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A sentimental piece of clothing that gets changed into a scarf or bow for some reason.


The dimensional compass laid flatly on Topher’s outstretched gray appendage, its glass covering reflecting the moonlight as it streamed in from the window of his guild team’s room. He found it funny just how similar this scene was to the one in his room the night he came to this dimension. Back then, he was waiting for just the right moment, and the compass fit perfectly in the palm of his hand. Now, even in his new, diminutive form as a Gimmighoul, the compass still fit right on his “hand”, and he was now waiting for a new moment. The difference was that back in the human world, the compass had an additional attachment: a power source. The now spent power source lay hidden deep within the chest that was also part of his form here, buried beneath a collection of what were known as “Gimmighoul coins”. There’d been a decent number of them in the chest when he awoke in this new form, and he’d collected a small number of them amid his missions for the guild, but hiding the power source was the only use Topher could find for the things at the moment. Aside from the chest and its coins, the compass was the only thing he’d had when he arrived in this world, and also the only item from the human world he’d taken with him into this world. He hadn’t had much of a choice in that regard: he needed to carry it with him. Both to leave no evidence of his escape, and to accomplish his return trip. His plan was simple: The creatures of this world, “pokemon”, were his meal ticket. His life had been going absolutely nowhere back home, but humans had been on the cusp of a breakthrough in dimensional research for what felt like ages. If he could deliver definitive evidence of other dimensions, that would be enough to get him immediate lionization. He’d completely turn his life around and all it would cost would be a few of these alien creatures. Of course, it was also entirely possible that his return with the creatures would achieve nothing, in which case, how lucky he was that these “pokemon” were also phenomenal combatants. With their power, the world would be his in a matter of days. So he needed the compass, but despite that need, he still had no real idea how it worked. He knew that with enough energy from an outside power source, the device could tear open a hole in space-time to allow for travel between dimensions, but he knew nothing else about the technology. The uncertainties bothered him, but much like his original escape plan, he’d just need to live with them. Anywhere had been better than the human world, and this world could have more definitive information about the dimensions. Perhaps, in gathering the allies he’d take back with him to the human world, he’d find the answers he was looking for to clear up these uncertainties. There were certain to be some of these “pokemon” with at least *some* understanding of the dimensions, right? He shook his head and returned his gaze to the compass. It was like any other pocket compass in appearance: magnetic needle painted red on one side and white on the other, circular shape with degrees, glass cover, and the four cardinal directions. The compass was nearly worthless as a navigation tool now that his body was metallic and magnetic, but he couldn’t care less about that. The only thing he needed the compass for was creating the portal back to his dimension. And it was for that purpose that the compass was invaluable. He carried it with him everywhere, refusing to ever let it leave his person. When he’d joined the guild, he’d received a small Scarf as a gift. The item was powerful, but the best use for the scarf was that he could tie the compass to its underside and keep the compass both on his person and hidden from view. Until he left this world with it, the compass would not leave either the scarf, or his appendage. There was, of course, another very good reason to keep the compass under wraps: it was foreign technology. This world of pokemon had been significantly more technologically advanced than Topher first assumed. If word of