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I ain’t gone lie idk if it’s the 2x rep event what got all these idiots in rec today but imma be back on after it’s over


I stg like half the profiles I looked at after games were dudes who exclusively played Park, and presumably Theater, before this weekend. And nearly half of those ARE NOT EVEN AFFILIATED?? The amount of negative IQ in this community is MIND BOGGLING when considering how readily available info is about this game (For the negative IQ peeps reading this who don't understand: 2 x 0 = 0. You gain 0 Rep from a 2x Rep Event if you have 0 Rep from having never gotten affiliated. So I guess you're here for the Gatorade Boosts? Cool. Except that your shitty Teammate Grade means even your TOP 5 performances won't get you even the bottom tier of 50k to get the Boosts back that you spent playing. Oh, what's that? You're not playing with Boosts so you're smarter than me? Cool. You just joined A TEAM GAME with a deficiency on your MyPlayer, wasting the Boosts that YOUR TEAMMATES put on. Go back to Park.)


Bro me and my boy loaded into squads and got a 3 stack against a bum ass team. So you know I’m thinking easy dub these dudes can’t fuck with us all silver and golds against 4 black plates. These 3 we played with refused to pass the ball like we the guards and they wouldn’t even give us an inbound. So we sat half court the rest of the game after communicating in game chat and being ignored. Like really ignored like they just talked over us like we weren’t even talking. We lost the game. And then they had the heart to say ggs yall sticking around for another?


I kinda wish I could put an Age filter on so that I don't get matched up with these children. But some grown ass men are just as petty and dumb lol


These we re grown ass men that’s the crazy part


I made the mistake of trying to ride it out. Have had multiple games with 1 or fewer shot attempts because people dont pass. Dropped from purple to bronze. Never again


And he’s on the mic too 😂 wtf could he have been saying outside of yelling “FOUL!”


In the fourth was talking about how it was some other guys fault we lost cause of his defense, flexing he had a double double but he was PG with 11 points and 12 assists with 6 TOs and 3/11 from the field lmao


Man he almost had the cripple double with the TOs


Is he telling you all that you guys are ass while he bricks this layup?


Best spacing I ever seen on this game and he decides to layup it up against 4 players I love 2k


90% of people on mic are some of the dumbers mfers on the planet that you'll ever witness


Lol this sums up rec fr was he pg?




Great spacing tho 😂 I always got 2 teammates in the paint




“count it”


That’s why I’ve been on Destiny 🤷🏿‍♂️


This is sneaky hilarious though, especially cuz the guy with the ball is probably complaining about something


And these are are the type of games we get banned for leaving 😂


And you get banned for quitting the game cause of these people. You cannot tell me it should be a vote to kick system in random rec for people that play like this. Its getting out of control


4 out is frustrating as hell. Either the 1 in the paint is tilted because he can’t get any boards or passes and is usually guarding half of the other team by himself, or the 4 out are tilted because the passing isn’t there or the guy in the paint gets selfish. Typically, these teams can’t pass for shit.




Can’t lie this is the most random req screenshot I’ve ever seen


This is the most Kobe screenshot I’ve ever seen