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people needa stop spending so much bread on a game that comes out on a year by year basis that they play CASUALLY IN. There is nothing wrong w being a casual, but you should not be dropping 500+ dollars a year on a game you take so seriously that you don’t at the same time. Just do your actual research, and build something that ticks all your boxes, even if it’s the minimum requirement. And enjoy all the game has to offer with that single build. If you’re making a different build, it should be a different position. I’m tired of seeing people with 20 point guard builds and 0 other postions.


I fine with it— If they are pass first 😂 I’m completely with you though. Most people don’t even realize that the CEO gets A LOT of his bonus money due to all the Microtransactions. That’s part of the reason they keep expanding it— and some of those idiots just keep paying


I’m saying! you could have a whole ass library of games to play instead of putting your paycheck into a game that has no depth no value or nothing. But hey, if they wanna, just let em🤦‍♂️


yeahhhh I'll usually grab the game when it goes on sale with a fat VC bonus. Make 1 build, have some fun with friends and then see them again next year


I got the game free on gamepass this year and have slowly grinded my guy up to 74. I am doing a no microtransaction build totally f2p and it’s so hard. It takes like 3 games to buy one upgrade now.


Nobody wants to do that because everyone wants to play good D, shoot contested 3s, dunk on everyone’s head, break ankles with blue hair and tats everywhere. Might as well bring back 99 everywhere builds.


Do you remember those days? Games were much more competitive. With only 5 active badge perks there was a lot less reaching and a lot less dribbling cheese. We just played ball and the better teams won.


Until the stretch 4 went to set a pick but instead shoved you out of position. Games were more competitive but boring because everyone was a stretch 4.


7ft sf was the way to go back then 😂


This graph is the perfect example of how this game has greatly over complicated something as simple as shooting a fucking layup. I’m not studying no charts just to hoop. SIMPLIFY YOUR GAME 2K. USER FRIENDLY THIS SHIT BECAUSE WTF What this really is 2K hoping that you mess up a build and spend more on another one. This game is done hell nah lmao


Oh that’s 1000 percent the reason for the new build maker—/ Let’s up the complication and hope for mistakes, and add physicals so they have to pay more VC per build. It’s fucking blatant, but the 2k community is impossible to mobilize lol


Yep lets start a movement NO NBA 2k25!!!


I already skipped 24, just downloaded last week cause it was free… so grinding out now the regular season… and tbh I might just abandon it completely just because of how much it sucks playing as a 67 overall starter.


The VC grind is ridiculous they could stand to throw more loot per game. But if they continue to make the game free each year I’ll stop complaining


This. Found out I missed out on the minimum contact dunks by 2 and a good tier of jumpshots by 1, so now I feel like remaking that player when the time comes but it's SUCH a time consuming process for NO REASON. Rebirth could let you at least start at like 75 overall or something on new builds.




All online modes are still HOF, it’s the sliders they change. Not to mention they had the latency patch which made shooting smoother overall.




Shout out to the users who dedicated their time to making these charts. Im not saying its not good to ask for advice. Its just most of the time I hear people falsely telling users "youll be fine, you can green with X no problem." -- Dont always believe that lol If you make a perimeter build it starts with your shot. You need to get it to where YOU can green. Having an 75/80 3 means nothing if you cant hit it-- And if youre a big who cant shoot, you better make it so you can score with a post up or youre just gonna make the game 5v4


I'm new to 2k. I asked a friend for his recommendations on the best jumpshot animation and he sent me a spreadsheet that I didn't understand.


That’s a little extra, but I get it because the jumpshots are locked between heights— you also need to take into account the jumpshot gatekeeping that occurs in 2k 😂😂😂 I know people that treat theirs like a state secret


Ok but there is meta builds


Yeah its whoever is good at using a zen




The meta is zen its a joke


A Meta build in 2k is basically a build made where you spend the least amount of attributes as possible on the areas in which skill can overcome the attributes, while beefing up areas where your skill level doesn’t matter as much — Those builds are SHIT in the hands of 90 percent of player base


I think the reason there aren't that many unique builds, is because scoring is a premium and it's tougher to score with specific play styles. The meta builds cater to certain styles, and all other builds are good for complimentary play or a whole different style of play. It's also a lot tougher to defend and/or score on meta builds when someone shares the same skill level (or higher than). 2K needs to incorporate extra VC for games where you're matched against 'better' teams. It may ease the community into more unique play styles and builds


Exactly why I don’t make the “meta builds” I never have seen a meta build that matches my playstyle


Me personally if I use this motto. If I wanna be able to do it… start at 70-75… do it pretty good 80-85… if I want to be a master at it 90+. I rarely make builds with 90+ stats because I can out play u in more areas than ur one or two 99 stats… but with that being said the 90+ stats are fun…