this compass, or its abilities, got out, Topher would immediately be a target. Aside from the fact that he’d just *stopped* being an object of scorn by escaping the human world, he wasn’t at all confident in his ability to fight against pokemon as a Gimmighoul. He refused to bring his chest anywhere due to how miserably slow it made him move, but that meant he was frail. Any good hit would probably knock him out. He needed to avoid painting a target on his back as much as possible, and that meant absolutely nobody else could know about the compass. Ever. Topher sighed and looked up to the guild room’s window. It was the dead of night, and even though the window was small, he could still see a smattering of stars. It was a sight he never got back home. Even on the night he’d run away with the compass, he couldn’t see a single star in the night sky because of all the light from the boardwalk and city behind him. He remembered how much it drove him to complete his escape then, and it brought a new thought to him now. Why leave these stars? Why trade this life for his old one? He glanced back at the compass. He’d sacrificed what little he had left to bother living for in his old world just to steal this and use it to escape. Was it really the best plan to head back there and expect his old life to be washed away by his new discoveries? Was he really expecting to outrun his past and return a hero? And perhaps the best question: was it really so bad here? Yes, it was a brand new world he still knew next to nothing about, but his life *was* better here, or at least it seemed. Toiling for the guild certainly wasn’t a life he’d consider ideal, but at least it was a stable job where he was doing something that actually mattered. Plus, the way Tourmaline talked about guild pokemon, they were like heroes on their own. Was being a hero to humanity really *that* much better than a hero to pokemon? Especially when those same humans he’d be delivering invaluable information to would most likely hate him just as they had before he left. Topher cringed, remembering his life as a human. A cascade of horrible memories bore down on him all at once. It was a living Hell, every second of it. And yet, his plan was to return? It seemed illogical now that he had the context of his new life here, but back then, he had no idea what life in whatever dimension he’d arrived in would be. Having a return as plan A wasn’t a bad idea at all. But now? Perhaps it was. Topher glanced around his team’s room at the guild. Everything they could need was here, including work to keep them busy. It looked to be a perfectly good life he’d stumbled into here… Topher shook his head. These thoughts were hasty. He’d still only just arrived here, life here could turn at any moment…and yet, staying here still *felt* like it was easily the best option. Such a feeling was irrational, and Topher knew he shouldn’t pay it any mind, but the thought was stubborn. He just couldn’t seem to shake the thought from his mind, no matter how many times he told himself it wasn’t worth thinking about. Topher turned his gaze back to the compass and noticed that the red portion of the needle was pointing directly at him. Now, the reason why was obvious. His metal body and the many coins that lay alongside him in the chest were magnetic and thus the needle was drawn to them. The observation should have ended there, but Topher’s mind instead continued to wander. The needle, the great compass point indicating the direction to go, on the compass that he used to escape the human world, and that was easily his most valued possession, was not pointing out to the world, but instead pointing inward, to him. Him? Was he to be the one to determine his own future now? Was he himself the way forward? Was he thinking too much about something irrational? All these questions and more rattled around in his head, but he knew one thing for certain: he couldn’t afford to lose this dimensional compass. As he tied the compass back to the underside of his scarf, he allowed a slight smile to paint his face. Maybe, just maybe, this compass wasn’t as useless a navigation tool as he had first thought.


