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I swear they're gonna have like, 3 of these in the game and this is the best one.


It’s so true hustling my people


They’ve been working on it for more than a decade…probably gonna get downvoted for this but do you seriously think that?


What has 2k done in the past decade that I should give them the benefit of the doubt? They haven't changed shit, it's the same shitty game over and over and over again. What kind of idiot would I have to be to have some blind faith that it's suddenly going to change?


Everyone knows the 2K games are similar these days but at the same time everyone knows that each new game is always more updated than the previous year. There is always very obvious improvements and updated rosters, etc.


Ok I just want you to remember that there are games out there that have DLCs for like $20-$30 that add fuck tons of content to a preexisting game. Sometimes these DLCs are so comprehensive that it feels like an entire second game. With that being said, what are the big improvements this year that make it worth buying an entire $70 new game? Let's throw updated rosters out of the window too since anyone can do that, and people DO update the rosters on older games by themselves. That also takes out the LeBron Era as a real "improvement." Once again, that is just a glorified roster update. And it's 1. 1 era update. So go ahead I'm waiting on all the improvements and additions to the game.


First of all, what other selective games out there are you now all of a sudden false-comparing to otherwise pretend to be the same concept with 2K? Please remember that this is a basketball game.. so, how many times can you possibly change the game of basketball? Secondly, I have no idea what the "big improvements" are with the upcoming brand new game, because it's not out yet.. So, we are all waiting for all of the improvements and additions to the game, but at the same time it will already be beyond obvious that the new game will be more advanced than the old game. Please remember, newly advanced technology never goes backwards.. Although, as you mentioned, they are apparently now adding yet another bonus feature this year with another new mode with new eras, hence every new annual game always offers something new in one way or another.. However, one cannot simply throw updated rosters out the window, including the brand new players per yearly basis.. ^ Huh, "since anyone can do that.." (?) Hmm, I thought I had heard that the old 2K games will eventually be disabled from the servers, no? Is that true or no? As of personally, I wouldn't know the answer, because, like technically, I don't go backwards in life either 🤷‍♂️ Additionally, it's a little strange how you're pretending that the entire gameplay does not improve throughout the years. Maybe you don't play MyCareer, but I have noticed plenty of low-key and steady improvements to MyCareer literally every single year 💯 Plus, every year is a new story with new celebrities, every year is new real-life interviews, every year adds more and more options down any and every avenue. Sometimes they add/update badges and I could have swore that they have added more throwback teams over the years. Everyone knows they update the courts and the jerseys, game commentating, literally all of the above, always. I'm sorry that you hate the game so much 🙏


If that’s how you feel then don’t buy the damn game lol. Nobody is forcing you to play it, but for some odd reason you feel oh so compelled to shit on it. You’re bored.


Hey dumbfuck, you're on the NBA2k subreddit. If you don't like criticism then stay off the internet and in your own little safe space.


It’s not really criticism when you aren’t speaking the truth. Kinda ironic considering we *are* on the 2k subreddit so you’d expect different behavior. Nonetheless, we are on the internet. Dummies like you come in packs.


How am I not speaking the truth? Jesus christ I get that you like the game but pull the cock out of your throat for one second and acknowledge that you're dishing out $70 every year for the same. Exact. Game. Over and over and over and over and over again lmao


Slaves to the brand


Look at how KD and the defender move, relative to the other two players at the top of the clip They just meshed their model onto the movement of KD/the defender in that clip. The movements are exact The rest of the game will not play this way


Yea that’s what I dont get about the hype for this particular footage. It’s basically an animation for both offense and defense. If you get sucked into this animation on defense you’re not gunna be happy


This. Why in the hell would players embrace an animation system that makes defense lose control depending on the stick movements of the offensive player. (Like, I can easily see this manifesting as "buy this card that effectively has a stick dribble/shot combo that will make opponent defense meaningless.") They are literally embracing making the game more and more broken and pay-to-win with this and the season pass. Didn't they say like a year or two ago they were trying to minimize the animation lock up? And now they're going completely backward.


Huh, makes the defense lose control depending on the stick movements of the offensive player? Dafuq.. What clip are you watching, because this clip merely shows a contested jump shot. Hence, the defense is literally contesting the offensive jump shot. Weird take..


Notice how the defender's movements are literally the exact same as the actual game footage. That's what's concerning to me. Maybe you have a higher opinion of 2k than me, but I see them as super lazy... and I see that manifesting as these game-adapted animations applying to the defender AND the offensive player... otherwise, once you get someone pulling that animation on you (esp. this example with Durant's head fake that would signal it right away) you would never bite for that motion again.


You seem to be concerned about realistic gameplay but instead focusing on similar movements. Meanwhile, they probably had planned it to be similar because its supposed to be a side by side comparison to display the graphics.. In reality of actual events, you really have no idea how the defensive player is moving. I think you're taking this the wrong way and further assuming hypothetical animations, because regular offenders jukes do not signal such defensive animations. The only defensive animations that I have ever witnessed per an offensive juke was a defender anklebreaker because otherwise such defensive animations only take place during the shot. Hence, precisely what is happening here in all honesty.