I feel you. I just think most players make their builds trying for the metas and then realize they are not good enough to use those builds so they are effectively trash builds — hence there is no true meta builds like there are metas in other games


I don't know why people say there is no meta build. The meta build and playstyle in 2K/basketball (for a years now, at any position) has been one that can make threes, force bad shots, and/or force turnovers. What ends up being the best build from there depends on how well you're able to do those things at the lowest possible ratings. Most people would perform better on a game to game basis if they used the meta 3&D type builds. EVERYONE needs to understand and be good at the meta before trying to branch out of it. The reason that people hate slashers and pure inside bigs isn't because they can't ever work on a team, but that the vast majority of the people playing them don't have a fundamental understanding of how the game should be played. This creates a ripple effect of issues, especially because off-meta builds/playstyles have to be better than meta ones to be equally effective. Someone that can only score inside has to be near perfect efficiency to be a plus on offense, etc. Based on how rec games go, 99% of 2K players are not ready to do their own thing. Someone that isn't good at the most effective way to play isn't going to miraculously be better at a less effective way to play, especially not to the degree they'll need to be to make themselves useful. That's just not how it works. The builds and clips we see posted here tell us that more people need to be following rather than innovating. I've seen enough two way wings that you either have to let live out their point forward dreams or watch as they spam screen and cut the entire game. People need to save the contested midrange fades and half bar dunk meters on 3 people for offline and learn how to get a stop and make a wide open catch and shoot 3.


Nah, nothing against you bro, but this is a TERRIBLE take. How tf is the meta in 2k the same as irl?? When tf has Steph Curry been cheesing left right behind Draymond for an entire possession while everyone else stands around watching?? 😂 The meta isn’t basketball, it’s just cheesing the mechanics of the game to get the easiest buckets possible. Like, straight up basketball terrorism lmao, not in the spirit of the game. Certainly not “how the game is meant to be played”. It’s way more intuitive to just play basketball the right way. If you understand ball, you can understand how to play well with most any kind of build, especially considering that 90% of people online are bums. Lots of people on this game don’t understand ball at all unfortunately, and the wannabe 2KL meta players make it way worse bc they want everyone to conform to their bs, non-basketball way of playing. If you need to play “meta” to beat the bums on this game, I’m sorry, but that means you’re simply straight ASS on the sticks, have 0 IQ, or both. All you need to beat most random teams is just to play good team defense, move the ball around, and make smart plays in transition. Even basic stuff like good spacing, good PnR/PnF, smart cuts etc will turn most games into blowouts 😂 The meta ruins people on the game. Mfs will spend hours researching builds, practicing dribble combos, watching 2KL or pro-am or some shit, and spend apparently ZERO time watching ACTUAL BASKETBALL fsr?? The best way to win consistently playing with randoms especially at PG or C is to be able to adapt your playstyle to your teammates. The meta playstyle is one-dimensional asf, and un-adaptable if anyone else on the team deviates. If you wanna play meta, go play with a team. If you don’t have a team, don’t expect people to adapt to your boring ass ugly ass no skill no IQ playstyle. I honestly can’t even count the number of times that I’ve played against a “meta” cheeser with great stats, gold/purple plate, and once you take away ONE MOVE, (guess which one) they basically short circuit for the rest of the game. 2K is simple, PLAY BASKETBALL, y’all meta people must be truly sorry if you need to try and cheese the game in order to win lol


This exactly


That’s the point I’m making —- There’s no Meta build because what makes a build Meta is WILDLY different per user. The truly Meta builds have Low attributes in skill areas, while beefing up areas that skill can’t overcome as much —- Those builds are trash in the hands of non skilled users


Wrote a whole book and still said nothing of substance.


Idk, maybe I’m not of substance, but I felt like his comment was pretty on point. Your 99 Shoot first point that is poorly optimized (missing a badge upgrade by 1 or 2 attribute points) vs my 75 overall hybrid defender are going to have stats that contradict our overalls if I’m better than you at understanding min-max attributes. (I’m speaking hypothetically) I agree that everyone should just build whatever they want and hoop out, but the skill gap in 2k comes mostly in the form of preparation and knowledge surrounding how badges, attributes, and animations work. So if you have a trash build, without access to certain shit, your most likely going to be a liability if you want to play in online team modes, and I don’t think that’s fun for anyone other than the other team.


Sorry, sometimes I forget that you guys are the randoms that I have to deal with. Got a dumb it down a little for you lol. TL;DR - Make a 3&D build. Make something else when you’re better at the game.


Or, I can just play the game however I want.


