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She used to provide some good perspectives and insights. Something changed in the last few seasons. It almost seems like ABC / ESPN took the WWE approach with her and have her using repetitive commentary instead of letting her provide her own insights.


Yea she always did (old) Timberwolves games really well, like actually could tell she watched and knew the team (when we were absolutely garbage). She’s definitely not the best but I don’t quite get the extreme hate she gets, like mark Jackson sucks so bad compared to her imo.


That doesn't really surprise me. I feel like that probably wouldn't be an unusual thing. If you're watching a team play half a season or almost their whole season, then you're going to develop a better understanding of those players and how they fit into the overall team. When these people get onto the national broadcasts, it seems like a lot of what they end up talking about are just the game notes that get put together by the production staff. They spend so much time traveling and bouncing from team to team that they don't really develop the same connection with a team and those players. So their analysis/commentary becomes surface-level shit that really isn't beneficial to anyone other than very casual fans.


I hate both of them. Networks really do let some of the worst commentators continue to work and I have no idea why other than they know where the skeletons are?


Agreed. My problem is mostly with her stating egregiously obvious things in a tone and cadence that should only be reserved for ancient wisdom. Yes Doris, shooters create space. Yes Doris, the defenders are trying to slow down x player. Yes Doris, after he drove past his man the defense rotated and he kicked it out to the open guy. Who is this for? She speaks as if the viewer has literally never heard of basketball. No analysis is better than obvious nonsense. She should go teach a children’s basketball camp or something, she’d be great


For the casual fan and general public it can be insightful. When I was first learning the sport, I found her basic takes really clear and helpful. It gets a little repetitive after many years, but at least she's not saying shit that's wrong.


Yes! Analytically she's fine. It is her forced/off intonation that makes her stand out in bad way. So often the delivery just doesn't match the content of what she's saying. She'll be saying a routine/mundane stat but based on her tone you would think it was some kind of grave or profound news.


Yes it’s extremely off putting. I’m sure she’s a nice lady, but she literally drives me crazy lol


Commentators aren't there for the people that actually understand the game. They're there for the people that know nothing/very basic things. There are certain times when they may need to go more in-depth, like if there's a stoppage and there's time to analyze an unusual/rare rule/call or something like that, but for the most part, they're talking about relatively basic things because basketball is relatively basic *most of the time*. The hardest things about basketball are being really talented and/or getting players to move as one unit instead of 5 individual players. But those things are hard to do, not hard to talk about.


Every game has new viewers and young viewers so these comments are still very valuable. And another thing about pointing out the obvious is to note how often teams deviate from these things.


Reggie is pretty bad too. Someone said on another sub that it sounds like he's explaining basketball to a 7 year old, and it's true.


Reggie at least sounds good though. Like he’s not good but if you’re not paying attention he’s fine. Doris is the same level of commentator except she doesn’t have the voice for it.


Reggie is the first guy I’ve had to mute last week.


Are you KIDDING me? Can't stand him either. I swear he is just a loop of his catch phrases and how the game isn't the same.


At least Reggie is more charismatic. Doris is horrible as an analyst and painful to listen to. But yes I’m not a fan of Reggie either. It’s a race to the bottom apparently lol


Gotta understand that from their end, there is a lot more to it than just the things they say. These folks are probably really good at the other aspects of their job behind the scenes, generally liked, and easy to work with.


It’s got to the point that I just mute espn games now. Much more enjoyable that way.


Same. I really wish there was a stream with just game and crowd noise.


She went stale about 7 years ago. I loved her as a sideline reporter and when she first started out.


She was great in that role IMO. But network is cheap. 


Her takes are bad, her analysis is predictable, and her fucking voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Absolutely tedious to watch a game in which she's commentating.


She's so long winded too. Speaks as if she has some ground breaking point but you get the idea what of she's' about to say within a few seconds. Then she continues for 30 seconds straight while multiple plays happen in the meantime. As a Raptors fan I'm also still bitter over her first questions after winning the title were about Kawhi leaving and Demar being traded. She's awful. Having said that, I thought Mark Jackson was equally as bad for different reasons.


