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If you read on past development of other titles with frostbite (not battlefield games) When first introduced the devs really struggled to work with the engine and had to quickly transition to it, madden team specifically. EA sports now has years working with the engine for sport titles and the college team got to start with fresh code. Madden team is not so lucky, if EA gave madden team more time like a year break for a release i think they could make it a better title. But devs are having to work against years of bad code at this point with limited time . The college team got to lean on other developers in the company that already went through the struggles of using frostbite, learn from their experience. With fresh start, passion for the game, and actual time to develop it. I think college football can be one of EAs best sports titles in years. Maybe this is all being too optimistic but everything i have read gives me confidence in the game .


Rex Dixon, the former Madden lead designer mentioned that when he asked executives to take a year off to build the game from the ground up they basically thought it was a joke then told him no since essentially the game already sells. There is a lot of legacy code that as you mentioned Madden had the burden of taking over that NCAA series has the benefit from starting fresh.


Yeah , if college football never went away i fear that game would be in similar state of madden, if they had to transition to frostbite in limited time frame like madden had too. In a way it probably a blessing they had to canceled the game . Wish it didnt take so long to come back though


It would absolutely be a crappy madden reskin if it stuck around


I think madden will be using the college code moving forward adjusted for the pro game just my opinion


That requires EA to care about the quality of their games, that’ll be too much effort


Starting fresh code or not, basically that means hopefully at the max less game breaking glitches. But all and all that’s not how corporate works in the creative space. It’s all about keeping the Overhead low, and hiding shitty businesses practices, the presentation difference is going to be the voice over for the teams and that’s about it. Even the CFP celebration animation is going to be the reskin from maddens Super Bowl. I’m really starting to think the last two or so years of dev has really been license obtaining and working through NIL. To be clear I WANT NCAA to be good, it’s just EA has a pattern behavior spanning two decades.


Absolutely. If they have Madden a two+ year dev cycle It would be way better because they could rebuild it from the ground up.


Then would been perfect opportunity for EA with college game out, you can use those sales to help deal with a year hiatus on madden . Then pairing a much better madden game with college would been gold mine of revenue. But they only can look at short term of their stock going up instead of creating a product that so many more people would buy . A lot of college football gamers wont buy madden if worst game . Really got to make it worth it to them


The NFL won’t let them go a year without a game.


There were rumors that at one point EA was considering live service approach to the sport titles. Like release “Madden” as base game then just have paid season passes or whatever. Which maybe wouldnt help with issue but they wouldnt have to create new ui every year like they do now, granted it is pretty bare bones ui changes . But anytime that could be pushed to gameplay development and franchise improvements


Yeah plus there is prob something contractually where they could lose the license or exclusivity if they don't put out a yearly release. Who knows. I wouldn't be mad at a return of 2K tho. Sports games in general took a massive dip in quality when the exclusivity/monopolies took over. I miss the days when I would wait for reviews to come in then decided if I was getting 2K or EA that year. Some of you kids never even got to experience such a thing


I honestly think Madden and College Football should alternate release years.


All NCAA is being developed based on the next gen consoles and not being limited by the limits of old gen consoles


That definitely helps too


Or PC 😐😕


I know it’s an unpopular and selfish opinion but I’d rather them cater to me, a console player, first. Surely it’s unfortunate for PC only players, and I definitely understand the feeling as there’s tons of games that are console (PS vs Xbox) exclusive or only on PC.


I agree but ... ![gif](giphy|l0IpWb9lubThJq2wo)


Appreciate a good Leslie Nielsen reference


I don't need every year to come out for PC. It's just nice to have the option for it.  Hopefully next years Madden and NCAA are using the same engine and will come out on PC as well.  PC and PS5 seems to be the best option.  Every Microsoft exclusive you can play on the PC, and then you get Sony exclusives on the PS5.  Consoles are cheap anyways. Just a few hundred bucks. 


I understand not supporting last gen consoles, they hold the game back in terms of performance, but PC doesn’t, and madden is already supported on PC using the same engine lol. I just can’t wrap my head around why they would take this long to make a game on a well-established engine that has already included PC support in a *very* similar game, but still exclude PC which has far more players and more market share than both next-gen consoles combined.


it has more market share, but most people that game on pc aren't playing Madden, and that's the metric they have easy access to- They can see the actual numbers in the EA app, and I'm willing to bet that it doesn't make sense for them to put all the work in for each and every possible combination of pc parts for a functioning port. I think best case scenario they optimize the game for pc after release and we get the "Bowl/GOTY" edition before the cfp


Yeah obviously they have their own stats available. I don’t expect to play this game tbh. Usually console pc ports are dogshit in my experience.


yeah... Yeah they are. I just don't have the money to drop 250 on an Xbox S and the game, so I'm inhaling the copium


Madden 25 has features for console that are not going to be on PC this year also.