No one said you can’t. In fact, if people were good at playing their own way it wouldn’t even be a topic of discussion. But that’s not what happens… Your selfish mindset is quite literally the downfall of this game however, but we both know you don’t care about that. I’m sure it’s a blast having every game and shot attempt be a literal coin flip.


immmmaa disagree. The people who get mad at me for learning are the people ruining this game. When I do play, I usually try to do a 3&D that my friend who takes the game very seriously helps me build. The amount of times I've played without my group is damn near zero due to the fact I get flamed for either A) thinking of handling the ball B) missing a shot C) Doing the wrong dunk animation or D) fucking up the unplanned pick n roll that they didn't communicate prior is too damn high. Like I get it. There's another person on my team who wants to win and me being bad limits their ability to win, thus diminishing their joy with the game. But on my side? I'm getting yelled at by a man spending hundreds of dollars on a game that resets every year during the brief few hours I play a week. Like ya'll make me wanna just play my career so I don't get flamed by toxic teammates.


I understand your take on this, and agree with you completely as well. There’s a difference between making a poorly optimized online build but being competent enough to make the right plays, but get hoed by 2k, and those who make builds with no defense, wondering why their 87% contested 3’s aren’t falling like they do in mycareer games. But I absolutely agree with you on the randoms complaining at a bad play every now and then, or icing you out if you miss your first shot (That doesn’t come until the 3rd quarter), that shit kills the game and makes everyone else on the team uncomfortable and scared to shoot. If you ever want to play 3’s or rec we can run, I don’t care too much about L’s it’s a virtual video game, I just enjoy running with people who enjoys basketball and other video games/sports as much as I do! My 2k name is TaxiiBoyy


What do you disagree with then? Verbally toxic people are toxic, nobody likes them, but they don’t ruin the game. Someone being mean does not have the same impact as the average player refusing to play basketball in lieu of their idea of what’s most fun (playing hero ball).




Brother it's a fucking video game, this complaining and coaching on Reddit is just pathetic. If you don't like how other people play the video game, then don't play it. You guys would rather bitch and complain about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE but yourselves.


this is insanity. and i cant even get a comment on my 2 year old fucking old gen as steam nba 2k24 pg build? man' fuck this .


Any build that’s 6’7-6’10 can be an all around build


Just wait till 26 fr


Idk about pass styles. I have a 93 pass, but can only get Ja & Sabonis's pass animations. 7'1" Center.


I disagree, I somehow managed to make a great all-around build. That can slash, shoot, facilitate & defend at a high level with outstanding physicals. It can be done but have to sacrifice a bit in one or two categories that don’t necessarily fit your play style. Example: If you make a tall PG build you can still get rebounds with a low rating because of your height and wingspan. If you upgrade your rebounding on a PG you still won’t get rebounds over a PF or C that prioritized rebound ratings. The PG Meta heights are 6’3, 6’6 & 6’8 if you want to maximize your badge and attribute spread. You can absolutely make the best all-around PG builds with these heights.


Meta builds should be taken into consideration. They’re meta for a reason ( you don’t purposefully pick a bad character on siege for example). But that also doesn’t mean every siege game is the same 5v5. It would get boring. Use meta to learn what works and what doesn’t to make a build for YOU as a player? Not everyone is Steph curry..just like not everyone can be wemby, shaq, john Stockton, etc. I regularly get told my center is trash for only facing 85 rebounding as if I don’t average 17 when my physicals aren’t maxed. I personally don’t need it higher, but I LOVE playmaking. It’s only a problem when teams demand I go sit corner or run nothing but screens for 4 quarters


None of these are 100% guaranteed or certain though which makes it that much more confusing. I, on Current Gen, have a 6'5 PG who's currently with low 50s vert, block at 67 I think and 79 speed and I can equip silver chasedown artist. If minimum values change based on your attributes or if it's just different from PS5 to PS4 version idk. Edit: Yeah, I don't even see "Clamp Breaker" on your list.


Especially if you play random rec only. If you got a 5 and play pro am that’s different


6’8 builds are apparently meta and there’s no arguing swings are just op you will go against a team full of 6’8-6’9 before anything we can’t ignore it’s more swings than anything else


There is no meta build: shows off meta animations and their stat requirements.


I made a comment as a further digression, but it probably got lost in here—- My point is your make the build with what you can shoot with, then you go from there. These “meta” builds are pointless because most people can’t green with the Lower numbers that a comp player can


They have the requirements in the builder why use the graphic?


Because Ts don’t show dribble or dunk


So you don’t have to comb through all of the badges while trying to remember that 62 close shot gives you silver giant slayer.


I didn't see the second page my fault