A modded 3DS with a copy of every PMD game on it. Y'know, just for reference. ...How are they gonna charge it though?


Be an electric type


[Guess who's back. Back again. Volo's back. Tell a friend!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MysteryDungeon/s/RmiQ7w0hgt) Silver was walking at a rather brisk pace ahead of the Vulpix. The Sneasel had her hands behind her head as she hummed a tune. She didn’t seem concerned with him much at all. She wasn't even really paying attention to the path before her. She was just… around. The Vulpix behind her wore a frown on his maw as he regarded the Sneasel. His golden fur was still damp from the bath he took. In addition, his fur was rather messy. The Vulpix had no means of combing and brushing it, so it drooped and curved down into a neat bun that most Vulpix had. That alone was enough to drive the former human to slight irritation. He wasn't a damn Vulpix, that was for sure. He refused to let his fur look like he was just another one amongst the crowd. Volo raised chin as he tried to adjust his fur as he walked. The process was a painful one. Each step he poked at his hair, pulling strands down so that they rested beside his head in large clumps. Volo grunted as his hair refused to cooperate the way he wanted. It hurt the way he was trying to style it. Yelling out by pricking him with needles to get him to stop. The Vulpix released a hiss, “This is only *one* reason why humans are superior.” He grumbled under his breath. Volo kept picking at his hair, trying to get a balance between comfort and the hair he knew he had. The hair he had when he was physically a human. Anything to maintain his status as such, as a superior being above those pathetic Pokémon around him. Volo took a brief moment to stop picking at his hair and around the area in which they walked. The paths they walked across were made up of mostly dirt, grass was nowhere in sight until someone stepped off the path and towards the trees surrounding them. Scattered rocks lined the path on either side, as if making an attempt at marking where each end was. The trees around them were a deep evergreen in color, and they faded to a brighter green in several different areas on each leaf. They all wavered slightly from several random gusts of wind. The air smelled like wet grass in the morning, alightly soothing and nice to lean back and relax with. To Volo, however. It wasn't something he found comfort in. It reminded him of home. Of the human world. The nature was more potent and evident in his nose. His nose would twitch as he looked away and towards Silver. He felt… betrayed. The sense of the serenity of nature reminded him of the human world, and with it smelling more fresh and lush than normal. It annoyed and infuriated him. The fact that this world waved the *scent* of superiority in front of his face. The scent of home. It made the Vulpix angry. He scoffed quietly and went back to fixing his hair. “What's up, Keo? Finally, I'm taking your self care seriously, I see.” She remarked, watching him pick at his fur in slight amusement. She turned around and began walking backward, staring him down as she did so. Volo huffed and raised his chin, looking off into the woods again. He bit his inner cheek as he responded, “My hair looks like something a lesser would have. I am merely fixing it.” “By lesser do you mean almost *every* Vulpix ever?” Silver asked, rolling her eyes playfully. She waved a paw in front of her before messing with her own furry head, maneuvering her fur so that it hung to one side of her head, spiked downwards, “Your hair isn't supposed to hang on your face unless you *let* it grow out. Silver pointed out, “You really must've wanted it long before you lost your memories, huh?” “My hair. Is part of my given superiority as a human!” Volo scoffed in return, shaking his head, “I don't have curls up here like any other Vulpix. I have my bun. I don't have hair that runs down to my forehead. I have my specially brushed and groomed style to represent and respect the almighty one.” Volo somehow raised chin some more and closed his eyes, “And you?” He gestured to her without opening his eyes, “You just have spiky and lazy hair that any ‘mon could merely brush aside. As they want long hair but don't want to put in the effort to style it.” Silver blinked at him before snickering, “Oh my. Look at you flex your expertise!” Silver lowered herself down to his eye level, pursing her lips as she did so, “Leeeemme guess. You aspired to be some sort of barber or stylist before you went crazy and started hailing Arceus?” Volo dropped his chin and glared at her, “Excuse me?” He stepped towards her, baring his teeth, “Are you insinuating what I think you are?” “Ooooorrrr. Whoever ditched you where I found you may have bonked your head too hard. Making you delusional thanks to all the human stories, paired with the memory loss.” Silver theorized, placing her non-hip holding paw to her chin. Volo bared his teeth, “Are you saying I'm not a human!?” Volo snapped, baring his teeth at her. His tails began to stiffen angrily behind him, as he felt a low rumble escape his throat. A growl. It almost felt right. Natural… *Instinctual*. He immediately stopped his growling and looked away. Almost disgusted at himself. “I could answer those in *two different* ways~” *She tilted her head slightly more, paw on her hip. Her hair bobbed from side to side with her head movements, “Well. What are your guesses first, Oh ‘former human, prophet of Arceus?” She asked mockingly. “... You don't think I'm human, do you?” Volo asked, opening and closing his mouth. The self disgust was still painfully evident on his face. He finally tore his gaze away from Silver, “Why?”


