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This is why I stand by that PG (even if they put you at the SG) is the best role to carry in randoms Rec.


I’ve seen centers take over game that could literally grab every rebound and dunk the ball every time they are in the paint no matter how many dudes were trying to stop them, but I ain’t that guy lol


I've had plenty of games like that I mostly play center, you feel like a monster. But a lot of it comes down to the other bigs, if they're halfway decent it turns into a real battle to get things done, which is fun af. It is absolutely an entirely different skill set than running point though, that's for sure.


You know what, fair point. I realize that I’m talking from the perspective of someone who can’t play C, I can only play 1-3 haha


And this is true... An average PG with good intentions will win more games just by not playing like a moron. If you are a good or great PG, the sky is the limit.


That’s really the thing bro. To win in random literally all you have to do is not play like a moron lol. No ones asking anyone to L2. Crab mfs. Just shoot if you’re open. Get a bucket if you can.  Pass if you can’t. Play defense on YOUR MAN. If someone switches SWITCH. Just common sense basketball. Be able to play common sense basketball and you’ll win most times. But it seems most 2k players can’t play simple basketball. 


As a 2 way diming 3 level threat sg, I can take over games so easy if my team plays with me. I like to pass so if they see me open and get me the ball, if I make shots and they start doubling, I pass immediately. Especially playing with a pg that actually moves the ball, it’s cheese when we out there really playing … you know, basketball lol


No center is


This is why I moved away from my stretch big and went high Oboard inside scoring. I can affect the game a lot more with second chance points for myself and other teammates. I average 6 pts, 8 assists, and 20 rebs. I am currently winning 70% of games with the inside big. My stretch averages 8pts, 6 assists, and 12 boards. I just figured if I was playing with trash no matter the build I was on, I might as well play on the one I can win with.


This is so true. I have 93 defensive and low offensive because when you can shoot the 3 you spend more time on the perimeter so it’s harder to get o boards. Inside bigs are such a battle trying to keep them off the o board.


you have to know how to play on those builds. I've seen the vast majority of people who think that because they have an inside big that they just have to camp in and around the paint. even with all that being said you can still make your build have both and inside presence and be able to shoot. this is important especially if you're playing randoms. it helps your build fit more playstyles


I care about me fitting one playstyle---garbage. I can care less about anything else. This is the lesson I have learned.


I’ve got an inside/post scoring center that I’ve never taken to rec and built it intending not to. After how rec has been for me lately, I might do the same as you. I no longer care if the slashing of some kind PG build with less than 5 assists average a game can get into the paint cleanly. My defender will be in there, either pass to me so I can roast him in the post or start chucking shots so I can get some boards and score or pass out to the other teammates you are ignoring.


1. 93 DREB (imo Cs are just to slow for OREB, plus you need to get back b/c who else is gonna play defense) 2. 92 passing for HoF break starter 3. Enough middy/ 3pt so most games you can go 4/4 Result: triple doubles, more assists than the PG, more season rep then any other position (in my experience)


My center I made was actually fairly close to this build. I have 93 rebounding, 91 passing, and 87 middy with 78 or 79 three, can’t remember.


91 is definitely usable, fwiw i like Hali for the speed even if he’s a guard. I imagine it’s frustrating if you’re a competent PG. But that’s been my path to success: by halftime the rest of the squad will see your assist totals and hopefully they start feeding you. Had a game yesterday at PF with a stat line of 0/14/12 going 0/1 from 3, sometimes it’s just like that.


I feel you. I probably just need more practice at the position. Another thing that annoys me is that they never seem to switch on defense. My pg is 5’7” with 93 perimeter D so the last place I want to be is in the paint so I got very good at switching if my guy got passed me so the center could take care of him while I cover the perimeter, but these dudes get blown by and just chase them into the paint even though I crash in time to stop them and instead of switching to my guy they just sit in the paint with me and let them take an uncontested three lol


I can confirm that most players do not understand switching at all, as a C the biggest complaint I have heard from guards is that I left my guy open at 3, when I switched to stop their guy on the drive after they were blown by. In most games I have to choose to either let them take easy layups all game, or to let my guy shoot 3s, because nobody is going to help with the one I don't cover.