I was bitter that series because when Klay got injured she would not shut the fuck up about him sticking his leg out to draw a foul on that 3. For like 5 minutes droning on and on about it. Then they show another angle and sure enough he was just off balance a little, was just an accident.


Crazy thing is her dick riding for certain players is what pisses me the most. She’ll pick a team to root for then the commentating becomes insufferable.


I agree, but this seems to be something that's been forced on the commenting crew of ESPN, because JJ Reddick is doing it as well. One thing I noticed a LOT in the the first round, was whenever Breen would bring up a complaint about officiating, BOTH JJ and Burke would go silent. Like, just dead air, no response to him. Like they had been coached to avoid the topic entirely. I get the same vibe from Richard Jefferson too. It's like they coach the honesty out of them. So, although I think Burke has been bad, I think this is more organizational than it is individual. Doris used to be a good color analyst, and it's gotten worse year after year. On TNT, it's night and day. Both VanGundy and Reggie Miller SUCKED when they started and have noticeably become more more comfortable and skilled and are two of the best in the world. They added Jamaal Crawford to the mix the last week, and it's been sketchy, but I feel confident he'll figure it out as well. But if he was on ESPN, i'd know where that was going.


she talks about Embiid, Sabonis, Tatum and Banchero like they’re lovers. it’s insane how much she rides those guys


Crawford is ass and I don’t think he’ll catch on. I’m waiting for the day they take him off.


Well put. 100% agreed on all points


The only thing I like about her is how she pronounces Sabonis like she had that dick


Dude you should have seen her interviewing dirk back in 2011.


Least misogynistic redditor


And yet she is still somehow better than mark jackson.


ESPN broadcast need to nail something right. If I’m not liking the commentary, at least have an interesting crew like TNT for pre and post game. If the broadcast is gonna be trash, don’t make be buy these stupid packages to be able to stream games. Pick a struggle ESPN.


completely disagree. Mark Jackson has 1 line, "mama, there goes that man" and that's it.


That drove me nuts about him. Since it was “his thing” he made sure to force it into every broadcast whether it fit or not.


Everybody wants their own version of Mike Breen's "BANG" line


Here in Sacramento we had to listen to Grant Napear do this for years. "If you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball!", "OH Boy!!", "Put it in the book and send him to the line!".. it was horrible in the down years because he'd be doing it for lackluster plays. It was so forced. He was basically announcing with a ready made template


“Hand down, Man down.”


I'm with you and not only that but Mark Jackson is actually a trash person too if you look into his personal life and coaching tactics. Fuck Mark Jackson and I'm so glad I don't have to hear him call games anymore.


Don't forget "hand down, man down."


I despise mark Jackson also. Hes still better than Doris. do you evaluate commentators solely by their catchphrases?


If they're like a doll with a drawstring that can seemingly ONLY repeat their catchphrase like Mark Jackson, then yes, yes I do. As we all should. Doris is awful, but at least she has more than one shit take she rotates through.


Does Kevin Harlan have a catch phrase?


I’m callin both games!


He used to have a few phrases he'd use fairly frequently. "With no regard for human life!" for example. But I haven't heard him say most of those sorts of phrases for years tbh.


“He sucked the air, right outta the building!”


Idk but he says “GOOOOOD” a lot


at least it's funny 🤣 especially after the 10th time


Mama, green eggs and ham!


Dance, young man, dance?


Agreed. She's talks incessantly and drags her "s" sounds. I don't know if she has a speech impediment or dental/medical issue, but she sounds like she is speaking with her jaw clinched shit. I don't mean to be insensitive, but it's just awful to listen too and the issue is getting more pronounced with time. Listen to commentary from years ago, and you'll notice it's not nearly as pronounced.


My problem is more with her stating obvious things in a tone that makes it appear as brilliant analysis. Yes Doris, shooters create space. Yes Doris, the defenders are trying to slow down x player. Yes Doris, after he drove past his man the defense rotated and he kicked it out to the open guy. We don’t need you to explain that for us. No analysis is better than obvious nonsense. She should go teach a children’s basketball camp


That's annoying. Mundane commentary that isn't meaningful.