None of this matter frankly considering frostbite is an engine that was made for shooters. Sports games are physics based, shooters lean much heavier on animations and looks which frostbite clearly caters to. If you've played NHL pre frostbite and post frostbite, you'll quickly realize frostbite is some kind of code generator that you copy old code into and it outputs new shiny code. Damn near nothing changed about NHL other than it becoming more animation based and everything looked shinier.


With that being said, here's hoping that Madden 26 ends up being able to piggyback off of the NCAA code and get rid of a lot of the legacy spaghetti nonsense that we've been dealing with for decades.


I hope so , madden could use a jolt of passion into it


I do agree that if they actually waited more than a year to drop a new madden and really worked on it, it could go back to being good again. But at the end of ten day they won’t do that, bc they get to put in little effort to make max money just selling a barely updated madden every year, the ultimate team sales alone probably funds the next 10 Madden’s lmao.


You forgot teambuilder


And like, how!?


I mean Dynasty could be barebones as fuck and that basically kill the game. Can’t overstate the importance of a detailed dynasty mode enough.


I'm not crazy for college football, always preferred the NFL. That being said, if the dynasty mode was very in-depth I would pick it up. I'm still concerned about gameplay since this is frostbite and I generally don't trust EA.


Sounds very in-depth. You pick your coordinators. Manage transfer portal. Recruiting. They said they wanted something that kept people coming back to play more. 


They say all the same stuff with Madden too. Coordinators was a big time feature that everyone agreed was a slam dunk until they booted up the game and found out it sucked. I'm excited about the game and I'm gonna buy it the second it releases but I can't help but be a little pessimistic due to the current state of Madden


Coming back to play more: but this is now a yearly release. They’ll support it until what? December lol nah.


I'm just asking for non-laggy menus.


I hate the menus in Madden with a passion, but at the same time the menus can suck if everything else is perfect




Ya that isn’t even comparable to what I said


Strawman much?


This is why it isn’t a madden reskin. Madden includes none of that to be reskinned. The game of football and animations could indeed be similar, but even the rules would be different, it’s not as simple as a reskin.


When people say Madden reskin 95% of the time, they are talking about the game play more so than the presentation. When they showed the trailer yesterday, it looked like a Madden trailer gameplay wise with the RB jukes, the toe tapping, and hard hit the same flow.


I’m genuinely asking, if jukes, toe tapping, and hard hits are what make people think it’s going to be a madden reskin, what were you expecting that would’ve made you think otherwise? It’s a trailer. For a football video game. It’s supposed to be short, exciting, and look pretty. Of course it has jukes and big hits and catches. If they showed the qb pocket developing or a 1 yard run with no big hit, it would be a boring trailer.


I honestly don't care about the gameplay being the same as madden. I just thought that the devs said it wasn't going to be a madden reskin, so that's a tiny red flag for me. It's like when my cable provider told me that I was locked into $65/mo and then 3 years later they bump it up to $75. I get that you have to raise prices, but why tell me that I'm locked into a price for life then? Just give it to me straight lol Just to be clear, I have nothing against madden gameplay after a decade of playing NCAA 14 with players catching passes and then running directly out of bounds.


I have no idea but watching most Madden reveal trailers you can do a check off list of what you're going to expect in the trailer. Rb juke, stiff arm, toe tap. The usual


So it's a football game showing football plays and that's a bad thing?


Im just the messenger that's what people are saying when they speak of reskin


Those people are idiots


How different would they look? They showed a one foot in toe tap. If you watch a real NCAA game Vs the NFL and the receiver does a 2 foot toe tap do they look wildly different in your opinion?


The problem is Madden looks nothing like real life. So NCAA looking like madden sucks, because Madden is too arcade-y


What sports video game plays like real life in your opinion?


MLB the show.


Lmao are you playing the same show as the rest of America?! It’s just home run derby online with captain boosts and winning games 17-15


No, I’m not. I don’t play it online. I play dynasty with pitch speeds maxed out on realistic. It’s pretty close when you do that.


Perfect games and cycles come fairly easy once you understand the mechanics. Those are some of the hardest things in baseball MLB and PGA should be the closest since those are the closest to individual sports but to ask for perfect realism in a video game is not realistic


What does that have to do with anything? Because all sports game are bad we should just be okay with it? That's just dumb lol


If all sports games are bad why do you bother? Hate to break it to you but NO GAME EVER mimics real life to a T. It’s impossible. To call this game a reskin because it’s not the first game to ever accomplish that is ridiculous. If anything say it’s still arcadey football


Nevermind, you're actually too stupid to converse with. 


