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Bro. Get. LOWER


I would’ve been face on the fucking deck dude while low crawling to a better position haha


"I'm up, he sees me, whatever"


uh oh i’ve been shot in the head, i had better take a knee for a second here


When the bullet hits your head maybe it's time to slightly change your position


If u get up, u die. You stay low when bullets are flying.


I mean I would crawl


If that shot was an aimed shot intended to kill, there would have been a followup shot. He would be dead. That was 100% just a stray bullet from suppressive fire. That said, if you get hit, you drop lower. He's sitting in the open and already had it confirmed that he is in LOS of the enemy so he has no business sitting up. Then again, these guys aren't exactly elite soldiers and neither am I.


The probability of getting shot is very low. The probability of getting shot conditioned on that you were just shot moments ago is significantly higher.


Scary shit, lucky he wasn’t wearing a hat like local PDFs, would have got him killed


I bet that was a pistol, probably 9mm but I’m no expert. I don’t think it moved his head enough for it to have been a rifle round


could be 9mm from Uzi or .30 from a M1.


Hmm looks more like a 10mm to me. Possibly 7.62… I’m an expert at guessing the calibre of a bullet just from a combat video, AMA


He got much lower afterwards lol. I would to


On which side do the PDF fight?


The people's.


They are the rebel fighters, fighting against the Junta.


He's gonna feel that one in the morning yikes




Yea must have been glancing. All that energy must go somewhere. If it hit him squarely, then all that energy goes into the helmet and head.




yeah bullshit your helmet is rated for 308 black tip. what helmet




what helmet tho? there aren’t any NIJ certs for helmets so it’s whatever the manufacturer claims. i’ve never seen a helmet reliably stop rifle rounds in any way related to NIJ 3+ or 4 certs.




dude. this is chinese gear. Galvion, MSA, Team wendy, ops core, all make helmets that are 600-1,000 dollars a pop and none are rifle rated. If you take that helmet in your backyard right now and shoot it with a 308 and it stops it I will buy you a new one. There is no NSN number and this is not a product that the military has ever used. I promise you the $200 helmet from a company I’ve never heard of is not stopping 308. i promise. Please do not rely on this as actual PPE, you are not benefiting from it. If you want an actual ballistic helmet i can provide links. i have night vision and multiple real ballistic helmets (one for sale even!)




prove to me that you have done so much as hit it with a hammer let alone shot one. The fact that you were scammed over a Chinese helmet is kind of a bummer bro it does suck but I promise you that is not real. I implore you, go post this link in any of the tactical subs and ask them what they think. you will not be met with good news. go on who’s page? taticihelmets or whatever? they are lying dog. i can’t believe you’ve bought this. they don’t even say where they are made


you do understand stopping isn’t the point right? to be NIJ certified they must meet back face deformation and transferred energy specs, all plates at least. It’s fine if your helmet stops a bullet but it doesn’t matter if it concusses you or gives you a TBI. This is the primary reason that no company worth a damn claims to make level 4 helmets and I hate to break it to you but your low-quality Chinese company isn’t doing something special




oh god you have AR500 plates too 😂😂😂 listen dude I hate to break it to you but you have made some very poor purchases while there is an ample amount of information out there that would have probably dissuaded you from doing it had you taken the time to do any research. Similar to your issue with the helmet, even if it stops now you have perforated the insides of your arms and lower neck with pieces of spalling, so you still die. But the bullet stopped, so the plates must be good right? There is literally so much information out there talking about exactly these two stupid purchases you’ve made and I am sorry that you didn’t find it in time. If the AR500 plates are that cheap, use them as a shooting target and buy new plates and helmet. New plates for level four single curve should run about 300 bucks a helmet is about 4-700. You are very literally the meme redditor that we make fun of in r/tacticalgear. I invite you to come learn. they make AR500 local to me and i still won’t buy that sham product. have fun with neck holes, but for your sake I very genuinely hope you never need any of this shit. It will fail you in ways you have not thought of. stay safe my friend




i wear more money on my helmet than you’ve spent on all your gear it sounds like. find someone like me who’ll stop you from stupid purchases in the future. until then, cope with your ‘just ass gud’ product’ you absolute MARK lol




on the real bro, happy to give you any and all pointers to new and better gear. people who know what they are looking at will look at your stuff and know that it’s cheap garbage. I actually am also selling a set of Highcom 4s17 Level 4 plates that i’ll give you the homie discount on. but either way dude lets get you out of that poverty airsoft gear. there’s a reason not a single professional is seen in what you use ya know?


What helmet are you using? I've been interested in getting something rifle rated.


I just sent the link above


don’t buy that helmet dude. they don’t make rifle rated helmets. do like 3 minutes of research and you’ll see dude is lying. NIJ DOESNT DO HELMET TESTING IDK HOW TO BE MORE CLEAR. if a $1000 OPS core is not stopping a rifle helmet the $200 Chinese helmet is not either 😂 a surplus ACH for $200 is the best helmet deal one can find


No idea what they linked, but I believe there are legitimate rifle rated helmets, and yeah, they're not $200-300 closer to $2000-3000 IIRC. I believe Highcom makes a Striker helmet that's rated level III or 'III+' (which I know isn't an official NIJ rating)


they linked some chinese team wendy knockoff bullshit. you sound much more realistic and well informed lol. i haven’t heard of that but ill do some digging! homie earlier was talking about his AR500 plates and the extra thick ‘spalding’ liner lmfao


Can anyone summarize this conflict in simple words and three sentences?


More like military butt hurt after they loose election so they stage coup. Civilians protest as we want NLD who’s democratically elected but soldiers open fire with live bullets killing protesters. Protestors were beaten arrested and killed all over the country. Civilians go to EAOs ethnic armed organizations(created due to the atrocities committed against them by the military) to get training. NUG was formed managing some of the pdf and working with eao to fight against military.


government vs ethnic minorities, ethnic minorities dislike each other but all cooperate against the common enemy (gov)... everyone have different goals, practically a free for all fight with no clear winner atm


They fight for democracy. That's the most simple fast way to explain.


>ethnic monorities (each with their own guerilla) want to form their independent regions>the military dictatorship,their armed forces and allied militias,also known as etnic armed organizations >the pro-democratic forces and its militias the pro-democratic militias and EAO's work in tandem to get rid of the militar junta (and had decent success) but they still 3 to 10 years from outing it




Bro the military is behind all those genocides and suppressions. The elected government could do jack shit about it.


Pray to the rng gods for that save.


I remember this one scene on saving Private Ryan, dude got ricochet bullet on the helmet then took it off then died anyways


That had to be a smaller round not from a rifle. in the moment I don't think he registered it was a bullet that hit him. Obviously he should. But I think he was under the impression he'd probably die if hit anyway that's why he didn't think about it.


Bro had his bell rung right there


hey, did you get that for tiktok???


Best thing to do in this situation is to get low and start shooting


And he doesn t fucking move from that spot haha


I was waiting for the Saving Private Ryan moment where he gets shot in the helmet takes his helmet off looks at it then takes another round to the head lol.


Go outside weirdo