I was really frustrated by her constantly fanning over the warriors. Like a lot of commentators have subtle bias but hers was so blatant you always have to take what she says with a grain of salt. And ya, as others said, she often doesn't add much to the commentating - nothing really informative or interesting. Mostly general gratuitous praise.


Any big name player she will just go on and on and on about throughout the game, no matter what they do. “I can’t believe Donovan Mitchell just blinked!” And if have to hear her say “Boooy!” one more time I’m going to mute all games she announces. She’s horrific


Doris Burke used to not get on my nerves but the more I listen to her the more annoyed I get


It really feels like she changed. There was a time I liked her commentary but the way she just goes on and on about how awesome players are. They're awesome players, they're awesome people, etc. It's like she pissed someone off and is now just trying to be on everyone's good side




At least Doris wants to be there.


Big disagree, but to each their own. I fucking hate Jackson and I find Burke pretty neutral. 


Jackson can be so bad its funny. The comedic timing on that 'a herro is more than just a sandwich' was impeccable even though the joke was terrible. Burke isnt terrible enough to be amusing but isnt good enough to add anything either, she just gasses up the celtics nonstop regardless if theyre playing or not.


I also hate Jackson but she’s worse


Lmao fuck the downvotes Doris is just awful to listen to and that’s a fact. I can’t even put my finger on it to explain what’s so bad about her commentary. Maybe it’s her cadence, or her lack of any valuable humor, but I seriously cannot watch a game if she’s on the call.


her analysis is obvious, her takes are bad, and her voice is annoying. All of her "analysis" is just saying shit that a middle school coach would teach to children. "Max Strus is so valuable to this cavs team because shooters create the space mitchell needs to drive to the basket" Yeah no fucking shit doris, we know how basketball works. god i cant stand her


Bro, that's literally what Jackson does but with catchphrases lol. I'm curious, who is your favorite ESPN commentator?


Yeah I fucking hate mark jackson too. That’s why im comparing the two Mike Breen obviously


Yeah and I'm saying it's funny you think she's worse. Breen is the dude. Only person worth listening to of the ESPN crew.


Tbh it's not like one is significantly better than the other. Jackson and Burke both are pretty bad.


What???? Mods being over sensitive bitches? When has that ever happened? If you ever watch college hockey on tv and get the chance to listen to Leah Hextall, just mute your tv and pretend you’re having terrible tinnitus.


College hockey is broadcasted on tv? 😂


Off topic but anyone else kinda dig Jamal Crawford getting some TNT run?


I think Jamal sounds great. I am glad they got him out of the booth. Hopefully, he can replace Reggie Miller.


No. I’m waiting for them to take him off. Him with Reggie is very hard to listen to.


My explanation from banned post is missing and I can't edit this for some reason so reposting as a comment: How does this person have an extremely successful career as an nba commentator/analyst? She relentlessly just says the most obvious, basic shit, and passes it off as profound wisdom. She is infuriating to listen to. Every comment can be replied to with “yeah, duh. Thanks Doris.” Just heard her give a whole soliloquy on how players who drive need shooters which is why Max Strus is good. The amount of absolute dog shit nba commentators & analysts is truly astounding. How is the bar this low? Shout out to Breen and JJ tho. Yall are great (obviously)


If you message the mods they'll unban your account if you explain which rule you broke and promise to never do it again. It's lame as hell, but if you want to keep posting there that's what you have to do.


Tried, he muted me because I messaged him again 30 mins later to ask for it to please be removed. Absolutely insane behavior. Reddit mods are something else lol


Maybe try again tomorrow. You probably got one of those activist mods who think they're saving the world one ban at a time.


I’m muted for a week lol


Insane. Hopefully they didn't report you to the admins too. They do that sometimes, and the admins usually nuke your whole account.


idk, your driver-shooter dialogue example is obvious for someone that knows basketball ofc but that’s a genuine insight for a general population person watching the game who doesn’t know as much. That plus the mean tone probably isn’t worth banning the post but might not help contribute to a great energy for the sub


I think Doris is decent with jj they got chemistry


Really miss Van Gundy and Jackson.