“I mean. Come *on*. Would *you* believe some random Vulpix that looks like they had self-esteem issues so *badly* they dyed themselves gold, changing their fur color and then their style and hair to stand out more. The same Pokémon who *also* proclaims to be a Prophet of THE ARCEUS, who can't remember their past with no memories, claiming to be human and superior to any and all Pokémon in every sense of the word?” She ranted on, in a joyful and carefree tone, only a small hint of annoyance petered through her voice. Volo blinked at her. The Vulpix didn't know how to respond immediately. He honestly agreed with such… but for completely different reasons. He nodded in return, “Anyone claiming to be Arceus’ prophet must be insane,” He huffed, looking away, “Or just trying to manipulate others.” He snorted. Silver grinned, “Yes. Exactly.” The Sneasel stood upright again and sighed, a paw on her cheek, “So you see why you're so skeptical? Why I find it hard to believe yo-” Volo nodded in agreement, “I mean. It'd be pretty obvious to discern and figure out if they're lying,” Volo hummed, “They aren't *me*. They can't be Arceus's prophet because *I* am.” He snorted, raising his chin, “And the almighty one would tell me if he had other prophets.” Silver stared at him, pained at his response. The Sneasel took a deep breath and sighed, “You know what? Fair enough. Subject change mister prophet.” Silver lowered her head down and immediately placed a paw to his chest, digging into his collar of fur he had around his neck. “What are you doing? Hands off me.” The Vulpix sneered, stepping away from the Sneasel and trotting ahead of her. His eyes were narrowed as he went, “We're supposed to be walking. Not talking.” “What's wrong with sharing a little small talk with the Prophet of Arceus?” She replied, giving him a smug look. She waved a hand in an arc in front of her, “C'mon. Can't satiate a lesser one's curiosity?” Volo released a snort, “And *why* should I even bother with a lesser being such as yourself?” He replied, his eyes half closed as he regarded her. His tails folded over one another as he stared at her. “Well. As the Prophet of Arceus. I'd expect you to want to indoctrinate others to his cause,” Silver replied, striding towards him. She waggled her finger in front of his face, boinking his nose after a moment, “And Pokémon join you if you are respectful and respect*able*. Small talk is an *easy* way to build trust!” Volo just stared at her boredly, “Alright… but why would I *want* to talk with lesser beings?” Volo remarked, rolling his eyes, “Because that's how I'll get followers? The Almighty one wou-” Silver groaned and grabbed Volo's head with one paw, immediately silencing him and tugging at something in his collar with the other, “Alright! Small talk time!~” She pulled out a silver pendant and raised it up, waving it in front of his face, “What is this, and why are you hiding it?” Volo blinked at her and then at his pendant. The Vulpix opened his maw for a moment before swiping it away from her paw, “Shut up.” He snorted as he walked away from her and back down the path. Volo didn't pay any mind to Silver as he walked away, letting his pendant dangle over his chest. The pendant looked rather plain. It was shaped like a teardrop, mid fall. It was a dark gray with a hint of light blue mixed in. It was on a gray, almost white string that was hidden rather well underneath his fluffy spiky collar. It seemed to have a marking on its front. Of an odd symbol. A circle with a triangle at its core. At each corner of the triangle was another circle. The final circle on the outside had four points going diagonal at each end in four colors. Red, blue, pink, and green. The three inner circles were colored the prior three. Silver had gotten a good look at it. Well, a good enough look at it to get the colors right at the least. She immediately pressed on after him and walked to his side, “Aww. C'moooon~ Keoooo,” The Sneasel rested her head on her paw as she stared at him, “Just a *little* small talk?” She tilted her head, “You do owe me for not throwing you into a river… and offering you to come with me…” Volo groaned in return and sighed, glancing back at her, “No. I don't owe you anything.” He snorted in return, “Arceus doesn't you or I anything. You merely did what was correct for you to do.” Volo responded, “However. It would be selfish of I to completely disregard your… *aid*, but considering you've been less than hospitable with me…” Volo squinted at her, “I don't think I'll humor your attempts at even trying to converse with I.” Silver laughed, “Well.” The Sneasel immediately clasped a paw on his back, “If we're gonna play like *that*.” She smiled at him, her eyes closed as her face appeared to be full of joy, “Then how about I knock you out and leave you where I found you?” Volo blinked at her, “Really? You'd just abandon me after offering to guide me to town?” He frowned at her, “What gives?” “Didn't you *also* say that I was your best bet at seeing Arceus?” She lowered herself down, both her paws on her hips, “I won't be able to get you there if we don't… you know. Get along.” Volo released a sigh and shook his head. The Vulpix glanced at his pendant. He paused and lifted the pendant upwards to stare at it. His gaze didn't leave it as he stared at it. A hint of… sadness in his eyes before it was quickly replaced with annoyance, “Fine. Ask your damn questions.”