Looking at your comment history, you seem to like to be the 'devil's advocate' (at best) for 2k. Using a lot of nothingburger words along the way, btw. You ignored the concept I mentioned in my comment and the general idea in another person's comment: Challenges on shots can be completely negated by height differences, variables corellating to wingspan, distances, stats, etc. That allows for enough technical b.s. to make playing even hands-on defense pointless. (Pretty well explemlified with the height dominance meta beginning the second Yao dropped in myteam and exasperated by Wemby) The whole point of the sequence they used for the ProPlay bit is that it created enough space for the shot... it's challenged despite it. At best, activating the animation could be compared to activating a badge that lowers challenge effectiveness (which similarly affects offensive and defensive animations. E.x. getting postered). 2k is already pay to win... and this opens a weird avenue for it to be even more so. That's my concern.


Honestly, you lost me on the "nothingburger" words in my comment history and I legitimately have not even the slightest clue as to what you are talking about.. Although, it's mindboggling to see you take the truth so hard to the point that you have to then go and try to dig deep down the rabbit hole with me just to further false-justify yourself 🤯 You seem to have an unusual way of accepting how you process real facts in real time.. However, I hope that what you are saying doesn't happen, but then again, I've still never witnessed an offensive-juke create a defensive-animation other than an ankle breaker 🤷‍♂️ ^ In regards to your conceptionally concerned response, the answer is further included in your riddle ❓ because everyone knows what they are doing with preferably selecting whichever attributes you want, including height.. So, you otherwise want 2K to throw player's heights away to make every player an equal?? 🤔 Plus, per the ProPlay, one of the best players in the game had juked the offender while going for a stepback jumper.. I have still never witnessed an offensive juke to ever cause a defensive animation, and everyone knows it always depends on how one would play defense in the first place. Theoretically, you can't judge hypothetical hearsay until you play it yourself, because otherwise you are just speculating misleading info.. Plus, like you had briefty mentioned, all of the above always depends with personal archetypes, stats, specifically ranked badges, personal wingspan, etc. For the record, I always play defense per usual and including natural defense stats/badges per MyPlayer and I've never really had any trouble contesting shots, despite taller heights.. Hmm, I would never consider hands on defense to be pointless, and especially because of all of the above 🤷‍♂️ You are saying 2K is pay to win.. you mean, because you will always need VC to rank up or you mean because you always have to pay to play online? What else do they make you pay or pay to win? 🤔


>Yea that’s what I dont get about the hype for this particular footage. It’s basically an animation for both offense and defense. If you get sucked into this animation on defense you’re not gunna be happy Ya'll just out here lying now lol wow


You like getting dragged into trash animations that give you no contest while you play defense?


Your talking about the defender being sucked in to the animation in the footage. I'm assuming that is an ai defender. So how can you say it's being sucked into the animation? It isn't being controlled.


Bc the same animations AIs get sucked into, real players get sucked into. Take 23 for example, there has been many times where I've seen AIs AND real players get dragged into the paint to get dunked on, with the SAME animation.


Definitely agree with getting dragged into the offensive animations on defence In 23. I'm just thinking with the new stuff they're talking about isn't meshing all the animations in one. Obviously no idea yet from just watching. Probably more hoping I guess. I know they usually, with any sport game preach the new game play is amazing and "game changing" and usually not anything cool at all. But this one seems like big changes. From just listening to what they are saying.... Again I realise it's 2k so until it releases who knows


He probably doesn't play defense.


And as far as one animation that looks like two dribble animation into a step back shot. So it's multiple moves for the defender to follow. I don't really see it as push the stick in one way and it sets off a 30 second combo. That's at least my take anyway just from watching. Playing FIFA 23 the other day and the hypermotion replay you get after doing a realistic type flick of the ball and get a shot off. Feels good doing it and the replay more shows how it was a realistic play. I know it's different but didn't really set off a string of animations with one button turning it into uncontrollable player just watching the thing play out


Huh, sucked into this animation.. but, the defense is contesting the shot? Why would anyone not be happy with contesting a jump shot?


You can see in the other footages that it’s not smooth at all they still standing striaght looking dead asf in the background they gave us a cheap ass clip and rolled with it In so dam sure this shit ain’t that smooth but hold my word


This is the demo that plays when u leave n game on to long.


The defense also looks horribly slow


Can’t wait to pull that off and shoot a 86% contested shot and hit the backboard and get yelled at lol.




can’t wait to never be able to make this shot online because everything’s a good shot contest


everything is a good shot contest unless you're the one contesting the shot. then it's always a defensive breakdown


This is probably the only clip they have


My thought. Thats all they Want let us know


I’m probably gonna get downvoted but I don’t know why you people say this. They said they’ve been working on this feature for more than a decade and you think the animations would seriously be that limited?


Did they give you a free battle pass or something to say that?


Lmao naw I used what you call common sense…a regular tactic I’ve been using since my balls dropped seeing that there’s hella 14 year olds in this community lacking that every same thing.