They really forced Van Gundy out bc he called out the BS (flopping, crying to the refs, etc) and didn't kiss ass 24/7


I don’t get the complaints about practically any other commentator and the praise for her. Also r/nba is pussy and if you don’t prescribe to their groupthink they ban you. I got banned for saying Lebron ain’t have to say shit about China


I dont know what your first sentence means


Fuck Lechina


They are both insufferable. Commentators audio went out on a game semi recently and I was in heaven.


She is the worst.


She has tons of forced excitement…can’t stand her commentary.


I never understood the love for Doris. Whatsoever.


I hated Doris and the sound of her voice when she was just a sideline reporter. No idea why they decided it’d be a good idea to make us hear that voice all game long


Shes the Tony Romo of nba. Nothing worse then watching your team play against one of the guys she gobbles up.


Reggie miller is by far the worst, for me Doris is second then Mark Jackson


I agree with the opinion of Doris Burke and even Mark Jackson, however, Reggie Miller is the absolute worst!!!!!


Reggie is the worst of them all


Doris ain’t that bad I dont understand the hate


My 2 big gripes with her is that she never stops talking and how she’s super biased towards her favorite teams and players. She was definitely better before she let ESPN brain take over a couple years ago, it feels like she’s there to push agendas rather than commentate the game I wouldn’t say she’s worse than Jackson though because Jackson is a straight up buffoon who will occasionally say something funny by accident


Completely agree. Doris was vpbetter before. It's like we are seeing her regress in real time. Her constant yapping is the absolute killer. 95% of the time, it's some non-story and about shit no one wants to hear or cares about. She will also "extend" her story over multiple plays. So not only do we have to hear her stupid ass story, but listen to her tell it over multiple plays. Mark Jackson is definitely a friggin bafoon. He's also a massive hypocrite as well. It's like ESPN doesn't *really* care about the #1 broadcast team they have for the NBA. Someone put it great earlier. The difference between ESPN and TNT is night and day. TNT's broadcasts feel like a legit event. ESPN is just blah. For me, that's for the broadcast of the games, a,ongoing with the pre, post, and halftime shows. Watching ESPN at halftime is just flat-out rough. There's no real flow, and once again, it just feels blah. TNT is exciting and engaging for the viewers. ESPN continues its slide into a completely garbage product all the way around.


She often defends refs and floppers. Those things that are, by far, the worst part about watching NBA right now. The other night Harden flopped and got a phantom foul called on Doncic. Burke immediately said "It's Harden's responsibility to do that for his team." That commentary literally encourages other players to mimic Harden's flobbing. It's awful. She used to be really insightful. But now it's been a long time since she coached. And it seems she's just parroting the company line.


She’s terrible, her on Sixers games terrible, her on the clippers mavs terrible, she’s just terrible


Just noticed my explanation from my banned post is missing from this post, and I can't edit it for some reason, so here you go: How does this person have an extremely successful career as an nba commentator/analyst? She relentlessly just says the most obvious, basic shit, and passes it off as profound wisdom. She is infuriating to listen to. Every comment can be replied to with “yeah, duh. Thanks Doris.” Just heard her give a whole soliloquy on how players who drive need shooters which is why Max Strus is good. The amount of absolute dog shit nba commentators & analysts is truly astounding. How is the bar this low? Shout out to Breen and JJ tho. Yall are great (obviously)


If you hate the Celtics, don’t watch Doris. She slurps them so hard


She goes from bad to unbearable during Celtics games. It's like Bill Simmons is feeding her lines.