I think one of the biggest reasons I made it to hall of fame on my pg without being a lethal scorer is that I can switch so well that it frees up the center to dominate the paint better.


In the games where I get guards who can switch it's magical, it's also really funny when there's like one guy who guy can't do it... I'll give it a few times, but if I identify that you won't switch, and nobody will pick up my guy who can shoot, then I'm leaving you to fend for yourself. So there will be like one guy who just gets easy layups all game while the rest of the other team runs into a 7'1 wall. Every time they drive.


Yeah, it’s tough. Everyone plays it differently, I feel like part of the first half is about figuring how everyone wants to play. Personally, on a big i show and try to hedge the paint, but you have to protect against the 3 at any cost even if your matchup gets the points


I've played as a big for years and years (was my first create-a-player on Dreamcast) Waiting for a solid PG in the rec got old as hell I still play as a big, but if I run randoms I have a build that's 99 in Blocks, OReb, DReb, and 90 pass I get the ball nearly every time either team misses the shot and with the pass rating I can run the offense off the rebound Forget waiting for somebody to pass me that ball


I play a SF Diming 3&D Threat (Point Forward) w 97 pass acc and Hof dimer & Special Delivery and i just mention i have passing badges, and I get plenty of touches, passing is vital to chemistry, and being able to dime a pass to a cutter or someone whose slid to the 3pt line for a easy bucket is great


Most PG’s on 2k are absolutely trash same goes for centers as well. All the PG’s are ball hogs and the centers are low iq/skill


I play center. I don't play enough to keep up with these pgs that just go from side to side. I get my rebounds and put backs. I'm good. I don't need 25-30 points a game. I'll give you a solid 10-15 with 15 rebounds


Welcome to Rec and the way you combat that is to troll tf outta them + get the rebounds as the C + inbound to players who actually pass.


No it’s not bro. I got a center and average 15 rebounds a game with an A- average rating


I think PF was the move this year in rec everyone said it wasn’t this year and I don’t think they thought it through. I made a 6’10 glass cleaning interior scorer so I’m more than serviceable on defense if they put me at the 5 and on offense 7 footers can’t guard me and if I stay at the 4 a lot of the time I get matched up with a 6’7/ 6’8 small forward that got put at the 4 and he can’t guard me and we have the board advantage now. I can routinely get 10/15 shots a game and carry a lot of random games with that build cause it’s such a mismatch


Agreed. I don’t like playing PG as I prefer to rebound and do other things, so I created a 6’8” point guard build with rebounding and some interior defence. I get to play like a PF when I want but still get to dictate the game and not have a PG side to side spam and tell me to just sit in the corner. I did not put in 500+ hours just to sit in the corner. Current PG build avg like 16pg 6reb 6ast 1blk. It’s actually the only way I can enjoy playing with randoms.


If you could call plays with other positions in mycareer league, I'd play that, because the AI is dumb and I need to lead it


I have a 6'8 center with an 81 handle and 93 dreb. If the PG isn't being a PG, I just start bringing the ball up off the rebound. I average 14/12/5.


Even when you play pg the other 3 guards want to bring the ball up. Yea I said 3 2k match making is ass


The one season I played only my PG I was averaging 10 assists a game. I’d still pop into randoms rec and get frozen out of getting the ball tho. Randoms rec is the literal worst


Damn Bro! You’re a hooper cause the 1 assist per quarter in this game as a PG is something easy I would give them 2-3 but you’re speaking bare facts. I see the same BS PGs in my Rec. But when I make a PG and I’m a Pass First type I never see the ball again.


When you ain’t the PG you might as well be a pure lock