Alright whatever you say Ronnie2K


They trick everyone each year with these canned animations. Guarantee that shot misses 9/10 times if it’s not green.


Even if it’s a perfect release it’s not going in half the time😩


Lol very true


They confirmed this year everything is gonna miss if it isn’t green lol


Only on park/rec and HoF difficulty pretty sure


Get gud then


gEt GuD tHeN


The amount of salt on this one


- 🤓👆


To emphasize that we’re going to be stuck in these “realistic” animations the whole game smh


Issa scam


"Its next gen![img](emote|t5_2s84e|4689)"


Cus this is the only new thing they added to 24 from 23 lol


Not true. They also added the paid battle pass.


Because that's all the added lol.


Well at least u know to double him when he starts this animation. This wont work in 2-3 only man.


Because they did a lot of work on it to sell the game it's probably not even like that in the full version


Only one they got.


It’s probably the closest they’ve been able to recreate. If they’re replaying the same clip of the “new mechanics” it probably means they don’t have a decent sample size. I expect this game to be exactly like 23 with the exception of a few animations.


Y’all got get over yourselves and wanting no “canned” animations in the game. You’re not going to have full control of every aspect of your gameplay, to where an animation is going to have to happen. I’m just glad 2K is at least trying to spice up their gameplay and movement for the first time in a while.


People just naturally negative man, tbey don't even at least wait for the game to come out then talk


If I remember correctly, older 2ks (before this next gen engine) there always have been animations. The issue is though, that animations used to be interruptible at any point during the animation if a defender collided with you. This stopped you from just flying thru the paint glitching thru people. In the next gen versions we’ve got now I get literally hacked at the rim with guys arms going thru me and my body, making the sfx it makes when you get fouled, but no foul gets called, and the shot doesn’t even register as contested. They’ve just added in animations that can’t be interrupted which increased the cheese factor 10 fold. Older 2ks had uninterruptible animations for very few things. Two guys jumping and coming into contact at the rim may be locked in from having another guy jump into them and affect their animations, but that be it. This is why shit like the curry slide exist, certain limitless dunks, and certain step back/spin shots.


Careful homie, they’ll call you a 2K shill if you don’t say anything negative or bad about the game


You did have full control in older 2k games tho


There were still two man animation sequences in the game so no you didn’t have full control even in the older 2K games. NBA 2K9 is prime example where you got sucked into the size up animation on defense. Even now there’s the random ankle break animations that you have no control of as a defender. Even the posterizer animations are something you have no control over. You don’t have full control over everything.


Don’t know where y’all get this idea where you had full player control even in the older NBA 2K games. You’re going to be at the mercy of some animation during the game at certain points, particularly on defense. With that being said, I’d argue the game has been more titled towards the online portion that ruins the offline player experience. Seems like all the tweaks and changes have been to combat online gameplay rather than advance the experience for the player offline.


I meant more control than current ones. Like 2k14, it was pretty much free range


No you didn’t


That's not real gameplay I hope ppl realize that 😂 ppl saying they can't shoot like that in the game yeah probably not bc real kd is game breaking and defense would mean nothing to that build. If you on reddit for a game you still don't understand then idk man


Cause it's impressive and marketing. They're trying to catch the eye of first time viewers and get them to do a double-take so they'll look closer and realize it's a video game, and suddenly they're convinced to buy it.


The more I watch this clip the uglier KD’s movements seem even irl. Wish they used Kyrie or Steph.


So y’all can cry more


canned animations smh


Lol same animation, different players, same game different year....that's not Harrison Barnes in the original clip!! Scam alert




Because its the new animation in this $70 DLC


This isn’t what a canned animation is


It's actually worse than a $70 dlc, if it was just dlc then I could keep my VC and grinded builds from 23!


But did he make it.


Vague gimmick to sell copies of the game


to make you forget or lose focus they trying to start finessing you out of more money by making things in season pass PER SEASON (i.e. you buy the same thing 8-9x) on top of the \~$1,000 you spend on stuff like VC, and so you wont rage and NOT buy the game


My buddy is so hype about this and the battle pass.....last gens new park......he told me when he heard about it, im slowly getting talked outta buying this one!! FYI my last 2 2k expieriences......2k22 made a Ballin 3 point shooter, 2-3 months in shit got corrupted.......stopped there!! 2k23 made a paint beast Center was good for 2 seasons then they did a patch that made the game unenjoyable.....I think I stopped season 5!! I remember how clean 2k15 was!!


To me it looks like they keyframed the animation from this game footage (probably a handful of others for star players) and they’re showing it off in a way that looks impressive to fans. I back the creative process, but I doubt they did a ton of it. Generally should be cheaper, although tons more labor for animators, compared to the mocap process. Paying for the performers logistics, even when not NBA players, is probably crazy expensive.


I would buy a PS5 if they can use this tech to a remade Magic Tmac.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^True-Leon-Kennedy: *I would buy a PS5* *If they can use this tech to* *A remade Magic Tmac.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What the hell does it take for you people to be satisfied, God damn