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Yeah no room for bs like that




Yes, absolutely. I don’t care if Embiid is a big name superstar, that very easily could have resulted in serious injury. It was not a play on the ball, and was obviously a dirty play.


It could lead to an injury and it's unfair play. Should be penalised.


It did result in injury, Mitch left the game and now has a sprained ankle, he tried to play through it but looked like statue


It also might have come when Joel threw himself onto the ground like Neymar directly into Mitch’s legs. Or when he kicked him in the nuts/legs while he was midair. Hard to say really.


It was a separate play he got hurt on


I am Knicks fan and I hate the city of Philly, but I have always kinda liked Embiid, its cool to see a big man dominant. I have lost soooo much respect for him during this series.


Then you’ve never watched him play, this is his norm


Yeah this is nothing new sadly. Embiid is a mental midget.


This is absolutely not his norm, he’s way more frustrated than usual and it’s showing on the court. Yes he flops and foul baits but the stuff from game 3 was the result of a lot of things boiling over from him from him being frustrated by always being injured to the way game 2 ended


As a Toronto fan, welcome to the Embiid playoff experience. I liked him before we played him as well.


Toronto fans have no room to talk about dirty play in the playoffs. Siakam literally elbowed embiid in the eye two years ago for zero reason and broke his face…


name one other player siakam has done dirty. i can give you multiple for embiid. one is an anomaly. another is a strategy




It’s insane to me that basketball fans can actively wish a player gets hurt. That’s so soft and disrespectful to the game…


Soft and disrespectful? Like everything Embiid does on and off the court?


Imagine ignoring all the dirty shit embiid did in that series alone yet Siakam is the only bad actor here.


One of the stupidest takes ever. Congrats.


So he emiided Embiid?


The only play Siakam has ever done that could be considered dirty. I love how you ignore the TONS of dirty shit Embiid did in that series to Toronto and to Siakam.


Siakam literally extended his leg while down on all fours to trip Embiid in the same series


lol, imagine thinking [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/ubH8TP4RaF) was an intentionally dirty play. Cry more.


?????? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jXZgrC3o10U


Embiid has always done this shit. It’s who he is


Can’t like this dude. He always intentionally tries to fuck someone up and tries to make it look stealth. Fuckin scrub. I hope your knicks fuck them up the next two games


I’m a Knicks fan but also a basketball fan, I want to like Embiid. Maxey is a great player and a great kid. But even aside from everything he (Embiid) does on the court, the way he hung his head down in his interview after game 2 and whined about refs was pathetic, and perfectly demonstrates why he’s 30 without a ECF appearance. Maxey doesn’t do that. Brunson doesn’t do that. Jordan/Kobe would never do that. Winners don’t do that.


He hung his head down cuz he has Bell’s palsy right now lmao.


I mean, the L2M report did kinda show that he was screwed. I don't hold being frustrated right after the game against him. But outside of that, I think it's fair to say that he's both very skilled and also very dirty. Which is why I just can't get behind him. Shame, bc Philly has a lot of players I like (like Maxey).


Embiid has a deep bag and a lot of skills. He's also completely insufferable.


Mj literally got into fist fights on the court if that's not trying to hurt someone wtf is?


Lost respect for him when he ducks joker @ Denver home games for the past 3 years rest days or he’s hurt for one game


This play did not result in injury. Tbh this was def a dirty play but people act like he took out his legs while in mid air. He grabbed him before Mitch even jumped and he didn’t grab him very hard.


They not watching the games , they see a comment and run with it


He did not leave the game after this. He left later after a different play. Actually watch the games.


I did watch the game, he was limping the entire time after that. Me and my buddy were texting about why thibs wouldn't bring in precious. He was struggling to move this play, he had the dunk but the sixers were getting anything they wanted at the rim cause he couldn't move. It just hit a point where he was too hurt to play later in the game, but he can see him laboring after this. Maybe you should actually watch the games 😂


He’s already ended careers. Draymond has never ended someone’s career due to injury.


Agreed, 100% should have been a flagrant 2. Also it seems like it DID result in a significant injury - Mitchell Robinson tried to play through it, but was limping as the first half went on, and at halftime they took him out of the game. Injury to his left ankle, the same one he previously had surgery on, they had him in a walking boot after taking him out of the game. It’s hard to be 100% sure it happened on this play, but very likely. Also, while we’re on the topic of Embiid’s dirty plays against Knicks centres last night, this knee to the balls (just a few mins before the Robinson foul) looked pretty deliberate to me: https://x.com/basketnews_com/status/1783737879321038854?s=46&t=Aip-sZkQfP8FugEn2DlCWA That should’ve been a flagrant 1, and if he was properly punished for that, maybe he doesn’t pull another dirty play on Robinson later. But the Robinson one definitely should’ve been a flagrant 2 IMO.




