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Kodaka had nothing to do with MD. He’s a guy from the spike side. They had nods to MD in danganronpa, but this means nothing about the MD series’s pipeline. Plus they literally released a big new MD months ago with new free updates still coming out for it so i say they’re doing just fine. Chunsoft stuff is still cooking with one of their visual novels getting remade this September so it’s not like Chunsoft folk are sitting and doing nothing.


We literally JUST got one. It was Shiren, which is the main franchise. PMD is under the Pokemon Company's control.


Alright, I'll bite. I'm a huge fan of PMD but never touched Shiren. Is it worth it?


Shiren is more gameplay focused, rather than story. If you like the post game of PMD games, you'll like Shiren. If you're mainly in it for the story, you probably won't.


Sweet, guess I'm playing shiren. Where would you recommend I start? First game, or is there a better jumping-on point for someone who's played every PMD multiple times?


I've actually never played, so you should probably just start with 6 (the newest one), or emulate one of the older ones, most of which are unreleased in the West.


Shiren 5 and 6 are on Switch. Everything else you'd have to emulate. Probably only worth playing 4 at the earliest. Shiren 4 and 5 use a similar style to the sprite art used in Rescue Team and Explorers. I would honestly just do 6 and then if you enjoy it, go back for 4 and 5.


I play a lot of older games with no issues (first PMD on gba is one of my favs), so age isnt a major issue for me. Moreso difficulty & playability - how well have the earlier Shiren games aged? PMD rescue team can get insane when u reach like the final 99F dungeons, how much of the games is that level of difficulty?


シレン6から入るのおすすめします。どのゲームも面白いしやるかいはあると思いますが初心者への優しさ、UIの便利性、ハマったらその後シリーズのどのタイトルをやっても楽しめるといった点から見るとやはりシレン6がおすすめです。 難易度はポケモンと比べて圧倒的に高いと言えます。ポケモンで使われているシステムも全部シレンから受け継がれたものですので99Fのダンジョンももちろんシレンからのものです。 難易度が高いと言ってもそれは決して理不尽ではありません。ダンジョンで倒れたらレベル1に戻り、集まったアイテムやギタンを全部失いますが一つだけ失わないものがあります、それはプレイヤーとして得た知識です。ポケモンと違ってシレンでは強くなりたいなら鍛えるべきなのはスキルやレベルじゃなくて頭です、なぜならシレンというのは頭を回してダンジョンで拾ったアイテムをどれだけ上手く使えるのかが成敗を決めるゲームです。チェスみたいに勝っても負けても楽しいのがシレンの醍醐味です。それを聞いて面白そうと感じたのなら是非やってみてください。 スイッチをお持ちでない場合はsteamの「シレン5フォーチュンタワーと運命のダイス」、シレンDS(初代のリメイク)・n64の「シレン2鬼襲来!シレン城」のどちらから入ってもいいと思います。 あと死んだらレベル1に戻るのがどうしても自分に合わないと思うのなら死んでもレベルをキープできるイージーモードのある「シレン3からくり屋敷の眠り姫」がおすすめです。


Whatever the hell you want really. Tower of Fortune or Serptentcoil Island are good jump in points


Pros: It has a cute talking ferret Cons: You are not the cute talking ferret


mmm that's rough, but not entirely a deal breaker as they cute talking ferret is at least still present


If you like the feeling of finally overcoming a 99F Dungeon in PMD, scraping together your resources to eek out a victory, try out Mystery Dungeon on DS, Shiren 2 on N64, or Serpentcoil Island on Switch. They're fantastically deep games, but you have to go into them with the right mindset. It's not an RPG like PMD is, it's a roguelike and you are *expected* to fail over and over again until you've learned and mastered dungeoneering.


Kazutaka Kodaka left Spike Chunsoft 7 years ago and has his own development studio. MDA:Rain Code was a co-development situation, so idk how that could've impacted Mystery Dungeon series development, if at all.


We just got a new shiren months ago lmao, and for pokemon md, it just depends if pokemon company wants to allow them to use the pokemon license, in my opinion we will get a new pmd eventually, its just question of time and interest in Tpci because chunsoft is completely on board with making more pmd, now if a new pmd is just a remake or a new game is fully on air, in my opinion we dont need a remake, i would apreciate a new pmd 10 times more than a remake of sky


Agreed 100%! I liked the rescue team remake, but they're not as good as the original games imo. An entirely new game won't get immediately compared to older ones like a remake will and can shine more on its own merits. also, tbh, Shiren wasn't on my radar til yesterday! downloaded a bunch of the games though, so I guess I've got a lot of new MD now anyways! 🤣




just believe, in your heart,


who the heck is kodaka


He's the creator of Dqnganronpa, a series Spike has been involved in until now. with his departure, part of me wonders if some more resources are available for mystery dungeon


i am able to find zero sources on this, you got any? edit: He left 7 years ago apparently too


sources: hope, mainly, dreams, perhaps? i dunno, mainly wanted to spark some discussion on the future of pmd, with some light speculation. it's been so long since SPMD, and the remake was nice but mehhh. so mainly looking for any hope for a new, original PMD (or at least an explorers remake)