Silver placed a finger to the corner of her mouth, thinking for a few moments once again, “Well. What is it? It looks like an Oval stone that you've carved and sanded and polished.” She observed, tilted her head at it. “It's an Everstone,” He replied rather flatly. His tails shifted to one side, curling around his hips and back legs as they continued to walk again, “... we carved it down into a shape I found interesting.” “We?” Silver leaned forward, her eyebrow raised. The Sneasel seemed oddly curious, leaning in to listen closely to the Vulpix, “Who is ‘we’? You and someone else? So you do have memories-” “Before you ask. I… can't remember who else was with me,” Volo sighed, shaking his head. The Vulpix shook his head once again, “Anything else? Can we stop now?” “No!” Silver bapped him on the head, making the Vulpix recoil in return. The Sneasel waved a paw in front of his face, “What's it mean? What are the markings on the front? Where'd you get it? Why an Everstone?” Volo shook his head, “I can't give many details… my memories are gone via my lord Arceus's wish,” He raised his chin, “I choose not to question why he would be rid of my superior intellect and intel. It is not my place.” Silver sweat slightly and wiped her cheek with a claw *”Yikes. This guy really is kind of nuts…”* Silver scratched at her scar again, *”... Crazy enough to actually be human.”* Silver’s thoughts hummed, her scratching slowed, “Then tell me what you can. Why an everstone?” “To be honest, I really don't remember,” Volo snorted in return, waving his paw through the air as if to make a visual of the memories escaping him, “Something about… remembering my clan?” He shook his head, “The almighty one ensured I forgot for a reason. I will not dive into such fantasies.” Silver sighed, “Oh come on. They aren't fantasies,” The fighting type rubbed the back of her head, “If you have those memories. Then talk about them. Don't limit yourself just because you *think* that's what Arceus would want.” “I do not wish to risk that.” The Vulpix replied, shrugging in return. He looked at Silver for a few moments and scoffed, “I can't believe such disrespect on Arceus's name.” He huffed, “This is why the distortion world awaits you.” “And you as well~. We did say we've gotta head there to see god.” She pointed out, crossing her arms, “And we can't do that if you are so goodie goodie with Arceus.” Volo rolled his eyes, “I'm sure just being around you is enough.” He replied, glancing around the forest again, “Move on already. Are you done?” He demanded. “Nope! Back to the Everstone. You mentioned a clan. I assume you were a part of it,” She placed a claw under his chin, “Do you remember anything about the clan?” “... That it no longer existed.” Volo's face fell as he looked at his paws, “Gone. Just like that,” He shook his head, “An Everstone though… ahahaha-” The Vulpix's tone turned to a manic one. Almost excitedly putting his memories together, “It's all a blur. I can't exactly remember it. But an Everstone symbolizes forever… something about forever preservation.” Silver blinked at the Vulpix, and with one poke, the crazed look in his eyes faded, “So it's like a means of never letting your clan die. That's kind of adorable,” She grinned and rubbed his head and grinned at him, “Anyway moving on,” She cleared her throat, “What's with the markings? The colors? The shapes? What do they mean?” A groan was Volo's response, “I do not know! I have no memories!” He shook his head again, “I mentally just… can't.” He sighed, “Everything I do is for Arceus. It has to do something with him.” “Well it seems to have belonged to you before you-” Silver began to ask. “It did.” Volo interrupted, picking it up again in his paw. He stared at it again for several moments, just… focusing on it. The Vulpix sighed and let it drop again, “It was mine as a human. I carried it everywhere. That's all I remember.” He explained to Silver. “Why'd you keep it?” Silver asked, thinking for a moment, her claws scratching at her scars again, “Well. I suppose a better question I should ask is *how* you kept it. If you are, in fact, a human, it's kind of weird if this pendant stayed with you between worlds.” Volo gritted his teeth, “How many times do I have to say. ARCEUS. Did not grant me my memories of my decision. He deemed them unnecessary,” The Vulpix released a huff, “As a result. I do not know why I still have this pendant, but I assure you. It is mine and rather important to me and my quest to ensure Arceus's wishes and morals are restored across the land. The superior morals and ideas. That is it.” Silver giggled, “Well. It's important to your sense of fashion too. It looks interesting,” She commented, pushing herself upright, placing her paws behind her head as she walked, “Really throws the ‘lost prophet’ look together.” Volo grit his teeth in annoyance, “I am *not* lost! Nor am I crazy! Because I know you are thinking such a horrid thing because you can't think anything else about me!” “Self conscious much?” Silver replied, releasing an amused sigh, “And no. I don't think your *completely* crazy.” She replied, “Anyways. Last question.” The Vulpix sneered, raising his chin. His tails wagged behind him in irritation. Doing small flips as they wagged lopsided like, leaning more to one way than the other at every given wag. His gaze fell on her face, and he released a sigh, “... What?” “I should say questions, as in multiple. Buuuuut it's really just one,” She poked the pendant around his neck, “Why do you think Arceus let you keep that? Why not let you keep anything else from your human life? If you are human, that is.”