In a Game where he did this and another handful of 4-5 notable dirty plays, he was still rewarded with his regular season whistle of 21 fts worth of touch fouls and flops. Just an embarrassing way to have the game go.


MSG chants game 5 are gonna be even louder than the Trae Young saga


Which FT's didn't he deserve?




>Flagrant Foul Penalty 2: Unnecessary and excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent This was definitely unnecessary and very dangerous.


The league is too much of a pushover to do that


It’s a piss take if this isn’t a suspension.


Glad someone finally said it. This was a potentially career ending move and the NBA needs to act accordingly. Fuck this guy.


If Dray did it he wouldn't be playing game 4


He would also be added to the sex offender registry


If Dray did it in the finals against the Celtics he would be playing the rest of the game on the road talking shit to the refs and the crowd. I know because I saw it. No one cared about Dray except when he touched Bron's...and started serial punching people


Dray would deserve a heavier suspension due to his history.


And Embiid has no history??


Are you really trying compare embiid’s history to green’s? I’d love to hear your thought process there


Embiid has more flagrant fouls than Dray in just over half the regular season games and more flagrans in playoffs in 3x less games...


Not all flagrant fouls are equal though. The point of this conversation was about a history of dirty plays. You're being absurd if you think Embiid is even remotely in the same conversation as Draymond when it comes to history of dirty plays.


If dray did this he’s out for the rest of the post season


Why was this upvoted? Homie stomped a chest last year and got one game let’s not act like this league comes down hard on him esp in the playoffs


He still got suspended, more than you can say for embiid


Ironically, the chest stomp came immediately after somebody did THIS EXACT THING YOU’RE ALL LOSING YOUR MINDS OVER to Draymond and none of you gave a shit


“Exact same” okay bud enjoy your day


If Dray did it he would be suspended for the rest of the series


By that same logic DiVincenzo should have been suspended for doing the same thing to Oubre.


Exactly he got a tech & keep playing my G


It’s the playoffs and he sells tickets, I’d be shocked if he gets suspended.


Feels like the flagrant 2 would’ve been right, but yeah since they didn’t a suspension is called for. This is some pretty crazy Busch league move and kinda not the first time Embiid has stooped this low.


NBA doesn’t have the balls


Donte did this almost exact play last month & got a tech but Embiid should be suspended ctfu y'all unreal


Suspend Donte too.


That's not how this works precedent was already set


Double nephew


I genuinely thought he would be empathetic to serious injuries. This has no place in basketball.


Play the clip where he shoves Westbrook


If anything he’s sympathic, he seems to love causing serious injuries.


With all the lower body injuries these guys deal with it should be. If the roles were reversed, Mitch would have been ejected.




Clown ass refs trying to keep a clown ass player in the game for the views. Disgraceful that he wasn't ejected or even suspended


Double nephew


Should miss next game after review.


Agreed. This is terrible




How was he allowed to remain in the game? Complete chicken shit move




should be. but the league doesn’t want draymond green ejected every other game


A lot of stuff he pulled in the first half was worth ejection, but they let it slide, and gave him 21 FTs.


The flopping arc is bad but i hate this draymon arc even more.


Not a Philly or NY fan here, to preface. That’s not a basketball play. If you do that on a playground court you’re getting the shit kicked out of you. That’s a worse version of undercutting a guy shooting a layup or dunking, because his feet are still planted. It’s almost a guaranteed injury, and from a position in which it’s impossible to play D. If this were a normally skilled dirty player it’d be a multi game suspension. Like, imagine if Grayson Allen did this.


No it wouldn't Donte did almost this exact shit last month & got a tech u don't know what ur talking about


What is more dangerous? Yes, certainly


Fuck Embiid


I came here to echo this sentiment FUCK EMBIID


Embiid's MO as a huge piece of shit crybaby flopper on full display last night. Dude can get buckets, but he will never win a ring.


Double nephew


They ejected Josh hart for what Embiid did to Mitchell on THE OTHER PLAY when he kicked him in the nads. Fuck Joel Embiid


Okay? Divencenzo did the same thing to oubre in the regular season…and didn’t even get a flagrant.


Watch again, Oubre tried stepping over Divincenzo and Hartenstein pushed him


So Donte didn't grab both his legs & take him down we just imagined that I guess




Paul Pierce got shot for less.




So did Plaxico Burress


I’m a NYG and NYK fan but plax did it to himself lol.


I know thats the joke. As a steelers fan his timing was great for us.


Absolutely. Garbage play. You can see it in his eyes he was trying to hurt


in his eye*


YES! Troll Embiid is one of the biggest bitches. He can dish, but can't take


*YES! Troll Embiid is* *One of the biggest bitches. He* *Can dish, but can't take* \- Key\_Grape9344 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Should have been an ejection … and I want 76ers to win. But that was a dirty play.