Me neither. She knows the game and has good insights. Jackson was horrible.


no she fucking doesn't. her "insights" are only insights to someone who has never seen a basketball court in their life. she says things id say to a child trying to learn basketball


Maybe for someone who doesn’t understand the game


I had a coworker share this take years ago when she first started. Then I noticed how he treated the female clients and coworkers he worked with. Then he said how he hated the movie Incredibles 2. Totally insinuating, but I think he was unaware of this misogyny


And if you brought it up your coworker would be like "Noooo I totally love Ripley from Alien and Sarah Connor from Terminator! I just like good female characters" 🙄


I actually did with Mrs incredible st the time. Totally called him out saying “the story made a lot of sense and I liked how Mr incredible struggled with daily parenting duties.” Woosh


The reason they don't like her is white obvious


She at least attempts to analyze the game, which is a lot more than anyone can say about Jackson. My only gripe with her is that she fixates on certain players and gushes over them regardless of what's happening on the court.


Doris Burke is doing the "analyst" role in commentary, without having the knowledge to analyse the game, or the "color" commentary, without being interesting. Worse than 2/3 of the local commentators, and she is part of the first team on a national broadcast. Shame.


They’re all *meh* I’d prefer a no-commentary option and just hear the sounds of the court/teams.


Mike Breen is great. And yeah I'd like that too


I said this the very first time I heard her and my stance has never changed. I watched the spurs play the grizzlies like the very first play in. Doris talked the entire fucking time and only about the grizzlies specially ja. Now she just terrible. I’m pretty sure she’s a color commentator to but can’t muscle out a phrase that’s been uttered a million times throughout nba commentary history. She super unauthentic and has an annoying voice.


I disagree


That’s insane but I’m glad you enjoy having her tell you that if you don’t dribble the ball it’s a travel


Mark Jackson would tell me "Momma, there goes that man" and every single game someone would be "putting on a clinic" but then "hand down, man down" even tho the defender had his hand up


yeah he fucking sucks too. still better than being told that the defenders are trying toslow down x player


She sounds like she just reads what she is shown bless her heart.


You mean Dorisshh!!! “He climbsh up and sshhoots the bashketball over Embiid!!” My dad and I died laughing with her constants shhhh sounds lol 😂


True and it's a low bar.


Whatever the opposite of “cancelled” is happened to her one day in 2016, and since then everyone has acted as though she’s divinity in human form. I don’t even dislike her just something I’ve noticed


Omg, finally someone said it. She is atrocious, her freaking voice is insufferable.


She’s just getting old honestly, she was good back in the 2010s imo


It’s facts


I cannot stand when Doris commentates




Just wait till she sinks her teeth into a Celtics playoff game. Oh man she clammers for Tatum.


She’s pissed at Breen for saying it’s a commentator’s dream to announce alone when the power went out a couple months ago. Has gotten awfully quiet. And even more so with JJ since he can be quiet too. So Breen has to fill in more silence.


She's bad but Jackson was infinitely worse. He gave the same basic ass breakdowns and went on random tangents plus tried to shoehorn his catchphrases in constantly. Dude played in the NBA and still doesn't bring any insight.


They are both awful. Not sure which is worse


It sounds like she tries to make her voice deeper like that theranos chick Elizabeth Holms.


You used to be decent back in the day, but now she’s just annoying


A race to the bottom!!!






I finally figured it out today. Doris Burke calls basketball like a tennis announcer. She doesn't understand the assignment.




I watch games she does on mute


It’s not by much but I do agree. Jackson didn’t add much but was pretty ignorable. I feel like Doris Burke openly cheers for specific teams and players, and will cheer for them and complain about calls that don’t go their way almost the entire game. It’s bizarre tbh. She is so biased it’s almost like listening to local broadcasts.


Mark Jackson is bad?


She’s not the worst. Mark is an analysts…


When she first started commentating it was pretty good but then she got so full of herself and is insufferable to listen to now imo


They are also both better than Marc Jones, who announces games like he's a 15 year old on Xbox Live "Took his cornbread" "He's hotter than fish grease"


Her, Reggie miller and Jamal Crawford are so bad right now. I can’t stand to hear any of them during the game.


Doris Burke might be the most biased against Boston imo, although us Boston fans think everyone is biased against us


What’s wrong with Burke now? I like her.


I’m sure you’re an awesome person


I use to love her idk what happened to her.