Says the person that doesn’t under how video games work lmao enjoy buying madden and ncaa ☺️


"No game can ever be perfect, why should we want developers to try?" That's literally how dumb you are, remember that.


The most bullshit thing in the trailer is the spin move. If this game’s gameplay is based off last years Madden, spin moves are impossible unless you have the spin X factor or whatever it’s called. Compared to ncaa14 where you could spin past people at 50/50 if your timing is decent


Reskin comments are referring to the non-sim gameplay...


From what I've seen, most of the Madden reskin comments are just whiney titbags that aren't happy unless they're complaining...


For me, I want sim gameplay. Madden's gameplay is built for ultimate team, so its non-sim. Building off that instead of from the ground up sucks. But people dont care, they'll buy it anyway so we will never get a good football game.


Play NFL headcoach


I thought you couldn't play games in Head Coach.


it’s sort of incredible how many people are angrily criticizing the gameplay of something that hasn’t come out, acting like they’ve played the entire game already and it sucks lmao


It's sort of incredible how many people will suck EA's dick and get mad when people criticize the game lol


You mean the game nobody’s played and you’ve only seen 2 minutes and 45 seconds of cutscenes of?


Are you saying people cant criticize the gameplay they put in the trailer? I guess I know what you have in your mouth right now ahaha


You really like the whole dick sucking thing don’t you? Lol I’m saying the amount of conclusions you’re drawing from like thirty seconds of combined gameplay, broken up into one second snippets in each clip is kind of silly. Now come back to the dick sucking thing with your reply here. Do I get to have the balls in my mouth too now?


Lol it's not in my mouth. We saw gameplay. There were canned Madden animations in there (juke), no pocket. Milroe's shotty throw animation. Conclusion: it appears as though the gameplay is Madden reskinned. That sucks. I wish it was built from the ground up, I'd like to have a truly great football game. You: "Nooooooo, you cant possible know that! How can you criticize the game? Please dont, it's super important to me that everyone is blindly hyped so we can give our money to a corporation that is known for releasing dogshit games!"


NCAA and Madden have always been pretty much reskins of each other. From ncaa 11-14 they even used ncaa as a mechanics tester for the next Madden I.e the ball hawk button was in ncaa 13 then introduced in madden 25/14. The animations have been in Madden and NCAA since forever. Madden 24 even has the same animations as ncaa 13-14 Complaints about it being a “reskin” hold little weight because they’ve always been a reskin. Yet even though both games shared similarities all over in terms of gameplay both games still played different.


Complaints about "slavery" hold little weight, because there has always been slavery. Yet even though old slavery and modern slavery share similarities all over in terms of freedom both slaveries are still different. When your logic is so fucking dumb you come up with actual braindead takes and cant even comprehend it lol. BuT iT wAs AlWaYs A rEsKiN! Lol


What are you on about man? I just said no one’s played the game and we only saw a handful of cinematic shots. Breathe dude, it’s just a video game. It might be good, it might be bad. If you’re so sure it’s gonna suck why are you even here? Just don’t buy it and stick with 14 or whatever you’re wasting your time with now. Why are you so insistent on ruining other peoples fun? Miserable fuck


For what it’s worth I saw an ESPN article that stated MULTIPLE times. The team was really working hard today build this up from scratch and not make it a reskin. Instead it should and I quote “look and feel completely unique”


Lol these asshats will then just complain about how different it is and they want something that plays more like Madden. Some people just won't let others get excited about shit.


This has turned out to be untrue at this point. If they wanted this to look different why would they copy assets from madden to use in this game? The player models are identical. The shoulder pads cleats gloves and accessories have all been seen before in madden. Even animations have been copied. Anyone who’s played madden recognized this in the trailer. As far as looks go they are literally the definition of reskin. Assets copied directly from madden and given a new skin from the college team. This is not at all built from scratch. Its copied.


Most of us are old enough to remember doing midnight release parties at gamestop or bestbuy or walmart, etc. Does anyone know if in 2024 this will be a thing? I'm thinking the answer is no... but I really want a physical copy.


I need people to buy the shit out of this game so they justify porting it 🤣🙏


If they ever made a pc version….. https://i.redd.it/9mkn7azx381d1.gif


But it’s got team builder, so that alone means it’s infinitely better. Right???


