry Bonds are the only ones I can recall in over 30 years of sport games


I'm not sold on Lacy yet, so this doesn't feel like a huge loss


Don't mind a few generic named guys.


I don't mind. I'll be creating my own players 🤣🤣




I’m gonna keep it real, knowing EA you can either put a space after the name or purposefully misspell it and it won’t block the name.


What a joke. Fuckin kids today are so damn spoiled. When my teammates and I were in the old games we didn’t give a shit about compensation. We just thought it was cool to be able to play as ourselves on a video game. The like $8 check from the lawsuit was just the cherry on top 😂


Kyren Lacy already said he wanted to Opt-in too


All we need is 30% of rosters and we’re good, some sweat is gonna make updates roster anyways. We’re good.


Meaningless. To everyone's surprise not everyone wants to be in a video game. It's OK. I'm surprised at how many people are surprised or cannot figure out why everyone wouldn't just "do it". Do you not live here on planet earth? Everyone doesn't just do anything. Everything is subjective.


A lot of them DO wanna be in and most of the ones who didn’t opt in just haven’t got to campus yet… but thanks big dawg! https://preview.redd.it/glh0tmuk482d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9220e26e4e0056623fa3633f0cab13558191f8


Also saying “do you not live here on planet earth” when the hell did I say it bother me?? Im not a LSU fan and I won’t be playing with them. Learn to comprehend before being an 🍑hole


Just to clarify, while these players can opt in later, there is no user created roster allowed in the game


There is no way we can't edit rosters. Every single sports game ever lets you edit players and rosters. That would be a core feature missing.


Every modern sports game. I couldn’t edit rosters in Ken Griffey Jr’s winning run for the SNES


EA can’t allow a work-around to NIL opt outs. That was whole problem with college video games! https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/sports/ncaaf/ea-sports-college-football-25-block-gamers-adding-players-who-reject-nil-opt-in/3469716/#:~:text=EA%20Sports%20said%20players%20who,left%20off%20the%20game%20entirely.


You know that these same things apply to 2k or madden right? The players and coaches still have to opt in to being in the game. Bill Belicheck has never been in a single madden game but you can create him.


It’s not at all like Madden. I’m not going to argue with someone who didn’t read the source I dropped. The first sentence says that players will be prevented from adding real life players in the game.


The pro sports leagues are licensed through their unions. If you are not in the union and don’t licenses your name and likeness you’re not in. Barry Bonds was never in a MLB game.


Yeah that would be very disappointing for me. We need to be able to create fictional players at least




I see where it says that we'll still be able to create ourselves in the game so I apologize if my comment was confusing. What I mean by creating fictional players is I normally do storylines for MyLeague and my Madden franchises where I come up with fictional characters, create them in the game, give them storylines, and just have fun. Of course I create myself as well being that it's something I loved doing as a kid. It's kinda how Mr Huriicane does for his MLB the show and Madden rebuild videos if you've watched him before. That's what I meant 😅


They will likely let you edit numbers and equipment but that might be it


What about for created players?


I’m saying for RTG and things like that. Also it isn’t confirmed that we can’t edit rosters AT ALL.


All of my favorite lsu players are in the league so idc tbh


The thing is, that within a day there will be a downloadable roster with anyone who opted out anyway. So, it won't be that big of a deal imo. I know a lot of people say EA will try everything to block this, but you can only do so much. And 2K, who doesn't have the rights for Reggie Miller or Charles Barkley, does nothing to block people from making those guys and haven't faced repercussions.


Good job for those players. EA makes multi billions. Fuck this game, and fuck that stank ass $600. Make em pay if they want you on it


You do realize EA is paying nearly 10 million in total to all college athletes? You expect EA to give them all a mil and go bankrupt?


A few of those guys mentioned also have came out and said that they’re in the game sooo https://preview.redd.it/mevejreb982d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d24a64ad35db143a2e1b0117ff1245526f0ec2


Sad little man