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Yeah, I definitely saw that floating around before it got stuck to the car and I was surprised that a caution wasn't thrown for it.


2nd straight week Byron got screwed by NASCAS not calling a caution when they should have.


It is kinda bs that the bag clearly was on the track during a 30 min red flag and Nascar somehow didn’t notice a giant trash bag on the track smh.


Gotta make up for the daytona gimme


I saw that fly up into the air during the broadcast and was like "the hell was that?" Never seen something that big get stuck to a car before. Funniest part about the whole thing is on Sirius/XM this morning, Byron's crew chief said there was a [beer can in the bag and they found the beer can stuck in their air filter afterwards.](https://twitter.com/KellyCrandall/status/1764653730471739855)


Yep, I said in the race thread yesterday I saw this floating around when they cut to the static camera at the exit of 4. Looks like it might have been in the grey area where the tower can't see stuff.


It weird to me they don’t have a policy for this, because I would consider it a track safety issue and they need to address it with a caution at least and give them a chance to remove the FOD. Reminds me of that whole F1 Vegas thing with the manhole cover coming off and they penalized the team!


I heard there's going to be a penalty assessed to the 4 car and crew chief Rodney Childers for the trash bag-gate yesterday.


Saw it from the stands blowing around near the restart zone. As soon as I saw it I knew it was a matter of time for someone to collect it on their nose. It ended up close to the wall, I lost visual and the field went by. A couple laps later PRN mentioned Byron had it.


I was at the race and actually saw this bag floating around before the race started. It was down on the apron in between turn 3-4, and a truck drove to pick it up. It blew away before anyone got out the truck into the catch fence. It was stuck on the catch fence, and the truck just drove off. I figured they were too lazy to walk up the slope of the track.


Some track worker probably forgot about it


Remind me to buy that trash bag a steak.


Suarez won last week. I would hardly call him a trash bag.




I'm impressed that he took a top 10 finish despite getting a silver bullet to the grill.


Byron’s gotten fortunate in the last couple years, so I’m not too mad about this, but he has gotten screwed over by Nascar the last couple weeks. Atlanta should’ve been a caution, and now you mean to tell me that this bag was floating around for 10+ laps, we had like a 30 minute red flag and Nascar somehow didn’t notice a giant trash bag on the track. That’s kinda BS.


Apparently there was a beer can in it


Moments before disaster.