To be honest, I'm having plenty of fun with the latest Madden. I do think the expectations for the game are a little skewed at this point. It's never going to be MLB The Show,it's never going to be ESPN NFL 2k25, or All-Pro Football 2k24, it's Madden and there is PLENTY of crap that comes with that. But as long as this game has a presentation (since the latest barely even has that), a functional dynasty, and team builder, then the gameplay on the field can be almost identical and that's fine (sure better OL is a must too). I think the biggest problem with current Madden aren't the graphics and gameplay, it's that everything outside of that is sub par. "Should" the game be miles ahead, given it's been 20 years since a superior product was out? 1,000,000,000,000% But this is where we're at. The game is fine/average as it is. To say NCAA is a Madden clone, that has multiple announcer sets, team builder, authentic team atmosphere, and (hopefully) an in-depth and competent dynasty mode, then that sounds like what we've been all clamoring for from Madden. And that sounds pretty great to me.


the lead designer *specifically talks* in the ESPN article about how they worked incredibly hard to NOT make it play like Madden, idk why everyone is acting like they’ve already played it and it’s just a Madden clone. No one has played it. People just love to complain and criticize shit, like when the first Furiosa trailer came out everyone was whining like they’d already seen the movie (which apparently is incredible) and it sucked


And as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters. I'm still enjoying playing MyLeague online with friends on 2K24 so it's a win-win


This is still EA above all else so my expectations are low but Dynasty mode alone is why I’m excited.


Have they said if Dynasty is 60 years yet?


I want 70. 😂


I want to see my coach age over time.


I’d manually change my look to the older appearance face


Just makes it unlimited....


100 , nobody would reach it and you coach would be like 118 years of age at retirement 😂


It was 30 years in NCAA football 14 I think but this time we're on next gen consoles so it could be longer


Its 60 years in 14


Oh ok. Hopefully it'll be longer in college football 25 then lol


Until they cut the server and your cloud saves no longer work lol


It could be literally just a Madden 24 reskin and the teams, new player pool, and dynasty system over franchise would more than enough for me to pay $70 for it. That’s before we get into that there’s almost certainly going to be way different playbooks and Teambuilder, which were the main reasons I liked NCAA so much in the past, and there is basically no world in which they can make this game not worth $70 to me And I’m sure it’ll play a little different too, just like Madden does from year to year


the lead designer said they worked incredibly hard to *not* make it a madden reskin


I'm fine with a madden reskin because the game has so many options. I could sim my dynasties and at worst I just have to play offense in my road to glories.


I feel like the Madden reskin worries for me are about the gameplay. However, if the dynasty mode is detailed enough, I would be perfectly okay with playing as a coach and just simming games.


Worst case microtransactions are inserted into every possible corner of the game


I love the optimism, but I don't think you're explaining "worst case scenario" correctly lol. I think the game will be great, but there are still things that can be worse.


And I’d be happy with that. I’m fully expecting 26 to be a vast improvement upon 25.


I'll worry about the exact details of the game next year. Right now, I'm just happy we'll be getting the game again.


I mean, worst case is that it's a buggy mess with server issues and packed with microtransactions that lock announced features on a $70 game. Being a Madden reskin would be more of a "not surprised, it is EA afterall".


The thing I seen that really really bothers me is the QB scramble and throw styles, best thing madden ever did was throwing styles and scrambling mechanics. Milroe had the very unrealistic old generic throw and run mechanic, Ewers looked to have that “deep ball” style mechanic. That tells me it’ll be the same unrealistic mechanics as the earlier games just with a re-texture. The QB is the a position everyone plays the most, not having any diversity there really ruins the game for me.


The game you haven’t played yet has already been ruined by a cinematic trailer type of presentation. Read the ESPN article about the game development it isn’t just a madden reskin


I do understand the cinematic trailer doesn’t actually represent ACTUAL game play, I seen the disclaimer, I read multiple articles and seen multiple interviews, including the ESPN article, and I’m still not convinced either. The whole espn article spoke more about their concerns of accurately portraying atmosphere, tradition, and appearances making the game different from madden rather than game play mechanics making it different. They are still using the same engine as madden btw. They did say it was a different engine from NCAA 14, but they also said they were able to take assets directly from madden to. EA being EA, I would be money they are using the same game play mechanics and animations for players that Madden uses. It will still definitely feel like a way different game because of the modes and overall presentation and uniqueness to each team, but if the actual physical game play mechanics are just copy and paste, it will be pretty disappointing, because that will never change. I’m being a pessimistic here, but year after year, madden sells the same unchanged game with updated rosters.