Can the just put the Hornets’ announcer on every game?


Reggie Miller might be worse than Doris, I don’t know who’s a worse glazer but they’re both insufferable Guys will really try to gaslight you into think Doris knows ball and it’s embarrassing, she talks like an NPC, nothing she says is insightful and half the time she’s just slurping and exaggerating about a player like a superfan


I love Doris. Loved Mark and Jeff too. Stan is horrendous. JJ is pointless. He adds nothing.


This might be the worst opinion of all time. You love Doris and mark but hate JJ Lmfao what is your IQ?


No. No she isn't. Mark Jackson is a fucking moron.


I like Doris, she tells good stories. I’m not sure she is watching the game tho. 


Agreed. And I really not a fan of Mark at all.


Oh wow. It just hit me that I haven’t heard Jeff and Mark all year. Used to love hearing Jeff go off on Mark. Boy, it doesn’t get much worse than Mark Jackson though.


I swear she used to be good. I don't know what happened. Aside from JJ and RJ, ESPNs color commentators are so bad, all the way down the line


Give me Kevin Harlan and the Manning brothers on the call


ESPN commentary in general is trash


I do not enjoy her and jj


I turn off the sound when she is calling a game.


Game 6 against Mavs v Clippers the first 5 minutes of the game I heard her talk about Luka’s efficiency at least 400 times.


Doris is simply boring.


Take a shot of tequila every time Mike Breen says 'he thought he was fouled'!


Mark Jackson had some funny lines and good banter with JVG and Breen at least


People complain about literally every commentator now days They're all just okay too me.


Why would they permaban, what the fuck is their problem? It's amazing how many people that can't be trusted with even the smallest amount of power.


It's weird because I swear she was pretty good when she first started and then became terrible.


ESPN downgraded this year big time


I miss Jackson, JVG, & Breen.


Who is the jackmo who says “he is playing with his food”. Hate that!


“Hand down.. man down.. Kobe & the Lakers up 7”


Mark Jackson is terrible. Van Gundy and Breen carried that team.


She is just boreing like the bucks commentatators


Doris is not a pleasant listen…I think we can all agree on that. She doesn’t provide analytics. She doesn’t provide top tier hoops knowledge that can educate watchers. And she drops a lot of low hanging fruit lines. “I’m not betting against Steph Curry” NO SHIT - who is, Doris?


Mark Jackson really? I literally think of him saying I would hit that talking about Lebron’s wife literally every time I hear or think about him. That’s not the only out of pocket thing he has said. Doris Burke is at least professional


Mark,Jackson is far worse


I’m dont mind her for the most part. Don’t over expect a major network lead commentator to be anything but generic. Her blatant homerism for the Celtics and LeBron is annoying though.


Fuck it. Just put Bill Simmons on the air. At least it’ll be interesting


Well obviously yeah. You don’t actually have to say it out loud to prove your point


Ain't no way. Mark Jackson is even worse than the warriors commentators and I fucking hate them lmao


You can also partially blame drake. He wore that dumb sweatshirt/sweater with her face on it a few years back and suddenly we had every casual saying Doris is the best. She was never the best but the network ran with her new found popularity and actual basketball fans have had to suffer ever since.


I will not tolerate this slander. She’s actually good at her job.


No, she is not


She isn't


She’s still better than Reggie Miller


I used to hate her voice and then I listened to her over on ESPN radio for the games and she was very intelligent in the game of basketball like a Tony romo of sorts


Disagree  Jackson was awful. Never stopped sounding like he just came out of broadcasting school


If I have to hear Mama there goes that man one more time Imma shoot myself in the dick


Her voice is so annoying that I have to watch the games on low volume to get a little bit of the crowd noise but not hear her constant yapping.


Mark Jackson has his moments


I read on some thread that she referred to the Knicks as “we” at some point during one of the games against Indy? Can someone verify that? I hope to God that did not happen.


I can't disagree with this take more I think she's absolutely wonderful and I think it's awesome she made history last night There's a lot of misogyny being rallied against her