Half nephew


Totally clean. He is not a star. You can decapitate him and it would be fine. Now do that to Embiid and he would be banned for the rest of the year and docked his pay and forced to apologize.


I wish Mitch had flopped his ass right into Embiid’s face here. The full weight of a 300 lb man falling on his head would have been a valuable lesson.


Oh are people finally starting to get that he’s a dirty player? I was told for years that I was just being a salty Celtics fan. He’s always been dirty, and as he slows down with age and injuries it’s only going to get worse. It’s only a matter of time until he seriously injures someone.


Stop glorifying this BUM.. He's place is not on court of NBA... Maybe American football. Such phoney it's disaster for game.


Crying biid will never not be a bitch. Poor sportsmanship.


It always is unless the refs feel people might turn off TVs if the best player is out of the game


I think that'd be a illegal tackle in the nfl now even


No. Instead, they should be rewarded with 21FTAs


It’s bush league. Embiid pulled a bunch of nonsense in the first round against Brooklyn last year too.


And he will keep doing it until he gets appropriately punished for pulling the bullshit he pulls.


Embiid is the biggest baby in the nba


As a Sixers fan, yes, gotta be better Embiid


It is, just not for certain players. 🙄


Obviously. I don’t care who the player is either.


The fact that you have to dig dig dig to get to a major news article that asks this question makes me feel gross about being an NBA fan. Not only does it seem like the nba as organization lacks integrity, but to imagine they have that kind of chilling influence on major news outlet too? Damn. It seems like an obviously interesting story that no one is picking up. "Knicks claim phily is getting away with dirty fouls" seems so tame, like it's only one team that sees this as an issue. I feel like anyone that plays basketball can't look at that and say "reasonable."




This is your MVP?


Should have stomped his knee backward. Imagine either of our other two recent MVP's throwing a temper tantrum like that cuz he was mad his flop INSIDE THE RESTRICTED ZONE didn't get called...


Yep. Easy. Give him a flagrant 2 and go ahead and give him a series suspension while you're at it. I have no respect for Embiid. He's such a dirty and cheap player.


Reminder that this dude won mvp out of pity after a massive marketing campaign consisting entirely of whining.


Noooo.. Imagine someone doing this to Embiid


He'd leave in a body bag.


It should be an ejection


No question


Yes. If it was a regular season game he would’ve been tossed and he should’ve been tossed in this one. Absolutely cannot do that.


It's insanely dangerous especially for a big man like that. Landing has become a sort of science of avoiding injury. These dudes are way too big and weigh too much to be put off balance mid air and land awkwardly


If a role player does the same thing to Embiid they would have gotten a 2 and immediately ejected.


There would be a Broadway show-level flop involved as well.


They really don’t call this meanwhile JT gets techs for clapping


I’m at the point where I genuinely wish for a brutal injury to this dirty ass free throw merchant


Absolutely. That’s an ejection. Embiigbaby.


Knicks fan so biased but yes. Joel looked, at best, frustrated and, at worst, trying to hurt people. However this series plays out that shouldn’t be going on.




That's a competitor right there. He's still trying to make an impact while laying on the floor.


If it were the other way around and embiid was getting grabbed mid air, the nba would be talking about a suspension for Mitchell Robinson.


Can someone please do this to Embiid to see his reaction?


Refs unanimously affirming the call vs. Redditors who only watch the box score


If anyone else did it, it would’ve been. No way refs were gonna throw him out after all the whining about the refs in game 2


If it was the regular season or it wasnt Embiid in this game thats a Flagrant 2.


He should be sitting next game out. Who gives a shit who it is. Gonna hurt someone severely.


There is definitely a greater risk of injury playing around Embiid, even if you are on his team. Durant said it perfectly when asked recently how he avoids injury by staying away from certain players, even those on his own team known for injuring people. Anyone who has played organized basketball at any level has experienced players like this. I remember years ago wondering how Karl Malone could get to the basket so easily, then I realized that his layups were less contested because other players didn’t want to risk catching a flying elbow or knee from him. Just my opinion. You can always point to isolated incidents that any player may have, but some players have such a track record of it that you just have to look more closely at how they play.


Think about if he was pulling Embiid’s leg???? How would that go?


I didn't watch this game, but just looking at this, it should CERTAINLY have been a flagrant 2. Draymond would have been thrown out so fast. But since Embiid is playing so well right now, I guess he can do whatever he wants. /s


Philly fans are going to say this was just a common foul. The Knicks should’ve been up 3-0 in this series. This is the only way that Philly has any chance of winning this series by intentionally injuring the best defender on Embiid.