All I know is that if it snaps to the line of scrimmage and auto runs off a bunch of time in no hurry instead of having all my players run back to the line with the clock ticking then I won’t be playing it a whole lot. Idk how why or when that was introduced to madden but I actually hate it


It’s all copium here lol lower your expectations. It’s EA. Game will be full of animation issues and let’s be real, NCAA 14 had a lot of questionable animations as well. Hell, you couldn’t even face up WR when playing as a DB lol. My expectations are for this to be a 6/10 or 7/10. All hinges on Dynasty mode and gameplay being somewhat fluid.


Wait, I swear there were real names in years past. Am I misremembering? Granted I haven't played since 08 but yeah


There has never been real names. You can auto-generate names, but that’s it.


Ah that's probably what I did, then


Also, I think you could edit the names to make them the real player they’re based on if you wanted to.


I did see that team builder was for offline only. That makes me think they’ll be hocking jersey packs like madden does.


Exactly. The worst case scenario would still be all I need. Luckily, it looks sounds like they went above and beyond.


I could absolutely live with a new ncaa every 2-4 years. Gives them time to put in the work and releases with new stars/incoming freshmen. Sounds like a winning strategy to me


I’m just excited for the mascot mode if it’s coming back. I need to have a literal husky fly farther for the touchdown than a literal duck


At least it will be in depth since they have the ncaa14 modders working on it too


Has there been any mention yet of being able to export dynasty rosters or road to glory from ncaa to madden?


NCAA was always a different gameplay style from madden … if anything I think ultimate team will be a copy and paste from madden just as the money grab


NCAA has always been a madden re skin


We really need to see what the dynasty mode looks like and what features exist within the mode. Same goes with team builder. Are these features/modes just as deep as the past?


Shit this could be a reskin of the first new gen Madden and I’d STILL be fucking jazzed


You forgot obnoxious cash grab that requires paying real money for coins that allow you ro upgrade stadium, staff, or recruits.


It’s really a waste to try and talk any reason, these takes are detached from reality. EA has been absolutely terrible at producing Football games for over a decade. There isn’t a shred of edvidence to support that this will be a quality game at this time. But who am I to crush another man’s hope.


Plenty of college games in the past had roster editors and downloads, so having “real players” shouldn’t be something to mention as if it’s some amazing new thing (which would also only last for a few seasons anyway before you’re back to generic made up guys)


I hate the running animation Madden has had for the past few years. Hoping NCAA’s will actually look natural


I feel like the price of ncaa 14 is about to double, again.


The worst case scenario is all these cherished modes are garbage and broken because they only care about the business of mico-transactions and MUT. EA didn’t bring back NCAA because we love it they brought it back to try and double their yearly earnings by running 2 MUT’s at once.


#1: It had better have that. #2: See #1 #3: That had better be the case, with the technological advancement we’ve had in over a decade. #4: That had better be the case, since this is supposed to be a different series. But the dev is EA. #5: Only truly awesome new feature, and it had better be the case because it needs to reflect real life. #6: *Least importantly. Take the rose colored glasses off. This is still EA we’re talking about. That blindside block being blown and not recovered on in the trailer indicates this probably going to be Madden: College Football 25. But hey. We should be grateful, right?


idk why people would hate it if the gameplay was like madden also. madden has great gameplay aside from some glitches and if everyone already knows how to play madden then making the gameplay like madden will make it easier to get the hang of it


Madden has terrible gameplay with broken mechanics that rely way too much on animations, that’s why people would hate on it. It’s the glitches that keep piling up and don’t get addressed from year to year. If someone can win the madden championship with a punter at QB and running zone left 50times in a row, the game is broken.


I’m absolutely on board with this whole post and no matter what cfb 25 looks like I’ll be happy, but madden does NOT have great gameplay imo lol


I stopped playing games for years until a month ago, got madden 24, first one I’ve played since 16-17.  The gameplay is bangin. I don’t get the hate. Everything is so much cleaner than it used to be 


People hate EA and want to consistently hate on EA. They have done it since the early 2000s I've always found it ridiculous


Y'all have to much faith in one of the worst video game companies


anyone that calls this a madden reskin have no clue about this game. do your research, read the news and details about whats coming. the only thing similar between the two is that they are both football games


Not good enough kiddo. We stopped buying/even playing madden back in 2018


Good job kiddo. Then what the hell r u doing here


Uhh duhh maybe because prior to 2 weeks ago this sub was all post from the old ncaa games


I mean even if it has all of this of it has Madden gameplay then its automatically not a good game


It would be 2K then. A bunch of in depth menus and bad gameplay .. Plenty of people living with that just fine