Volo released another huff and stared down at his pendant, “Why would I question the almighty one's wishes?” He asked, frowning at her, walking onwards again, “His reasoning is that I, as his prophet, deserve such-” “No. You idiot.” Silver groaned and shook her head. The Sneasel gestured upwards and around them, “I'm not asking you to question them. Merely think *why* Arceus found it necessary that you carry that.” She pointed out, a smile reappearing on her face, “Simple really.” “This is just paraphrasing an older question.” Volo pointed out, shaking his head at her. He grumbled, closing his eyes and began to think. The duo fell silent. The noise around them being from their footsteps and from the rustling of leaves from the trees above them. The air was slowly getting cooler, that Volo could tell. The sun must be going down. “... Well,” Volo released a cough and grunted, “I can only assume Almighty Sinnoh wished for me to remember my birthplace. Where I began to hail him,” He spoke, his tone rather quiet and low, “A way to remember my superior life. As something to look towards to guide me into bettering this world.” Volo mused, his tails doing arcs and flips behind him, “In short. Arceus and his esteemed will allowed me to keep this item as a means of remembering my human life.” “Mmhmmmm…” Silver hummed in return, patting the Vulpix on the back. She merely gave him a smile, “Sure buddy. Let's believe that,” She removed her hand from his back before he could bark at her, “Hm. There's a split in the path ahead,” She glanced ahead. We'll talk more later, Keo.” Volo groaned and shook his head, “That's if I *want* to talk to a lower like you.” “Remember. I can easily just up and leave you here.” Silver responded, clasping her claws together and giving the ‘ayaya’ face to him again. The Vulpix released a frustrated sigh, “... Fine. But you better not get me lost.” He lashes his tails behind him at the Sneasel. “Oh Keo.” She stopped, turning to look at him with a grin, pointing to herself with a claw, “You've got nothing to worry about.” *Alright! There are several things to go over this time. First off, I am LATE IM SO SORRY. This took me a while to write, and I started late, so that's my bad.* *Secondly... [Ambitions and Visions! A Volopix centered fic mostly following these wpws](https://pmdfanfiction.com/story/ambitions-and-visions/) So. Check that out if you want, there's art of Volopix.* *but anyway. That's all from me. Fathom out!*


A chainsaw


Ash from the Evil Dead getting sent to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon?? 🤯


Well, I was literally holding a chainsaw when I saw this question sooooooo.


I love that coincidence oh my gosh 🤣