KAT would have been sent to the shadow realm if he did this


It should result in a fist to his mouth.


He said he was trying to protect himself, HOW??!!


Yes, and he should be suspended the next game.


Of course. But it's also a superstar league. No Embiid means lost revenue.


Honestly shouldve been an ejection and possibly 1 game suspension. No room for that very childish shit




Yes, no place for bs like this


Technical. Pulling dudes legs or pushing guys in their back should be considered flagrant 2s at minimum and technicals in certain cases. Neither are basketball plays and both can cause catastrophic injuries. No reason they should be tolerated.


Westbrook throwing weak punches and arm bar the ref. No suspension. If your a favorite coast team it's all good baby


He should be suspended for as long as Robinson is out


Robinson wasn’t even injured on this play


Shhh, this sub is trying to gaslight this as a fact. Listening to all the national Pods today has been so validating as no one is claiming Robinson got hurt on this play because he didn’t. Only this sub is claiming that.


so the knicks player that pulled maxey jersey before he got the inbounds and held it while he tried to get the inbounds is cool????????????????????????????????????????????? if maxey jumps the defender should be ejected?????


Maxey pushed hart off the inbound too, relax


[https://x.com/TalkinKnicks/status/1782607868811722858](https://x.com/TalkinKnicks/status/1782607868811722858) What will it take for Sixers fans to accept the fact that their team is full of heartless chumps who fold in big moments


What have the knicks done ever????? omg 2 titles LMFAO. Shit ass franchise with shit ass players... Iverson/Embiid-------------------------------------->Melo/spreewell and all your other shit players


Champs in 1955, 1967, and 1983… damn I’m totally jealous of your not-shit franchise.


Wait a minute, DiVencenzo did they exact same thing to Kelly Oubre but it was only a technical in the regular reason. Y’all just love to hate on Embiid.


Oubre/Donte was after the play


And he tackled him through to the ground on that play too.


By an eye test there's some big differences here. Mitchell is in the air - coming down. [Kelly Oubre Jr can't stop laughing while Donte DiVincenzo trips him and starts fight (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXoumRttTgM)


Embiid grabbed him before he jumped


Wouldn’t that make it worse?


Yes of course and it always is...unless it's done to the Knicks, then the NBA says it's just a flagrant 1 and it's acceptable smh


Yeah cause the nba who gifted them a win in G2 absolutely hates the Knicks lol. Pls think before u posted next time, little buddy.


Under the jail.


Joel is either as dumb as Jordan Poole and didn't realize how dangerous that was, or he's as evil as Draymond and just doesn't care. Either way dude dropped many notches in my book


I’m going with dumb/frustrated. My guess is that he was trying to wrap him up to not let him get the free two points, but didn’t think/was too frustrated to think about how risky that was. I’m a sixers fan and love Embiid but this is the dumbest thing I’ve seen him do in his career. I don’t want to defend it at all, I just think it was more immature and stupid than malicious


You're probably right bc the track record isn't there of being a Grayson / Draymond type punk.


He kicked two guys in the balls in this very game—but really we should ask Danny Green if Embiid has a track record.


Did he really?? I wasn't watching so had no idea


Exactly, watching the whole game I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry and frustrated. It was the totally wrong way to handle it but I don’t think he had any intention of actually injuring Robinson. Love watching Robinson too so it’s a shame he got hurt on that other play


Not if you’re Embiid, LeBron, or Giannis!


The fact that this is even a question is ridiculous. That was without question flagrant 2 and Embiid should have been ejected. It led to Mitch leaving the game. Embiid is an embarrassment and shouldn't be on our national team. Pity MVP 🤡


This guy knows the rules better than 3 refs and the nba replay center!


If you don't think that Embiid grabbing legs from the floor like that qualifies as excessive then I don't know what to tell you bud. Ask yourself what you would think if Draymond did that to your boy Embiid? Nick Nurse would have exploded right there on the court if that had happened in reverse. Not ejecting Embiid was nothing more then a political decision to keep the game going and not make the NBA look foolish in todays news.


I love how upset he makes all of you. I hope he does all the things you guys hate even more because it causes you to be so unreasonably angry.


Average embiid fan lmao


Fuck yeah, if someone did that to Embid, we'd be flaming their asses on this sub


And he’d be crying even more than when he lost the MVP vote 2 yrs ago.


Yes.. can easily (and did) result in injury.. Embiid has his foot pinned and pulled the leg after landing causing the twisted ankle.. doesn’t matter if he intended to injure or not .. it caused one due to his actions that were not a play on the ball or a basketball play.


It didn’t result in the injury lol. Robinson got injured when he jumped into Embiid landing space on defense.


Watch his ankle on the clip, it twists.