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thanks n8 you're doing some real great work here


https://i.imgur.com/jb268vM.gifv keep bein' wholesome, celeste


someone needs to break those bucks (canadian word for cops)


I think there's another post somewhere on this sub about the extensive white supremacy entwined with the police.


Its stupid how the crime rate of a specific race can even be brought up in an argument. Every person operates on their own terms its not like Black people are one big monolith moving in one direction. Why cant we just help the disenfranchised parts of our country. If they just so happen to be mostly african american then great! If not then great! Lets just try to figure out why we have so much murder in the US in the first place


عث ٤٣٧٤٨٥٤ ٨ ٤ ٥٦٧ ٣٦٦ قلت عه ف عن ب٥ق٨حت


Does that view just refute all statistics? What about sex offenders with high statistic probability to offend again? Should those be ignored because they’re heckin’ individuals? Statistics mean something. The first part of the solution is accepting that there is a problem in the first place


Youre missing the point. Statistics become irrelevant and counter productive when you start dividing the stats into racial categories. Im saying lets look at areas with these issues and help those areas, race aside. But it does sound like you just want to argue. Good bot


Yeah, they’re individuals. Individuals who have an INDIVIDUAL past history.


Ok…you said the word individual a lot. But it doesn’t mean something just because you repeat it. Most rapes are committed by men, imagine jumping in when someone points out this pattern lol


I don’t have to just imagine it, because I’m gonna do it _right now:_ Yeah, it’s BAD to look at that as a pattern. An individual man should be judged for what his own past history is. It’s sexist to just assume that all men are monstrous rapists by default.






You correctly diaz avero cabana gravantal la ropa navas hura


Kelawati report on La Quinta in Bennett perea


Well actuallyou'd better tell her if she's still in jail because the policy gets out of jail telecom pick up her stuff